The Miracle Of Electromedicine
Further to my earlier notes on Electromedicine, the following Chapter 9 excerpt from POLITICS IN HEALING by Daniel Haley is a must read.
I and a number of my list members have build the Brain Tuner (Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) device). The plan is to put all the updated details on this web site in due course.
Chris Gupta
We'd have had regeneration 15-20 years ago if it hadn't been for the government! Nobody knew how the salamander regenerated its limbs until Dr. Becker came along, exclaimed Ruth Harvey. A private researcher in alternative medicine, it was she who first put me onto the story of Dr. William F. Koch. (Chapter 3) Ruth was referring to Dr. Robert O. Becker, a world-renowned orthopedic surgeon and pioneering scientist in electromedicine - the kind of person who wants to know what makes living things alive.
From 1958 to 1980, Dr. Becker was chief of orthopedic research at the Veterans Administration (VA) Hospital in Syracuse, NY. During those years, he published 150 papers in medical journals and was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize. Unfortunately, even in electromedicine, political decisions intruded and hampered his research. Almost all of his funds came from the VA. In 1980, all funds were cut off because of Department of Defense (DoD) irritation over Becker's warnings of danger from unlimited exposure to electromagnetic (EM) fields. Friends in Washington had told him that opposition to his VA funding was coming from the DoD; their people were saying, How do we shut this guy up? However, cutting off his funds did not shut up Bob Becker. Retiring to the foothills of the Adirondacks, he wrote The Body Electric (1985) and Cross Currents (1990). The first is a fascinating and highly readable description of his electromedical discoveries. All of them had been published in technical language in medical journals, but in Body Electric, assisted by writer Gary Selden, Becker presents them in laymen's language. In Cross Currents, Becker contrasts the marvelous promise of electromedicine with the perils of electromagnetic pollution - the potential dangers of careless and indiscriminate exposure to electromagnetic (EM) fields....
...CES is a field that would not have happened without the pioneering efforts of Dr. Robert O. Becker and Dr. Daniel L. Kirsch. Looking at the unfulfilled potential of electromedicine is kind of like a walk on the wild side - It can stop pain, dissolve stress, accelerate learning, raise I.Q.'s, reverse stroke damage of long standing, stop Parkinsons tremors, regrow bones, regenerate flesh, even dedifferentiate cancer cells. Future Science, we could call it, except that it already exists. Dealing with the basic forces of life, the secrets of the body's currents, frequencies and resonances, electromedicine is surely the medicine of the new millennium. We will hear much more of it, for it will save many lives, much suffering, and fortunes in healthcare costs - if the government will just get out of the way.
Continue to see full Chapter 9
posted by Chris Gupta on Wednesday June 25 2003
updated on Thursday November 21 2013
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Readers' Comments
orthopedic surgeon that knows electromagntic therapy
Posted by: anthony davis on July 17, 2003 04:11 AM
Yes, read his book to be enlightened, most of todays stem cell research borrows heavily fom Dr. Beckers work without giving him credit.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on July 17, 2003 03:23 PM
I have a circuit for a ces posted on keelynet viz
gupta@julian etc
is this circuit usable or do you have a better circuit yiu can let me have
Posted by: cornelis anderson on August 12, 2003 01:43 PM
Yes this is an old one which I have reviseded and updated and will post to the site soon. The circuit is usable from my old julian posting.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on August 12, 2003 09:21 PM
Where can we find your schematic for CES? Is the new schem a lot different from the one already posted? And is the original one effective?
I have built Clark Zappers and Beck BEers, with adjustable freq, and mag pulsers, so think I should be able to build the CES and modify it when the new schem is posted. I would appreciate it if you would email me the answer directly, as well as posting it on this forum.
Posted by: Dick Rochon on November 17, 2003 08:39 PM
Dick, I just have not had time to post it yet.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on November 17, 2003 10:26 PM
J also would like a schematic for the ces device
Posted by: Merle Foster on November 18, 2003 02:43 AM
I would like to know if the lady Emma Lee Nicholls that posted above is still able to respond to posts on this site. Emma if you are out their give us a shout. Ask Chris Gupta for my mail adres and we can talk.
I have built a couple of units, Hilda Clark, Bob Beck's, Air Ozone Machine, making my own CSilver, etc, and have done miles of research on the web.
Would like to share some info to see if we can help, and by doing this also help others.
One of the other posts was of a person that keeps feeling dizzy. Friend of mine also had the same symptoms and after numerous test and what knots every body just shrugged the shoulders, it was found the main artery to the brain forks like a Y in the road, and that he had a blockage their caused his brain not to get enough oxygen. But when blood was drawn from his arm for tessting it showed every thing was fine.
Posted by: Matt on December 14, 2003 04:06 PM
I would like to know if the lady Emma Lee Nicholls that posted above is still able to respond to posts on this site. Emma if you are out their give us a shout. Ask Chris Gupta for my mail adres and we can talk.
I have built a couple of units, Hilda Clark, Bob Beck's, Air Ozone Machine, making my own CSilver, etc, and have done miles of research on the web.
Would like to share some info to see if we can help, and by doing this also help others.
One of the other posts was of a person that keeps feeling dizzy. Friend of mine also had the same symptoms and after numerous test and what knots every body just shrugged the shoulders, it was found the main artery to the brain forks like a Y in the road, and that he had a blockage their caused his brain not to get enough oxygen. But when blood was drawn from his arm for tessting it showed every thing was fine.
Posted by: Gary on January 7, 2004 10:10 PM
I have been working with several (real) doctors over the last few years building micro-current therapy units which have had many successful results. Please let me kow when the new CES schematic is available and where I may download it.
Posted by: Glen on January 9, 2004 02:44 AM
I would like to know if the lady Emma Lee Nicholls that posted above is still able to respond to posts on this site. Emma if you are out their give us a shout. Ask Chris Gupta for my mail adres and we can talk.
I have built a couple of units, Hilda Clark, Bob Beck's, Air Ozone Machine, making my own CSilver, etc, and have done miles of research on the web.
Would like to share some info to see if we can help, and by doing this also help others.
One of the other posts was of a person that keeps feeling dizzy. Friend of mine also had the same symptoms and after numerous test and what knots every body just shrugged the shoulders, it was found the main artery to the brain forks like a Y in the road, and that he had a blockage their caused his brain not to get enough oxygen. But when blood was drawn from his arm for tessting it showed every thing was fine.
Posted by: Charles Nhova on February 15, 2004 03:31 PM
I would like to know if the lady Emma Lee Nicholls that posted above is still able to respond to posts on this site. Emma if you are out their give us a shout. Ask Chris Gupta for my mail adres and we can talk.
I have built a couple of units, Hilda Clark, Bob Beck's, Air Ozone Machine, making my own CSilver, etc, and have done miles of research on the web.
Would like to share some info to see if we can help, and by doing this also help others.
One of the other posts was of a person that keeps feeling dizzy. Friend of mine also had the same symptoms and after numerous test and what knots every body just shrugged the shoulders, it was found the main artery to the brain forks like a Y in the road, and that he had a blockage their caused his brain not to get enough oxygen. But when blood was drawn from his arm for tessting it showed every thing was fine.
Posted by: Billy Jacobsen on March 28, 2004 08:11 AM
Add me to the list of CES schematics please!!
Posted by: Tanya Buck on August 17, 2004 11:29 AM
My computer died and I lost all of my links to electro-meds. Where did I see the piece on wound healing with microcurrents? Hope you can help.
Posted by: Dick Rochon on August 18, 2004 06:58 PM
Dick, I have not written it yet.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on August 18, 2004 08:36 PM
My brother is diagnosed and is being treated for ALS. I took him to Mount Siani in New York to see one of the best but he would not confirm ALS. He said his symptoms are A-typical, however it looks like ALS. 2 years ago, a doctor found him plagued by parasites and viruses and treated him with massive doses of antibiotics. Could his problem be that these viruses and parasites are still active affecting his immune system and therefore causing nuerological problems? Will the zapper help? He is mostly paralyzed in his arms and moves slowly but can walk with assistance. He is stable, however affected for over 5 years now. Can you help?
Posted by: Joe on September 5, 2004 06:34 PM
I would like to know if the lady Emma Lee Nicholls that posted above is still able to respond to posts on this site. Emma if you are out their give us a shout. Ask Chris Gupta for my mail adres and we can talk.
I have built a couple of units, Hilda Clark, Bob Beck's, Air Ozone Machine, making my own CSilver, etc, and have done miles of research on the web.
Would like to share some info to see if we can help, and by doing this also help others.
One of the other posts was of a person that keeps feeling dizzy. Friend of mine also had the same symptoms and after numerous test and what knots every body just shrugged the shoulders, it was found the main artery to the brain forks like a Y in the road, and that he had a blockage their caused his brain not to get enough oxygen. But when blood was drawn from his arm for tessting it showed every thing was fine.
Posted by: Richard Rochon on September 23, 2004 01:45 AM
Dick, see:
Electrical Stimulation And Fracture Healing
At the moment I have no circuits to share.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on September 23, 2004 08:45 PM
I am looking for information on the use of micro-currents in microbiology, particulary growing mushrooms: this is because i grow small quantities of "caterpillar fungus" on grain for a research group. The "holy grail" of growing this fungus is to get it to "fruit" as it does it nature. In nature the mushroom almost always grows out of the head of the caterpillar anmd not its tail, a clue perhaps to the connection between polarity of the host and the devlopment of the mushroom.
Today I had a conservation with an eneginer who had done some research with pulsing electro-currents through the "beds" for a commercial mushroom farm in N. America. He claimed the mushrooms produced were larger, had less water, and a longer shelf life. I am very interested in finding out more about thistechnique or related research as I would like to try it for myself.
Can anyone help me with this?
Posted by: Bartlett on October 16, 2004 11:58 AM
I would like to know if the lady Emma Lee Nicholls that posted above is still able to respond to posts on this site. Emma if you are out their give us a shout. Ask Chris Gupta for my mail adres and we can talk.
I have built a couple of units, Hilda Clark, Bob Beck's, Air Ozone Machine, making my own CSilver, etc, and have done miles of research on the web.
Would like to share some info to see if we can help, and by doing this also help others.
One of the other posts was of a person that keeps feeling dizzy. Friend of mine also had the same symptoms and after numerous test and what knots every body just shrugged the shoulders, it was found the main artery to the brain forks like a Y in the road, and that he had a blockage their caused his brain not to get enough oxygen. But when blood was drawn from his arm for tessting it showed every thing was fine.
Posted by: Richard on November 16, 2004 11:13 PM
I would like to know if the lady Emma Lee Nicholls that posted above is still able to respond to posts on this site. Emma if you are out their give us a shout. Ask Chris Gupta for my mail adres and we can talk.
I have built a couple of units, Hilda Clark, Bob Beck's, Air Ozone Machine, making my own CSilver, etc, and have done miles of research on the web.
Would like to share some info to see if we can help, and by doing this also help others.
One of the other posts was of a person that keeps feeling dizzy. Friend of mine also had the same symptoms and after numerous test and what knots every body just shrugged the shoulders, it was found the main artery to the brain forks like a Y in the road, and that he had a blockage their caused his brain not to get enough oxygen. But when blood was drawn from his arm for tessting it showed every thing was fine.
Posted by: Lois on May 17, 2005 01:51 PM
At least a hint!!!!!or a description of type of machine and hertz level! or have you all got cold feet.You need a machine for that? Seriously, almost no one has heard of this type of treatment in Old World England.Help America! X Lois
Posted by: lois on May 22, 2005 09:51 PM
Very intereting site. You say that you plan to update the details on this website in due course, that was a long time ago (Jun/25/03) Could we have an update please? I want to get hold of / build a CES device.
Posted by: Roger Every on May 29, 2005 08:48 PM
Try this link for the scematics:
Posted by: GRimnir on July 5, 2005 09:51 AM
This CES circuit is active as of today 20th July 2005.
Posted by: JohnTee on July 20, 2005 06:31 AM
I would like to know if the lady Emma Lee Nicholls that posted above is still able to respond to posts on this site. Emma if you are out their give us a shout. Ask Chris Gupta for my mail adres and we can talk.
I have built a couple of units, Hilda Clark, Bob Beck's, Air Ozone Machine, making my own CSilver, etc, and have done miles of research on the web.
Would like to share some info to see if we can help, and by doing this also help others.
One of the other posts was of a person that keeps feeling dizzy. Friend of mine also had the same symptoms and after numerous test and what knots every body just shrugged the shoulders, it was found the main artery to the brain forks like a Y in the road, and that he had a blockage their caused his brain not to get enough oxygen. But when blood was drawn from his arm for tessting it showed every thing was fine.
Posted by: E on December 16, 2005 09:09 AM
I would like to know if the lady Emma Lee Nicholls that posted above is still able to respond to posts on this site. Emma if you are out their give us a shout. Ask Chris Gupta for my mail adres and we can talk.
I have built a couple of units, Hilda Clark, Bob Beck's, Air Ozone Machine, making my own CSilver, etc, and have done miles of research on the web.
Would like to share some info to see if we can help, and by doing this also help others.
One of the other posts was of a person that keeps feeling dizzy. Friend of mine also had the same symptoms and after numerous test and what knots every body just shrugged the shoulders, it was found the main artery to the brain forks like a Y in the road, and that he had a blockage their caused his brain not to get enough oxygen. But when blood was drawn from his arm for tessting it showed every thing was fine.
Posted by: Ken Curtis on December 20, 2005 05:19 PM
The following was posted and is identical to my symptoms, how can I get a hold of the "Joe" who wrote this:
"My brother is diagnosed and is being treated for ALS. I took him to Mount Siani in New York to see one of the best but he would not confirm ALS. He said his symptoms are A-typical, however it looks like ALS. 2 years ago, a doctor found him plagued by parasites and viruses and treated him with massive doses of antibiotics. Could his problem be that these viruses and parasites are still active affecting his immune system and therefore causing nuerological problems? Will the zapper help? He is mostly paralyzed in his arms and moves slowly but can walk with assistance. He is stable, however affected for over 5 years now. Can you help?"
Posted by: Joe on September 5, 2004 06:34 PM
I have experienced simular parasites and boils from April 2002 - September 2003, while in Africa. Please contact me and advise me opions or comments.
Joe Dyer
Posted by: Joe Dyer on March 7, 2006 10:19 PM
dear sir,excellent site,i would like to know where i can find ces schematics that you mention on this site.thanks.
Posted by: marinus gerber on March 22, 2006 08:27 AM
hi im 24 and i had severe heart attack and a major stroke. The stroke messed me up mentally and physically. Does the CES cure the stroke... someone please answer me or send me an EMAIL!
Posted by: steve j on May 4, 2006 01:05 PM
It may not cure but should help
Posted by: Chris Gupta on May 5, 2006 03:45 PM
So im SOL? i have no way of curing this?
Posted by: Steve Juncaj on May 5, 2006 11:35 PM
Depends on the extent of the damage anything is possible. Highly recommend you try CES under supervision
Posted by: Chris Gupta on May 6, 2006 10:56 PM
But i got a heart diffibulator .... is it ok to still use this treatment?
Posted by: on May 12, 2006 05:58 PM
I was diagnosed a couple of weeks ago with a tumor at the base of my skull. I was first told I had cancer in the er after a diagnostic MRI. However, the resident on call looked at the mri and determined that it probably was not cancerous and that it had been there long enough for my brain to adjust to it. I had the MRI to determine why I am dizzy quite often and have been for some time now. I have also had a CT Scan that I have not gotten the results from and have been scheduled for an Angiogram. I am not comfortable with that procedure. Can electromedicine help me?
Posted by: Sharon Brown on May 12, 2006 07:37 PM
Yes, negative ion can help and has been proved by many people. Here is the negative ion products you can try:
Hope this help.
Posted by: Jim Scot on September 21, 2006 02:07 PM
Negative ion apparels are miracle to improve health
Posted by: Negative Ions Apparels on January 5, 2007 05:07 PM
I would like to know if the lady Emma Lee Nicholls that posted above is still able to respond to posts on this site. Emma if you are out their give us a shout. Ask Chris Gupta for my mail adres and we can talk.
I have built a couple of units, Hilda Clark, Bob Beck's, Air Ozone Machine, making my own CSilver, etc, and have done miles of research on the web.
Would like to share some info to see if we can help, and by doing this also help others.
One of the other posts was of a person that keeps feeling dizzy. Friend of mine also had the same symptoms and after numerous test and what knots every body just shrugged the shoulders, it was found the main artery to the brain forks like a Y in the road, and that he had a blockage their caused his brain not to get enough oxygen. But when blood was drawn from his arm for tessting it showed every thing was fine.
Posted by: Cal on March 6, 2007 04:10 PM
I would like to know if the lady Emma Lee Nicholls that posted above is still able to respond to posts on this site. Emma if you are out their give us a shout. Ask Chris Gupta for my mail adres and we can talk.
I have built a couple of units, Hilda Clark, Bob Beck's, Air Ozone Machine, making my own CSilver, etc, and have done miles of research on the web.
Would like to share some info to see if we can help, and by doing this also help others.
One of the other posts was of a person that keeps feeling dizzy. Friend of mine also had the same symptoms and after numerous test and what knots every body just shrugged the shoulders, it was found the main artery to the brain forks like a Y in the road, and that he had a blockage their caused his brain not to get enough oxygen. But when blood was drawn from his arm for tessting it showed every thing was fine.
Posted by: Theunis Prinsloo on November 3, 2007 11:47 AM
please help me CES schematic.thank you
Posted by: ghita on May 12, 2008 11:04 AM

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