In particular please note the important link on Vitamin C and cancer treatment that I have embellished in this WDDTY archive.
Chris Gupta
JUST AS THEY'RE ABOUT TO BAN 'EM, PART I: The type of vitamin C that can fight cancerThere's been a lot of bad publicity of late about vitamin C as a cancer fighter, which has been remarkably timely for the European bureaucrats and their UK compatriots (aka House of Commons) seeking to ban all high-dose nutritionals.
Worse, the publicity has also probably stopped some cancer victims from using the therapy.
The recent publicity has claimed that even 200 mg of vitamin C could cause cancer, an extraordinary conclusion based on one test-tube study, and one that flies in the face of over 90 well-conducted trials that have proved vitamin C acts both as a preventative and as a cancer fighter.
But the confusion (what little there is) seems to centre on the types of vitamin C that are used. Several recent studies have suggested that 10,000 mg a day of vitamin C in its sodium ascorbate form is an effective cancer fighter. Another common form, as dry ascorbic acid, didn't seem to work as well, although the work of Abram Hoffer suggests otherwise. Hoffer worked with ascorbic acid at 12,000 mg a day, and he found that it complemented conventional therapies such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy when it was used with other supplements, such as vitamins A, B, E and zinc.
Most research suggests the sodium ascorbate form is the best way forward, and although ascorbic acid might be effective, it should only be administered by a therapist who really knows what he's doing.
* And those of you who still wonder why doctors don't take a more serious look at vitamin C as a cancer therapy need look no further than a recent copy of the New York Times. There they would have read that, under the American health insurance scheme, doctors buy their chemotherapy drugs for just $3, but claim back $17.50 each time from the insurer. It helps to pay for office costs and staff, explain oncologists.
(Source: Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients, 2003; 239: 104-6).
JUST AS THEY'RE ABOUT TO BAN 'EM, PART II: Supplements improve antisocial behaviour among criminals
Most types of mental illness, such as depression, mood swings and so on, are caused by a nutritional lack. This view was further vindicated in test that involved 231 young adult prisoners who were given either a multivitamin and mineral supplement or a placebo for 20 weeks.
Compared with the placebo group, the group who had the supplements committed an average of 26 per cent fewer offences afterwards.
(Source: British Journal of Psychiatry, 2002; 181: 22-8).
posted by Chris Gupta on Saturday August 2 2003
updated on Monday March 27 2006URL of this article:
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