Bush deliberately lied about NYC air quality
And you think the government is looking after us with our tax dollars? What a joke...
The pretense by the governments in looking after their constituents is the so well entrenched that it is cultivated by vested interests to the hilt. It is exploited professionally by them in energy, medicine and all commerce, in spite of proof after proof to the contrary, one looks ridiculous trying to expose these thieves. And they know it! They continue to mould the social support for the original myth (of governments looking after our concerns) as a great control tactic. Sadly we will not be able to deal with these scoundrels unless we understand them. I hope we will not wait till it affects us directly before we are motivated to take action - sadly often the case and then maybe too late...
Chris Gupta
..."the EPA was under pressure from the White House to add reassuring statements and remove those that spoke of dangers. The White House convinced the Bush administration to leave out important tips for people living in the area of the attacks, including the best way to clean indoor areas and the effects of contaminants from the destroyed towers of the World Trade Center."...
..."And now we have this administration welding their lies together on two matters: the air you breathe and the war they insist is good for us. We've just dealt with 40 years of lying and death. It is getting worse. "We're winning in Iraq," your poor president says."...
A September 18, 2001 statement from the EPA reads, in part, "EPA Administrator Christie Whitman announced today that results from the Agency's air and drinking water monitoring near the World Trade Center and Pentagon disaster sites indicate that these vital resources are safe." Now, according to a report from EPA Inspector General Nikki Tinsley, "When EPA made a Sept. 18 announcement that the air was 'safe' to breathe, the agency did not have sufficient data and analyses to make the statement."
Tinsley's report said that the EPA was under pressure from the White House to add reassuring statements and remove those that spoke of dangers. The White House convinced the Bush administration to leave out important tips for people living in the area of the attacks, including the best way to clean indoor areas and the effects of contaminants from the destroyed towers of the World Trade Center.
Bush's deception to New York residents and workers is a blow to his efforts to use New York City and the September 11 attacks to boost his political fortunes. The Republican Party set its 2004 convention in New York close to the anniversary of the attacks to help Bush's reelection efforts, but New Yorkers are raising serious questions about the White House's deceptions. Wrote columnist Jimmy Breslin, "I sit here in New York and I don't believe one single solitary word of what the government says." [Newsday, 8/23/03; Associated Press, 8/22/03; EPA Press Release, 9/18/01]
Take Action!
http://www.democrats.org/action/200308260001.html?s=demnewsI am neither Republican or Democrat. This is a health issue.
See Also: The Air Is Thick With Lies
posted by Chris Gupta on Thursday August 28 2003
updated on Saturday September 24 2005URL of this article:
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