Cultured Cabbage Juice - Make the Best Lactobacteria
A prime requirement for health is to improve the flora of your gut! Instead of spending big bucks for all the pseudo gut bacteria that's being pushed, here is simple, cheap and very effective way make your own the traditional way. As is almost always the case, the best medicine is yet again a food...
..."Specific types of live bacteria called probiotics live in the human gut. Take them in the right amount for the right illness and they fight disease.
Probiotics can relieve lactose intolerance, prevent allergies and bladder and vaginal infections. That's why Dr. Gregor Reid, a professor of microbiology at the University of Western Ontario, is fighting so hard to promote them."...
Click on Lactobacteria to see its importance.
Chris Gupta
To implant friendly lactobacteria in the colon and heal damaged mucus membranes of the G.I. tract, you need to drink about 1 and 1/2 cup daily of cultured cabbage juice. Here is how to make it. Fill blender with chopped green cabbage and add distilled water until about 2/3 full. (Do not use well water or tap water). Beat at high speed in the blender for one minute. Pour mixture into bowl and repeat with two more batches. Cover with Seran wrap or similar material and let stand at room temperature. After 3 days, the cabbage juice solution is ready to use. Strain the mixture to separate the liquid from the pulp. Place the cultured cabbage juice in refrigerator. Drink 1/2 cup of this solution diluted with an equal part of water 2 or 3 times each day. When your supply gets low, make second batch just like the first one, except, add 1/2 cup of the juice from the first batch to the second batch. Your second batch will be ready just 24 hours.
This process may be repeated indefinitely. Each serving contains several billion friendly lactobacteria. The lactic acid in the culture cabbage juice will purify the G.I. tract and kill most strains of fungi parasites and other pathogens.
You should drink this mixture until your stools float in the toilet bowl and are odor free. When that happens, you may lower your dosage of cultured cabbage juice to one serving each day as maintenance dosage. You may eat one cup of raw cabbage as a substitute for 1/2 cup of cultured cabbage juice.
Excerpted from "Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy" By Conrad Lebeau. 11th Edition
"This little book could save your life!, March 7, 2001.
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) is perhaps THE best kept secret of the mainstream medical community! Why? Because it works! This little book puts in simple text how H2O2 is nothing more than water with an extra molecule of oxygen, and how ingesting diluted 35% food grade H2O2 can put you on the road to a disease free life. It dispels the myth that H2O2 is somehow BAD for you, which couldn't be further from the truth! Using a recipe in this book, I made an "Oxygel" which I then used to treat and remove a pre-cancerous keratinoma from my arm which my doctor says would have resulted in a melanoma eventually! A natural chemo-therapy? You make the call. This book is a MUST for anyone interested in being disease free! Stop being brainwashed and led around with a nose ring by today's conventional medical community whose own self serving, money hungry interests are keeping you from being your best!"
Reviewer: Chuck Olson from Bellville, TX USA
posted by Chris Gupta on Thursday September 18 2003
updated on Saturday September 24 2005
URL of this article:
Readers' Comments
Posted by: W JACEK on September 30, 2003 05:20 PM
You certainly can.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on September 30, 2003 09:34 PM
Pls I need information about green juice (cabbage juice) for a friend with cancer. Can you help me, pls? Thanks in advance
Posted by: Laura Pouquette on October 31, 2003 12:16 AM
I suppose one would get the same effect with good old-fashioned home made saurkraut would you not? The only difference would be the salt - but if it were celtic salt it may be healthier?
Posted by: Vicki Kushner on October 31, 2003 04:55 AM
I should avoid salt as it is an enzyme inhibitor although Potassium Chloride is an enhancer - in some cultures (i.e. India) this is traditionaly used with Sodium Chloride. One could consider Celtic salt as balanced if you had the confidence of the source or some one had checked it out.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on November 3, 2003 08:32 PM
Generally, raw cabbage should be avoided by those who are hypothyroid. Do you know whether this cultured cabbage is anti-thyroid? Perhaps the fermentation process makes the cabbage fine for those with underactive thyroid glands. Thanks
Posted by: Sheri on November 5, 2003 02:18 AM
Does drinking this cabbage fermentation juice cause the body to have smelly odors? Please advise. Thank you.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on November 5, 2003 04:57 PM
Sally Fallon states that raw cabbage that has been cultured is not goitrogenic. It is only raw cabbage that can affect the thyroid. My personal experience with cultured vegetables and kefir milk this year, has been ALL GOOD. Having had CFS for 21 years and severe digestive problems, this Food as Medicine has been outstanding!!
Moxie - Australia
Posted by: Moxie on November 6, 2003 09:48 AM
Thanks Moxie, for this insight. Sally Fallon is an outstanding expert on these issues see also:
Posted by: Chris Gupta on November 6, 2003 05:16 PM
Hi there,
Can you tell me how I can take away the awful aftertaste and burping smells, or does that get better, Ive just had my 2nd drink and its REVOLTING!!! LOL
Posted by: Kate Strong on January 18, 2004 10:27 PM
How can you distinguish between cabbage juice that is propely fermented and cabbage juice that is off?
are there temperature considerations,
Posted by: jeff on January 24, 2004 08:22 PM
Does drinking this cabbage fermentation juice cause the body to have smelly odors? Please advise. Thank you.
Posted by: Kate Strong on January 30, 2004 10:36 PM
hello. i would like to know a little bit more about the cultured caggage juice. How long do I continue to take this juice.
Posted by: paul bramwell on February 25, 2004 12:41 AM
What kind of cabbage juice do I drink for my infection (vagina and/or ulcer)? Do I drink red,green,etc.?
Posted by: Phoenix Nguyen on March 18, 2004 12:12 AM
where can i buy cabbage juice (in a store not online)?
Posted by: Denise on March 18, 2004 12:17 AM
Phoenix, any kind of organic cabbage should work. My preference is green cabbage.
For some types of ulcers a table spoon or two of unrefined Olive Oil works great.
For vagina a capsule or two of high potency Probiotics may also work.
But their is no substitute for building good gut bacteria.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on March 18, 2004 05:14 PM
Does drinking this cabbage fermentation juice cause the body to have smelly odors? Please advise. Thank you.
Posted by: Walter Hinson on March 19, 2004 05:19 PM
Good job
Posted by: Jenn on April 12, 2004 02:08 AM
Please I need info on cabbage juice for cancer
Posted by: kennethferrell on April 19, 2004 07:24 PM
I own a juicer. Would juicing the cabbage work just as well?
Posted by: Terri Williams on April 28, 2004 08:42 AM
Terry, Cabbage juice would work but probably not as well. Also it is very potent as a juice so you need a good stomch for it...
Posted by: Chris Gupta on April 29, 2004 07:15 PM
Hi Chris,
What are the bad or unpleasant side effects from cultured cabbage juice? And are there any medical conditions where you would suggest not taking this juice?
Posted by: Sue on June 2, 2004 05:38 AM
I am not aware of any other than allergy or taste. See other comments above also. You will have to try a little at a time to find out yourself and/or work with a practitioner who knows which end is up.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on June 2, 2004 04:47 PM
I just made my first batch of cabbage juice. When I drink the juice do I use also distilled water to dillute it or would filtered tap water work fine? I expected the juice to be sour, but it was not at all. It has more like a mild cabbage taste. Is this how it should taste?
Posted by: Alexandra on December 14, 2004 02:23 PM
Any drinkable water to dillute is fine. It will change taste as you continue fermenting it - one can adjust the taste by controlling this...
Posted by: Chris Gupta on December 14, 2004 07:05 PM
Thank you so much Chris for your answer to my questions. When you say that one can adjust the taste by controlling this......,
what exactly do you mean. How could I control it?
Posted by: Alexandra on December 16, 2004 04:51 PM
You can adjust the fermentation time, instead of 3 days try 4 or 2 etc.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on December 16, 2004 10:44 PM
Does drinking this cabbage fermentation juice cause the body to have smelly odors? Please advise. Thank you.
Posted by: Natasha on December 31, 2004 05:45 AM
I forgot to ask you ... How long can the cabbage juice stand in the fridge?
Posted by: Natasha on December 31, 2004 05:47 AM
Ahhh never mind about my first question. It makes sense now. :)
Posted by: Natasha on December 31, 2004 05:49 AM
Does drinking this cabbage fermentation juice cause the body to have smelly odors? Please advise. Thank you.
Posted by: on January 5, 2005 02:57 PM
Does drinking this cabbage fermentation juice cause the body to have smelly odors? Please advise. Thank you.
Posted by: Natasha on January 6, 2005 04:14 AM
Was scanning the posts looking for something and I came across a note on salt (Nov 2003) No salt is balanced if it is refined.
If 1 Tblpsn of refined salt is left in a glass of water overnight it will still be visible at the bottom of the glass in the morning. If the same is done with seasalt, in the morning it will have dissolved. This was an experiment conducted by a Nexus magazine reader recently. No wonder salt is said to harden your arteries - refined salt.
Posted by: Sue on January 7, 2005 03:13 AM
thanks natasha. I have one more question. Are you supposed to leave it out on the counter or in a closet or cabinet. Avoid sunlight?
Posted by: on January 15, 2005 07:52 AM
Why not drink a half cup of straight cultured cabbage juice three times a day?
Posted by: Dennis on January 19, 2005 02:34 AM
Does drinking this cabbage fermentation juice cause the body to have smelly odors? Please advise. Thank you.
Posted by: Cornelle on February 6, 2005 01:02 AM
How long should it take to notice a change in stools?
Posted by: michael on February 13, 2005 02:47 PM
On the cabbage point, also a good addictive to take for the gut is yogurt, to make it yorself
buy a small Natural Yogurt, boil any milk,2 ltrs, cool, then mix with small Yogurt , leave in warm room for over night, and Wala, 2 Ltrs of fresh yougurt.skim milk is ok
Posted by: RayMac on March 14, 2005 10:55 AM
Raw Milk Kefir is much better.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on March 15, 2005 04:17 PM
Is this cabbage better for one then kombucha or kefir?
Also; I can do a search for more information on fermented cabbage, but in researching info on Kombucha and Kefir I found out that some sites were definately more reliable then others - can you recommend any?
Posted by: Shan on April 13, 2005 06:38 AM
All lactic acid type drinks are good as they are natural detoxers and are very good for digestion to boot. The most reliable site on these is:
Posted by: Chris Gupta on April 14, 2005 04:15 AM
Can you drink the cabage juice straight as I found it did not taste so good...where are you so pose to store it and does it have to be in a tighly closed more thing do you take it before you eat or after...I just started mine today and not sure how to do it.... thanks for any help.
Posted by: Graciela on September 3, 2005 01:56 PM
Does drinking this cabbage fermentation juice cause the body to have smelly odors? Please advise. Thank you.
Posted by: Patsy Reitzes on September 28, 2005 08:33 AM
i just heard about saurkrauts heal remedies. can cabbage help emphsema suffers??? thank you
Posted by: sylvia on November 17, 2005 08:54 PM
I write from India. How does plain home-made curds (yoghurt) compare with fermented cabbage juice?
Posted by: SP on February 17, 2006 07:29 AM
Relatively good, I suspect, if you make your own as most commercial curds (yogurt) is pasteurized after fermentation and is next to useless! But incorporating cultured cabbage will give you diversity of bacteria so it is not a matter of substitution.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on February 17, 2006 11:15 AM
Does drinking this cabbage fermentation juice cause the body to have smelly odors? Please advise. Thank you.
Posted by: SP on February 20, 2006 02:45 AM
why do you have to dilute the cabbage juice ?
Posted by: Deborah Wark on February 21, 2006 09:48 AM
My son is 7 years old, can children take the cabbage juice? Would I be able to add to a drink to hide the taste ? Please help.
Posted by: GM on February 21, 2006 11:30 PM
Doc, someone advised me to take a glass of cabbage every day, I have acute peptic ulcers will it help. Thanks
Posted by: Kalisa on March 4, 2006 11:50 AM
Please answer the following question that was posted by another member:
i just heard about saurkrauts heal remedies. can cabbage help emphsema suffers??? thank you
Posted by: sylvia on November 17, 2005 08:54 PM
Posted by: Kasey on March 5, 2006 06:03 PM
I have a peptic ulcer, I heard cabbage juice is good for this- I do not have a juicer but have a blender, how do you make the juice? I tried to make it and it looked like puree, I drank it, anyway.
Posted by: Tina on March 14, 2006 12:03 PM
How can you distinguish between cabbage juice that is propely fermented and cabbage juice that is off?
what do with pulp after staining?
Posted by: Kiran on March 15, 2006 06:49 PM
The flavor is improved by mixing the cabbage juice with apple juice in a ratio of 1:1.
I have used my juicer to make this too but added water and the pulp back into the cabbage juice to ferment.
I am wondering if the lacto - bacterias get all the way to the large intestine or does this mostly address the stomach and small intestine?
Posted by: HIF on March 19, 2006 12:40 PM
I have sotmch cancer
Posted by: ibrahim mahamane on March 29, 2006 03:49 AM
Does drinking this cabbage fermentation juice cause the body to have smelly odors? Please advise. Thank you.
Posted by: JD on May 31, 2006 03:08 AM
Is it true that cabbage can help you lose weight if,so how is this possible
Posted by: elizabeth mack on August 4, 2006 03:49 AM
With the comment below are you saying that eating raw cabbage provides essentially the same benefit as cultured cabbage? If so, then why culture it?
"You may eat one cup of raw cabbage as a substitute for 1/2 cup of cultured cabbage juice."
Posted by: Chris on December 29, 2006 05:36 PM
Why have I been warned not to juice red cabbage?
Posted by: Lewis on January 1, 2007 12:25 PM
I am wondering if the product Molkasan is an equivalent subsitute for saerkraut juice.. It is whey processed with lactofermentation... It is made by A.Vogel and distributed by Bioforce...
Posted by: nancih on January 5, 2007 08:06 PM
Does drinking this cabbage fermentation juice cause the body to have smelly odors? Please advise. Thank you.
Posted by: nancy on January 31, 2007 04:43 PM
Does drinking this cabbage fermentation juice cause the body to have smelly odors? Please advise. Thank you.
Posted by: nancy on January 31, 2007 10:18 PM
Does drinking this cabbage fermentation juice cause the body to have smelly odors? Please advise. Thank you.
Posted by: Susan Raque on May 9, 2007 02:35 PM
Does drinking this cabbage fermentation juice cause the body to have smelly odors? Please advise. Thank you.
Posted by: Naomi Most on May 17, 2007 10:03 PM
Does drinking this cabbage fermentation juice cause the body to have smelly odors? Please advise. Thank you.
Posted by: Stacie on July 28, 2007 01:42 PM
1) How can you distinguish between cabbage juice that is propely fermented and cabbage juice that is off
2)When making cabbage juice, must it be consumed within 60 seconds.I read cabbage juice causes gas, please advise me
Posted by: peter oris on November 28, 2007 01:31 PM
Hi Chris
Would it be ok to have CULTURED CABBAGE JUICE
sit up to 7 days and be ok.
I had read about cultured vegetables to sit 7 days then put in fridge and last 6 months.
info at:
Posted by: Calvin Dufrene on January 19, 2008 07:17 PM
Can I ferment beetroot juice using a similar procedure. The kids would find it easier to drink.
Posted by: Rui de Oliveira on March 6, 2008 06:43 AM
where can I buy cabbage juice at a store?
Posted by: Ralph Nairn on April 22, 2008 03:04 PM
Posted by: JB on June 19, 2008 09:30 PM
This post inspired me to try fermenting cabbage juice on my own for the treatment of Crohn's. I've had Crohn's disease since I was 12 and I've been able to control it OK through diet. Cabbage Juice has helped me get a lot better, even to the point I've been able to eat fast food some. Recently stress has set me back some, but cabbage juice has helped get me back in shape quicker then normal.
You can read more about my experience using cabbage juice to treat Crohn's here:
Posted by: Matt on August 17, 2008 08:18 PM
My hubby has IBS (Irable Bowel Sydrome) along with leg ulcers. I'm sure this would help with the stomache problems but what about the leg ulcers. We are fixin' to give it a try. I'm kinda excited!
Posted by: Tuwana Chavous on March 7, 2009 04:40 PM
can i eat cabbage raw instead of juicing it?
Posted by: simon on May 15, 2009 07:37 PM
will cabbage juice help bad stomach acid ??
Posted by: kareena on May 18, 2009 02:04 AM
Thanks for all the info. What about Korean Kimchi?
I'm going to do my own fermenting anyway
Posted by: Graeme on November 5, 2009 03:08 AM
Do I need to ferment the batch in a glass bowl? What I have are glass jars with lids. I have seen it done both ways what is the difference between one with lid one with out? Does anyone have any non cook recipes for the remaining cabbage pulp? Has anyone tried it with a little garlic and olive oil, ect...?
Posted by: julie on November 6, 2009 02:39 PM
I noticed after eating junk food/ deep fried for 20 something years and I am 26. I noticed I get sharp pain in the chest as if (Someone was stabbing me right in the heart) some would say they can compare it to a heart attack. Could Cabbage juice help relieve this problem? By the way I stopped eating bad food and changed my lifestyle eating habits around to prevent anymore of this matter. Email me please Thanks
Posted by: Rick on November 26, 2009 08:38 PM
I was suffering from stomach ulcers and digestive problems, I used different medications to no relief. After seeing this post, I decided to try the cultured cabbage juice. OMG! the 2nd day, all my symptoms went away, and now I can sleep well during nights
Posted by: Max on May 28, 2010 11:49 PM
I read a post that mentioned something about fermenting in glass bowls. Is it a must to ferment in glass or can I use a metal mixing bowl?? Thanks so much.
Response: Do not use metal container. CG
Posted by: Scotty on September 7, 2010 06:23 PM
Thank you soo much for your quik response. I transfered to a plastic (I know not ideal but all I have) container after 4 hours and hopefully all will be well ??
Posted by: Scotty on September 7, 2010 11:54 PM
plz tell me about the ulcer treatment,
and give detail report about ulcer
Posted by: mubeen arshad on September 15, 2010 11:12 AM
HI. I cultured my first batch for three days but when I made my second batch with a starter from the first I forgot to use distilled water. Will the cabbage still culture itself?? Thank you
Posted by: scotty on September 21, 2010 02:24 AM
To Rick,
The pain you had was due to gases. Yes gases....they can mimick a heart attack! And yes the cabbage juice will help you a lot.
Posted by: Clarita Maia on December 29, 2010 05:28 PM
Im from India, Im suffering from UC for last 5 years with on and offs, and recently started cabbage juice for some 5 days it helped but the gas effect was very bad, and had to discontinue, please advice as to how can i use this juice effectively with out getting this gas effect which also generates a foul smell, and keep me disturbed for the whole day
Reduce the amount you take to a few table spoons or less then slowly build up. As soon as you get too much gas back off for a few days before increasing.
Posted by: Shaikh Aarif on October 24, 2011 02:07 AM
i wanted to know would this juice help to flush off heavy metal in the gut .. plz plz answer !!!
Posted by: 5hruth! on July 10, 2012 04:21 AM

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