The following is another FDA policing job under the guise of protecting us (Operation Cure All). This blatant abuse of authority, of course, requires no evidence of injury and/or bodies, while the thousands of deaths from approved drugs and other medical procedures strangely keep going on and on. This inconsistently is hardly a concern for this agency - just look at the sloppy inconsistencies in the raid below - clearly this has more to do with the protecting their pharma cronies than us!
Please contact the FDA as per the post below and point out the these inconsistencies (the items in bold are not restricted and available freely elsewhere - so why the sweeping ban?). Please also ask for evidence of injury from the restricted products. Ask How they can afford to spend so many resources on Operation Cure All when there is so much work that needs to be done to reduce the huge known and prevalent toxic drug injuries?
Chris Gupta
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 16:55:20 -0400
From: Brian McInturff
Subject: Alpha Omega Labs
The following message was sent to the Energetic Medicine listserver yesterday from Alpha Omega Labs. They are best known for their Cansema salve. It is an escherotic paste applied topically and guaranteed to cure skin cancer. Although it was rather expensive at $50 for less than an ounce, I have never heard of it failing for any case of skin cancer. -- turf
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 21:50:21 -0700
Subject: [EnergeticMedicine] New threat from FDA ACtion - Alpha Omega
I tried to order some cansema (black salve) and H3O from Alpha omega Labs and got this reply:
We are unable to help you. We do not have the products and are unable to answer any questions at this time. Please read the letter listed below regarding our current situation and refer to our web site for any additional information on products.
Jayde Williams,
Customer Relations Specialist
Alpha Omega Labs
(888) 220-6780
At 9:10 a.m. on Wednesday, September 17th, 2003 the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) suspended most activities at our fulfillment center in Louisiana. They have deemed the above products questionable in the United States of America. They believe that our products are not safe for human consumption. The FDA is currently testing the products they have taken from our facility. They have accused us of making health claims for our products, such as claiming they could cure, prevent or treat a disease even though we have a disclaimer on almost every page and each product label stating: "To U.S. Users Only: The statements made on this page have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. The viewing of this page in your country is for historic and educational purposes only. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”
They have also arrested Greg Caton on gun charges. Greg's wife had bought a few guns before Y2K for protection. These guns are in her name, kept in a closet for protection, however, Greg is now in jail for having fire arms in their home.
After Greg is released from jail, we will have to battle the FDA in court in hopes of obtaining our freedom and right for self healing. If you would like to help in our fight, please write to us at We would appreciate if you would contact your local congressman to help in the amendment of the current laws which prevent you from obtaining the alternative health products that Alpha Omega and other companies offer.
You can also contact the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to petition the FDA by using the contact numbers below:
FDA Toll Free Number: 1-888-INFO-FDA (1-888-463-6332)
FDA Web Address:
To Petition the FDA:
The items that the FDA took from us:
Agaricus Drops
Agaricus Extract
Alpha Omega III Dentifrice {this is toothpaste!}
Aloe Vera Acemannan {Aloe Vera, ALOE VERA? Come on!}
Andrographis Paniculata
Andrographis Plus
AO Bone Builder
AO Bioentergized Flaxseed
AO Heart Drops
Artemis II
Beta Glucan
Beta Glucan Plus
Blenheim Apricot Seeds
Bloodroot Paste
Coral Calcium Plus {Coral Calcium....I won't say anything more!}
Cansema Salve (all)
Cansema Tonic I
Cansema Tonic III
Cansema Capsules
CanSupport Capsules (all)
Clean Colon {100% Phyllium Husk}
Ecomed Electronic Normalizer
Ellagic Acid
Emu Oil {EMU OIL?}
Enchanted Ruins (all clays) {They took the clay too!)
Gotas Drops
H3O Products {They claim this is nothing more than battery acid - I drink
this on a daily basis - shouldn't I be dead by now?}
HRx Products
Joint Relief
Lugol's Iodine
Microflora Restore
Old Amish Dewormer
Olive Leaf Powder {Again - do I need to say anything here?}
Olive Leaf Extract
Omega LB
Omega UR
Phyto Rx Tinctures (all)
Protocel JVS-23
Protocel EJS-50
Suppositories (all)
Tomsk (all models)
The Duna "Sputnik”
The products that we are allowed to sell and ship are: Aqua Marine Life Force, Stevia Extract, Transfer Fact Rx, Andrographis, Andrographis Plus, Protocel Pro Enzymes, Protocel ProGe-132, Essex Botanical, Hoxsiac, Mojave Nectar, Shilajit, pH strips, Kavakosh, Shen Min Products, Raiza Crème, QuikHeal Blue, QuikHeal Green, all Neem Products, Reforma CCVI, Vitalio Body Fat Analyzer, Anorex and Anorex SF.
posted by Chris Gupta on Thursday September 25 2003
updated on Saturday September 24 2005
URL of this article:
Readers' Comments
HI. i read your article, and find it very inteesting. what the FDA are doing reminds me what happened to Willhelm Reich, and his claims etc.
also, are you familiar with run by a Stephan Barrat MD where they seem to denigrate all health food claims, organic farming, etc etc?
What is your knowledge about him and that site?
Posted by: Julian O'Neill on October 12, 2003 07:04 PM
My husband has prostate cancer and I have been treating him with success with the cansupport and cansema products which are now no longer available. Is it because it works that the FDA and the pharmaceutical industries who lose revenue from people exercising their right to treat themselves with whatever is available the reason behind the confiscation of herbal products? A real bitter pill to swallow. If anyone at the FDA or their families gets cancer I hope they find themselves in the same position they put the public in.
Posted by: Anna Romanov on October 21, 2003 02:14 PM
Sadly its all about money and your assessment is correct. It it did not work then they would have no interest. As to someone in FDA getting cancer it is akin to the old tribe that cut last tree on which survival depended. These are not mature caring people - they are greedy to a fault!
Posted by: Chris Gupta on October 21, 2003 10:02 PM
You must be pretty stupid if you believe a con man selling a "miracle cure" for cancer is the "good guy" here.
Posted by: on October 29, 2003 09:07 PM
You must be pretty stupid if you believe these scammers. Con men promising a "cure for cancer" are a dime a dozen. They just want your money. The FDA is 100% correct in shutting them down.
Posted by: Skeptic on October 29, 2003 09:10 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: on October 29, 2003 09:13 PM
Should adults be allowed to choose, purchase, and use alternative health products and methods for themselves and their children? Is it good for others to dictate that only one source, AMA taught, trained, loyal, obedient and approved medical personnel be allowed to serve others in such a controlled and restricted manner? Who is smart enough to be deciding who is the "scammer" and who is the "pretty stupid" one? And who has the most to lose as in prestige, money, and power?
Posted by: ne batchelder on November 5, 2003 10:07 AM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Richard on November 5, 2003 09:26 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Skepticmyass on November 7, 2003 01:01 AM
my sister has lungs cancer and the cansema tonic has been working marvellous on her, it has been a year now since she has cancer and since she started taking cansema we have seen great improvement.
Posted by: shurma on November 8, 2003 12:29 AM
my sister has lungs cancer and the cansema tonic has been working marvellous on her, it has been a year now since she has cancer and since she started taking cansema we have seen great improvement.
Posted by: shurma on November 8, 2003 12:29 AM
my sister has lungs cancer and the cansema tonic has been working marvellous on her, it has been a year now since she has cancer and since she started taking cansema we have seen great improvement.
Posted by: shurma on November 8, 2003 12:29 AM
I used cansema on skin cancers located on my nose. Cansema worked just as it was described. I wonder to this day what would have happened to me had I not listened to public radio and learned of this fine product.. God Speed to you Alpha-Omega labs on your return to production of your products.
Posted by: Timothy O. Hampton on November 13, 2003 08:37 PM
I have used Cansema on 5 skin cancers. Not one has ever come back. Yet, when I had surgery TWICE it returned. I am a nurse, and several of my patients have used it also. NOT ONE HAS ever returned. My other friends wife who was given 6 months to live has been out of the woods for over 2 years since starting the cansemic tonic and changing their diet. I am sick about this. This was my only hope for my skin cancers. PLEASE COME BACK SOON.
Posted by: Wendy on December 5, 2003 05:50 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Tabetha aka Jayde on December 11, 2003 04:19 PM
I have used Cansema Salve on a biopsied area on my leg that had come back positive for basal cell carcinoma. I bought the cream in order to avoid surgery. I used the product two weeks before my surgery. I was skeptical and wanted to be safe, so I had the surgery anyway. When the results came back- they could not even find one cancer cell! I recently had another spot show up on my arm, this time I am using the cansema salve and feel 100% sure that it will take care of the problem. I have recommended this product to anyone who knows anyone that has found out they have cancer!
Posted by: Tricia on December 19, 2003 06:47 PM
I have used Cansema Salve on a biopsied area on my leg that had come back positive for basal cell carcinoma. I bought the cream in order to avoid surgery. I used the product two weeks before my surgery. I was skeptical and wanted to be safe, so I had the surgery anyway. When the results came back- they could not even find one cancer cell! I recently had another spot show up on my arm, this time I am using the cansema salve and feel 100% sure that it will take care of the problem. I have recommended this product to anyone who knows anyone that has found out they have cancer!
Posted by: Tricia on December 19, 2003 06:48 PM
I have had cancer several times and have been able to get over it
Posted by: Mark Lipsman on January 5, 2004 12:44 AM
I have had cancer several times and have been able to get over it
Posted by: Mark Lipsman on January 5, 2004 12:44 AM
I have never had cancer and came acrossed this by accident through another link. I am highly outraged that you are being attacked in this way.
I agree that it is because these products are working that they have confenscated them for testing so that they can start producing it and prescribing it.
I wish you the best of luck and will keep you in mind if I ever have a need of cancer treatments. I will also look into your other products.
Posted by: Marcie on January 8, 2004 09:36 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Karen on January 10, 2004 01:18 AM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Karen on January 10, 2004 01:21 AM
It makes me sick that they stopped selling the Cansema. This was the only thing that worked for my skin cancers...back under the knife I go unless it comes back. I am outraged!!!
Posted by: Wenmac on January 11, 2004 07:17 AM
One possible reason for the raid might be that their head clinician is not really a doctor.Dr. er Mr. Eric Brown. The product may be great but if the individuals are shady it is setup to fail. Not bashing the product as it sounds that there are some great results.
Posted by: noone on January 22, 2004 08:48 PM
This all sounds like a lot of hot air and is simply another case of arguement by exception, that the mainstrean loves to use against the competition. Wish you were so concerned about medically approved product injuries as this one! Check the statistics before following for this cheap trick... See:
Posted by: Chris Gupta on January 26, 2004 07:34 AM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: paul on January 29, 2004 05:26 AM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Rachel on January 31, 2004 05:59 AM
i have used the cansema salve and it does exactly what alpha omega said it would do. it appears to me that the fda is ruining the lives of citizens to protect the wallets of the pharmeceutical companies.
Posted by: jerry crigger on January 31, 2004 03:29 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Crystal Leslie on February 10, 2004 11:59 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: BANDTOGETHER on February 17, 2004 04:17 AM
I have had multiple friends and relatives us cansema for skin cancers with 100% success. Gotta love our government officials and the lobbyist that control their every decision (or so it seems).
Posted by: Jeff on March 4, 2004 05:57 PM
I saw sample sizes for around $20.00 of Cansemal on Ebay
Posted by: Gail on March 7, 2004 09:25 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Jean Baugh on March 15, 2004 07:41 AM
Interesting.... Maybe you should make people aware that on May 28, 2004 - Gregory James Caton, 48, pleaded guilty in federal court here this week to charges of defrauding customers and introducing drugs that had not been approved by federal health officials. Prosecutors said Caton, through a Lake Charles-based Internet business called Alpha Omega Labs, made $950,000 selling what were billed as natural remedies for cancer and other ailments.
Posted by: on June 4, 2004 04:55 PM
LAFAYETTE — A Lake Charles man who ran a company that made nearly $1 million selling alternative medicine over the Internet faces up to eight years in prison and a $500,000 fine on fraud charges.
Posted by: on June 4, 2004 04:56 PM
At least one lawsuit is pending against Alpha Omega in connection with a "Cansema" salve that was sold by the company. Sue Gilliatt, an Indiana nurse, claims in a federal lawsuit that she suffered severe injuries after applying the salve to her face. "It essentially ate her nose away. ... She has had seven reconstructive surgeries," said Gilliatt's attorney, John Muller. Muller said that tests he had performed on the salve found it contained high amounts of zinc chloride, an acid that can cause severe burns in concentrated form.
Posted by: on June 4, 2004 04:59 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Chris Gupta on June 4, 2004 10:16 PM
To whoever posted and felt they could not name themselves about the fact about Greg Caton pleading guilty to the said charges, yes he did. He did this so that the FDA would not go after his wife and us employees, not to mention the fact that they threatend to take away his son and put him in foster care and threatened to have his employees arrested (myself) for conspiracy and who knows what else. Just because someone pleads guilty does not always mean they are. You would have to know all the games that our GOVERNMENT AND THE FDA ARE PLAYING WITH ALL OUR LIVES. If you have anything else to say why not back up your words with your name?
Posted by: Crystal Leslie on June 22, 2004 09:08 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: R. Bennett on June 28, 2004 04:47 AM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Jim on June 30, 2004 04:42 AM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: on June 30, 2004 04:43 AM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: on June 30, 2004 04:48 AM
I was using Cansema and getting very good results. I would say that Alpha-Omega has been for me a life saver. I still need the Cansema Tonic III, but it has already cured much of my cancer. In the absence of Cansema products, I have been using Can-X products to carry on.
Posted by: Charles Turner on July 10, 2004 10:04 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: kelley on July 12, 2004 08:15 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Tabetha aka Jayde on July 15, 2004 08:53 PM
First lets start with the question at hand concerning Gregs plea agreement. Greg did plead guilty as I stated early in the conversation but as for spending 8 years in prison this is very unlikely. Due to the fact that it is agreed upon between both parties in the plea agreement that he will do no more than 41 months. Lets remember though that right now in the court system the Judge will be the one deciding how much time he will do and we pray that the Judge will throw the case out, as there is more evidence of conflicting statements as to what products Sue Gilliant used and what she didnt. But the fact still remains that the plea agreement is no more than 41 months and the cooperation of Greg Caton with the Government will knock more time off of the 41 months and still that is if he has to spend any more time at all. We will know on Aug 24th whether he will or not. As for the fine of $500,000.00 your information is not correct we may forfeit a building the company owns and maybe not but the fact remains Greg nor Alpha Omega will pay any amount in fines. Lets talk about the gun charges someone mentioned, did you know that this charge has been completely thrown out? Im sure you didnt. You see the guns were not the issue that was just an excuse to keep in jail with no bond, if you dont believe that then why has this charge been thrown out? And again the H3O is not battery acid or sulphuric acid or any other type of harmful acid. We purchased this product from a company here in the states. The product comes with an OSHA certificate stating it is non corrosive and non hazardous and does not require any type of Hazmat certificate. I use the H3O every day in my home. I have 5 children who absolutely love the H3O and use it on all their scratchs, insect bites, pink eye, cuts, scrapes and I use it on my pitt bull and my cat who both have skin conditions and they will sit there while I spray them with the H3O and it gets rid of their condition something even the vet could not do. So people need to check their information a little more closely instead of believing everything they hear from our Government or News channels. We can think for ourselves and read between the lines but I think we as Americans have become very lazy and to trusting when it comes to our Government or the news channels. As for the salve I believe there are enough people here who have used the product and those words speak for themselves.
God Bless All
and have a great day
Posted by: Crystal Leslie on July 15, 2004 09:06 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Tabetha aka Jayde on July 15, 2004 10:06 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: jack W. arthur on July 23, 2004 05:02 AM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Lynne Starkell on August 7, 2004 03:39 AM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: June on August 27, 2004 07:48 AM
We are allowed to kill our unborn children
We are allowed to chose euthanisia
We are not allowed to chose life-saving products but allowed to die a dreathful death through conventional medication and butchering
Mass genocide has been on the agenda for a long time and wonderful inventions like conventional cancer treatments and anti-retrovirals (hidden chemotherapy - the big onslaught)must top the list of genocidal successes for the New World Order rulers to remove unwanted bagage.
Please check the internet for more info re NWO, pharmaceutical industries, alternative cancer treatments, World Health Organisation, Financial World and follow the links. Those who have not already will be stunned ...
Posted by: jo on August 27, 2004 07:11 PM
HPT is not out of business. Their web site is down temporarily and the company is going through reorganization. Email me for more details.
Posted by: Bill Whiteside on September 6, 2004 06:50 PM
Quackwatch is composed of the greatest quacks the world has ever seen. Thugs and obfuscators is what they specialize as.
Posted by: Charles Turner on September 19, 2004 05:19 PM
Is it still possible to order ANYTHING from Alpha Omega Labs? I have been trying to order their colon/liver cleanse products for 2 weeks now with no success from their website and no answers from any emails I have sent to them. Are they still in business?
Posted by: VT on September 19, 2004 10:31 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Tabetha aka Jayde on January 7, 2005 06:22 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Toby McAdam on January 28, 2005 09:08 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Tabetha aka Jayde on February 1, 2005 10:18 PM
Please..where can i buy the
Alpha Omega salve .I know they were shut down .Who has anything that is like Alpha Omega.
My face is scarred up and I refused to let them cut me up anymore!!1
Posted by: Debra on February 19, 2005 06:29 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Tabetha aka Jayde on March 11, 2005 10:15 PM
I just happened to come by this web accidentally. I think it is sad that greed is so prevalent with the pharmacheducal companies as well as multi-national co. that have their hands in the pockets of countries around the world.
On another note, I was diagnosed with meningioma (brain tumor) 3 mos. ago. I read the posting about the mom whose brain tumor shrunk 75% by taking cansema capsules, brain cansupport and Tonic III. Does anyone know where I could possibly get these products. If so please e-mail me at
Posted by: Pat on March 14, 2005 04:26 AM
We in Austrailia generally think, yanks are pretty stupid to believe the crap that is dished out by your Beaurocracy, so it follows that they would take off the market someting that is of benifit to humanity, as it is not endorced by the AMA. Could there be a conflict of interest? So the FDA will save the populace, sort of like Clinton saved Mexico? Fourtunatly some money speculators had a nice little $50 billion wind fall, and who payed for it? And who benifited. Wake up America, you are percieved as a bunch of Bullies. By the way cansema is an astounding herb which works better than sugery. Also of interest is the comments of the appologists for the FDA.
Posted by: J Hobby on March 19, 2005 04:54 AM
I have gone in for a biopsy-waiting to hear if it is cancerous. I am prepared to make or buy a blood root salve. Has anyone heard or used Wiseways Herbals Black blood root salve?
Posted by: Ser on March 22, 2005 06:59 PM
Ser, please see:
Do Biopsy Potentiate Cancer?
Posted by: Chris Gupta on March 23, 2005 04:01 AM
i have been taking black salve and black salve pills for two years for terminal cancer. they have saved my life. i got over 100 tumors out with the salve. although they, fda, closed can-x co. it is still available. it has just gone over the border to canada.
Posted by: jimmy on March 26, 2005 01:39 AM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: toby mcadam on March 29, 2005 07:49 PM
*I* will tell you where you can find Quacks...
My Aunt felt that she was very ill and that she was getting breast cancer around 1975. I was 15 years old and recall clearly her going to doctors, and even (incredibly enough!) making drawings of that the dendrils of her brest cancer tumor looked like (I found that astounding) she had a breath like burnt tisue, and to this day i remember the strange smell-
She finally ended up begging a certain "Dr. Schusler" head of the breat cancer department at sloan kettering to help her because she had cancer. It seems that the medical establishment could not Find her breast cancer (It seems also that they did not want to find it because she had no medical insurance!). Well to make a long story short, my aunt evelyn had a double mastectomy a few years later and then she died...Of cancer.
Who are the quacks?
Posted by: on April 3, 2005 08:19 AM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: JD on April 10, 2005 06:19 AM
Cansema type salve and tonic is available from this source. I have been buying from Centreforce in Australia for some months now, and have been very satisfied.
Posted by: Charles Turner on April 26, 2005 12:59 AM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: JC on April 26, 2005 07:12 AM
I am now using a product from they have several versions of cansema in a new mix kit that should keep the product available to US customers. I have used the product on three areas and it has worked every time, once on the forehead once on the upper cheek and once on the chin. I cannot say more than that other than try em.
Posted by: FullySilenced on April 27, 2005 03:57 AM
I have to say I am not surprised at the FDAs b.s.
Anyone who has half a brain can look into history and see how many times cures for cancer have been hidden and their suppliers arrested. It happened in Canada to Rene Cassie who was CURING cancer. The agencies there did the same thing to her. Check out her essiac tea on the net. Money talks and cancer patients die. It is as simple as that. I have used Cansema salve many times and have been delighted by the results. Those results being: not dying of cancer!
To those of you who have stopped buying into the allopathic b.s. and need to help yourselves or loved ones with cancer, I say research, research, research!! There are many answers out there, and none of them are given to us by the current medical "experts" (or the FDA).
Posted by: savanna on April 29, 2005 02:09 AM
Posted on March 29, 2005 07:49 PM by toby mcadam:
"Alpha Omega was selling a product H3O that had sulphuric acid. That is what got them in trouble first."
Thank you for that news flash Toby - I had already posted what the FDA was after
Posted by: Jayde on May 31, 2005 06:56 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: nanospin on July 1, 2005 11:16 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Nedda on July 9, 2005 10:58 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: nanospin on July 10, 2005 01:18 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Steve Lopez on July 22, 2005 02:36 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Ben on August 25, 2005 07:39 AM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Dave UK on September 2, 2005 01:39 AM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: rik on September 5, 2005 06:46 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: I don't need a name to dispute your insipid claims! on September 7, 2005 03:37 AM
Cansema worked for me on a basel cell carcenoma. No scar. It worked perfectly, just as the instructions said it would. Thank God I did not have to have the plastic surgeon cut my face.
Posted by: Kathi on September 11, 2005 09:17 PM
Cansema and Can-X are excellent products that do just what they say. I have removed tumors from my body and am very near the end, but have to find new sources of black salve time and again because hard hearted punks and the FDA stupidly work to get them shut down. The one in Australia is now lost, but there is still at least one other I know about and will get some immediately before they too are closed.
Posted by: Charles Turner on September 24, 2005 08:12 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Lois Andrews on October 3, 2005 02:41 AM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Chris C on October 4, 2005 04:58 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Chris C on October 4, 2005 05:43 PM
The FDA are only doing this to the entreprenuers out their because it affects their own pocket, they are afraid they will loss control people should band together on this and the other cases like this, how many babies died or were born with defects because the FDA sat on their wallets and would not allow folic acid through for years. fight the government on this one, without us common people they would be nothing we have people power.
Posted by: Vikki Casey on October 7, 2005 12:22 AM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Chris C (top-secret govenment propagandist/human cannonball) on October 7, 2005 03:12 AM
Some person without the decency to tell us his name has charged that all who comment here are a part of the companies selling this stuff. I want it on the record that I am a poor maintenance man fro an apartment complex. I have never had an interest in any company that sells cures.
Posted by: Charles Turner on October 12, 2005 07:05 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Charles Turner on October 12, 2005 07:09 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Chris C on October 13, 2005 04:34 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: on October 13, 2005 04:45 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Charles Turner on October 16, 2005 12:48 AM
I have used the herb veil 8 salve with great success and highly recommend that if you are looking for a natural alternative to skin cancer treatment, check out this product.
Posted by: glenn thering on October 17, 2005 03:56 PM
I would like to say that the Cansema salve does work at removing skin cancers. This is from personal experience. I am hopeful that some day soon we will have the option to purchase more cansema salve, pills and tonics.
I have the Herb Veil 8 also but have not used it.
I may have found a reliable source for the products. I will keep you posted after I am satisfied.
Posted by: Carol K on October 27, 2005 04:42 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Susy M on December 13, 2005 11:45 PM
There is comments being made by Jade. The fact is Alpha Omega did not manufacture most of the products the provided. They did made the Cansema salves some of the time, other times they used Vial-8. The Cansema capsules were from another individual and he refused to sell to Alpha Omega. The base of Tonic III was from another company. The chelation suppositories were made from the Medicardium formula and there was a lawsuit brewing if Alpha was shut down.
Greg found some great products and I appreciate the introduction to the products when my mother had cancer. But when they asked me to sue the FDA for what they did to Alpha, I refused. All Greg had to do was just stop selling the product H3O. Jade, you exagerate and make false claims. I feel sorry for you.
As for Alpha and Greg, I do wish them the best. As for the claim that the products I have and provide are not with the same ingredients, I urge you to have them tested by any lab. I have 4 FDA or state approved labs put out products together. My company makes no claims that our products cure, treat or prevent illnesses or diseases.
In fact, we have not recieved any letter fom the FDA. Should we do, we will make the changes as they tell us. Our products are from wild crafted herbs.
If people want to contact the FDA agent involved in the Alpha Omega raid contact us I sould be happy to provide his name and contact info.
Posted by: Toby McAdam on January 25, 2006 06:44 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Charles Turner on January 28, 2006 11:37 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Charles Turner on February 2, 2006 07:14 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Charles Turner on February 27, 2006 07:11 PM
I tried numerous products including Rising Sun "Cansema" trying to kill melanoma cancer on my dog Yogi. Well, for those who don't believe in natural remedies and, for those who need reassurance... check it out these chronological pictures and see how I cured melanoma cancer in my beloved Yogi within 60 days! See
Posted by: Ricardo Alonso on March 22, 2006 12:35 AM
The Original Cream Company has a black salve as good as Cansema. I Put some on a day and a half ago. The eschartic action is exactly as you would want it. The only negative, I have not found a good tonic on their site.
Posted by: Charles Turner on April 22, 2006 10:38 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Jonathan B. "Jack" Sevy, DC on April 29, 2006 08:15 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Douglas Westerman on June 28, 2006 03:18 PM
I had a skin cancer for over 6 years and Alpha Omega was already shut down when I heard about black salve. I bought some from risingsunhealth and it did nothing, I actually put it on the bandage DAILY just to keep the blood from the wound from sticking to the bandage. I did this for 9 months! Then I found some real black salve. Check out
Posted by: Rick on July 21, 2006 01:25 AM
They sell the original cansema at but no claims are made. I used it and it smells and works the same as the one I used from alpha omega labs.
Posted by: Gwen on September 24, 2006 01:44 AM
we have got to pull together and fight for the right to take care of our own bodies with God given nutrients to heal our our bodies with out government controll.i have had great success with natural products and need them to maintain my health.
michelle shanley
Posted by: michelle shanley on November 7, 2006 02:50 PM
For those looking for black salve or bloodroot salve products. We at The Original Cream Company are trying to produce only the finest products available. We only use wild crafted herbs or pharmaceutical grade ingredients and components and we add to our product line as the need arises. Our products carry a money back guarantee so you can try the products worry free.
We look forward to working with you in any manner that you require. We hope to see you as a customer of ours soon.
Posted by: The Original Cream Company on January 4, 2007 01:19 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: dana on January 31, 2007 08:05 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Lisa Carelli on February 6, 2007 06:53 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: sue on February 28, 2007 01:45 AM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Toby McAdam on March 6, 2007 01:02 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Liz on March 20, 2007 04:59 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Colum Nolan on March 30, 2007 08:29 AM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: paul callicoat on April 14, 2007 02:06 PM
to jean baugh, try black salve pills. twice a day for 30 days and see if that does the trick. Liz
Posted by: Paul H. Koebke on September 3, 2007 08:37 AM
I have used Cansema a number of times, with 100 success. The lady who is suing because her nose was eaten away...the Cansema did exactly what it was supposed to do, eat away the cancer on her nose. If she had had surgery initally, they would have had to cut away the same amount of tissue anyway, then reconstruct. But use Cansema juidiciously on the face.
But for other part of the body, it has worked every time for me.
Posted by: douglas gray on November 30, 2007 02:55 PM
Is there any place to buy the real cancema? Bought something from sundown that was supposed to be the same, didn't work.
Posted by: sandy young on January 16, 2008 01:47 PM
i have used cansema now for 4 years and it works every time, exactly as the manufacterers say so. I wish they hada product for head and neck squamous cell cancer, which i have in the cheek.are the black salva pills still available,if so please contact me. peter heath
Posted by: peter heath on May 23, 2008 04:06 PM
Seriously, are you all so stupid as to believe the lies these snake oil sellers put out about cancer cures, miracle this and miracle that? What a bunch or jerks!
About as stupid as those who believe in the mainstream lies that requires 57 billion a year
"To perpetuate a lie...That is that toxins and toxiods cure disease, is clearly is the reason that "Drug makers spend more on marketing than research: study" like $57 billion +. "
Extracted from: Quackbusting The Quackbusters - Free e-book
Posted by: Pete on June 18, 2008 09:17 AM
How can I buy Cancema?
Posted by: Chris Cormack on September 8, 2008 04:24 AM
We use Cansema regularly for lots of folk with great success. I am seriously concerned about the regulations that our government is making and the decisions that they are making for us against our wishes. If they really were interested in our health then they would not be trying to rule out our ability to get the vitamins and herbs that we need and want without a prescription. The bottom line is the "dollar" and whose pocket it will go into.
I am so sorry A & 0 for all you have had to go thru. I continue to be your loyal patron.
Concerned for our future,
Rachel Weaver
Posted by: Rachel Weaver on September 19, 2009 07:03 PM
I've used Cansema on my nose for Basal Cell Carcinoma. This was after a surgeon removed skin tissue and told me the biopsy showed they hadn't gotten all of it. When asked if I wanted to come back to have more skin tissue removed I refused. That's when I found out about Cansema and ordered it. I was nervous using it the first time but after seeing the results I feel very fortunate for having discovered it for this purpose. I have since applied it to 2 spots on my back that I felt quite certain were cancerous. The same thing happened as did with my nose. I am highly impressed by this product and encourage anyone who thinks they have a cancerous lesion to at least give it a try. I also tried it on a spot on my leg where I felt fairly certain there was nothing to be concerned about and guess what nothing happened in this particular area except the skin turned slightly reddish for a couple of days.
I was a little skeptical at first as anyone would be but after using the product I can say I'm very confident this product can help so many people.
For those who have so many doubtful and negative comments (I'm guessing these are mainly people who haven't even tried this product.)
Posted by: Jocelyn McCarthy on November 15, 2009 07:32 PM
The US Government oversteps it's bounds many times in trying to do their job, the job we hired them to do. They need to know when to say when and back off when the people say they should. I believe that these natural remedies do work and have worked for many years. I also believe that the government knows this. As they are natural remedies, they haven't been able to put their greedy little paws into the pie. To solve the problem, they will just declare these herbals illegal substances and impose fines and jail time for all who choose to use them. Sound familiar? Prohibition was repealed because the people wanted it. The government made sure they got their cut of the alcohol sales out there and all are happy again. The greed involved is what is keeping "We the People" from being able to care for ourselves. Still, if these same remedies were suddenly under the government supervision, they would no longer be considered quackery because they would be getting their cut. You sure could bet that the cost would skyrocket just like our health insurance has and health care in general. Again, the poor would not be able to afford the remedies. Now the government wants to control how much health care we receive. More greed. We pay more and more for less and less. If they, the government, keep legislating our lives, we will have only the lives THEY want us to have while they keep getting fatter and richer. When there is no one left to take from, do you think they will notice?
Posted by: Carol Walters on March 24, 2010 10:50 PM

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