Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
September 26, 2003

Re: Dispelling the Night-Time Frequent Urination

Thanks for this Andrew, the specific gravity measurement of urine is a brilliant idea. This should also help with reducing kidney stones.

For those not familiar with Andrews work can write to him directly and/or see:

The Importance of Gravity to our Health and Wellbeing, and its Relation to Rest & Sleep

By the way I have had my mother-in-law, who has a congestive heart, on an inclined bed as per Andrew for nearly an year. She is no longer able to sleep on a flat bed as her condition worsens in that position!

Chris Gupta

See Dispelling the Night-Time Frequent Urination Myth for my earlier post on this issue.
Hi Chris and friends

During my research on the angle in which we sleep, I have worked with many people suffering from a whole range of illnesses, including multiple sclerosis. During my work with MS, it became clear that when horizontal bed rest was avoided in favour of inclined bed rest, with the head end fifteen cm's or six inches higher at the head end, night time urine frequency was resolved in almost every single case, and there were many. Also oedema was resolved and this flies in the face of the current gravity/physiology relationship.

In order to determine what was happening with oedema and urine frequency, my wife and I conducted an experiment which involved measuring the specific gravity (density) of urine during different sleeping postures. We measured, horizontal bedrest, head down tilt bedrest and head up inclined bedrest. What we found was remarkable and can be tested by anyone using a simple hydrometer, the type used in home brew kits, to determine the density of urine.

Horizontal bedrest, produced a urine density lower than normal daily activity. Inclined bedrest produced urine density substantially higher that either horizontal bed rest head down tilt bedrest and normal daily activity and as we eat and drank the same during 3 weeks of measuring our urine the results were even more compelling.

But here is the crunch for this simple experiment. Head down tilt produced urine of near water density, no salts and mineral were being excreted in the urine! Which means that the salts end up in the bladder because of the effects of gravity on the salts and our posture in relation to the effects of gravity on said salts!

An additional effect of gravity on the body in the head up tilt position is the production of more heat during the night and this increases evaporation from the respiratory tract and skin, therefore reducing the amount of urine we produce and increasing the density of the urine produced.

I also disagree with the statement, increased night time frequency of urination does not indicate prostrate problems in males, it does how ever indicate that there might be something wrong with sleeping flat in both males and females.


My Father, who has been diagnosed with cancer of the liver and pancreas is baffling the Dr's and nurses with his remarkable recovery so far. He is due to go home in the next few days. During his stay he spent a week on a horizontal bed while I arm-wrestled his Dr and the nurses to incline his bed. During which he developed ulceration in the leg, which admittedly was from old ulcers, which had healed on the inclined bed. His legs were massive and despite being given diuretics continued to get larger and larger, then he remained on an inline and his legs are now normal size, though the skin on both legs has suffered. His ulcers are also healing up again and he looks great. He is walking around the ward 8 times a day and telling everyone his poems.

Hi Dr Dr Rai, has placed a stent inside the bile-duct which had been closed by the tumour and for this I am grateful, he is also talking my dad into trying alternative dietary changes to address the cancer, and has said that this would be his first consideration as and when he becomes ill himself. Dad had shut down his ability to take in information, so have not succeeded as yet in getting him to change his diet, but things are looking up for now and I will keep you posted on further developments.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank those on the list that responded to my plea for help and advice regarding Dad's situation. This list just gets better and better!

BTW, I have been invited to give a lecture at Russells Hall Hospital, where my Dad is at the moment and Dr Rai wants to attend it as he is very interested in my theory and work with the inclined bed. Who, knows, we may see all the beds in the ward tilted at some point. And maybe we will see less amputations in the hospital as a result of this application of common sense.

Andrew K Fletcher


posted by Chris Gupta on Friday September 26 2003
updated on Saturday September 24 2005

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Readers' Comments

Could somebody comment or elaborate on the problem of frequent urination during night times. Almost 6 times during a span of around 8 hours. This is the condition of a male aged 43 years without any blood or urine sugar problems

Posted by: Jaikumar Laxminarayan on November 24, 2003 06:41 AM


I have a simillar problem.My prostate size seems normal. But I have to wake up atleast 3 times within 3 hours after my head hits the pillow.Then I wake up again say early at 5 am with a full bladder feeling and had to rush to void it. My PSA is okay and no stones , protein nil, Specific gravity 1.020. This is happening to me last 3 months. I am afraid , if I would ever have a peaceful sleep rest of my life . I am 50 now. may be it is call from GOD better wake up and think more of HIM.

Posted by: Joanne Pinette on April 8, 2004 03:04 AM


I have a simillar problem.My prostate size seems normal. But I have to wake up atleast 3 times within 3 hours after my head hits the pillow.Then I wake up again say early at 5 am with a full bladder feeling and had to rush to void it. My PSA is okay and no stones , protein nil, Specific gravity 1.020. This is happening to me last 3 months. I am afraid , if I would ever have a peaceful sleep rest of my life . I am 50 now. may be it is call from GOD better wake up and think more of HIM.

Posted by: Roberta on May 22, 2004 05:44 PM


Roberta - how old are you? I am only 40 and some nights have to go to the bathroom AGAIN before I have even fallen asleep. I only drink coffee in the morn and try to drink water and tea during the day. other wise we seem to have the same problem. email me?

Posted by: holly on June 1, 2004 06:20 AM


I was diganosed with diebetes insipidus 6 years ago and I am 41.

did you know that tea has caffein or do you drink decaf.

you could try not to drink past 6 or 7 and see if that helps,

or better yet avoid caffien altogether for a day or two and see what happens.


Posted by: roberta robinson on August 8, 2004 04:25 PM


I have a simillar problem.My prostate size seems normal. But I have to wake up atleast 3 times within 3 hours after my head hits the pillow.Then I wake up again say early at 5 am with a full bladder feeling and had to rush to void it. My PSA is okay and no stones , protein nil, Specific gravity 1.020. This is happening to me last 3 months. I am afraid , if I would ever have a peaceful sleep rest of my life . I am 50 now. may be it is call from GOD better wake up and think more of HIM.

Posted by: skbruning on May 10, 2006 09:46 PM


i go to the bathroom 2-4 times a day. but, my psa is .08 and the doctor says my prostate is good. i am very active in the yard and i get sex now every 3 months. because i am tired from working or not sleeping. my wife is 51 years old and i feel she understands. my sugar is 114. i drink about 1/2 gallon of water a day and i weight 149 and 5.5. my question is why do i do to the bathroom all the time>

Posted by: john a torres on May 16, 2006 11:08 PM


I have a simillar problem.My prostate size seems normal. But I have to wake up atleast 3 times within 3 hours after my head hits the pillow.Then I wake up again say early at 5 am with a full bladder feeling and had to rush to void it. My PSA is okay and no stones , protein nil, Specific gravity 1.020. This is happening to me last 3 months. I am afraid , if I would ever have a peaceful sleep rest of my life . I am 50 now. may be it is call from GOD better wake up and think more of HIM.

Posted by: Vijay on June 11, 2006 05:06 AM


a question for those that have frequent urinations without prostate problem: do you use teflon pans? It could be the culprit. See here:

Posted by: Raul Vergini,MD on November 10, 2006 05:01 PM



Posted by: DIANE on January 16, 2008 08:11 AM


New website is continually updated, containing testimonials, radio and video interviews and much more. We also have a group and page on Facebook under inclined bed therapy Kind regards Andrew

Posted by: Andrew K Fletcher on September 2, 2016 04:04 AM


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