Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
November 04, 2003

Health Choices Going Going Gone

Please forward this to all people that you know in the area.


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead

We can be those citizens.


Chris Gupta


The global pharmaceutical cartel, with the collusion of compliant governments is moving to eliminate its competition from natural health products and services all over the world. In Canada over 167 natural health products have already been surreptitiously restricted or eliminated from the marketplace by Health Canada... for your own good of course. Among these are Kava Kava, natural progesterone cream, tryptophan, lysine, DHEA, and melatonin.

In addition Health Canada effective January 1st, 2004 is classifying as "DRUGS” all 60,000 natural health products that exist is Canada. This will reduce your choices by at least 20,000 products, and increase the prices of those remaining by at least 15%! Health Canada also is conspiring to reduce the available potencies, and is now charging GST on all of our natural Health products. This has given the federal government over 200 million dollars of new revenue.


Have you ever wondered why Health Canada says there are no approved cures for cancer, heart disease or diabetes, or a host of other preventable, and curable health problems?



Come listen, learn, and discuss with our panel experts the issues and the solutions. Be sure to participate with us to create freedom of choice in Canada:

• Helke Ferrie, Moderator [health activist, journalist and publisher]
• Marilyn Nelson [President, Freedom of Choice in Health Care]
• Dr. Cass Ingram [U.S. Osteopathic physician, natural health expert]
• Trueman Tuck [President, Friends of Freedom health freedom activist and legal advocate]
• and special guest appearance by
Dr. James Lunney MP, sponsor of the federal Health Freedom Bill C-420 that recently passed second Reading in the House of Commons October 22, 2003.

to be held at: OISE Auditorium, 252 Bloor St. W. at St. George subway
Sunday, November 23, 2003, 2:00 to 6:00 pm

ADMISSION: $10.00 minimum donation

For information call Christine or Peggy Groom at 905-876-3954, or Helen at 416-490-0986


This is a Consumer Health Organization Public Meeting and Fundraiser


posted by Chris Gupta on Tuesday November 4 2003
updated on Saturday September 24 2005

URL of this article:



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Readers' Comments

Added Comment: There is a hard-hitting global drive on the part of the global pharmacartel and organized allopathic medicine to eliminate all competition and to restrict self-sufficiency by 'restricting access'. That is the essence of CODEX and WTO dictums. While this message deals with impending Canadian regs in particular, the pressure is on all governments in all countries around the globe to "harmonize" to CODEX regs. The EU of Europe already has. Government regulations are rapidly becoming "Health Prevention" rather than "Health Protection". Therefore, even though you may not be directly affected by the current Canadian situation, these regulations will also be coming to your doorstep, regardless of where you live. So please take action while you still can!
Your health is not the "property" of government or of industry. Fight for your freedom to choose and access affordable health-sustaining natural products. Let your government representatives and regulators know your position on this extremely critical matter. Your health and life is at stake!
(Note that government regs do not limit health-destroying JUNK foods. They seem to only limit the products that PROMOTE HEALTH. Ironical that they claim that we need 'protection' from the health-promoting products, while they completely ignore the corporate money-mill that produces the junk-food that undermines our health. We are indeed living in the era of government-promoted insanity!)

Posted by: Inge Hanle on November 10, 2003 07:44 PM


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

These articles are brought to you strictly for educational and informational purposes.
Be sure to consult your health practitioner of choice prior to any specific use of any of the non drug device or food based medicinal products referenced herein.



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