Cold remedies that really work.- update
Following three remedies from many, and how to administer them, will get rid of a cold/flu - I and many of my acquaintances have tried these with great success.
The key is to start at the first sign of cold or flu and then keep doing them a little after the cold has gone. It really helps to stop using sugar during this period. Also regular brushing with Hydrogen Peroxide and baking soda paste ensures you never get it in the first place.
Chris Gupta
Vitamin C
From Linus Pauling -The Last Interview
"There is no doubt now that vitamin C in large doses has value against the common cold. My recommendation is not 1 gram a day, or 2 grams a day of vitamin C but at the first sign of a cold, take a gram of vitamin C or 2 grams and then an hour later, if the symptoms still exist - if you're still sneezing, or your nose is running or feel shivery, take another 1 or 2 grams of vitamin C. Keep doing that until you forget because the symptoms have gone away and this will stop a cold in almost every person who follows the regimen."
Hydrogen Peroxide
"Curing the common cold and flu. - This works 80% of the time
In 1928 Richard Simmons, M.D. hypothisized that colds and flu virus enter through the ear canal. His findings were dismissed by the medical community. According to Dr. Simmons, contrary to what you may think or have been taught about how you catch the flu or the cold there is only one way that you can catch the two, and that's via the ear canal not through the eyes or nose or mouth as most have believed. Keeping your fingers out of your ears will greatly reduce your chances of catching them, but then again these two are microscopic and can be air-born and may land on or even in your ear. Once they have entered the inner-ear (middle-ear) there they begin their breeding process, and from there they have access to every avenue throughout our body to travel to and to infect and make us sick.
In 1938 German researchers had great success using hydrogen peroxide in dealing with colds and the flu. Their data has been ignored (maybe surppressed) for over 60 years.
For many years people, in the know, have been attacking the Influenza(s) Virus & Common Cold where they begin their breeding process and not where they have already have spread to and that's the inner-ear (middle). It IS important to begin treatment as soon as symptoms appear.
We have found remarkable results in curing the flu & cold within 12 to 14 hours when administering a few drops of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (h2o2) into each infected ear, (sometimes only one ear is infected) The h2o2 starts working within 2 to 3 minutes in killing the flu or cold; there will be some bubbling and in some cases mild stinging occurs. Wait until the bubbling & stinging subside (usually 5 to 10 min) then drain onto tissue and repeat other ear. A bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide in 3% solution is available at any drug store for a couple of dollars.
To cure the flu you'll need to repeat this process two or more times at one or two hours intervals until there is no more bubbling when putting hp in ear(s)
For experiences of others see:
More on Hydrogen Peroxide for the Cold and Flu
Finally Zinc Acetate is the most effective form of Zinc lozenges to take. Some formulations of Zinc actually make the cold worse! For more information see:
Quick Review of Published Data for Common Cold Cure
Other uses for hydrogen peroxide
Following are some responses to the above.
Thanks Owen, I suppose even better is to use baking soda (soda bicarbonate should partially convert ascorbic acid to sodium ascorbate) with 4 grams of ascorbate until comfortable...
Question what is the shelf life of these concoctions? Suppose it is best to make fresh but a ready made solution is very convenient.
Chris Gupta
At 08:17 AM 12/3/2001 -0600, you wrote:
The finer the mist the better. I use 50% ascorbic acid and 50% sodium ascorbate - in ordinary water. The issue is comfort I guess. You just want to get as much ascorbate as possible up the nasal passage, and Dr. Cathcart points out that for therapeutic use - ascorbic acid is better than the other variations because it can reduce 2 electrons per ascorbate molecule.
Dr. Cathcart's comments are in the "news" section of the vitamin C Foundation web site...
I have discovered two infallible ways to make vitamin C work against a head cold.
In Pauling's HOW TO LIVE LONGER it is mentioned that vitamin C introduced in solution up the nasal passage is 1000 times more concentrated in the sinuses than vitamin C ingested by mouth.
Using this idea I have created a vitamin C saline solution with 4 goo vitamin C. Emptied a nasal spray bottle, and refilled it with the 4 goo vitamin C/saline solution. And begun spraying the vitamin C concentrated mix up my nostrils, say every 20 minutes. Within 4 hours, symptoms are usually gone.
If the 1000 times report is accurate, then 4 goo (4000 mg) X 1000 equals 4 million "units" of vitamin C (equivalent of 4 million mg by mouth)
The second method (unnecessary if the first method is used) is to take 8 goo of vitamin C every half hour by mouth until symptoms are gone.
You are correct that the earlier these protocols are started, the quicker relief can be had.
Owen Fonorow
+ Vitamin C Cuts Cold Symptoms 85%
J Manipulative Physical Ther 1999 Oct;22(8):530-3
The effectiveness of vitamin C in preventing and relieving the symptoms of virus-induced respiratory infections.
Gorton HC, Jarvis K.
BACKGROUND: An ever increasing demand to evaluate the effect of dietary supplements on specific health conditions by use of a "significant scientific" standard has prompted the publication of this study.
OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of megadose Vitamin C in preventing and relieving cold and flu symptoms in a test group compared with a control group.
DESIGN: Prospective, controlled study of students in a technical training facility.
SUBJECTS: A total of 463 students ranging in age from 18 to 32 years made up the control group. A total of 252 students ranging in age from 18 to 30 years made up the experimental or test group.
METHOD: Investigators tracked the number of reports of cold and flu symptoms among the 1991 test population of the facility compared with the reports of like symptoms among the 1990 control population. Those in the control population reporting symptoms were treated with pain relievers and decongestants, whereas those in the test population reporting symptoms were treated with hourly doses of 1000 mg of Vitamin C for the first 6 hours and then 3 times daily thereafter. Those not reporting symptoms in the test group were also administered 1000-mg doses 3 times daily.
RESULTS: Overall, reported flu and cold symptoms in the test group decreased 85% compared with the control group after the administration of megadose Vitamin C.
CONCLUSION: Vitamin C in megadoses administered before or after the appearance of cold and flu symptoms relieved and prevented the symptoms in the test population compared with the control group.
----- Original Message -----
To: Dr. Mercola
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: Hydrogen Peroxide for Colds and Flu
Dr. Mecola, I'd like to add my experience to your article on "Hydrogen Peroxide for Colds and Flu - Cold or flu got you down? Read about simple inexpensive solutions for this common problems."
This is a very old remedy, my mother told me that, it was used in British India with great success and caused quite a racket. To debunk it, the mainstream came up with a scare tactic claiming the peroxide would drive the infection into the brain. Imagine! Well it worked and people got scared and eventually stopped using it. See: Forbidden Cures by Ken Adachi on this sort of medical history. This is highly recommended reading.
I can vouch for Wendy Fyfe's experience mentioned in your web page. For the last 2 years, I and my family have been using the commonly available 3% Hydrogen peroxide to cure the common cold and flu. Nothing is as effective! Every time we traveled to India we came down with very painful strep throat, gargling with Hydrogen peroxide always cured this in a matter of hours, however, when used in the ears it's even a bigger miracle and simply prevented these strep throat episodes! Its great for ear infections particularly in children even if the ear is slightly perforated. It is also the best ear wax cleaner, and is safe to boot, unlike less effective petroleum based, plus god knows what else, over the counter and prescription based remedies. The only things to watch out are:
1) It tastes horrible but its easy to get used to. You can dilute it with water at first if you like, however, never drink it, hence, gargling is not recommended for children
2) Don't get it in your eyes
3) don't overdo the gargling if you have mercury amalgams.
Speaking form personal experience one should never travel without it (H2O2). A convenient way to dispense it is via a small dropper bottle, this saves all the fuss and muss of a dropper.
See also:
Regarding Zinc in the above web page I should like to point out that besides sucking, the type of zinc used is also important - Zinc Acetate is the most effective form of Zinc lozenges to take. Some formulations of Zinc actually make the cold worse! For more information
Null, Limited and Adverse Effects
Most of the above was discussed in an earlier email titled "Cold Remedies that work"
Chris Gupta
posted by Chris Gupta on Thursday November 20 2003
updated on Thursday February 22 2007
URL of this article:
Readers' Comments
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: nutan on September 14, 2004 08:40 AM
What about a colloidal silver nasal spray? There is a method for making our own 3-5ppm colloidal silver located at:
Posted by: R.F. Directo on October 11, 2004 10:44 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Barb on November 21, 2004 05:24 PM
your info is awsome!
Posted by: shawn corrwin on December 1, 2004 06:24 PM
hey i think using sea weed helps a cold
Posted by: on December 30, 2004 10:49 PM
good info
Posted by: tarun on January 6, 2005 02:06 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Steve on January 13, 2005 04:03 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Nelthon on January 14, 2005 11:17 PM
I have found that eating orange peels is one of the best ways to rid yourself of a cold..It works.
Posted by: bw on January 15, 2005 07:31 PM
Our home is never without a good quality colloidal silver. And I also make sure that my grandmother has it at her assisted living center. They use it there to treat her urinary tract infections. I just used it last week to cure my 13 year olds strep throat. And when my brother had his finger almost severed off last year at work, i used it to clear up a nasty infection on that finger. i am very fussy about the brand of colloidal I use, as all of them are not made the same.
Posted by: LYNN on January 27, 2005 12:44 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: stan on February 18, 2005 07:05 PM
zicam, zicam, ZICAM! but I dont practice what i preach im sitting here with a deathly cold, and Im feel too bad to go to the store. but anyway folks, ZICAM WORKS
Posted by: yeah on February 24, 2005 08:28 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: SAhArA on March 1, 2005 01:24 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: randi on March 6, 2005 12:12 AM
I was amazed by the effective works of colloidal silver on me. I have suffered bronchitis for almost 2 months! My fiance intoduced me this stuff and after taking cs for 5 days my bronchitis gone! Now Im still taking it as my supplement daily.
Posted by: LEAH on March 11, 2005 10:12 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Angela on April 4, 2005 02:33 PM
Hi, I have gotten the flu about 3 times for the year already and I caught it again. If you can recommend something to build up my resistance and to rid me of this cold, I would appreciate it so much. Im dying here!!
Thanks alot.
Posted by: Kelly on April 5, 2005 12:42 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Eric on April 23, 2005 07:23 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: fring on April 24, 2005 11:45 PM
I have read all the statements here on hydrogen peroxide. My family consists of seven of us (2-39). We have all been diagnosed with strep and treated but still having headaches, lethargy, swollen lymph nodes, swelling in legs, feet and hand ETC. Please someone tell me how to treat my family. Ages 2, 6, 8, 10, 13, 34 and 39.
Posted by: Melisa Mcconnell on May 13, 2005 05:39 AM
I have just had a cold for a couple of days now but I am really stopped up. I just discovered this web site last night and since have taken at least 6,000 mg. of Vit. C today. If I continue to take it in mega doses will it still help me since my cold has already set it, and also would the H2O2 work at this point?
Posted by: Heather on May 26, 2005 01:17 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Tracy on July 18, 2005 09:58 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Earl on July 19, 2005 11:54 PM
Every morning-day my nose is stopped up and have dark circles around my eyes, my doctor said that if I would get rid of my Allergies then i would not have dark circles,,I am tired of not being able to breathe and usually its only one nostril at a time, and sometimes both.. What could i do to get rid of my allergies???
Posted by: Ryan on August 3, 2005 12:53 PM
I feel like colds are somewhat unavoidable. When I get the scratchy throat and sneeze CONSTANTLY, I go straight to bed. But check it, what if by going to bed I could kill two birds with one stone?! Orgasms can actually raise the antibody levels in your immune system. Click on my name to see the article about it at associated content. And if consequently, your partner catches the cold, I would suggest prescribing the same for him/her. Amazing!
Posted by: Fior on August 4, 2005 11:42 AM
All I can say is THANKS! The information about hydrogen peroxide that I found on this page nearly a year ago has really helped me... especially during a 7-month trip I took to South America. I was only sick with a cold once and had no flus, even though I was constantly in contact with people who often had one or the other. Thanks so much and keep up the good work!
Posted by: Jamie on August 4, 2005 01:41 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Cameron on August 5, 2005 09:17 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: on August 7, 2005 07:17 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Chris Gupta on August 7, 2005 08:23 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Nobody on August 9, 2005 02:20 AM
I have recently had trouble breathing, and my chest feels tight. I have post nasal drip as well, what should I do?
Posted by: nobody on August 26, 2005 12:23 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: nobody's friend.-pg on August 27, 2005 11:50 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Hans on August 29, 2005 01:48 AM
Colloidal silver was a life- saver for me. I was diagnosed after several months of diarrhea and cold/flu symptoms as having Giardia (which destroys your immune system). This was found on a repeat stool test. Flagyl, herbs, etc. did nothing and I kept losing weight and having severe symptoms. Finally tried the CS, and within a week, the diarrhea stopped completely. Of course, a good diet (no sugar/starch) was helpful, too, but not enough for me. I did not know about the hydrogen peroxide then, but have had no more problems since taking the course of CS.
Posted by: on September 4, 2005 05:20 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Brandon on September 25, 2005 03:25 PM
My Grandpa Told Me (Im 13) That Using Dristan Can Form Into An Addiction QUite Quickly Is THis True?
Posted by: Brandon on September 25, 2005 03:42 PM
I have new interest in Hydrogen Peroxide, though have somehow always believed in its ability to heal. I have used it topically and have marveled at the bubbles.
It has been so long since ive had a cold, Im not even sure anymore... 6 or 7 years now. And I used to get them all the time. I have this weird feeling that it has been eating sushi, maybe the seaweed or the raw fish combination. Plus I cant remember the last time I took antibiotics.
Posted by: xeta on September 26, 2005 12:11 PM
i have a super bad cold and strep throat...any suggestios on a remedie...ill try anything at this point...
Posted by: annie on September 26, 2005 10:23 PM
Annie go to my website and I can share some information on a natural dietary supplement that I take daily to combat colds, the flu and other infectious microbes that maybe in my body.
It even helped me treat an abcessed tooth I had about 3 months ago. I have had no problems with the tooth since.
Clicking on my name will take you too my website ! You can contact me directly from there.
All the best
Bruce :-)
Posted by: Bruce on September 27, 2005 03:56 AM
Lemons help colds and flu....they taste nasty...burn, but eventually eases congestion and the vitamens help too
Posted by: Vincent on September 29, 2005 07:20 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Brenda on October 1, 2005 06:42 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Ornery on October 11, 2005 12:09 PM
Using the North pole of a magnet can assist in getting over a cold. Albert Roy Davis discovered that North and South pole energy are two different magnetic energies with opposite effects. The North pole can eliminate infections, whereas the South pole would worsen them. The magnet should be a minimum of 1000 gauss and should be placed over the infected site, anywhere from 30 minutes twice a day to 8-12 hours a day. The larger and more powerful the magnet is, the less time it needs to be applied.
Posted by: Jeff on October 19, 2005 02:00 PM
A mixture of 2 lemons - skin and all, sliced and simmered in 1 cup of water and then adding 3 whole garlics and simmering for another 5 minutes has a natural antibiotic result. After cooked, blend in a blender and take 1 TBSP a day (keep in the fridge).
Posted by: jennifer on November 6, 2005 08:36 AM
sounds like melisas family has elephantiasis... did you recently get back from africa? perhaps you should take some antibitotics ... there is a certain one for elephantiasis but I forgot the name
Posted by: Barley on November 10, 2005 11:45 PM
At the first sign of a cold soak 35 mins. in a warm bath with 2 cups of baking soda. It will raise your ph to very alkaline. If you already have a cold use the whole box. Your cold should be gone by morning.
Posted by: Kay on November 23, 2005 07:21 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: on November 26, 2005 03:58 PM
Sorry....the hydrogene peroxide was not an effectice treatment...I am now worse off today than I was yesterday!!!
Posted by: Carl McArn on November 30, 2005 01:33 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Bob on November 30, 2005 08:22 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Sarah on December 1, 2005 09:00 PM
In response to the posting about the antibiotics helping the cold. I'm sure that at least one doctor has told everyone reading these postings that antibiotics have no affect on viruses. The cold (a virus) can only be fought by our bodies. You can only treat symptoms of the cold. The better prepared your body is for the cold the shorter, less severe it will be. The fact is promoting your immune system, and preventing your body from contracting the virus at all is the only effective solution. Not to mention every year the cold virus mutates and adapts to whatever you have to throw at it. But I know this is all common sense to most of you.
Posted by: Zach on December 1, 2005 10:57 PM
my little sister is 2, & i was wondering how to make or help the coup in her throte go away? if u could please emai lme backwith some info. that would be a blesing, thanks!
Posted by: jasmin on December 10, 2005 07:45 PM
my little sister is 2, & i was wondering how to make or help the coup in her throte go away? if u could please emai lme backwith some info. that would be a blesing, thanks!
Posted by: jasmin on December 10, 2005 07:46 PM
I got a nasty cold 2 days ago, and stayed home all day Sunday. I pampered myself, gargled with water and two drops of tea tree oil (fantastic antibacterial oil from Australia, clears up lots of infections) the other thing I did was drink lots of mint tea, and ate home made chicken soup. The second day I used eucalyptus oil and Olbas oil to rub on my chest and neck.
Tea tree oil can be bought at any health food or supplement store and some pharmacies.
I took copious amounts of Vitamin C chewables, and rested and slept whenever I was tired.
It is Tuesday and I am nearly better. I used to have colds for days and then it would go into my chest and I would cough for weeks!
Posted by: Carol on December 13, 2005 04:13 PM
I have also seen a recent TRUE study that says that even though ecinacea is an effective anti-oxidant, it does NOT promote alleviation of a cold. So pick your battle on that.
Posted by: Fast weight loss on December 14, 2005 01:04 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: CANADIAN on December 15, 2005 02:56 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Ken Zdrodowski on December 16, 2005 07:19 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Edward on December 20, 2005 04:55 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Messenger on December 25, 2005 04:09 AM
I recomend Urine fast with water for all of above,two days,works every time
Posted by: Jim on December 25, 2005 11:27 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Anon on December 30, 2005 03:33 PM
Hello everyone,
I am suffering with the most aggressive and long-lasting cold or infection (or both) I have ever had in my life. I need help. I am on antibiotics, as I have had this nasty thing for about 2 weeks. I got it staying up extemely late working for several nights in a row and got overtired. My 5 year old still has a cough after 3 months (almost gone I hope after many bottles of guifenesen) and my 7 year old still has green mucous in the nose after about 2 1/2 months. The symtoms are that this is very clingy to the inside of the nose and almost impossible to blow or wash out with warm saline solution. I have done this many times with little result. I can usually kick a cold or infection this way. Additionally my nose is constantly dripping and is completely stuffy. I am on 3 times the recommended dose of sudephrine and still not dried up. Afrin helps somewhat, only if used constantly. Am using guifenesen too, but nose still not able to blow or wash mucous out. Pharmacist said I sounded like his wife who went to the hospital with similar symtoms. Is this particular horrible cold unique to Austin or is anyone else getting it? Has anyone successfully shortened the duration of this? Remedies? My doctor said I needed to push water and clear out sinuses from mucous. I seem to be unable to do this. After reading above, I am tempted to try hydrogen peroxide in nose! Help!!
Posted by: Lisa on December 31, 2005 11:25 PM
Hydrogen Peroxide in the nose is very irritating. If you can get a nebulizer then breathing in colloidal silver directly into the lungs might help. Also breathing in steam water with some alcohol (Vodka)should help. Keep away form sugar and take Vitamin C every hour even when the you feel fine to prevent a reoccurrence.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on January 1, 2006 12:59 PM
Thanks. I stopped the afrin, and dripping went away. Started on benadryl at night, and take long steamy showers and use neti pot. Seems to be helping, but not over this yet. Feeling very tired still all the time.
Posted by: Lisa on January 3, 2006 10:48 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Tracey Haley on January 3, 2006 02:05 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Tracey Haley on January 3, 2006 04:15 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: cheron on January 4, 2006 02:37 PM
For all that suffer from sinus problems: dump the dairy and your sinus problems will go away. Sinus problems plagued me for years until I discovered Once I gave up the dairy (milk, cheese, butter, icecream, pizza, etc.) no more problems. Got milk? Got sinus problems! Drink water. Apple juice goes great with cerial! Try it and see! My ENT doctor hates he was going to do surgury! Been over 10 years since he got any money out of me.
Posted by: on January 5, 2006 02:01 AM
Correction: that was not webhealthmd.
Posted by: cheron on January 7, 2006 07:34 AM
my wife has me eat orange slices from her toes, seems to work for sore throat
Posted by: sam on January 8, 2006 08:45 AM
I tried the Hydrogen Peroxide. Did exactly as told above in article. It seemed okay at first, but nothing really happened after an hour. Then two hours. Then three hours. Now, it is nearly 24 hours later and I am even worse. My ears hurt. Now i have a high fever and i didnt have any kind of fever before (i have had this cold for a week now). In fact, i was feeling much better the day before. Now, thanks, i have an ear infection along with a sinus infection...
Posted by: sarah on January 10, 2006 06:36 PM
Tommy Tummyache Likes butter!!!
Posted by: tim on January 10, 2006 06:37 PM
my ears are blocked but i am still hearing, even thou sometimes it seems as if i am not hearing properly. i also has clicking sounds. what is the best natural or herbal remedies for such prob?
Posted by: winsome allen on January 12, 2006 08:07 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: abigail on January 13, 2006 09:38 PM
Hydrogen Peroxide worked so well on me. Within hours of the same day, my symptoms were relieved. The next day, i was over my cold. Just recently, my ears felt really clogged up. i believed the culprit was earwax. And it was! I put the hydrogen peroxide in again, waiting 10 mninutes in each ear... bubble bubble pop pop fizzle fizzle... Then i drained the peroxide on a tissue. I was amazed at what i saw! The hydrogen peroxide turned yellow with wax pieces mixed through. There was even a chunk of earwax that came out
Posted by: susan on January 18, 2006 11:48 PM
hello everyone.. ive had a stuffed up nose and sore throat for the past days... and it feels like there is a thick layer of mucus on the roof of my mouth. im tired, and my throat is scratchy and uncomfortable.
PLEASE HELP! i need the best remedy.
Posted by: tara [PLEASE HELP!!!] on January 19, 2006 11:40 AM
HELLO!! Tara I sympothis with you I just got this cold yesterday its not HORRIBLE in terms of soar throat and sneezing just very uncomfortable and my eyes are watering ALOT to the point were my husband asked me if I was crying in bed last night... Now I have been taking ALOT of Vit. C since the symptoms started and I tried the hydrogen peroxide thing a few minutes ago I put it in my ears until the pop and fiz slowed down... my question is - If I just do it in my ears should it clear up my scratchy throat too? And I left it in for only about 2 minutes should I have left it in longer than that?
Posted by: Hengel on January 19, 2006 01:38 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: mike on January 20, 2006 01:50 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Joanne on January 21, 2006 08:32 PM
Posted by: susan on January 22, 2006 02:06 AM
Sarah, Did you drain your ears completely and maybe you needed to repeat several times. What I have found good for earaches is to hold a blow drier about 12 inches away and let it blow hot air into the ear for several seconds. Repeat this thru out the day. My friend did this the week she was getting married and was grateful for the results.
Posted by: on January 24, 2006 12:34 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: D.T. on January 26, 2006 12:38 PM
Does anyone know if Valtrex will help prevent cold and flu viruses? Have been on it for about a month and have not caught the colds that my family has had.
Posted by: janet on January 28, 2006 10:11 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Amy on January 28, 2006 01:35 PM
Does anyone know how to get rid of the flu. I had it for 5 months and every docter kept on saying "It has to do its process, wait till it goes away".
Posted by: Emma on February 4, 2006 10:41 AM
Vit. C, and spicey soup. The spicer the better.
Posted by: Jay on February 4, 2006 05:21 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Alison on February 8, 2006 07:39 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Emma on February 8, 2006 07:41 PM
Dear god, Emma!
Stop accepting what the doctors say and go to the emergency room.
Tell them that you will not take it anymore because if you have had something for that long, i dont really think its something as simple as the flu. At least they could run tests on you and see whats really happening.
Or, if you decide not to go through the "trouble" you need to go to another doctor. and if the doctor says this again, you complain to him/her. You tell them that you are the patient and you want to get better already.
I cant give anymore remedies for something that serious. All i know is that if doctors keep on telling you this, then you need to crack down on what is going on yourself.
Remember, its your health and well being, not anyone elses.
Posted by: susan on February 11, 2006 03:14 AM
I hear all the talk about mega-doses of vitamin C, but not the dangers in taking such high doses. I know that high doses all at once cause diaheara at the least. Vitamin C stays in your system a min. of 2 hours b4 it is flushed out, but high doeses all at once is dangerous. A time-released form of vit. C is best.
Posted by: jdzieds on February 13, 2006 09:53 PM
- Canada
Posted by: Booyah on February 20, 2006 12:32 PM
I have this theory about the common cold. You can call it a virus or what ever. I think that the body goes through a cleansing process 2 times a year. The people that get a lot of vigorus exercise seems to keep their lymph system moving and clean and those that live sedentry lives the body goes into what I call a melt down through the imune system. I have found it to be to my benefit to do a 10 day cleanse a couple of times a year. I have also found out that to have the diarhea is a quicker way of get the gunk cleaned out of the system,drink lots of fluids. If I feel a cold coming on I do the hydrogen proxide thing in the ears 4 times that day and if I feel a sore throat coming on at the same time I start taking licorice root extract and it pretty well does away with the sore throat feeling and any cough that maybe starting.
Posted by: Denis McRae on February 20, 2006 10:19 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: SP on February 22, 2006 03:23 AM
Dr. Williams discovered B5 and wrote books. The most common statement in one was "This helps some people."
Posted by: Mark Schindler on February 23, 2006 05:17 AM
I have tried Airborne at different times, before airplane flight, when first symptoms of cold appear, and after I had a cold..none of which helped or saw any change..
I thought it resembled Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold tablets, and I will stick to the latter..proving they helped me each and every time I had a cold..shortening the time of uncomfortable symptoms.
This is what I recommend anyone trying.
Posted by: Joan Buttiglieri on February 27, 2006 08:36 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Leana on March 3, 2006 09:20 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Hugh on March 5, 2006 12:08 AM
For the past three weeks, I have been trying several remedies to allieviate a sinus headache that I have had four about five years(on and off). I have been using a tincture of garlic once a day, and a tincture of golden seal/echinecea once a day. I actually have been feeling better, until last night, when I thought my head was going to explode. I realize that I have allergies, and probably have some hormone garbage that I am dealing with. But this morning I decided to try peroxide in my ear(amazing so far). I have some relief. Does anyone have any suggestion for getting your hormones in balance?
Posted by: lynette on March 5, 2006 11:52 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Brandy on March 6, 2006 02:15 PM
i have a cold wher i feal like my head is about to expload if i tack a pill then it is ok my my nose feals like it is on fire when i breath iin i never hade a cold this bad it has lassted for like 3 month it get a little better then it get worse agin so iv been looking every where asking everyone and trying everythiong to get rid of it what can i do ?
Posted by: on March 7, 2006 11:46 AM
I really enjoyed your website. I logged on when looking for a cold/flu remedy. I was into the second day of being sick and I tried the hydrogen peroxide. I think I noticed a marking difference within 12 hours. One of the girls at work was starting with the same symptoms and I told her about "the cure", she applied it and did not come down with the cold. I also enjoyed reading some of the other articles. Thank you.
Posted by: Susan Sherban on March 9, 2006 12:25 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: SAM on March 15, 2006 12:16 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Dennis Peters on March 15, 2006 11:34 AM
Well, i posted something here in december, no one responded but i will try again! last time i had the terrible flu. this time its creeping in i can tell. the worse part is though is this awful excrutiating sore throat. my whole neck is in pain. ibuprofen, tylenol do absolutely nothing. i think its from post nasal drip, any how i can tell this is comming on again. so i noticed there are not much suggestions on here for sore throats. help me i cannot swallow without crying!
Posted by: Sarah on March 16, 2006 09:06 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: tom on March 17, 2006 04:02 AM
I have tried this solution many times and it has helped me tremndously.. Especially when I knwo I am going out drinking or staying up late almost 99% of the time I get SICK with something. I even had to have my tonsils removed at 4 years old. What I have found to be beyond benifcial is this:
I take garlic, vit C, echanacia, and zinc. I take it three times a day 3 of each vita.. It has saved me so many times I cannot tell you. Main thing to do is SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP. The problem I find when you get sick is that its hard to fall asleep. Put on a movie drink lots of water and if you have a soar throat try cayenne pepper, lemon juice, and some honey added to it.. Gargle it or swallow it.. You can feel it burning away the virus in its track.. I think all these things compilied with confidence you are going to get better and WALLA you doo... Dont exert yourself.. Take it easy drink water and relax.. All you can do is ride it out as every body is different regardless of any remedy.. No such thing as bulletproof just suggestions based on trial and error.. Good night and good luck..
Posted by: morgan on March 19, 2006 03:17 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Janie on March 28, 2006 01:18 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: deka on March 29, 2006 10:35 AM
ive had a cold for three days and its only getting worse. im sort of scared to try the hydrogen peroxide in the ear thing, but ive read so much positive feedback on it i feel like i HAVE to try it...
i have a paper due tomorrow and i cant be sick anymore!!
Posted by: hibs on April 6, 2006 09:37 PM
how do you help stmptoms aftr your cold has kicked in already?
Posted by: vanessa on April 17, 2006 10:11 PM
Beware of using hydrogen peroxide in your ears if you are prone to skin irritation or allergies. As a child I used peroxide in my ears everytime they began to hurt and inturn I sufferred the most painful ear infections ever! The peroxide irritated the lining inside of my ear and increased the amount of pain! I now use a small drop of warmed sweet oil in each ear and it seems to work better. Instead of drying up excess water from the eardrum, it coats the ear canal so water can drain and evaporate more naturally.
Posted by: Jenn on April 28, 2006 11:40 AM
Yes excessive use of hydrogen peroxide can dry out the lining in some. Mixing a little oil with it should be a good idea for people with sensitive skin/lining.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on April 28, 2006 10:35 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Cynthia on May 13, 2006 10:37 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: on May 14, 2006 10:37 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Amy on May 19, 2006 01:56 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: DeDe on May 30, 2006 09:32 AM
The story with Colloidial Silver is this: before penecillin was discovered, silver was the primary anti-bacterial, antibiotic used worldwide, for centuries. How quickly we forget!
Scientists used to put a silver coin in a perti dish to sterilize it for experiments. Silver dust was put onto wounds on the battlefield.
It is the one metal you can ingest in large quantities with no harmful side-effects - but only a little is needed for benefits. The key is, getting the kind that is 100 ppm (parts per million) and not 10 ppm.
Posted by: david Silver on June 13, 2006 03:03 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Tracey Haley KC MO on June 15, 2006 08:50 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Tracey Haley KC MO on June 15, 2006 09:05 PM
Does sneezing make your heart stop for a minute period of time?
Posted by: ali on June 17, 2006 04:13 AM
holy ****
Posted by: joe on June 17, 2006 04:57 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Deb on June 25, 2006 10:08 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Shareen on July 4, 2006 08:48 AM
Try Zicam at the first sign of illness. It works for me along with drinking plenty of fluids like water and gatorade. Stay away from coffee and milk.
Posted by: Sara on September 6, 2006 10:38 PM
colds are often allergies or related to systemic candida. Dairy wheat etc are often causes. And SUGAR. I know this stuff intellectually (having studied) AND form having had problems myself that took years to cure. I make an infusion from oregano and thyme, a tea I drink and tea of pau d arco a Brazilian rainforest herb. They both kill bacteria and viruses. I also sometimes use citrus seed extract and Never should dairy be eaten that isnt fermented into yogurt or better yet kefir to replace the friendly intestinal bacteria. Its all about finding ecological balance. Just because your culture/family/friends are eating tons of sugar/meat/etc doesnt mean your body can tolerate it so there is no standard. Use your own powers of observationd and tune in to your own body
Posted by: Catherine Allen on September 20, 2006 02:45 PM
howcome most of the ppl say they will try and then post their results but they dont?? geez some of us are chikn ya know...i take vit C the chewables 500mg 1 @ 3 x a day cant take more cus it gives me heartburn...tons of water and thats it and i still get sick....and it still lasts about a week...always finishing off with blocked ears...or a cheast infection(i have asthma) scared to try the HP in my ears too.
Posted by: wiener on September 23, 2006 11:52 AM
nice site,,,thanks guys
on a short note cold takes 3 days to finish,nothing can cure just symptoms would subsidise with proper REST AND TAKE STEAM WITH VICKS.REST AND REPEAT TO MAX TWICE FOR A DAY.I have tried it and have severe allergies problem.
hyd peroxide made me worse.
gargle with salt and water.
try taking half a teaspoon of turmeric in a cup of milk.
try black tea with ginger .it will make congestion better and help u soothe sore throat.
Posted by: luvleen on October 10, 2006 02:43 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: tammie on November 6, 2006 02:26 AM
Lysine inhibits viral replication therefore add it to your drinks(level tspn) along with vitamin C ( 1 gram to each drink). Do not eat nuts since nuts contain ARGININE which makes viruses grow vigorusly. Lysine will inhibit herpes infections too !!!
Good fresh fruit and vegetablesfood and pleanty of it.; Hots drinks and pleanty of them.
Long,hot steamy baths and hotter is better with a small red wine drink to relax the tense muscles.
Then go to bed with many blankets to raise the body temperature since, higher body temperatures can minimise viral growth.
Stay in bed and keep warm and moist for many days to maximise rest. And remember viruses have a double replication cycle and just when you think you are getting over the virus it will hit you again; usually at the beginning of the 2nd week. So,stay home in bed and stay away from other people otherwise you will give them your virus infection and when it replicates it will take a new form and it come back and will knock the
Posted by: Jerry on December 18, 2006 04:10 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Olivia on December 19, 2006 01:31 PM
P.S. I have never heard of using the peroxide for colds and such, my mom had always stuck it in my ears for wax build up though. I might just try it for this cold.
Posted by: olivia on December 19, 2006 02:23 PM
yesterday afternoon started with a scratchy throat. this morning i started coldeze every 2 hours also tylenol head congestion. And also wal tussin. will let ya know how it all worked
Posted by: darryl on December 20, 2006 09:51 PM
Barb, Colloidal silver works! It is not a cureall. It has to physically touch the bacteria or virus for at least 30 seconds. This is why it will kill a stomach virus but not a virus in your blood stream. And 3 to 5 ppm is not enough. You need at least 10 ppm or more depending. Properly prepared silver has particals small enough to pass through the body. Silver is toxic if it stays in the body.
Big brother has stopped the use of silver only because of the way people abused the useage.
I have been using it successfully for years for contact infections without any problems.
Hydrogen peroxide is wonderful for other remedies.
Posted by: John on December 31, 2006 09:17 AM
Here is another good source of pure, concentrated DMSO:
Posted by: jim on January 15, 2007 01:05 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: ed on January 18, 2007 11:13 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Gwen on January 21, 2007 07:48 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Sarah on January 27, 2007 09:11 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Christopher on February 12, 2007 04:36 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Christodoulos on February 13, 2007 02:58 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Kei on March 24, 2007 12:04 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Derick on April 21, 2007 02:58 AM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: sachin naik on May 2, 2007 11:36 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Rob on May 29, 2007 10:48 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: CH on September 7, 2007 08:13 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Charlotte on October 4, 2007 03:05 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: Michael Smith on October 28, 2007 01:55 PM
if you can pls help me out..i have a commoncold from a long time and cold keeps comming back evry 15 days or more...this affects on my work and physique.
if u can pls help me to cure
sachin naik
Posted by: NITA LYNNE on November 7, 2007 02:24 PM
I have used a pinch baking soda in a 1/4 cup of water to
treat colds. I dip a cotton ball in the mixature and sniff
it up my nostrial and then
dip lettice in the solution and chew it. This procedure
should give the result in a couple of hours. The science of this procedure is simple the baking soda raises the Ph past 7.
Posted by: Earle K Ferguson on November 19, 2007 04:19 PM
I found this site a couple years ago and I've tried the hydrogen peroxide in the ears several times. It works great IF you do this every 3-4 hours until it quits bubbling. It has definitely helped keep the cold to a minimum when I'm not so good about doing this as many times a day (which for me is typical).
I also tried the whey protein and OJ mix to kick the cold when I'm in the midst of it. It did help and I've felt better the next day both times I've tried this.
Either way, compared to Xicam, HP and the whey were less expensive and much more effective. I actually got sicker with Xicam one time because I missed two doses. I still feel better with hydrogen peroxide even if I miss.
Posted by: Ann on December 9, 2007 08:45 AM
Its not a cure or a preventative but a just an easy immune/antioxidant booster for when the cold is really set.
Method, I eat lots of Kiwi fruit (super packed with Vit C), drink lots of water and throw in a few of a special spicy drink.
Actually the drink is not that special its just hot water, huge dose of cayenne sauce (tabasco or similar), a smidge of vodka and a dose of lemon/kiwi juice.
Try also eating or putting in a lemon drink 100 pure LOCAL natural honey, being locally produced is the key, the science behind that is too much to explain in a short mail.
Posted by: JC on December 15, 2007 09:02 AM
It's day three of my cold and my fever finally broke and I feel a lot better. Yesterday I bought Tylenol Cold Multi-symptom severe (day), Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Liquid Gels (day), and Echinacea vitamins. The tylenol and alka-seltzer tabs are pretty much the same thing. You just cant take them at the same time because they both have acetaminophen and you can overdose. Last night I took the vitamins, alka-seltzer, 1500 of vitamin C, and some benadryl to relieve my sinuses and help me sleep. It made a difference and I hope the sniffles and congestion go away soon. Good luck. I hope I helped.
Posted by: Julie on February 4, 2008 11:49 AM
Googled this article because my head felt like it was ready to explode. Took about 5mins to make an 8:1 vitamin C:water solution, dropped that into a nasal spray bottle and up the nose it went! I also used some of the left over on q-tips to swab the inside of my ears. It's been about 5minutes now since apply up my nose and I don't think I've EVER had such clear passage ways. Miracle really. I'm also just about to drop some h2o2 in my ears to secure my health for sure. Thanks a bunch guys!
Posted by: Tanner on February 15, 2008 06:40 PM
H202 worked wonders on me. This morning I woke up with a very bad sore throat and a blocked nose.. so I first gargled with Hydrogen Peroxide and then put a drop or two in each of my ears. Within minutes my nose was completely unblocked and now I can breath easily. My throat feels much better too.
Posted by: anna on March 22, 2008 07:52 AM
go to the doctors you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: JIM on May 5, 2008 12:10 PM
Does anybody know where I can find references for the 'Dr. Simmons' and German researchers mentioned here?
Thank you so much!
Posted by: rogerdpack on July 28, 2008 12:41 AM
Whatta crock, and Simmons and the researchers are imaginary.
That may or may not be who cares. The fact is that it works like gang busters especially when used correctly. It works because the eustation tube from the ear is a clever way to access pathogens in throat area. If done early on, it virtually stops the infection in its steps. This is very old and is still used by many in the know. - Chris Gupta
Posted by: Mike on December 16, 2008 01:11 AM
The common cold is a result of a virus, therefore, antibiotics do not help. They are used to treat bacterial infections. So no, H202 does not help either, while it IS an effective ear wax remover. Vitamin C does help improve immune system function, however, taking "Megadoses" will not achieve an immediate or powerful effect. Many of the other ideas mentioned are just plain garbage. The best thing for a cold is to eat normally, drink fluids, and take decongestant and sinus OTC treatments that will relieve the symptoms.
The fact is it works. See response to Mike above. Many have literally stopped getting colds once they were introduced to H2O2.
Chris Gupta
Posted by: Nicholas on December 17, 2008 03:33 PM
There is one cold remedy that works 100 percent of the time and is good for your entire life.
Stupidity reigns supreme.
Posted by: Bob Brown on January 25, 2009 10:11 AM
hi my name is shaniqua.i have a really bad cold and a headache.i would like to know what can i take to get rid of this cold.
Posted by: shaniqua on February 18, 2009 10:18 AM
Here is how to rid your cold using Peroxide. This is best used with the dropper bottles that hold and squirt stuff. You'll need the 3 PURE peroxide. No stabilizers or you'll get sick
1) First, spray sparely into both ears.
2) If you have nasal problems, spray up your nose too
3) Gargle with some peroxide
4) Include a few drops of Peroxide in your water
It's that simple!
Posted by: Anon on September 12, 2009 11:59 AM
I agree with Chris Gupta. I haven't gotten a cold since I started using hydrogen peroxide in a preventative maintenance routine. I watch everyone around me that won't believe me get sick multiple times per year while I don't. (And then they still don't believe me. They've been thoroughly brainwashed by the pharmaceutical corporations via the media corporations.) Because they won't help themselves, their infection tries to spread to me, but the infection never takes root and I never get sick. (Even when they are extremely sick, hacking and coughing around me.) People that frequently get stuck in close proximity with sick people should be very interested in this information. Teachers, bus drivers, flight attendants, etc.
I posted my routine on this site:
Super Cure for the Common Cold!
Do these things every day, or as often as you can:
1. Mouth/Throat: Use 3-percent hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash at least once a day, and gargle with it. This prevents the cold infection from getting to your throat. If you already have a sore throat, this will clear it pretty quickly. Just gargle frequently for a day and it should go away, depending on the severity of the infection.
2. Ear Canals: Use 3-percent hydrogen peroxide on a Q-tip in your ears every day, typically after a shower. This prevents the cold infection from getting into your ear canals. During the first applications there might be a lot of fizzing, but after further applications you will notice that there is nothing in your ears to kill anymore.
Thanks for the validation, I actually cured my strep throat while travelling in India. It was so bad that I could not speak, eat and was spitting blood every time I coughed. Fortunately I carried a bottle of 3% Peroxide with me and after much suffering stared to gargle at full strength every 10 minutes - unbelievably all pain was gone in an hour and I could speak and eat again. I kept gargling every hour for rest of the day which pretty much took care of the strep throat for good. A few days later it seemed I was going to relapse but out came peroxide and no more strep throat leaving me alone to enjoy rest of my trip!
Incidentally if you are going to use peroxide in your ears regularly then mixing a few drops of olive with it prevents the ear canal and drum from becoming too dry.
Chris Gupta
Posted by: Anonymous on September 22, 2009 01:53 PM
My mom used to rinse my ears with HP. Another old-remedy my dad told me about is Merthiolate (The very dreaded thimerasol) which is the mercury based antifungal and antiviral... it is used in Latinamerican countries to treat cuts and infected wounds. When my dad was younger, he used to suffer from constant colds, until one day and old friend of the family (Doctor) told him to gargle with Merthilate, which would cauterize the tonsils... he hardly had a cold since...
I don't know if I'm daring enough to do the merthilate, but I'm surely going to do the HP right now, since I'm having a pretty bad cold right now!
Thanks for all the info posted!
Posted by: Michelle on November 3, 2009 12:16 PM
i have severe cold and nose sense of smell since 1 week...i get cold very often...have to use the nasal drops 2-3 times a day....i find it difficult at my workplace too....vitamin c does not work for me(oranges,lemon causes immediate cold)...please help me out...
Posted by: charlotte saldanha. on December 11, 2009 08:40 PM
Hey. I have a sore throat and nose inflammation. I really want it to go because I hate going to school with colds... I'm also going through puberty so I've got more than enough to deal with.I've been taking Aspro Clear and I don't know what to take without some other medicine affecting my aspro tablets. Can someone help me?
Posted by: Kanigus "I HATE COLDS" on August 21, 2010 08:46 PM
H2O2 seems to be wonderful stuff. I've just started trying it for various uses and am optimistic about stopping a cold.
I noticed a head cold starting today, and I recently heard about the H2O2 attempt, so I have just started this preventative approach.
Some people complained that it didn't work, or it even made things worse, but in those cases, the sufferers didn't start at the early signs of their rhino-virus attack, which is a very important factor.
I put a 3-percent solution in my ears this afternoon but only left it in for a couple of minutes because the bubbling (and slight stinging in one ear) was too bothersome. There was no positive effect. Then I checked the web for more info and found out that I needed to leave it until the bubbling stopped.
I did the application properly about 1-and-a-half hours ago, and I have to say that it seems to work. My sinuses have mostly cleared and all other symptoms seem better, but that may be a placebo affect or just a natural pause of symptoms. I'll refill my ears again in about an hour and see what happens.
I'll re-post tomorrow after a sleep and let you know how it goes.
Posted by: Andy on December 22, 2010 07:30 AM
As promised, I'm here to report my experience with H2O2 treatment in the ears for cold/flu.
I began as stated in the previous post and put the hydrogen peroxide in my ears a second time. After that, I went to bed and woke up a few hours later, noticing that my left ear was blocked. Here I must mention that I suffer from an excessive amount of ear wax build up and need to have me ears cleaned (flushed) every year or two. I have stopped going to the doctor for this and use a bulb syringe for the job instead. So, I flushed my ears, and sure enough a considerable amount of dark wax came out of the blocked ear. I treated my ears again with H2O2 and went back to sleep.
The next day, I had cold/flu symptoms, but not as bad as usual for that stage of a cold. One thing to mention is that my left ear (the one that was blocked) was bothering me little, and when I put the H2O2 in it, there was no fizzing, so I stopped at that point. During the day, I didn't feel very well, but I really think the symptoms weren't as bad as they would usually be. About 8 hours later that day, I put some more H2O2 in my ears. There was no bubbling in the left ear, but the right ear was still quite active. Finally, before gong to bed last night, I put some more in my right ear only, and again it bubbled for a long time. This morning I woke, and my symptoms are very slight, so it appears that the hydrogen peroxide approach has some merit. If the symptoms continue to subside and it doesn't go into my chest to stay there for another week or so(as colds always do with me) I'll consider this remedy successful. (BTW my left ear is also fine (and clean) today
Posted by: Andy on December 23, 2010 10:12 PM
I gave this a try not that long ago.
There where are a number of errors in this video.
1) The infection does not necessarily come from the ears. The ear is simply an access route to get to the site of infections via the Eustachian tubes to the throat. This way you are getting right to the site of the infection.
2) This only works if you catch the infection before it has a chance to spread (first sign of cold - which can be different for different people. Some get scratchy throat others a stuffy nose you will know when you going to get it. That's when you have to do it. The earlier the better). If done properly you will notice immediate relief but you have to do it couple of times or more after this relief to prevent it coming back. If done later, when the infection has established, as seems to be the case here the infection will take its course and you will only get some if any symptomatic relief, given that at this late stage the infection is no longer at the killing stage and has long spread elsewhere.
Posted by: Andrewgyny on March 15, 2011 04:46 AM
Have tried 'em all: Echinacea,silver,L-lysine,peroxide,garlic,etc. and they all have some efficacy, but two suggestions. 1st,use buffered Vit.C-MUCH more effective, and two,up your vit.D,some say to 5000 i.u. daily. I have found,after doing 5000 i.u. a day intially, that 3000 i.u. seems to work for me. Haven't been sick since I started taking these. The logic on the vit d struck me. Why do we get sick more in the winter? We get less sunlight, thus less vit. d. Makes sense, and it works. I also take L-lysine for its anti-viral properties.
Excellent enhancement - thanks CG
Posted by: rod on April 17, 2014 06:40 PM
The best way to avoid contracting influenza or cold is to keep yourself warm and drink plenty of fluids. Liquids like tea can also reduce mucus thickness. You can also use a humidifier at home as warm moist air causes the bronchial tubes to relax and it loosens up mucus, however, care should be taken to clean out the humidifier regularly to avoid bacteria or fungi propagating in it.
If managing a humidifier is problematic, breathing in steam from boiling water can soften mucus while adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil has enhance the effect of steam therapy as the oil contains antibacterial properties which can heal burning sensation in the throat but is bronchitis contagious
Still, there are some other natural foods for bronchitis treatment like:
1. honey
Honey has antiviral as well as antibacterial properties and eating a tablespoon daily be useful to treat bronchitis as it helps soothes the throat and build an strong immune system.
2.Oregano oil and salt water
Oregano and salt water tends to lessen throat soreness and a few drops of oregano oil or gargling salt water are enough to cure severe or uneasy breathing.
3.Garlic and turmeric
Garlic has antiviral and antibiotic properties while turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties. Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder or some freshly chopped garlic cloves in a glass of milk, boil it for some time and drink. and lemon juice
Citric fruits are rich in vitamin C and have antioxidant properties. Drink lots of orange juice to build immune properties in the body. Or boil a cup of water and add a few drops of lemon juice in it and drink to relieve throat soreness.
Ginger has immune building and anti-inflammatory properties. Add half a teaspoon of ground ginger and cinnamon to hot water and drink the mixture
In addition drink plenty of water as it is necessary to keep your body hydrated during cold and influenza bouts to avoid your throat from getting dry, which can make coughing painful.
Posted by: Mike David on October 21, 2016 04:24 PM

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