Statin Drugs & Coenzyme Q10 Depletion
Thanks to Ron Law, I have included the patent reference below. This patent was issued in 1989 so this is not new news - one can only wonder of the number of people who died from congestive heart and other issues as a result of this shady tactic...
See: Petition by Dr. Julian M. Whitaker, M.D. and a review of pertinent human and animal data.
Further on the theme of, dangerous and useless, Statin Drugs. The following adds another downside as if more are needed - severe nutritional cost of the drug. Merck actually patented (4,933,165) a combination of statin and CQ10 in a pill but never put it on the market, given the marketing shenanigans (patent to prevent others from marketing such a pill) of these scoundrels it is just the thing to do to protect their business with disease.
Now that the cat is out of bag watch them come out with a pill with a good dose of CQ10 and a token statin to salvage the image of statins....
Chris Gupta
..."Statins could initiate and/or accelerate malignant growth by a) blocking the production of Coenzyme Q10, which has been shown to have anti-cancer effects; b) stimulating the growth of new blood vessels that malignancies require to promote their propagation; c) decreasing the cytotoxicity of natural killer cells; d) blocking the production of squalene, an intermediate cholesterol metabolite with anti-cancer activities in animal studies and currently used as adjunctive therapy in treating cancer; e) reducing the production of DHEA, which has been shown to have anticancer and immune stimulating effects in experimental studies."...
High Cholesterol May Protect Against Infections And Atherosclerosis
..."Incredibly Merck formula and Patent rights* for CQ10 were sold to the Japanese circa 1958 as this would compete with their blockbuster drug Diuril. Fortunately, the Japanese were able to synthesize large quantities of this nutrient, where is it has been used for over 30 years as an effective treatment for heart disease."...
..."Statin-induced CoQ10 depletion is well documented in animal and human studies with detrimental cardiac consequences in both animal models and human trials. Furthermore, this drug-induced nutrient deficiency is dose-related and more notable in settings of pre-existing CoQ10 deficiency such as in the elderly and in heart failure."...
CQ10 (coenzyme Q10) and Cancer
CoQ10 Depletion. The Achilles Heel of the Statin Crusade.
Peter H. Langsjoen, M.D., F.A.C.C., Cardiovascular Diseases. Research in Biomedical Aspects of Coenzyme Q10. Tel (903) 595-3778, Fax (903) 595-4962 1107 Doctors Dr., Tyler, Texas 75701,USA.
The depletion of the essential nutrient coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) by the increasingly popular cholesterol lowering drugs, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) has grown from a level of concern to one of alarm. With ever higher statin potencies and dosages, and with a steadily shrinking target LDL cholesterol, the prevalence and severity of CoQ10 deficiency is increasing noticeably to the physicians in the trenches of front line patient care. An estimated 36 million Americans are now candidates for statin drug therapy.
CoQ10 serves as the coenzyme for mitochondrial enzyme complexes I, II and III and is essential for mitochondrial ATP production. CoQ10 is also a clinically relevant fat-soluble antioxidant and is the only fat soluble antioxidant that is known to be synthesized de novo. It is found normally in the diet, predominantly in organ meats and is biosynthesized in all cells with peak capabilities in late teens and early twenties with a gradual age-related decline in blood and tissue CoQ10 levels after the age of 30 years.
Statin-induced CoQ10 depletion has been documented in 15 animal studies in six different animal species and has been shown to correlate with decreased ATP production, increased ischemia reperfusion injury, skeletal muscle injury and increased mortality.
There are 15 published trials on statin-induced CoQ10 depletion in humans. Of these 15 trials, nine were controlled trials, eight of which documented significant CoQ10 depletion. Statin-induced CoQ10 depletion has been shown to be associated with a fall in left ventricular function, an elevation of lactate to pyruvate ratio and an enhancement of LDL cholesterol oxidation. The current data on diastolic dysfunction further confirms the clinical importance of this drug-nutrient interaction.
Statin-induced CoQ10 depletion is well documented in animal and human studies with detrimental cardiac consequences in both animal models and human trials. Furthermore, this drug-induced nutrient deficiency is dose-related and more notable in settings of pre-existing CoQ10 deficiency such as in the elderly and in heart failure. Finally, statin-induced CoQ10 deficiency is completely preventable with supplemental CoQ10 with no adverse impact on the cholesterol lowering or anti-inflammatory properties of the statin drugs.
We are currently in the midst of a congestive heart failure epidemic in the United States, the cause or causes of which are unclear. As physicians, it is our duty to be absolutely certain that we are not inadvertently doing harm to our patients by creating a wide-spread deficiency of a nutrient critically important for normal heart function.
See also:
Coenzyme Q10
Statin Drugs & Breast Cancer
Statin Drugs & Memory Loss
Bad News About Statin Drugs
posted by Chris Gupta on Saturday December 13 2003
updated on Saturday September 24 2005
URL of this article:
Readers' Comments
I am doing research on the positive and negative side effects of statin drugs. I was wondering if anyone could direct me to a PRIMARY journal article that supported the claim that statin drugs deplete the Coenzyme Q10.
Thank you
P.S. Please respond to my above e-mail address
Posted by: Chris on February 18, 2004 03:19 AM
I dont think Statins can trigger malignancy in patients at the advanced stage of Cancer. I have not come across any of such instance or publication which supports the view that Statins are harmful.
New usfda certifications are taken by companies manufactring statins. I would like to have a copy of an article which supports the view.
Posted by: Jaswinderjit Singh on March 15, 2004 09:40 AM
Shirley why dont u try UBIQ100 one cap daily for long term it will definetly help as it did to me
Posted by: David Simmons on November 6, 2004 05:11 PM
I have been reading many articles on the pitfalls of the statins and my husband has severe muscle weakness. Stopped lipitor 6 weeks ago with no improvement. Very high cpk level. any one else have this problem and how long did it take to recover?
Posted by: tina on February 18, 2005 09:49 PM
Shirley why dont u try UBIQ100 one cap daily for long term it will definetly help as it did to me
Posted by: patty on March 13, 2005 06:14 PM
I too had to stop statins for increased muscle weakness and pain. After 6 weeks of no change in pain level I started taking CoQ10. The pain left my hands after 4 hours. It took 6 months for all pain and weekness to go away. I still take CoQ10 every day. I was never able to take stains(or red yeast) again because it would also raise my liver enzyme numbers.
Posted by: lls on March 14, 2005 04:07 AM
My cholesterol is 358, triglycerides 918. I take Zetia and 40 mg Lipitor. Today I bought 500mg vit. c, 30 mg CoQ10 w/tumeric, fish oil, and Twinlab Cholesterol Success- looks like plant sterols. I go in for labs in about a month. Any suggestions?
Posted by: cindy hilgenberg on March 18, 2005 01:26 AM
See: for more into
Posted by: Chris Gupta on March 18, 2005 04:50 AM
can you tell me whats the global market size of CoQ10 both in terms of volume and sales.
thanking you in advance
Posted by: saikat on April 21, 2005 08:34 AM
Hi, I take 40mg of Zocor (statin)a day, have been doing so for about 7 years. How much CoQ10 should I be taking a day.
Thanks Rick
Posted by: Rick on June 14, 2005 02:56 PM
hi, its very difficult to get good coq10 in india, only one company FOURRTS INDIA,manufacture and market pure coq10 100mg, imported from japan with brand name ubiq 100 mareket it, rest all are fake and useless, this is for readers help as i take it myself
Posted by: rashid hasan on June 14, 2005 07:54 PM
ya its true only ubiq 100 from fourrts is geniune coq10 available in india, thanks to fourrts for bringing pure ubiquinone here
Posted by: bobby on June 14, 2005 07:58 PM
im on statin for 6 years, i have cramps but now im on ubiq 100 1 cap daily for 3 months my life has im proved should i continue it?
Posted by: jaswinder, delhi on June 14, 2005 08:01 PM
ubiq 100 is really good my ef has increased and i feel healthy now.thanks to fourrts india
Posted by: tanmay singh on June 14, 2005 08:08 PM
thanks chris u helped me, ubiq100 really helped me a lot
Posted by: jimmy on June 14, 2005 08:14 PM
Shirley why dont u try UBIQ100 one cap daily for long term it will definetly help as it did to me
Posted by: Darrell on December 7, 2005 08:25 AM
Shirley why dont u try UBIQ100 one cap daily for long term it will definetly help as it did to me
Posted by: Dawn on December 14, 2005 09:54 AM
Dawn, This is a load of nonsense. Every heart patient needs CQ10. Quantity for quantity it is safer than salt!
Posted by: Chris Gupta on December 14, 2005 11:28 AM
And quantity for quantity, DDT has lower mamalian toxicity than aspirin, but which would you want a CHD patient on? This is not an argument for or against against Q10, merely to point out the dangers of throw away commnets like the above (if this is ever uploaded). Salt is positively harmful for CHD in large amounts, so Q10 could be harmful yet still safer than salt, quantity for quantity or otherwise.
Posted by: Jezz on February 15, 2006 12:00 PM
Shirley why dont u try UBIQ100 one cap daily for long term it will definetly help as it did to me
Posted by: Dave Skiff on February 15, 2006 12:12 PM
Is there any relationship between Statin Drugs and vitamin B-12 ?
Or between CoQ10 and B-12 ?
Posted by: Roi Ballard on February 21, 2006 12:39 AM
CoQ10 can reverse the effect of blood thinners such as warfarin (Coumadin) since it has acts like Vitamin K, an antidote for warfarin.
Posted by: Shirley on March 1, 2006 07:14 PM
Shirley why dont u try UBIQ100 one cap daily for long term it will definetly help as it did to me
Posted by: Larry Browning on March 2, 2006 01:29 PM
I was on mevacor and lipitor for a couple of years and developed numbness in feet and legs. I was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. Went to my computer & looked up under topic "peripheral neuropathy" and learned that I had NO RISK factors listed except medication. Went to Mayo Clinic for second opinion & they confirmed that the cause was probably Statin drugs, since I have been in perfect health otherwise. I am now suffering with the pain of the neuropathy and would much rather die of a heart attack than go through what I am going through now. I would join the thousands that have a class action suit against the drug companies, but I dislike these type lawyers because they cause the higher cost of medical service. I went to the internet and printed articles about statin drugs causing neuropathy as well as the Mayo Clinic News letter dated September 2004 and took them to my doctor and told him where to go in no uncertain terms. I wished he had informed me of the dangers of taking statin drugs before prescribing them , and I did not pay that much attention to the side effects listed by the drug companies, since I had faith in my doctor. Had I gone to the internet before taking Lipitor, I would not have taken the drug. Makes me sick when I see the TV advertising of statin drugs. I will be miserable for the rest of my life, for nothing can be done with peripheral neuropathy once you get it. It is sad when a patient must take printed facts to a doctor and debate the prescriptions that are prescribed.
Posted by: Victor Keigley on May 27, 2006 04:04 PM
respected sir iam abhishek my father is suffering from diabetese mellitus for past 20 years he is on insulin for last 15 year, nowa days he is also suffering from diabetese nueropathy last year he has an attack of gastronueropathy, for this he is taking methyl cyana cobalamine, now a days his kidney function is not normal his waight increase from 65kgs to 71
doctor has adviced him to take ubiq100 and carnitor
for mild bronchitis he is adviced for vertin, and stugil my querry is that ubiq100 and carnitor is used in early renal disease is it beneficial and does have side effect?
plz answer, his current age is 52 yrs
Posted by: abhishek on June 26, 2006 08:10 AM
Dear, Sir, I am a chronic renal failure patient.with 6 creatine.Will the coQ10 tablet help me?what are the possible side effects?
Posted by: ritu on July 1, 2006 04:55 AM
CoQ10 is available in india with Sami Labs, Banglore.
Posted by: munish on September 5, 2006 10:02 AM
my father took mevacor for 6 years,always complaing to his doctors about leg pain and muscule weakness they never made a connection with the medication. he saw speacialist that did muscle biopsy that showed deteriation. but they still didnt connect the weakness and pain to the father ended up having heart attacks,horrable leg pain and weakness and beacame bed bound.i took care of him in my home for five years the third year his leg hurt so bad it had to be amputated he died two years later of heart father had always been the picture of health. but after the drug mevacor it was a down hill spiral to death.he died in 2001. not long after i saw a commercial that said if you experiace muscle weakness or leg pain consult your doctor..i cried
Posted by: carol combs on September 28, 2006 09:49 PM
My 84 year old mom took Zocor I believe for less than a year but started having aching leg pain especially at night. Unfortunately she did not tell anyone for months...does not like to complain and thought it was just part of getting old. She is very healthy, only has arthritis in knees and shoulders but very active and sharp. I am no doctor but feel the risk/benefit ratio did not justify putting her on a statin. She has no heart disease in family, no heart problems or hypertension for her EVER. Anyway, almost a year after coming off statins, still has profound thigh muscle leg weakness and is frustrated that she cannot get stronger. I think she has muscle tissue damage/deterioration that may not be fully reversible. Anybody with similar experience?
Posted by: glenda harris on October 19, 2006 11:08 PM
Shirley why dont u try UBIQ100 one cap daily for long term it will definetly help as it did to me
Posted by: Francis Cahill on October 30, 2006 04:46 AM
victor try 600 to 900 miligrams
of alpha lapoic acid also
magnesium go to web site
Posted by: lester magoon on November 7, 2006 04:18 PM
Shirley why dont u try UBIQ100 one cap daily for long term it will definetly help as it did to me
Posted by: Wolf on January 22, 2007 10:22 AM
Shirley why dont u try UBIQ100 one cap daily for long term it will definetly help as it did to me
Posted by: douglas lee owens on May 3, 2007 07:34 PM
Shirley why dont u try UBIQ100 one cap daily for long term it will definetly help as it did to me
Posted by: Marjaneh Rezaeifard on July 14, 2007 09:22 AM
Shirley why dont u try UBIQ100 one cap daily for long term it will definetly help as it did to me
Posted by: zane neilsen on August 4, 2007 02:24 PM
Shirley why dont u try UBIQ100 one cap daily for long term it will definetly help as it did to me
Posted by: shirley s. daly on October 26, 2007 08:13 AM
Shirley why dont u try UBIQ100 one cap daily for long term it will definetly help as it did to me
Posted by: harvinder on November 4, 2007 04:01 AM
Shirley why dont u try UBIQ100 one cap daily for long term it will definetly help as it did to me
Posted by: ARVINDER on November 4, 2007 04:03 AM
Shirley why dont u try UBIQ100 one cap daily for long term it will definetly help as it did to me
Posted by: Chico on November 18, 2007 02:02 AM
i am Ali, age 27 Yrs. I have been married at the age of 24 Yrs. Oct 2003. and then my wife got pregnant and she doesn't like to be pregnant, so we both went to maternity Hospital, and had abortion.
and after next year she got pregnant but at that time i was in Gulf Country. after 2 months by accidentally she got miscarriage, and now after 3 year i call my wife to Gulf country, and she is not getting pregnant, and i consult Dr. in India and he has take SeminAnalysis test and found less count and less volume.
and Dr. Advice me to take 2 tablets 1. UbiQ100 and Evion LC.
I want to confirm that these tablets is really helpfull to me or not?
Pls. give me some advice.
Thanking You.
Posted by: yakub ali on January 7, 2008 04:58 AM
I am on 20 mg statin drug for the past several years after my by-pass surgery in 1996. I have burning sensation in my soles. Can it be traced to the statins & therefore depletion of CoenzymeQ10. My memory for names has also suffered in recent times. What could be the cause?
Will be grateful for dependable guidance. Thanks - Vasu
Posted by: R Vasudevan on March 23, 2008 05:25 AM
what is a usp seal
Posted by: jack gillam on August 25, 2009 09:15 AM
thanks for all that information
Posted by: gene on January 18, 2010 06:59 AM

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