Aspartame and Vision Degradation
Here is a very interesting comment pertaining to Aspartame and vision which is discussed in Joseph G. Hattersley's brilliant article: "Avoiding Visual Degeneration". Dr. Dr Klaus-J. S e e l i g makes some astute observations on how the medical Mafia and the food giants continue to hide and prevent further research on their products in the name of profits or as he quotes the "Big Golden Harvest". In addition to toxic drugs it shows how and why even our foods are being manipulated for profits through sickness. I have embellished this somewhat technical comment for the non technical among us. A must read.
Chris Gupta
Re: Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) and ASPARTAM Comment:
Dear Chris Gupta,
Thank you for your brilliant article, a comment which your BLOG support unfortunately wiped away before I could send it. Here is a copy which I saved.
Dear Chris Gupta !Thank you for this very interesting article. You are one of the few who draws the attention towards a neglected subject: denatured protein = L =>D amino-acid racemization, which inside the cells causes enzyme trouble. L-Glutamate, as the essential brain-sugar is useless if not toxic to brain-cells, if d-glutamate may be set free or arise inside the brain cells by food-related racemization*.
You mentioned ASPARTAME. There was an interesting review Article by Friedman on the Chemistry and Microbiology of d-aminoacids in our food. Here is his quotation and my comment as I have reported to Physiologists and Biochemists on a Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)-Symposium in Bali 2002: Quotation from: Friedmann,M, 1999 p.3471):
"""Aspartame (chem. formula: L-Aspartyl-L-Phenyl-alanine-methyl ester) Exposition at 100°C and neutral pH results ... in racemization of both constituent amino acids." My comment:
ASPARTAME is used in significant amounts as Human Food and Animal Feed-Additives: about the previous discussion and warnings (?) which probably arose after some years of use as a suspicion for side effects ... which however stayed hitherto unexplained and probably
never "need" be done any further research for systematically to present plausible explanation and significance!- ...some New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) - Conference was called for1984. And here Mr.BADA reported from his side on the significance. (Mr.Bada is famous for his "fossil age protein-clock", used for "Determination of fossil age of bones from the deterioration of organic matter" (L-amino-acids slowly turn to <= racemize> to D-Amino-acids) by f.i.natural background-radiation (K-40). The Half life-time varies from one to the other L-Amino acid, Equilibrium is reached after about 500 000 years with 50/50 L and D-Amino acids (cf.: BADA,J.L. and Protsch, Proc.Nat.Acad.Sc. NY Vol.70 No.5 (1973)p.1331-1334) Then later there are the collections of evidence on Aspartame: here see: Boehm, M.F.& Bada,J.L.:Proc.Natl.Ac.Sci.USA,1984,81,5263-5266 ('Aspartam' quoted on p.3471 by Friedmann,M,: "Chemistry, Nutrition and Microbiology of D-amino-acids" in: J.Agric.Food Chem.1999, 47, 3457-3479"" At this point all Young, Old, Pregnant and Immune comprimized (Y.O.P.I).-Consumers should be warned against using too much of all bacterially fermented protein-foods, as they may be most endangered for immune-impairment by this "Un-natural protein-like food-ingredients" acting as anti-metabolites and immune-disturbing agents for THE YOUNG (<2-3y), THE OLD, THE PREGNANT and THE IMMUNE-COMPROMIZED Consumers. For golden reasons these represent the most important Patient-groups. And FDA-Pharma-Industrial-Complex will find ways to avoid and counter-propagate any such warnings. Please, look for any Analysis of D-Amino acids in Feed-lots, Silages, Feed-Pellets, Pharma-Fermenter's leftovers rendered as protein-rich Feed for Cattle, Swine and poultry and Farm fish and let me know of when and where they were published, please. They are very scarce and not openly declared.
In Africa's Sausages even mouldy old material is said to be recycled of different game-species and the earlier this is given to children, the less they can differentiate bad (bacterial-wall-D-protein)from good (fresh plant-derived or from healthy raised) as best unfermented braised animal meat and fall ill from some sort of Immune-deficiency...
This is a challenge to world-wide health-research into the opposite direction: PHARMA-BB (big Business) is interested in "Big Golden Harvest" on the big field of D-Aminoacids, that Mother NATURE obviously has left untouched just for those GLOBAL PLAYERS to play around with GMOs and Bact.War-Games.
Looking for SARS (See TIMES MAGAZINE 5.5.2003,PDF) reduce the world's Population the soft way, we save on support for Hunger, Underprivileged and Illiteracy before (soon) the radiative background to all this trouble cannot be hidden any longer. (St.Petersburg 7.-9.June 2004 Longevity, Aging and Degradation, Models in Reliability, Public Health Medicine and Biology (and Energy-Engineering), <>)
It is late time for a Change - if there still is time to turn the Tanker before it collides with a camouflaged iceberg.
Klaus-J.Seelig, MD, DTMH-Liv D-54296Trier,19A TrimmelterHof
mit freundlichen Gruessen
Dr Klaus-J. S e e l i g
Am Trimmelter Hof 19 A
D-54296 T r i e r - Tarforst
Tel: 0049-651-966 85-77
Fax: 0049-651-966 85-78
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*For better understanding of Racemization see:
Amino Acid Racemization Dating Method
Other related posts:
How aspartame became legal - timeline
Aspartame, not Ephedra causing cardiac arrests
57 Scientific references and citations
Devastations of Aspartame Disease
Independent Analysis - Update on the Safety of Aspartame
posted by Chris Gupta on Tuesday March 16 2004
updated on Saturday September 24 2005URL of this article:
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