March 26, 2004
Corruption In Courts Is Too Entrenched
..."Most of us are conservatives employing the tactics of the Civil Rights movements that have came before us. The New York State Tyranny Response Team highlights the abuses of our Civil Rights, forced on us by the politically CORRECT minority organizations, opinion shapers and policy makers.
The NYS TRT assembles to conduct a picket, hold a demonstration, and exposes the Double Standards that too many have come to accept as normal, and have turned a blind eye to. These groups would NOT treat criminal members of politically CORRECT minority groups, the way they treat the law abiding members of politically INCORRECT groups, who are exercising traditional values, rights, and freedoms...
...we must work to discredit these beliefs and the people who promote and exploit these beliefs. This is imperative if these people are policy makers and opinion shapers.
This is how to protect our values, preserve our rights, guard our Freedom and pass on these rights to our heirs.
These guidelines, when practiced, have worked, and will work, for every group that uses them."
Tom Chandler
State Director,
Many of us feel that the courts are the ultimate weapon to bring our derelict governmental bodies back to their original mandate - unfortunately, this too is succumbing to vested interests - ultimately, it appears we will have to take on our governments as the earlier pioneers in U.S. did.
Chris Gupta
"If it (the Constitution) has its defects, it is said, they can be best amended when they are experienced. But remember when the people once part with power, they can seldom or never resume it again but by force. Many instances can be produced in which the people have voluntarily increased the powers of their rulers; but few, if any, in which rulers have willingly abridged their authority.”
"After a long line of abuses against what was considered inalienable or basic human rights, 56 men signed, sealed and delivered a Declaration of Independence. This maneuver immediately marked them as enemies of the Crown - and you know the rest of the story. While Hamilton surely felt that the system of British government had not been the culprit, just a tyrannical King, others felt that this system had led to and created tyranny."
"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined." Patrick Henry, during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788)Oath
Coordinator Resigns: Corruption In Courts Is Too Entrenched
Calls For A Federal Investigation
Chestertown, New York- The coordinator for the New York State Oath of Office Project June Maxam, tearfully confided yesterday (March 18) that she has resigned from her investigations into the explosive judicial scandal rocking New York courts.
"Something happened to me yesterday, it's like a piece was taken out of me, it's physical, it's like I had a stroke or shock, I am in just a state of total disbelief not only that the court totally disregarded the truth but obviously wasn't interested in the truth.”
Maxam is responsible for uncovering nearly 82 percent of judges across New York who are violating the state Constitution and New York State law for failing to file their oath and or undertaking as mandated. "The situation in our courts extends beyond those in non-compliance and right smack into corruption so wide-spread there must be a federal investigation.” Maxam continued.
"When you have solid proof of falsified transcripts and a judge and a DA who refuses to act upon it …allows this, New York has a major problem.” Maxam was appealing a four year-old harassment conviction before Glens Falls City Court Judge Tarentino.
After a two-year delay in violation of three court orders, where court stenographer Jayme Harvey finally produced the transcripts needed for the appeal, Maxam found that they had been falsified and could prove it by an unedited tape recording of the proceedings in question.
But Tarantino refused to listen to the tape, refused to compare the actual transcript with the falsified transcripts and allowed the falsfied transcripts to serve as the official record.
"Tarentino isn't even in office, nor is the special prosecutor, Gary Hobbs and Hobbs even filed a false statement with the Warren COunty District Attorney's office claiming he had filed an oath when the county clerk has certified he did not" Maxam lamented.
"The issue here isn't about me. Everyday I get calls from all over New York from people so extorted by our courts begging me to help expose the corruption. What they fail to understand is my investigative journalism has cost me the ability to regularly publish my paper, my advertisers were threatened with being burned out and now its gone on to the level of harassing my 86 year-old father, all in an effort to stop me from exposing the corruption. If that's not illegal what is? That is a total abuse and corruption of the judicial system.”
Maxam says that even lawyers are too afraid of the current system to act, "Judges in New York are allowed to violate our laws and lawyers are too fearful to speak-up…our Attorney General could care less that judges wield power that overextends their authority. Where is Chief Justice Judith Kaye? Does it matter to her that her fellow justices are violating not just public officers law, but trashing both our state and federal Constitutions…apparently not.”
Ms. Maxam's activism to force compliance by officials has as she stated, "Put me in personal danger and I face four years in jail after having already been illegally incarcerated four times because officials willfully ignore the Bill of Rights.” When asked if she believed giving up her crusade would alleviate her legal problems, Maxam emphatically stated. "Oh, for certain. I'm a threat to their power base. They must shut me up because I have exposed them for what they are … imposters and gangsters in black robes.”
The findings of Maxam's investigation was hand delivered to Attorney General Spitzer who as of this date has not commented nor apparently acted to reform our justice system.
June Maxam
Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it.
-Thomas Paine
See also:
Industrial Abuse - Loosing our Protections
More On Regulatory Abuse
The Abuse of Democracy
FDA Shenanigans
In the FDA we trust?
Health Canada Puts Health at Risk!
Dissidence Is Key To Democracy
Surgery Aftermath Abuse - - Court Blocks Victim's Request For Help
posted by Chris Gupta on Friday March 26 2004
updated on Saturday September 24 2005
URL of this article:
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Readers' Comments
When the Politicans & Legal System are members of organized crime, how do the TAX PAYING PUBLIC get JUSTICE. After many years of reporting physical & sexualabuse, by 5 members of my family, when we were children, to this day, the authorities, In Canada,have done nothing to help us.The Federal Government is allowing the Credability & Reputation of the Police & The Legal System, to be distroyed to protect ONE Corrupt Lawyer, Politician, Judge, Child Rapist & now newest member of THE ORDER OF CANADA .This man has broken every law he swore to protect. Because this X-Justice Minister and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, raped and impregnated my 12 year old sister, and covered it up his entire career, no one will help us. To this day, no lawyer will represent me and the legal system will do nothing to help. The last lawyer I asked to represent me, told me, if any lawyer tried to represent you, it would mean the end of their career. Visit my web site at http://maxpages.com/sexualabuse
Posted by: Byron Prior on June 3, 2004 09:33 PM
i have been the victim of one of the most egregious deception and railraading in the annals of contra costa county...what the judge did in superior court aided by the two weasal attorneys and the defendant is incomprehensible...i need your advice...i am going to the media because i have documentation on everfything....there is a reason they are covering the defendant and the scurrilous manner i haven teated is classis fraud...all around...i need some help....other cases on 664.6...i went in for a trial andthis farce was foisted on me due to duress and some of the judges comments...he has absconded with my file and reamed me for seven papes because i correctly asked him, after many months, if this case was still in his jurisdiction....it took 18 mos to get an ordeer which no one will carry out...he is a political animal and sees a great future for himself supported by developer lawfirms....about me, i am the former mayor of walnut creek....every thing is documented for the state bar v. my attorney....4 years of my life has been just to survivive and to try to beat them with each piece of garbage they fed me. all the time knowing the whole thing is unenforceable. there is a lot more but it is late and my fingers are bit wirjing too well...they must be exposed....i lot due process and my seventh amendment rights and they can do this because very few people read judgments and bow to the man in the black robe...we need to jon together andfight on....never give up....write me....i am sorry for your trouble, evelyn munn
Posted by: evelyn munn on July 26, 2004 05:43 AM
I am appalled by the fact that there is overwhelming evidence of the subversive conduct of the judges lawyers and expert witnesses who make up the cast of the dog and pony show at the Superior Court In Martinez CA, under the fictitious name of Family Court. The Bias against non custodial parents is so rampant, and in what can only be classified as the highest form of arrogance the failure of the family law commissioners to ensure equal protectection under the law, for un represented litigants, is an embarrassment to the entire legal proffession. For example where is the justice in allowing a millionaire actually garnish the unemployment benefits of an out of work carpenter? and why on earth do they require people to swear to tell the truth, if the court takes absolutely no notice of perjury or the results of psychiatric testing that indicate that there is a problem with a litigants honesty and why do they call it a court of law ? Rules are more important on television game shows than they are in Family Court
Posted by: mark kiernan on August 12, 2004 12:15 PM
My daughter is the mother of our six grandchildren and she was raped by two teenage boys. She was raped again by the "justice" system and is locked in jail until March 27th 2005 and then has to endure 5 years probation. She also has to register as a sex offender. I will appreciate advice. Thank you
Posted by: Marilyn Toth on August 24, 2004 07:45 PM
Madam Justice Dovell
Family Court
900-224 4th Avenue South
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Re: Sept 9, 2004 trial between Hunter / Gutenberg
Dear Madam Justice Dovell,
After witnessing your character in court I'm sure this letter will mean nothing to you. However, you at least need to know that people are aware of what is happening in Saskatchewan court rooms.
There is no need to read your judgement. I know what is coming. My instincts told me what was happening in the first 5 minutes of the trial. It was obvious you have some kind of vendetta against Mr. Hunter and you were determined to make him suffer (you succeeded probably beyond even your own expectations and hopes). I rejected those initial instincts because I still had faith that truth, justice, and fair play meant something in a Saskatchewan court room. It is unfortunate the people of Saskatchewan are continually finding out otherwise.
Mr. Hunter told me you would come out with an attack but I did not believe him. I am still stunned. I was numb for two days. Not only did you ignore his pleas for legal representation, you attacked and berated him. Let us consider that you may have been right, perhaps Mr. Hunter did make mistakes with his lawyer, was the assault on him necessary? Could you have not said the same thing without the anger and aggression? Whenever you addressed Ms. Gutenberg's lawyer your tone was conciliatory, co-operative, even kind. However, any time you addressed Mr. Hunter or me you switched to a nasty, aggressive tone that was confrontational and accusatory. You are smart enough to know that tactics of attack and aggression do not necessarily show up as such on a transcript.
I now believe you did take heed of the doctor's warnings about the effects of stress on Mr. Hunter and you deliberately set out to cripple him.
Mr. Hunter could not stay in the court room. The stress was causing him to cramp up in pain (exactly as the doctors warned). I got him into his wheelchair and got him away from your assault. He waited outside while the farce continued. You angrily asked me "What difference does it make if he is sitting in a wheelchair here or downstairs?!" The difference was, Madam Justice Dovell, he was unavailable for your attacks. Your threat of a court order to force Mr. Hunter back in the court room was especially vile. I'm sure your sheriff would not have had too much difficulty subduing a crippled old man in a wheel chair. Perhaps you could have had him beaten in the elevator as well? No one would have seen.
You very craftily snubbed me ( I suppose your experience as a lawyer and a judge makes you adept at it) on the issue of Audrey Brent being in the courtroom when the last adjournment was decided. You snapped "How do you know Audrey Brent was in the court room? Where you there? Well I was and I'll tell you she wasn't!" Well, Justice Dovell, even though Audrey Brent was not there her representative was. In the end it is the same as her being there and you know it. The fact remains that Mr. Hunter received written notice the trial was adjourned days before the trial was to happen. Why was Mr. Hunter excluded from these proceedings? How can Audrey Brent (or her representative) know beforehand you would grant an adjournment? Did you make prior arrangements with Brent? Is there some kind of collusion between you and Brent that the people of Saskatchewan should know about? If there was no collusion what would Mr. Hunter have done if you refused the request for adjournment and carried on with the trial? With Mr. Hunter successfully out of the way what exactly happened in your secret court?
It is now clear to me your seemingly generous "exception" to the proceedings by allowing me to speak for Mr. Hunter was motivated by your knowledge that you would have done Mr. Hunter a serious wrong by continuing the proceedings without him. You had no intention on hearing what I had to say. That was obvious from the start. You took no regard to the fact that Gutenberg took over $20,000.00 of marital property from the home when she left. You had no regard for the letters from qualified medical practitioners who expressed concern for the stress the proceedings would have on him. When I tried to point out the letters you dismissed them as simply being addressed "to whom it may concern." In fact, as I told you, one of the letters was addressed to me. You snapped "what kind of a doctor would write a letter like that?!" Well, he is a fully licensed medical practitioner in the Province of Saskatchewan. I wonder how he would feel about a judge second-guessing his medical expertise? You may have a law degree but I doubt you know much about medical conditions, even though you have the power to dismiss them.
The fact that I have this medical advisory addressed specifically to me means I have first-hand knowledge of the issue. Therefore I have the right to give testimony, under oath, on the stand. You knew I held Mr. Hunter's Power Of Attorney and you also knew that, as such, his medical practitioners are obligated to provide me with this information.
Mr. Hunter told me not to go back for the afternoon court proceedings. He told me exactly what you were up to. Again, I did not believe him. I still had faith in justice and fairness. I was sadly mistaken. In retrospect, I'm not sure Mr. Hunter gave me permission to speak on his behalf. He steadfastly advised me not to. Mr. Hunter claimed it would only give legitimacy to what you were doing. Again, I didn't believe him. Again, I was sadly mistaken. I pressured consent from Mr. Hunter while he was in his weakened condition and under the influence of heavy dosages of prescribed morphine. He finally said "You decide".
You will be pleased to know that Mr. Hunter is now not doing well. I had to call the Crisis Centre on Saturday because Mr. Hunter was in no condition to look after himself or his mother. When I arrived at his home (soon to be liquidated) I found him on the floor in pain even though he had taken 100 mg of prescribed morphine. He has not been able to manage the stairs to get into his suite so I brought a mattress from the suite and placed it on the floor upstairs. He crawled onto it.
You, Madam Justice Dovell, are a vile, wicked, evil human being, and a disgrace to any aspect of the justice system that believes in truth and fairness.
R. Gerry Hawke
Posted by: James Hunter on September 24, 2004 01:04 PM
Madam Justice Dovell
Family Court
900-224 4th Avenue South
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Re: Sept 9, 2004 trial between Hunter / Gutenberg
Dear Madam Justice Dovell,
After witnessing your character in court I'm sure this letter will mean nothing to you. However, you at least need to know that people are aware of what is happening in Saskatchewan court rooms.
There is no need to read your judgement. I know what is coming. My instincts told me what was happening in the first 5 minutes of the trial. It was obvious you have some kind of vendetta against Mr. Hunter and you were determined to make him suffer (you succeeded probably beyond even your own expectations and hopes). I rejected those initial instincts because I still had faith that truth, justice, and fair play meant something in a Saskatchewan court room. It is unfortunate the people of Saskatchewan are continually finding out otherwise.
Mr. Hunter told me you would come out with an attack but I did not believe him. I am still stunned. I was numb for two days. Not only did you ignore his pleas for legal representation, you attacked and berated him. Let us consider that you may have been right, perhaps Mr. Hunter did make mistakes with his lawyer, was the assault on him necessary? Could you have not said the same thing without the anger and aggression? Whenever you addressed Ms. Gutenberg's lawyer your tone was conciliatory, co-operative, even kind. However, any time you addressed Mr. Hunter or me you switched to a nasty, aggressive tone that was confrontational and accusatory. You are smart enough to know that tactics of attack and aggression do not necessarily show up as such on a transcript.
I now believe you did take heed of the doctor's warnings about the effects of stress on Mr. Hunter and you deliberately set out to cripple him.
Mr. Hunter could not stay in the court room. The stress was causing him to cramp up in pain (exactly as the doctors warned). I got him into his wheelchair and got him away from your assault. He waited outside while the farce continued. You angrily asked me "What difference does it make if he is sitting in a wheelchair here or downstairs?!" The difference was, Madam Justice Dovell, he was unavailable for your attacks. Your threat of a court order to force Mr. Hunter back in the court room was especially vile. I'm sure your sheriff would not have had too much difficulty subduing a crippled old man in a wheel chair. Perhaps you could have had him beaten in the elevator as well? No one would have seen.
You very craftily snubbed me ( I suppose your experience as a lawyer and a judge makes you adept at it) on the issue of Audrey Brent being in the courtroom when the last adjournment was decided. You snapped "How do you know Audrey Brent was in the court room? Where you there? Well I was and I'll tell you she wasn't!" Well, Justice Dovell, even though Audrey Brent was not there her representative was. In the end it is the same as her being there and you know it. The fact remains that Mr. Hunter received written notice the trial was adjourned days before the trial was to happen. Why was Mr. Hunter excluded from these proceedings? How can Audrey Brent (or her representative) know beforehand you would grant an adjournment? Did you make prior arrangements with Brent? Is there some kind of collusion between you and Brent that the people of Saskatchewan should know about? If there was no collusion what would Mr. Hunter have done if you refused the request for adjournment and carried on with the trial? With Mr. Hunter successfully out of the way what exactly happened in your secret court?
It is now clear to me your seemingly generous "exception" to the proceedings by allowing me to speak for Mr. Hunter was motivated by your knowledge that you would have done Mr. Hunter a serious wrong by continuing the proceedings without him. You had no intention on hearing what I had to say. That was obvious from the start. You took no regard to the fact that Gutenberg took over $20,000.00 of marital property from the home when she left. You had no regard for the letters from qualified medical practitioners who expressed concern for the stress the proceedings would have on him. When I tried to point out the letters you dismissed them as simply being addressed "to whom it may concern." In fact, as I told you, one of the letters was addressed to me. You snapped "what kind of a doctor would write a letter like that?!" Well, he is a fully licensed medical practitioner in the Province of Saskatchewan. I wonder how he would feel about a judge second-guessing his medical expertise? You may have a law degree but I doubt you know much about medical conditions, even though you have the power to dismiss them.
The fact that I have this medical advisory addressed specifically to me means I have first-hand knowledge of the issue. Therefore I have the right to give testimony, under oath, on the stand. You knew I held Mr. Hunter's Power Of Attorney and you also knew that, as such, his medical practitioners are obligated to provide me with this information.
Mr. Hunter told me not to go back for the afternoon court proceedings. He told me exactly what you were up to. Again, I did not believe him. I still had faith in justice and fairness. I was sadly mistaken. In retrospect, I'm not sure Mr. Hunter gave me permission to speak on his behalf. He steadfastly advised me not to. Mr. Hunter claimed it would only give legitimacy to what you were doing. Again, I didn't believe him. Again, I was sadly mistaken. I pressured consent from Mr. Hunter while he was in his weakened condition and under the influence of heavy dosages of prescribed morphine. He finally said "You decide".
You will be pleased to know that Mr. Hunter is now not doing well. I had to call the Crisis Centre on Saturday because Mr. Hunter was in no condition to look after himself or his mother. When I arrived at his home (soon to be liquidated) I found him on the floor in pain even though he had taken 100 mg of prescribed morphine. He has not been able to manage the stairs to get into his suite so I brought a mattress from the suite and placed it on the floor upstairs. He crawled onto it.
You, Madam Justice Dovell, are a vile, wicked, evil human being, and a disgrace to any aspect of the justice system that believes in truth and fairness.
R. Gerry Hawke
Posted by: James Hunter on September 24, 2004 01:04 PM
I would be glad to share my experiances with some of the people involved with the contra costa county family law court system, whose names you have mentioned. I have well documented information that chronicles the conduct of certain individuals , that at the very least has the appearance of impropriety.
The most recent and now pending recomendation from one of those whom you mention, is that my already bare bones visitaion schedule be cut so that out of the court ordered schedule of 49 nights over the next 45 weeks
I will only get to see my children 23 nights. This is in retaliation for me posting comments about this person being biased and untruthful. Comments which were based on solid fact. The emotional pain this person has caused me over the last three years has been unbearable, but now I know that it is humanly possible for someone who is suppossedly a trained mental health practitioner, to inflict a level of agony that I had never considered possible to endure. This person is a monster and wields the power given by the court, like a sword, indiscriminately hacking me to pieces because she doesnt like me publicly exposing her as an evil lying wrecker of familes. The hardest thing to understand is that this person is appointed by the court, and they apparently approve of this.
It is unbelieveable that I can find no recourse. I have no rights and I have done nothing wrong yet they are stealing my children from me
causing them I am sure the same if not more of the unimagineable pain and suffering that I am .
Please contact me.
(925) 348- 5144
Posted by: mark kiernan on March 23, 2005 10:23 AM
I would be glad to share my experiances with some of the people involved with the contra costa county family law court system, whose names you have mentioned. I have well documented information that chronicles the conduct of certain individuals , that at the very least has the appearance of impropriety.
The most recent and now pending recomendation from one of those whom you mention, is that my already bare bones visitaion schedule be cut so that out of the court ordered schedule of 49 nights over the next 45 weeks
I will only get to see my children 23 nights. This is in retaliation for me posting comments about this person being biased and untruthful. Comments which were based on solid fact. The emotional pain this person has caused me over the last three years has been unbearable, but now I know that it is humanly possible for someone who is suppossedly a trained mental health practitioner, to inflict a level of agony that I had never considered possible to endure. This person is a monster and wields the power given by the court, like a sword, indiscriminately hacking me to pieces because she doesnt like me publicly exposing her as an evil lying wrecker of familes. The hardest thing to understand is that this person is appointed by the court, and they apparently approve of this.
It is unbelieveable that I can find no recourse. I have no rights and I have done nothing wrong yet they are stealing my children from me
causing them I am sure the same if not more of the unimagineable pain and suffering that I am .
Please contact me.
(925) 348- 5144
Posted by: Pam Spanier on July 6, 2005 08:16 PM
I would be glad to share my experiances with some of the people involved with the contra costa county family law court system, whose names you have mentioned. I have well documented information that chronicles the conduct of certain individuals , that at the very least has the appearance of impropriety.
The most recent and now pending recomendation from one of those whom you mention, is that my already bare bones visitaion schedule be cut so that out of the court ordered schedule of 49 nights over the next 45 weeks
I will only get to see my children 23 nights. This is in retaliation for me posting comments about this person being biased and untruthful. Comments which were based on solid fact. The emotional pain this person has caused me over the last three years has been unbearable, but now I know that it is humanly possible for someone who is suppossedly a trained mental health practitioner, to inflict a level of agony that I had never considered possible to endure. This person is a monster and wields the power given by the court, like a sword, indiscriminately hacking me to pieces because she doesnt like me publicly exposing her as an evil lying wrecker of familes. The hardest thing to understand is that this person is appointed by the court, and they apparently approve of this.
It is unbelieveable that I can find no recourse. I have no rights and I have done nothing wrong yet they are stealing my children from me
causing them I am sure the same if not more of the unimagineable pain and suffering that I am .
Please contact me.
(925) 348- 5144
Posted by: Joyce Welsh on April 4, 2006 01:18 AM
I was beaten last June. My daughter has been hurt by her father. I have been through the ccc family court system and that allowed my ex to continue along this path. Dr Perryman has witnessed, heard and listened to my daughter tell her that her daddy hurt her, took pictures of her and she herself filed a cps report. Now since the custody evaluator chummed up to her and she has and does see a long term pay check, she denies all. Says my daughter is doing fine. These people need to be stopped. Rhonda Barovsky has hurt my daughter and me to the point that neither of us will ever recover from the pain. We went to this legal system for help, and what they have done to us in return is more than I can bear. My baby is torn apart and being made to endure a situation that no child should even have to face. Ms Perryman needs to loose her licence as does Me Barovsky, before they ruin more childrens lives. I hope the money on the backside was worth it to them.
Please share your stories as I am determined to not allow this to happen to anyone else. I am going to the media. I will make sure that thier careers are as ruined as the childrens lifes that they have so blantantly taken away.
Posted by: A very hurt mom on April 19, 2006 02:04 AM
I am litigating a case involving several professionals in Contra Costa County, California and conducting an investigation for that case.
I am interested in hearing about other cases involving Rhonda Barovsky, Shary Nunan, Randi Johnson, and Wendy Richie.
Posted by: Seth Goldstein, Attorney at Law on April 28, 2006 02:25 AM
Please call me at 510.237.4277 or email me with your phone number. Thanks.
Posted by: Beth Zeitman on May 17, 2006 01:39 AM
I would be glad to share my experiances with some of the people involved with the contra costa county family law court system, whose names you have mentioned. I have well documented information that chronicles the conduct of certain individuals , that at the very least has the appearance of impropriety.
The most recent and now pending recomendation from one of those whom you mention, is that my already bare bones visitaion schedule be cut so that out of the court ordered schedule of 49 nights over the next 45 weeks
I will only get to see my children 23 nights. This is in retaliation for me posting comments about this person being biased and untruthful. Comments which were based on solid fact. The emotional pain this person has caused me over the last three years has been unbearable, but now I know that it is humanly possible for someone who is suppossedly a trained mental health practitioner, to inflict a level of agony that I had never considered possible to endure. This person is a monster and wields the power given by the court, like a sword, indiscriminately hacking me to pieces because she doesnt like me publicly exposing her as an evil lying wrecker of familes. The hardest thing to understand is that this person is appointed by the court, and they apparently approve of this.
It is unbelieveable that I can find no recourse. I have no rights and I have done nothing wrong yet they are stealing my children from me
causing them I am sure the same if not more of the unimagineable pain and suffering that I am .
Please contact me.
(925) 348- 5144
Posted by: Curtis Moore on May 23, 2006 04:12 PM
I would be glad to share my experiances with some of the people involved with the contra costa county family law court system, whose names you have mentioned. I have well documented information that chronicles the conduct of certain individuals , that at the very least has the appearance of impropriety.
The most recent and now pending recomendation from one of those whom you mention, is that my already bare bones visitaion schedule be cut so that out of the court ordered schedule of 49 nights over the next 45 weeks
I will only get to see my children 23 nights. This is in retaliation for me posting comments about this person being biased and untruthful. Comments which were based on solid fact. The emotional pain this person has caused me over the last three years has been unbearable, but now I know that it is humanly possible for someone who is suppossedly a trained mental health practitioner, to inflict a level of agony that I had never considered possible to endure. This person is a monster and wields the power given by the court, like a sword, indiscriminately hacking me to pieces because she doesnt like me publicly exposing her as an evil lying wrecker of familes. The hardest thing to understand is that this person is appointed by the court, and they apparently approve of this.
It is unbelieveable that I can find no recourse. I have no rights and I have done nothing wrong yet they are stealing my children from me
causing them I am sure the same if not more of the unimagineable pain and suffering that I am .
Please contact me.
(925) 348- 5144
Posted by: mark kiernan on September 4, 2006 06:51 AM
There is a group from the Contra Costa County against the actions of the commissioners and judges that have taken the rights of litigants. Its in the yahoo groups under Contra_Costa_Family_Court_Abuse
Support and discussions, paperwork, suggestions, problem solving, come to one meeting and hear your case from others that are already there. Know what to do, and prepare for the next court date. Call me Joyce Welsh (925) 229-2544, mention newmediaexplorer.
Posted by: Joyce Welsh on November 8, 2006 01:00 AM
I would be glad to share my experiances with some of the people involved with the contra costa county family law court system, whose names you have mentioned. I have well documented information that chronicles the conduct of certain individuals , that at the very least has the appearance of impropriety.
The most recent and now pending recomendation from one of those whom you mention, is that my already bare bones visitaion schedule be cut so that out of the court ordered schedule of 49 nights over the next 45 weeks
I will only get to see my children 23 nights. This is in retaliation for me posting comments about this person being biased and untruthful. Comments which were based on solid fact. The emotional pain this person has caused me over the last three years has been unbearable, but now I know that it is humanly possible for someone who is suppossedly a trained mental health practitioner, to inflict a level of agony that I had never considered possible to endure. This person is a monster and wields the power given by the court, like a sword, indiscriminately hacking me to pieces because she doesnt like me publicly exposing her as an evil lying wrecker of familes. The hardest thing to understand is that this person is appointed by the court, and they apparently approve of this.
It is unbelieveable that I can find no recourse. I have no rights and I have done nothing wrong yet they are stealing my children from me
causing them I am sure the same if not more of the unimagineable pain and suffering that I am .
Please contact me.
(925) 348- 5144
Posted by: Marlon Buchanan on January 6, 2007 04:26 PM
I would be glad to share my experiances with some of the people involved with the contra costa county family law court system, whose names you have mentioned. I have well documented information that chronicles the conduct of certain individuals , that at the very least has the appearance of impropriety.
The most recent and now pending recomendation from one of those whom you mention, is that my already bare bones visitaion schedule be cut so that out of the court ordered schedule of 49 nights over the next 45 weeks
I will only get to see my children 23 nights. This is in retaliation for me posting comments about this person being biased and untruthful. Comments which were based on solid fact. The emotional pain this person has caused me over the last three years has been unbearable, but now I know that it is humanly possible for someone who is suppossedly a trained mental health practitioner, to inflict a level of agony that I had never considered possible to endure. This person is a monster and wields the power given by the court, like a sword, indiscriminately hacking me to pieces because she doesnt like me publicly exposing her as an evil lying wrecker of familes. The hardest thing to understand is that this person is appointed by the court, and they apparently approve of this.
It is unbelieveable that I can find no recourse. I have no rights and I have done nothing wrong yet they are stealing my children from me
causing them I am sure the same if not more of the unimagineable pain and suffering that I am .
Please contact me.
(925) 348- 5144
Posted by: f4j_bay_area@sbcglobal.net on September 26, 2007 11:21 PM
To Whom It May Concern:
The UN has closed a major gap in disability rights protection. 6 June 2008- The recent entry into force of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities closes a major gap in human rights protection for hundreds of millions of people around the world. I am Ricardo Rivero I suffer from a crippling learning disability referred to as Dyslexia.
The story definitively begins with the birth of my son Ricardo Adrian Rivero on April 16, 1990 one of the happiest days of my life and sadly the beginning to an all out war of the roses. When he was born I soon found out that my relationship with Sheila Leal had been infected with the disease of infidelity that plagues our American Culture. Of course you know how quickly our emotions and insecurities arose during this torrential war and ended up in a separation. We parted paths and soon she found herself in another relationship that ended in the death of her new spouse by a heroin drug overdose. What a perfect role model for our child. During this time I found myself on the wrong side of the law and was incarcerated in a Federal Prison. Shortly before her new husbands untimely demise we entered into the Court system in Montana which it was decided by the court that the central depository would deduct child support from my paychecks.
In December 2001 Sheila and I decided to reconcile our differences and attempt to live together for the common goal in this trivial pursuit of happiness to re establish our family. I continued to pay child support even though we lived together as documented by my Federal Probation Officer who informed me that it was a violation of probation not to pay child support. I discussed the issue with my probation officer who suggested that Sheila would need to cancel the child support since we had continued to live together to avoid any penalties. In October 2, 2002 we were sent a notice stating that child support obligations were cancelled.
One year later we again separated and I moved back to Homestead. I received a letter from the Department of Revenue (D.O.R.) in Sarasota stating that I owed $15,000 in child support arrearages. Unfortunately I could not get the courts to even glance at the evidence that I presented in my behalf that would ultimately sway the case in my favor. The Family court system that we now have in place favors the woman and makes it a crime to be a Father who merely wants to be involved in the life of our child. Even though the tender years Doctrine has been abolished in the late 80's which briefly states that a child would be better suited to live with the mother than the father.
Countless letters and documents were produced to the D.O.R. and the Judges presiding over the case and the expert testimony of my federal probation officer was quickly denied not once but twice, as my due process rights and my constitutional rights were thrown out of court. Time after time David G. Taylor a private Attorney who represented Sheila Leal and his client committed perjury with the intent to commit fraud against the court to gain equitable relief and to gain an unfair advantage. I represented myself as a pro se litigant as I was unable to swallow the expense of an Attorney at that time. I attempted to seek the assistance of the Florida bar that approved me with a pro bono Attorney. My request was denied by David Taylor and the Judge Dianne Moreland who stated that with a 6th grade education disabled or not I could have adequately defended myself. This again is a denial of my rights which I am covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Ultimately David G. Taylor seeking to destroy my credibility in court set a hearing date and did not adequately advise me through proper notification of the time and date or the presiding judge and the details of the hearing. Complaints coincidentally have been filed with the Florida Bar against David G. Taylor. I did not attend the hearing for lack of knowledge that it was to be held which the judge attached a writ of bodily attachment of $2,800. The officers seeking to place me into custody were sent to my address by Sheila and I was arrested on a bench warrant. After nine days I paid the purge and was released.
Three weeks later I was arrested again during a routine traffic stop in which the officers informed me that the arrest warrant still stood and was not removed. I was held for five more days in a Dade County Correctional Facility. The guard awoke me from my sleep by kicking my bed and stated that we have nothing to do with this you now have what we call and consider a double jeopardy and I should pack my bags and leave Dade Counties illustrious criminal vacation facility. Sarasota received the money and had not removed the warrant that had already been appeased in my first arrest. I was not asked to bond out simply released due to an error. I was fired from my job and forced to move out of my home as I was living check to check with no job and out on the streets because someone forgot to process the paperwork that sat on some pencil pushers desk. I have now begun to file a 100 million dollar law suit for double jeopardy against Sarasota County.
The image of blind justice with the woman holding the scales haunts my daily walk for it is the woman who holds the scales. How ironic that a person who see's that image and reads the quote "All who Labor here seek justice�? does not look at it as a woman who holds the scales.
Four income tax checks, my passport, and my license has been seized on the basis that I have not paid my child support that I can prove I do not owe homeless and forced to live with a family member on the sofa with my son. Yes my son who has run away from home to live with me since he was 16 and we now celebrate his 18 birthday just this past April 16. The celebration is now that he is sur juris citing a landmark case of Crone Baugh v. Van Dyke. 415 So 2d 738 (Fla. 5th DCA 1982, Rev. denied, 426 So. 2d 25 (Fla. 1983) the cause of action to enforce the father's child support obligations, [if any] and to collect those arrearages belonged to the children, and that their mother as such, did not have standing to enforce the children's rights and to collect from the father the money due the children, neither did HRS have the right or standing to collect those sums on behalf of the former wife.�?
He alone has the right to enforce or withdraw the course of action of enforcement of child support and arrears. He is fed up with his mother's actions and parental alienation of his father. He is a witness first hand to the plots against his father and the atrocities of the situation countless perjury attempts and vindictive maliciousness to utilize the system to gain an unfair advantage. He should have been protected from all pending court matters and disparaging remarks (as stated by chapter 61) made by his own mother that has damaged him psychologically. Parents fail to realize that when you attack the other parent you stab at the child as well for that child understands that he is a part of the other parent who is being attacked.
In a land where African Americans sought and obtained equal rights, Women burned their braziers and protested for equality, Gays and Lesbians actively seek the opportunity to establish their relationships and be bonded in Matrimony. Why can I as the Paternal Father of our child have my equal rights to seek justice in a fair and impartial court system in Sarasota County?
Respectfully Submitted,
Ricardo R.Rivero..case # 09-20852 civ.Gold
Ricardo A.Rivero case # 09-20853 civ.Graham
Ricardo Rivero June 29, 2009
We have all ready filed them in Federal Court …in Miami FL…
Our address …32124s.w. 200 Ct.Homestead FL..33030..
Phone Number .. (786) 738 – 2895
Written by Louis Antonio Lliteras II a next friend
Ricardo Rivero
Posted by: Ricardo Rivero on June 17, 2009 05:52 PM
Rhonda is fantastic! She knows that ex wives and children lie, that is why she does not need to waste time with facts.
Posted by: stepmom on December 15, 2010 10:02 PM
Posted by: Ricardo Rivero on March 3, 2013 09:57 PM

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