Good Teeth From Birth To Death
Dear Vere,
This is a good one, I have used homeopathic Fluoride remedies in the past to good effect. However, my researches kept leading me back to nutrition. The quality of teeth is intrinsically connected to health. In fact good teeth were THE main indicator Dr, Weston Price used in his seminal work with traditional societies and their health. So form that vantage point this is what I do and suggest.
First and foremost stop all low fat diets. Without good saturated fats one will not absorb the minerals needed to reenamelize and build bones.
Remove all synthetic and/or processed fats from the diet.
Add Cod liver oil, preferably with butter, to the diet.
Start to use good natural saturated fats from butter and animals (as close as possible to local grass fed organic sources).
See: Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon with Mary G Enig, PhD on how to get started. This book belongs in every kitchen!
Get a good vitamin and mineral supplement until such time that a good grip from dietary sources is established.
Massaging the gums is even more important then cleaning, as this is from where the nutrients must travel to get to the teeth.
To this end the use of Waterpik with couple of capfuls of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide added to warm water is easiest.
You can also increase the circulation to the teeth and gums through the use of Bayberry root bark, Oak galls, Echinacea root, Tea Tree oil, Peppermint oil and Cayenne pepper.
Use of pure soap to clean teeth - and no pure soap tastes neutral, and will not make you sick.
...."Reenamelization of the teeth occurs when they are clean. All toothpastes make a barrier of glycerine on the teeth which would require 20 rinses to get it off. A good solution for clean teeth, which I have used for 5 years, is bar soap. Wet the brush, swipe the bar two or three times with it, then brush the teeth thoroughly and the gums gently. Rinse with water three or four times. All oils are washed off the teeth and the gums are disinfected. The bacteria are killed by the soap. The teeth are then ready for reenamelization with calcium and phosphate in the diet. The enzyme adenosine diphosphatase delivers phosphate to the enamel surface. Do not use liquid soaps. Their different composition is harmful to the protoplasm.
Reenamelization is necessary on a daily basis because the enamel leaches slightly with water as well as the bones over decades leading to holey bones and holey teeth even in the absence of acid attack. Without reenamelization, we could never have good teeth."...
From: "Good Teeth From Birth To Death" see below.
While I don't agree with all of Dr. Judd's recommendations below, ie "sugar not damaging teeth" his work in the main is very useful and worth incorporating in maintaining one's teeth.. Sugar may not directly damage teeth but it sure will damage bone/teeth integrity and cause other diseases in the long due to huge mineral imbalances it creates.
Some drugs like Statins can impair bone building due to inappropriate suppression of cholesterol needed for the formation bones. This effects in some individuals more than others. Instead use vitamins to manage high homocysteine levels.
Pulse the teeth are with a magnetic pulser. This facilitates the uptake of minerals. Some have had dramatic results.
Add CQ10 if you have bad gums.
Having said all that here is what I use and do.
After cleaning with Waterpik and soap I apply the following, and don't rinse, formula (still work in progress)"
All in equal parts
4 grams (parts) vitamin C
2 grams Baking Soda
1 gram borax
1 gram Magnesium Oxide
Note: Its best to make small amount at time as the mixture is quite hygroscopic and is easily destroyed over time via the moisture in the air,
Chris Gupta
At 06:05 PM 2004-04-08, you wrote:
Hello Chris;
In my nutrition practice, people show me prescriptions written for fluoride. They want to know what alternatives there are, to help harden their teeth to decay. I know of boron and ipriflavone and comfrey root tea used as mitogens, and I wonder if they might help.
I would value your ideas. Thank-you, Vere
with DR. GERARD F. JUDD, Ph.D.
by Dr. Gerard F. Judd, Ph.D., Chemistry and Fluoride Researcher
May 5, 2001
I now place in everyone's hand the complete answer to tooth cavities. Following this procedure there will not be one more cavity, one more gingivitis case, or one more fluorosed, brittle, cracked tooth in the world. Bad teeth in Ireland, Canada, the USA, Britain, Australia and New Zealand will now be curbed. The 55-year fight with fluoride promoters (dentists) in these countries is over since research now establishes for certain that fluoride makes the teeth WORSE and not better (refs 1,2,3). My book, Good Teeth, Birth to Death lays out in no uncertain terms all the detail to achieve my claims.
I have talked to thousands of people about their teeth, many of whom have perfect teeth. In all those cases of perfect teeth, the practice of rinsing while eating has been the reason, and not fluoride. I am convinced that perfect teeth have little or nothing to do with genetics. The best way to have perfect teeth besides staying away from greedy or incompetent dentists is to pursue the following behavior:
1. Rinse acids off the teeth during eating (ref 4).
2. Brush the teeth with bar soap (ref 5).
3. Take calcium pills with vitamin D daily (ref 6).
4. Take monosodium phosphate daily (ref 7).
5. Take freshly made sodium ascorbate daily for gum connections to the teeth (ref 8).
6. Dispense with the worry that bacteria harm teeth: THEY CANNOT (ref 9).
7. Dispense with the worry that sugar destroys teeth. I find sugar has little or nothing to do with cavities (ref 10).
8. Avoid all fluoride products. They destroy teeth, unravel enzymes and cause 113 ailments (ref 11).
My 117-page book, Good Teeth, Birth to Death (Call 1-623-412-3955 for a copy delivered to you after which you will return $15) covers the perfect teeth subject thoroughly including the fluoride controversy. It is a product of thousands of hours of research. The index alone is 41 pages.
(ref 1) J Pub Health Dentistry, Nov 1993. This article states we have a tooth decay epidemic in the US since 42% of people over 65 years of age have no natural teeth, 44-year-olds have an average of 30 decays, 17-year-olds have an average of 11 decays, the blacks and the poor are twice as bad as this and the American Indians have four times the tooth trouble. American Indians have free dental care, and have had since almost the beginning of fluoridation. If fluoride helped prevent cavities at a rate of 80% per 15 years as the proponents of fluoride claimed in the beginning of the early studies of the forties, US residents would now have less than 2 cavities per person (my calculation).
(ref 2) In MediZine, V6 #2, April of 2000, the American Dental Association again states that a dental epidemic exists and 42% of those over 65 years of age and 25% of those over 44 years of age have no natural teeth. They admit their ignorance as to why.
(ref 3) 4 curves representing a total of 480,000 students and covering over 30 years of study indicate that the increasing concentration of fluoride in drinking water from 0 to 1 ppm increases the cavities 7, 43, 22 and 10% in Japan, Tucson, India and the US (see GTBD, pp 44,45,46 and 49). In other words, fluoridation about doubles cavitation from the normal (my calculation). Numerous studies verify the fact that fluoridation of water increases cavities.
(ref 4) Tooth enamel (essentially calcium phosphate) reacts with all acids to form cavities (see any chemistry text dealing with solubilities). The proton of the acid pulls the phosphate right out of the enamel, and fast. By drinking a sip of water along with the acid during eating, the acid reacts chemically with water immediately to form hydronium ion and thus the enamel is saved. One can use milk or coffee for the same purpose, since they are both non-acidic. Dr. Albert Schatz, Nobelist who discovered streptomycin, found several decades ago that sharks' teeth with their excessive fluoride would dissolve just as readily in citric acid as ordinary non-fluoridated teeth, laying to rest the hypothesis that fluoride would stop cavities. The dental people (American Dental Association) pushed aside this discovery and Dr. Schatz' discoveries regarding excessive baby mortalities caused by fluoridation in Chili, South America as insignificant. They returned his mail 3x unopened and would not deal with him.
Some harmful acids (with pH <4) which are tart to the taste and attack the enamel include lemons, grapefruit, oranges, pineapple, kiwi fruit, tomatoes, vinegar, cider, vitamin C (especially chewable) and stomach acid. The lower the pH, the more rapidly the acids attack. Body acid (extremely weak) is insignificant in this process. Non-acid foods such as beans, bread and potatoes have no action on teeth. Worry about such foods is over. The only worry about non-acid foods is if they will crack the teeth due to their hardness. Chewing ice, unpopped corn kernels, extremely hard nuts, bones or other hard objects is not smart, since teeth do have a breaking strength.
(ref 5) Reenamelization of the teeth occurs when they are clean. All toothpastes make a barrier of glycerine on the teeth which would require 20 rinses to get it off. A good solution for clean teeth, which I have used for 5 years, is bar soap. Wet the brush, swipe the bar two or three times with it, then brush the teeth thoroughly and the gums gently. Rinse with water three or four times. All oils are washed off the teeth and the gums are disinfected. The bacteria are killed by the soap. The teeth are then ready for reenamelization with calcium and phosphate in the diet. The enzyme adenosine diphosphatase delivers phosphate to the enamel surface. Do not use liquid soaps. Their different composition is harmful to the protoplasm.
Reenamelization is necessary on a daily basis because the enamel leaches slightly with water as well as the bones over decades leading to holey bones and holey teeth even in the absence of acid attack. Without reenamelization, we could never have good teeth.
(ref 6) Calcium (1.2 g if it is the only source) with vitamin D can be obtained from Walgreens at a very reasonable price of about 5 cents per pill. Other required vitamin and mineral requirements of the body can be found on page 56 of GTBD. Vitamin D helps to deliver calcium to its needed site. All acid-soluble calcium compounds such as calcium carbonate or calcium citrate are suitable with D. It goes without saying that calcium is necessary in building calcium phosphate teeth.
(ref 7) Monosodium phosphate ($20./lb delivered, food grade from 1-800-344-2047) is the best supplement for phosphate since it is very pure and highly soluble in water. Simply take about 1/5 teaspoon (1 gram), dissolve it in 1 inch of water in less than a minute, then fill up the glass and drink it daily. This takes care of all the bones, teeth, DNA, RNA and at least 30 phosphate-containing enzymes which are listed on page 53 of my GTBD book. Our bodies run on enzymes and we are hard put to lose any of them. Even the brain requires them. Phosphate also regulates body pH.
(ref 8) Vitamin C powder at Trader Joes is $9.99/lb. Put 1 level tsp (4 g) in a glass, add 1/2 tsp Arm and Hammer baking soda, add 1 inch of water, let fizz, dilute to 8 oz and drink. The compound made here is fresh sodium ascorbate. This is about 1000 x as soluble as C, and is more reactive towards antibody and connective tissue construction and viral destruction. Thus the gums knit back to the teeth, avoiding any kind of oral surgery for "receding gums." Receding gums are nothing but gum pockets caused by toothpaste and especially fluoride, which severs all proteins because of its highly negative character. Fluoride is the smallest negative ion on earth, and consequently is the most intensely negative particle on earth. As such, fluoride breaks the positive hydrogen bonds, which hold the coils together, in proteins and enzymes.
(ref 9) We know that bacteria have nothing to do with loss of enamel. Witness the billions of animal and human remains in the earth which have lost all the flesh and are reduced to tooth enamel and bones. It is quite evident that the teeth have been through bacterial contact but are unaffected. The same with human teeth. They cannot be affected by bacteria, because there is no carbon or hydrogen in enamel, which bacteria subsist on. Study of streptococcic mutans as a source of so-called "decay" is a waste of government funding donated to dental organizations.
(ref 10) Sugars (fructose, glucose and sucrose) were found in my laboratory studies to be unable to dissolve calcium phosphate to any extent, even in hot water solution. The reason for this is that the chelation process of the sugar towards teeth is slow because of the large size of the molecule and perhaps for the particular shape of the chelate formed. Sugars are not the cause of tooth cavities to any great extent, but still it will do no harm to rinse them off the teeth after consuming candy, especially the sticky variety. The adhering barrier will prevent reenamelization.
(ref 11) Fluoride at very low levels destroys at least 66 out of 83 enzymes (p. 53, GTBD) by uncoupling the hydrogen bond linkage between the enzyme coils. Fluoride causes 113 known ailments (p. 54, GTBD). Ten of these were established through double blind studies, which although noteworthy, may be of no more significance than the individual diagnoses.
Fluoride in the gels used (inappropriately) to harden the enamel is extremely toxic at a concentration of 13,000 ppm (1.3%). Keith Kantor of McMinneville Oregon was killed in the dentist's chair 3 years ago by swallowing half a teaspoon of the gel. His brother nearly died from the same treatment, but was saved by having calcium gluconate administered to him.
Three kidney dialysis patients at the University of Chicago Medical School were killed 3 years ago when nurses used unpurified Chicago tap water for dialysis. Chicago water has 2 ppm fluoride in it during the winter. Fluoridated water is lethal to dialysis patients. Fluoride is also very harmful to the kidneys of ordinary people.
One can look up the lethal dose of a large number of chemicals all the way from botulinum and snake poison toxins to sugar, a non-toxin, on pages 57and 58 of my book GTBD. It is interesting that the lethal dosage of fluoride compound for a 50 kg man is 2.5 mg (fluoroacetic acid), and 400 mg for arsenic oxide. Numerous people, animals and fish on earth, especially in the U.S., have been killed by fluoride, but very few, if any, by arsenic.
Toothpaste companies now are required to put warning signs on tubes so children will not consume enough of the 1000 ppm (.1%) material to make them sick or cause death. This requirement arises out of lawsuits in which children were poisoned by fluoride-containing toothpaste.
The best available data indicates about 120,000 cancer patients are killed annually because of fluoride in their drinking water. These include patients with every type of cancer. The dramatic increase of cancer cases in the US in recent times can probably be laid directly on the shoulders of the dentists due to their tireless energies in converting city councils to put fluoride in the water for "the children's teeth." They are able to do this because of large government grants. It is irrational to believe just "anything" in the environment causes cancer. The unique character of fluoride ion in destroying enzymes deserves attention.
1. Researcher in industry: 18 yrs.
2. Prof of chemistry: 33 yrs; retired professor emeritus.
3. Fluoride laboratory studies: Linde Air (atomic energy), Purdue (phosphates and fluoroorganics), Wright Field (fluoroorganics), Phoenix College (rapid analysis for fluoride in water): 13 yrs.
4. Author, revised: Good Teeth Birth to Death, 117 pgs. Jan 1999.
5. Author, revised: Chemistry, Its Uses In Everyday Life, 305 pgs. July 1997.
6. Author, Self-Quizzes for Chemistry and Its Uses, 110 pgs. July 16 1997.
7. Author, Chemical Hygiene Plan, 87 pgs. Apr 23 1998.
8. Speaker, writer, radio host, author of books.
9. Fighter for truth in practical uses of chemistry.
10. Author of affidavit in Support of Summary Judgment Against Fluoride.
Dr. Gerard F. Judd, Ph.D.
Chemistry Researcher, Professor, Author, and Educator
6615 West Lupine
Glendale, Arizona 85304-3136
1-623-412-3955 (Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.)
posted by Chris Gupta on Tuesday April 13 2004
updated on Saturday September 24 2005
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Readers' Comments
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Bill Evans on September 14, 2004 07:01 PM
I would not use monosodium phosphate - unless it is pharmacuetical grade.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on September 14, 2004 09:58 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: pat on September 17, 2004 07:57 AM
Pat, you are right about xylitol and sugar cane in general. Will post more on this in due course. As a matter of fact a certain type of sugar even reduces cholestrol not that is a big deal as good cholestrol is good for you but it sure beats the statins.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on September 18, 2004 03:43 AM
Chris and Bill, Garmon NaturVet is the only source of monosodium phosphate in the US. There is no higher quality available.
Posted by: Elliott Ingram on October 22, 2004 05:17 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Matt Paulsen on October 23, 2004 02:04 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Matthew Paulsen on October 23, 2004 02:26 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Gayle Swindle on November 29, 2004 08:16 PM
Gayle, It is possible to reverse. You will have to start large does of CQ10 300 to 500 mg in divided doses and up your intake of Vitamin C and D. Use Cod liver oil for Vitamin D. Stopping all processed foods is imperative.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on November 30, 2004 10:23 PM
Do not take disodium phosphate. I did and have necrosis and holes in tissue (roof of mouth). Also liver problems and rashes. These remedies you are writing about do not work.
Posted by: SS on August 25, 2005 12:48 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: on August 26, 2005 12:37 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Lady Garrison on August 27, 2005 02:01 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Pam Trudel on October 28, 2005 03:44 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Linda on November 26, 2005 11:03 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Mike on November 26, 2005 01:02 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Barbara on January 9, 2006 03:50 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: kate sisco on January 11, 2006 01:20 PM
Posted by: on January 16, 2006 09:18 PM
Chris, did you say that you used Ivory soap to brush your teeth?
Posted by: teresa carey on January 22, 2006 06:16 PM
Yes or pure olive oil soap that is available in Greek stores
Posted by: Chris Gupta on January 22, 2006 10:08 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Shreesh Ponkshe on January 25, 2006 07:02 AM
I am losing some enamel because of reflux and lyme disease. Any suggestions. My teeth feel brittle and they are getting more crooked (I am 42). I have a magnetic pulser. How should I pulse them. Is there a way to rinse with calcium liquid to fix teeth?
Posted by: Michael on January 27, 2006 04:27 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Carol on January 30, 2006 04:23 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Roefka on January 30, 2006 08:19 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Patricia on February 1, 2006 02:09 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Patricia on February 1, 2006 02:27 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Patricia on February 1, 2006 02:28 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Michael on February 1, 2006 09:10 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Dentally Challenged on February 3, 2006 06:43 AM
Do you have a water pik? A water pik will help irrigate and clean between teeth, gums, etc. Hope that helps!
Posted by: Patricia on February 3, 2006 09:52 PM
Any ideas about a loose tooth?
Posted by: Bob on February 6, 2006 02:23 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: on February 7, 2006 07:01 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Carol Meeks on February 7, 2006 08:37 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Patricia on February 9, 2006 03:57 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Patricia on February 9, 2006 04:09 AM
Was there ever an answer to the question about brushing with liquid calcium. I know that Arm and Hammer have a product that contains liquid calcium and builds the enamel as the calcium gets straight to the teeth but could this also be achieved by brushing with bought liquid calcium
Posted by: TrudiRudiPixie on February 10, 2006 08:19 AM
What about bone loss due to gum infection? Is that reversable? And how about crooked teeth as one is aging?
Posted by: MS on February 12, 2006 09:24 PM
Would you wash your hands with toothpaste to clean them?
Posted by: Stanley on February 20, 2006 04:20 PM
Thanks for the earlier info. Just a few more questions...
1) Do you brush with soap after every meal or just twice a day?
2) Do you brush with a manual soft toothbrush or something like a sonicare?
3) Have you ever had a cavity while doing this routine?
4) Do you happen to know if you (or anyone else) had any cavities starting or enamel problems before using bar soap that healed once using it for a while?
5) Do you have any crowns or other dental work that you still brush with bar soap? And had is done any damage?
Posted by: Carol Meeks on February 21, 2006 03:14 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Carol on February 26, 2006 04:42 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Carol on March 3, 2006 10:11 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: tracy on March 14, 2006 04:39 AM
Dr. Gerard F. Judd, Ph.D.
Chemistry Researcher, Professor, Author, and Educator
6615 West Lupine
Glendale, Arizona 85304-3136
1-623-412-3955 (Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.)
Posted by: Chris Gupta on March 14, 2006 04:05 PM
Dear All,
Have ever tried our ISLAMIC Miswak for a change and see the result .you may find it as sticks for brushing or paste.
Posted by: Abdul on March 15, 2006 05:13 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Carol on March 15, 2006 11:12 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Carol on March 15, 2006 11:12 AM
I am back to report my progress after 2 months of trial : because of lack of access to certain things like a waterpik or because of distrust for using chemicals like phosphate et al I stuck to the following : bar-soap brushing once a day and frequent gum massaging - upto 3-4 times a day, and sufficient supply of good fats (cod-liver oil, butter, clarified butter). My results : healthier gums, brighter white teeth (possibly because of the plaque removal). My gums still do bleed occasionally and I am still fighting bad-breath. Possibly because my mouth has more steel & amalgam, than enamel. But there is certainly no way I am going back to brushing with a toothpaste. I have a 5 month old boy ... he is going to grow up not knowing what a fluoridated toothpaste is! Chris, if there are any pointers for me on how to progress further, pls do let me know.
Posted by: Dentally Challenged on April 4, 2006 03:43 AM
-my adult teeth is a bit shaky do i need to worry about anything or is it telling me that i have cavities !
Is it possible to lose your baby teeth than your adult teeth than grow new ones i knew a cousin that this happened very astonishing if it can happen how do we do this
Posted by: jasmine on April 4, 2006 10:12 AM
I was just told today that I have lost alot of bone mass in my teeth. My dentist has recommended me to a periodondist to see what teeth can be saved and what teeth have to go. I had my jaw repositioned about 10 years ago and what pain that was. Then I wore braces. All this i was told was so that I could keep my teeth lined up to have the rest of my life. Okay, I had enough with the dentist about 5 years ago and stopped going. Now that I have pain and have some gum recession it is because I stopped going to the Dentist he said. I started using bar soap about 2 weeks ago and starting taking sodium ascorbate with the baking soda and calcium daily. Am I too late?
Posted by: Suan Vogelaar on April 12, 2006 07:18 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: James on April 17, 2006 01:19 PM
I was wondering if peppermint oil is a suitable choice for brushing with? Has anyone tried it? Does it make a difference?
Posted by: Jim on April 27, 2006 07:18 PM
If you use a bar soap for tooth brushing, you need to use a handmade or natural soap. Store bought soaps like Ivory etc. contain detergents and other chemicals added to make them last longer or lather more. Use a soap made with no scent or essential oils only, not an artificial fragrance. There are hundreds of sources of natural soap online. Look for "cold process" soap make with only pure natural ingredients. All handmade soaps are made from oils saponified with lye and contain glycerin which is part of the chemical reaction when the soap is made. This is not the same as "glycerin" soap which contains a higher percentage than cold process soaps.
Posted by: Tammy on May 8, 2006 09:49 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: toby on May 19, 2006 04:59 PM
i have receding gums and was wondering if brushing with ivory soap really works? can your gums realy grow back? i would really appreciate any info you could give me.
Posted by: jennifer on May 20, 2006 12:51 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: John on May 23, 2006 10:45 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Pam on June 1, 2006 11:13 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Annie on June 5, 2006 02:21 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Chris Gupta on June 5, 2006 11:13 PM
Disodium Phosphate: ACUTE EFFECTS
Posted by: ss on June 9, 2006 08:21 PM
Soap irritates the
mucous membranes that line the inner surfaces of your nose and
mouth. Soap will also burn your eyes.
Posted by: on June 16, 2006 12:42 PM
Went to the dentist a year ago and had my teeth cleaned. Now I went back because I had more tarter and bone loss. Does anyone know what will help??
Will brushing my teeth with Ivory soap help?
They want to take out some teeth but I would like to keep them. Has anyone heard of using comfrey tea/
Posted by: anita vaill on June 21, 2006 08:54 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Nick on June 27, 2006 07:49 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Igor on July 3, 2006 07:00 PM
"Does anyone know of any other discussion boards dealing with this topic?"
No. Does this topic really merit its own forum?
Posted by: Igor on July 3, 2006 07:22 PM
"Soap will also burn your eyes."
As will toothpaste, if you put it in your eyes.
Posted by: Igor on July 3, 2006 07:26 PM
"Store bought soaps like Ivory etc. contain detergents and other chemicals added to make them last longer or lather more."
Not so. The ingredients in Ivory soap are: Sodium tallowate, Sodium cocoate or sodium palm kernelate, Water, Sodium chloride, Sodium silicate, Magnesium sulfate, Fragrance.
The only ingredients to be weary of would be Sodium silicate and "Fragrance" (fragrance could be made up of any number of chemicals).
"Sodium tallowate" and "Sodium cocoate or sodium palm kernelate" are pure soap (saponified fats/oils). They are not synthetic detergents.
"Sodium chloride" is table salt, and "Magnesium sulfate" are Epsom salts.
The ingredients in Ivory are far more benign than those typically found in big-name toothpastes (e.g. Crest, Colgate, Close-Up, etc.)
Posted by: Igor on July 3, 2006 07:37 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: on July 20, 2006 09:45 PM
I had an abcessed tooth 3 years ago that made me very ill, I have had other health problems also, I had it pulled and my health became very bad, I felt like I was being poisened with the infection going through my body, Since then alot of my teeth are abcessed, I have done 100s of natural things, Including the bar soap, I do not know what to do, Every time I brush with anything it makes the abcesses leach into my system, I cant seen to get it controled, No-one has an answer, And I am worried about the heart issue with severe decayed teeth, Thank You, NEED HELP DESPERATELY
Posted by: Lisa on August 29, 2006 06:38 PM
I am a 52 year old woman who has severe peridontal disease (50-80 bone loss). Today I had three upper teeth removed!!! My right upper front tooth is loose, protruding, and looks awful. Many of the other ones are loose, and those above and below missing teeth are shifting. The oral surgeon (that I saw today) very gently and sympathetically told me that I would lose all of my teeth. He suggested that I have them all pulled and get implant supported dentures on the top and impants on the bottom. I hate the idea of being toothless and having dentures that I take out at night. Is there an alternative? Is it possible to rebuild lost dental bones? Can I then think in terms of perhaps doing some implants and getting braces to straigthen my teeth? Help!!!
Posted by: Linda on November 8, 2006 05:48 PM
I live in singapore. Where can I obtain a bar soap? Do u mean I can also use a bath soap such as dove bar soap which was posted by someone to brush my teeth or any brand of bar soap used for bathing? Actually, my both right molar teeth is a little bit shaky and painful. I have no intention to seek any dental treatment neither do I want any of my teeth to be exracted. Please advise urgently. Tks.
Posted by: Joel on December 4, 2006 03:15 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Maxene on December 7, 2006 12:56 AM
Here is some research I have come across and have known about for quite a while.
Hope this helps.
Posted by: The Light Worker on December 30, 2006 06:58 AM
I have some fairly serious tissue damage from listening and trying one of these remedies. Be careful what you read on the internet.
Posted by: Sheryl on December 30, 2006 08:08 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: sue on April 14, 2007 01:35 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Mike on June 15, 2007 11:39 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: BC on June 25, 2007 04:54 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Dayne on September 3, 2007 03:04 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: tracy on September 6, 2007 11:48 AM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Dayne on September 16, 2007 03:16 PM
Could you please tell me whether you can reverse gum recession or not. I have been reading meny different stories and have come to the conclusion that they are lost forever. I do not have bad recession but can see a few crevices showing at the gum line. I have had hormonal gingivitis and am very concerned about the recession. I take coq10, vit C and a very high nutrient formula. Please please help as this is really worrying me!
Regards Tracy
Posted by: Joyce on October 6, 2007 06:51 PM
I've had an abscessed tooth from bridgework that was not glued on properly. I've had nothing but problems for 3 years trying to treat this myself. The dentist recommends a root canal.
I'm using colidal silver, white oak bark, charcoal, Dr. Schult's anti infection, clay,and numerous other things. I won't give up and am open to if I can cure this tooth on my own. I will do anything to avoid a root canal or getting it pulled.
Thanks much,
Nancy please read:
Cure Tooth Decay!
Heal And Prevent Cavities With Nutrition
Posted by: nancy on August 7, 2008 01:50 PM
Hello Nancy did you have any success. I'm in your shoes now.
Posted by: Julie on November 10, 2015 01:13 AM

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