Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
May 07, 2004

Experts challenge Water Fluoridation

..."Fluorides are cumulative, and short-term studies are specifically designed by proponents in a weak attempt to circumvent biological data [ 13 ]. Research indicates that agencies like the AMA and ADA were reasonably honest about the issue prior to 1945, before corporate pressure apparently forced them to "get in line". According to the AMA on September 18, 1943, "fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons, with the capacity to modify the metabolism of cells by inhibiting certain enzymes. Sources of fluorine intoxication include drinking water containing 1ppm or more of fluorine" [ 14 ]. Amazing, isn't it? Even the ADA was honest about the issue back then, on October 1, 1944, when it said, "drinking water containing as little as 1.2 ppm fluoride will cause developmental disturbances ... we cannot run the risk of producing such serious systemic disturbances. In light of our present knowledge of the chemistry of the subject, the potentialities for harm outweigh those for good "[ 15 ]. So, since the properties of fluorides haven't changed, and the nature of human physiology haven't changed, why do they maintain today that it causes "no harm"? What's wrong with this picture? Since everything in society flows from the top down, we can only assume that governmental agency pressure is the reason. In fact, that is precisely the case, but why in God's name would that want to do that?"...

Extracted from: Fluoride Myth And Scam: Behavioral Effects Of Fluorides On Mass Populations - a must read!

Historic perspectives are quite revealing in that they frequently allow us to see that which the vested interests try to hide...

Again and again we see how our governments dupe us. They continually protect the interests of corporations ahead of our health and wealth. It is clear that their (governments') primary role is to act as industry watch dog and servant through the pretense of protecting it's citizens.

Those who think that governments are needed for our protection, security and well being are sadly mistaken. Instead of expecting the government to stem the tide of corruption and self interests we continually see their dismal track record of betrayal.

Time and time again it has been shown that governments and corruption are synonymous. This especially include our democratic(?) ones. The more democratic the society becomes the more likely it will be abused by governments/authority as it becomes progressively easier to betray citizen trust.... It will come as a surprise to most that Stalinist Russia started from one of the most democratic governments of all in its day!

Chris Gupta

NB: Don't forget to check the embedded links in article below.

A bit of a breakthrough with the following story in Calgary herald Saturday.... Your follow-up letters to city councillors and to the herald could make a difference... kudos to two Calgary MD's who are courageously speaking out in an attempt to break the "wall of silence"...please share with your friends and family...thanks...Fay
Fluoride: the debate goes on
Two Calgary experts challenge conventional wisdoms of fluoridated water

James Beck and Robert Dickson
For the Calgary Herald

Saturday, May 01, 2004

Consider this. If we as physicians were to prescribe to patients we know nothing about, a medically active, unproven drug at uncontrolled dosage and tell them to take as much as they want for the rest of their lives while not monitoring the side effects, how long would we be practising medicine before our licences were revoked? The answer, of course, is not for very long.

Unfortunately, many Calgarians are unaware that this is exactly what the Calgary Health Region is doing when it sanctions spending almost $1 million per year of taxpayers' money to add the volatile toxin hydrofluosilicic acid -- commonly known as fluoride -- to our otherwise decent drinking water. Again unfortunate is the deferring to, and reiterating of, the official party line on fluoride -- the blindly and oft repeated mantra of fluoride helps kids, especially poor kids.

Many professionals still repeat the mistaken conclusion that caries (tooth decay) have been reduced by up to 75 per cent since fluoride was introduced. ("Pros and cons of fluoride," by Peter Nieman, the Herald, April 8). Can you spot the disconnect here? Yes, caries have decreased by up to 75 per cent in the past 50 or so years since the first flawed studies promoting fluoride were published. But, the incidence of caries in Europe, which is 99 per cent non-fluoridated, and in British Columbia, which is fluorosilicic acid-free in more than 95 per cent of its communities, has also decreased by the same or even more. Is it possible that the impressive reduction in caries is not at all connected to fluoride in our drinking water but to a much healthier diet for children, more regular brushing of teeth and much superior and more accessible dental care for most, particularly kids?

Is fluoridation side-effect free? Absolutely not. Many good scientific studies show increased incidence of hip fractures because of fluoride ingestion as well as strong associations with thyroid problems (look at the vast number of patients in our western world on thyroid supplementation), adverse effects on the pineal gland, neurological sequelae such as deleterious effects on learning and intelligence, and association with several cancers as well. Indeed, higher doses of fluoride were used in Europe a few decades ago to treat overactive thyroid glands.

However, the most obvious and noticeable deleterious effect of fluoride is fluorosis. More than 40 per cent of children in fluoridated areas are showing signs of fluorosis and the old mantra of this side effect being "only cosmetic" is being rapidly abandoned, even by the most ardent promoters of fluoride. Those who have touted the monetary savings of fluoride by reducing the need for cavity repair are now admitting that the cost of repairing teeth damaged by fluorosis has far outstripped any possible savings and the gap is rapidly widening. Thus, say goodbye to the economic argument for fluoride. Also, promoters of this drug agree that what we see in the enamel we also see in our skeletal bones. Therefore, mottling, pitting and infrastructure destruction visible in our enamel is also occurring in all the bones in our body.

Most people are not aware that hydrofluorosilicic acid is a substance that is scrubbed out of smokestacks of the fertilizer industry. This chemical, not approved in North America for administration to humans, is contaminated with traces of lead, cadmium and arsenic. Less than a teaspoon of this toxin will kill an adult. How would the fertilizer industry deal with such a dangerous chemical and how many millions of dollars would safe disposal cost if they were not able to dispose of it for considerable profit in our drinking water? A better case can be made for the sodium fluoride we find in our toothpaste and in dentists' offices. Indeed, the topical administration of fluoride is the only safe, possibly effective and ethical way to utilize this drug.

Our natural fluoride comes from our mountain rivers in the form of calcium fluoride. In Calgary, we have either 0.2 or 0.3 ppm (parts per million) in our river systems, depending on which side of the city you live. An interesting development occurred last year when the Canadian Pediatric Society issued its guidelines and forcefully stated that the maximum amount of fluoride that a child should consume in drinking water was 0.3 ppm. That would, of course, make the addition of hydrofluorosilicic acid to our Calgary system not only redundant but also dangerous for our children, particularly because we already consume fluoride in many of our foods and beverages. However, the strong arms of the powers-that-be quickly pressured the society to alter their recommendations and guidelines and toe the line. Unethical? Most certainly. It reminds one of similar stories in our recent past, in particular those of thalidomide, hexavalent chromium (rent the movie Erin Brockavich), lead in our gasoline and paints (recommended level of lead has recently been downgraded to 0 ppm), and the latest controversy surrounding hormone replacement therapy for post-menopausal women.

Unethical? Most certainly. It reminds one of similar stories in our recent past, in particular those of thalidomide, hexavalent chromium (rent the movie Erin Brockavich), lead in our gasoline and paints (recommended level of lead has recently been downgraded to 0 ppm), and the latest controversy surrounding hormone replacement therapy for post-menopausal women.

Many dentists won't let fluoride through their front door. What are we doing blindly allowing its volatile distant cousin, hydrofluorosilicic acid, to be dumped in our pristine mountain water?

James Beck is a retired biophysicist formerly at the University of Calgary. Robert Dickson is a community family physician in Calgary.

- - -

Fluoridation Facts

Calgary Plebiscites

- 1957, 1961, 1966, 1971: Fluoridation of water is voted down.

- 1989: Fluoridation approved (115,900 to 102,762).

- 1998: Continued fluoridation approved (136,697/113,258)

Other Communities

- 1945: Brantford, Ontario is the first community in Canada to fluoridate its water.

- 1959: Red Deer is the first Alberta community to add fluoride to its drinking water.

- 1966: After legislation is changed to allow for a simple majority rather than a two-thirds majority, Edmonton votes for fluoridation.

Fluoride content of water

In Calgary, fluoride content is maintained at 0.7 mg/l.

The natural fluoride level in Calgary's water varies between 0.15 and 0.3 parts per million.

Calgary Costs

Cost to build fluoridation facilities in Calgary was $1.4 million in 1989.

Sources: City of Calgary; Calgary Health Region; Calgary Herald Archives
© The Calgary Herald 2004


posted by Chris Gupta on Friday May 7 2004
updated on Saturday September 24 2005

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