Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
June 17, 2004

M.P.'s that Vote against Health Freedom


I notice that you did not vote for the James Lunney's federal Health Freedom C-420 bill - the only progressive, and much overdue, health care initiative to have come along in a long time. Why is it that expensive and generally toxic drugs are favoured over non drug alternatives? When for peanuts - we could nearly end:

- Heart disease through nutrients and or chelation

- Arthritis through nutrients

- Pain though electromedicine

- Much of mental disease through nutrients and electromedicine (see the CES segment)

- Disinfect Blood with 10 grams of ascorbic acid/bag as has been done in Japan for years. (
[1] Morishige F, Murata A. Vitamin C for prophylaxis of viral hepatitis B in transfused patients. J Intl Acad Prev Med 1979; 5:54-58.). Or Ozonize it as was done in our own Canadian Army.

("Ministry of National Defence used monkeys to show that ozone could achieve 100% sterilization of blood contaminated with a deadly version of HIV, and make it safe for transfusions. Other research indicates ozone's ability to strengthen key factors of the immune system including interferon and Interleukin-2. However, ozone remains unapproved for general medical use, the media have ignored the issue, and the public remains uninformed.")

- Infectious diseases with IV vitamin C and/or blood UV, Hydrogen peroxide.

- Removal of environmental poisons such as Fluoride and cosmetic pesticides.

- Use of Ozone to disinfect water instead of toxic Chlorine

These and other effective and low cost treatments/health measures are already used in some enlightened countries. So these are not unknown as our governments continue to pretend!

Where is the mandate to protect the public through the basic health improvement measures (such as rigorous  record keeping on efficacy, post injury and associated investigations)? "Imagine an aeroplane crash, or telephone, electricity service interruptions without follow up investigation and through incidence record keeping to develop solid future preventative measures. These basics are the corner stones of any other industry. So why not in health care? Can't you see that is why Medical errors are killing up to 24,000 Canadians a year.

It is simply incomprehensible (unless you are simply towing the party line to support big pharrma) that you should vote against one of the most progressive health improvement measure. From your action I can only conclude that either you are totally out of touch with the wishes of your constituents or are clueless about health matters.

Your action has made it crystal clear to me, and my acquaintances', why we have such soaring health care costs - throwing money at it will do nothing if we are not willing to understand the underling issues. Some of the basic ones are discussed in "Martin Promises Billion $ Health-Care Illusion" post from which the above was partially extracted. 

Surely, you can't say government does not know any solutions other than throwing money at it.
This is impossible as so much information including that in this note has existed for years. Since 1980 several books have denounced - and continue to do so - the corruption, yes even conspiracy, against our health. Several other books have proposed solutions. Hence the government knows the problem that exist and how to remedy it...

Also you can't say we don't have the power do it.

This explanation is also absurd, because the government has all the powers and them some. The power to inform, the power to educate, the power to finance, the power to legislate the power to enact legislation. It can therefore do anything it wishes.

One can only conclude that governments simply don't want to do it - this seems to be the only conclusion possible. The current system of sickness is a disaster for our health and for our finances. Moreover, it displeases everyone. However, it must profit someone, if despite everything, it has been maintained for all these years - WHO IS IT PROFITING?

Given the above can you tell me why we should vote for people like you who continue to demonstrate such profound ignorance on this issue?

Chris Gupta
London, Ont.

If you are a Canadian please write your Member of Parliament. You can use the Friends of Freedom site - which allows you to SEND AN E-MAIL ACTION LETTER TO ALL FEDERAL M.P.'s.

Please also read the Health Freedom Update newspaper which discloses all the MP who did not vote for Bill 420 mentioned above. All editions are available here.

Please Forward to as many people as possible.




posted by Chris Gupta on Thursday June 17 2004
updated on Saturday September 24 2005

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Readers' Comments

Here is a pertinent comment from Inge Hanle:

"It is time to take back our government, and to divorce the medical system from its marriage to the pharmaceutical and hi-tech industries. Real medical care centers around super nutrition. Yet government policies over the last decade have vastly degraded the quality of nutrition, and placed severe restriction upon health parishioners who use nutrition as the therapeutic backbone of regeneration. All of which means that we can throw all the money we have into the Health Care System, and we will not solve the degenerative and dysfunctional health conditions which are bankrupting the nation.

"It bothers people that the truth so simple." "Solutions to problems abound, but vested interests make sure that the two shall never meet and marry!" Inge

Posted by: Chris Gupta on June 17, 2004 07:56 PM


Here is a pertinent comment from Inge Hanle:

"It is time to take back our government, and to divorce the medical system from its marriage to the pharmaceutical and hi-tech industries. Real medical care centers around super nutrition. Yet government policies over the last decade have vastly degraded the quality of nutrition, and placed severe restriction upon health parishioners who use nutrition as the therapeutic backbone of regeneration. All of which means that we can throw all the money we have into the Health Care System, and we will not solve the degenerative and dysfunctional health conditions which are bankrupting the nation.

"It bothers people that the truth so simple." "Solutions to problems abound, but vested interests make sure that the two shall never meet and marry!" Inge

Posted by: Jim on March 16, 2005 10:21 PM


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