The Doctor Many Believe Can Cure Cancer
This is yet again another demonstration of why we still don't, let alone universally, have a cancer cure. Suspect the use of "glucose blocking agent" alone - should be the 1st requirement in any treatment (alternate or orthodox) weather it is cancer or something else. See:
Fibiger's Work on Cancer & Sugar
The Negative Impact of Sugar on Vitamin C
The mainstream medical doctors are totally oblivious sugar's connection to disease. Just look at the disgraceful and typical sugar laden hospital diets!
This may be an ideal combination with the Rife Bare device set to Dr. Holts Frequency. See:
Re: Rife / Bare Machines
Chris Gupta
Hi All,
Another unbelievable story on otherwise crappy TV program. See:
I will point your attention in particular to the "glucose" within the text below!
The Doctor Many Believe Can Cure Cancer
9 August 2004
Reporter: Ray Martin
Over a period of 30 years, highly qualified Perth-based surgeon Dr John Holt has had some startling successes with a radio-wave therapy treatment for cancer patients.
However, this radical treatment has polarised the medical community in Australia. His supporters say he's been vilified, while his detractors point out there is no scientific basis for his claims.
Elvina Johnson had a lot of living to do when she was told she had an aggressive form of bone cancer. At 18, doctors discovered she had a "galaxy of tumours". She lost her leg and underwent intensive chemo treatment to try and stop it spreading. Her cancer was so severe that she relapsed soon after.
"It was through both of my lungs and by that stage it was pretty terminal," she told Ray Martin.
Elvina was desperate. Quite by chance she heard about a cancer specialist with a highly controversial procedure.
"By taking the chance and finding this man, I am here six years later and probably feeling better than ever, so I have had a rebirth," she said.
Dr Holt's controversial treatment works, in layperson's terms, by giving the patient an injection of a glucose-blocking agent. He then shines "radio waves" into the body at a specific frequency. Dr Holt doesn't guarantee it will cure every cancer, but it's not expensive and there's no quackery about it.
Born in Bristol 80 years ago and a member of the Royal Colleges, Dr Holt has 26 medical letters after his name. For more than a decade he was in charge of Western Australia's main cancer institute, until the late '70s, when he was blacklisted by his medical colleagues and politicians.
"The doctors took up such an action initially, they said the treatment was fake and useless," said former WA Premier John Tonkin. But Tonkin added, "There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that this is the most advanced form of cancer treatment in the world today."
The polarisation of the medical and scientific community in Perth over Dr Holt's treatment has been evident since the mid-'70s.
"It is an unproven form of cancer treatment and it's not part of the armoury of orthodox ways of treating cancer in Australia," said Clive Deverill, the former boss of WA's Cancer Council. "Equally, there are legions of patients who have been down that track who can't say anything about their position because they're dead."
While the medical community continues to argue the merits of Dr Holt's unorthodox measures, the families of his successes feel they owe everything to this gentle man.
After two brain tumours and a tumour on her spine, Sophia Rosa was sent by pre-eminent brain surgeon Dr Charlie Teo for the radical treatment. Two years later, the only sign Sophia had cancer are the side-effects from the massive doses of chemotherapy given in Sydney.
"Sometimes I think maybe Sophia's reason for getting sick was so people would know about Doctor Holt," said Louisa Raso, Sophia's mum.
Dr John Holt (08) 9322 3544
Dr John Holt support group
posted by Chris Gupta on Tuesday August 10 2004
updated on Saturday September 24 2005
URL of this article:
Readers' Comments
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: on August 10, 2004 05:22 AM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Annie on August 11, 2004 11:28 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Annie on August 11, 2004 11:42 PM
I think that you should rethink that comment Bogdan, the Minisher of Health here in Australia has just announced an investigation into Doctor Holts claims, there is merit in this approach and should be investigated, the success rate he has and the physical evidence speaks for itself.
Open your eyes you insolent human.
Posted by: Chris on August 12, 2004 10:12 AM
Dear DR HOLT,Im emailing you on behalf of my brohter GREG LENARD,He is 46 years of age and just resently was diagnosed with Pancreas cancer,They also found spots in his liver.It has been 2 months now and just started chemotheropy.Is there any chance that you could help him with your MICROWAVE TREATMENT.We await for your response and thank you for your time.Karen
Posted by: GREG LENARD on August 12, 2004 10:38 AM
GREG LENARD is the my brother and has been diagnosed with pancreas cancer ,please could you contact us on 02 96100150 to see if we can organise some way or hope for treatment.thank you KAREN
Posted by: GREG LENARD on August 12, 2004 10:48 AM
To Dr. John Holt
My wife is diagnosed with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. she will be soon admitted to Peter MacCallum Hospital with Chemotherapy & ChemoRadiation therapy with Clinical Trial. I am confuse whether or not to proceed. But i have searched thru the website and i found that these two therapies have got lots of side effects.
I wander the Radio Wave Therapy that i have read is suitable for my wife.
i hope and await for your reply.
Million thanks
from Melbourne
Posted by: Nelson on August 13, 2004 01:59 PM
Dear all, please redirect your questions to:
Dr John Holt (08) 9322 3544
Dr John Holt support group @:
Posted by: Chris Gupta on August 13, 2004 06:29 PM
Dear Dr Holt,
My Mum has terminal cnacer. it originated in the bowel and has now gone to her liver and lungs and abover her abdomin. I understand that you have had MANY requests for help, I cna only hope that you can provide my beautiful mother with the help she so desperately needs.
Waiting fo any reply,
Warm Regards
Kate Lewis
Posted by: Kate Lewis on August 16, 2004 10:39 AM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Sonya marsh on August 27, 2004 03:23 AM
Any information for your treatment would be so greatly appreciated.
Breast Cancer, but now in the liver and inoperable. Please point us in the right direction.
Many thanks.
Posted by: Penny Mitchell on August 27, 2004 02:12 PM
Hi all, after the Current Affair episode, im sure you were all aware the lines/website re Dr Holts therapy were flooded. However, i flew my father from Melb to Perth and he only waited 30mins to fill in the forms at West Perth Hospital and has an appt with Dr HOlt in only 8 wks, treatment is likely to start a few days after if they believe he can be helped. Dont give up hope. If youre serious, fly there and forget emailing and calling for info.
Posted by: Tanya on August 30, 2004 09:41 AM
Please send me some information on the microwave treatment for cancer.
Posted by: Mike Scott on August 30, 2004 10:40 PM
can this cure every type of cancer?
Posted by: mesothelioma on August 31, 2004 05:29 AM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: liz clarkson on September 2, 2004 02:52 PM
my mun has termenal cancer in the head it is traverling towards the brain my mum is only 36 she is hopefully be traveling to sydney to see john holt hope you can help love laura xx
Posted by: laura spalding on September 13, 2004 03:03 PM
my father just diagnosed with limited stage small cell carcinoma of the right lung. Has this therapy been useful in this type of cancer. He is 54, and in otherwise good health. Due to start chemo and radiotheray in a fortnight.
please help us.
Posted by: anne on September 15, 2004 03:31 AM
Two things:
Prepare your details before approaching Dr Holt - diagnosis, results of scans, biopsies, etc., and treatment to date.
Have a friendly GP and get a referral.
This gives Dr Holt something to respond to. I received a reply to my fax within 24 hours and an appointment for treatment six weeks later.
Posted by: Graham on September 25, 2004 01:29 AM
I am writing on behalf of my friend who has advanced ovarian cancer. It has spread to her stomach, liver and a lung. After four chemo treatments she has had some encouraging signs in terms of shrinking the disease however her oncologist has told her there in no point in having an operation (to remove her ovary) and that in all likelihood there is no cure for her condition.
My friend remains in good spirits and has modified her diet and been practising Ainslie Meares inspired meditation technique. She remains positive despite the prognosis.
We have available all diagnosis, results of scans, biopsies, etc., and treatment to date.
And have a friendly GP who is happy to refer her to Dr Holt.
We hope you can help us.
Posted by: John D-W on September 29, 2004 06:32 AM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: on October 18, 2004 02:49 PM
If you have been reading this Blog then you should know that asking the Cancer Council is like asking a fox to guard the hens!
Cancer Research - A Super Fraud?
Posted by: Chris Gupta on October 18, 2004 08:06 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: kaz siddique on October 26, 2004 03:55 PM
My sister was diagnosed with cancer of the small bowel last year and subsequently had part of her stomach, duodenum, small bowel and pancreas removed. She received radiation therapy in December and has recently been readmitted for surgery after discovery of cancer to the stomach. This could not be removed and has been told that her condition is terminal. She had her operation last week and is going to receive chemotherapy at some stage. Please help with any information re: microwave therapy.
Posted by: Joy Peterson on October 27, 2004 03:09 AM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Angelic Resolution on October 30, 2004 12:20 AM
Hi Dr John
I am very interested in this treatment. Have you had any success with testicular cancer. A friend of mine is currently suffering this condition. Is there any chance of you seeing my friend?
Posted by: Joe Upston on November 10, 2004 04:14 AM
I am interested in Dr. Holts treatments and would like to see more cancer studies directed at his treatments. I believe he is on to a major break thought and it seems his treatment should be used before more destructive chemo and radiation treatments. Can anyone assist in how to go about getting the larger cancer funding fund raiser to provide hospitals to begin trial testing his procedures here in the USA. I have several family members and friends all suffering from cancer and the current treatments.
Posted by: Vito Randazzo on November 19, 2004 09:26 PM
I am interested in Dr. Holts treatments and would like to see more cancer studies directed at his treatments. I believe he is on to a major break though and it seems his treatment should be used before more destructive chemo and radiation treatments. Can anyone assist in how to go about getting the larger cancer funding fund raiser to provide hospitals to begin trial testing his procedures here in the USA. I have several family members and friends all suffering from cancer and the current treatments.
Posted by: Vito Randazzo on November 19, 2004 09:30 PM
My sister in law has just been told she may have only months to live. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in January this year has had treatment but it has now spread. Can anyone give me the contact details of Dr Holt as the phone number we have is not answering.
Posted by: Terri on November 23, 2004 08:54 AM
Can someone please give me contact details for Dr Holt and his clinic? Has anyone had success fighting pancreatic cancer with his treatment? My step-father has been diagnosed just recently, and we will try anything.
Many thanks
Posted by: Nicole Tuck on November 24, 2004 05:12 AM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Nelthon on November 24, 2004 02:43 PM
Nelthon, I love your logic particularly when the current self serving sickness industry, pretentiously billed as health care, is so efficacious than why on earth should any one want to go elsewhere to begin with - particularly when so many are covered with health insurance?
Obviously you have no clue regarding the toxic conventional chemotherapy. It is impossible to do your beloved randomized, placebo controlled trial on this immune busting therapy, so why are you not calling this a quack therapy? One does not go about compromising the immune system when it is needed the most!
Posted by: Chris Gupta on November 24, 2004 10:43 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Nelthon on November 25, 2004 10:01 AM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Chris Gupta on November 26, 2004 11:17 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Nelthon on November 27, 2004 06:25 PM
Posted by: MRS R PINCUS on December 9, 2004 08:56 AM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: goldie zannakis on December 15, 2004 03:08 AM
l have a comment to make to mr nelthon,there are many things in life that cannot be explained pray for a man who has a tumor in his lung,and for that to be gone at the next x ray two days later.a miracle l beleive,then for the doctors to say,this man will still need chemo,just in case it comes back.l question,what is happening today.this cannot be scientifically explained but it happened.dr holt is a man of integrity a kind man,not to many of them today.if he didnt beleive in what he does at his age he would just retire and close the doors and not have to put up with the flack that people dish out.lf you read the full story about dr rife you would also see a man who spent his life on others,only to be ridiculed for the endless hours he spent looking the answer to cancer. take heart, would you give up reputation for the life of others.
Posted by: annette stamford on December 18, 2004 09:58 PM
Our father is a wonderful man, he has adopted all of us from around the world, giving up everything just to give us a chance in life. He has just be diagonised with cancer, and we want to do everything possible to keep him with us. Is it true that docter holt is setting up a practice in sydney in 2005. If so what is the contact number to arrange a consultation.
Posted by: tanya ross on December 21, 2004 02:23 AM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Nelthon on December 22, 2004 05:41 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Chris Gupta on December 24, 2004 05:40 AM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Nelthon on January 6, 2005 12:02 AM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Chris Gupta on January 6, 2005 02:37 AM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Nelthon on January 6, 2005 09:16 PM
hi we just found out yesterday that my littel brother has cancer and i love him so much he macks me laught but im praying god well help him but if not we need to find a doctor but the only problem is that we have no money because we payed for my sisters funeral she was only 24 also my dad had cancer to and they just got it removed so if my brother dose die he well be leaving everything be hind can anyone help me please.
Posted by: Heather on January 28, 2005 03:15 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Kevin Lyon on February 18, 2005 07:43 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Damien Hannan on March 1, 2005 01:08 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Nelthon on March 1, 2005 01:56 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Doodlebug on March 12, 2005 10:43 AM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Sophie Omar on April 27, 2005 08:17 AM
Sophie, read Comment posted on August 13, 2004 06:29 PM above.
Posted by: Chris Gupta on April 27, 2005 06:33 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: on May 6, 2005 02:52 AM
Maggie, see:
Posted by: Chris Gupta on May 6, 2005 04:56 AM
please can you tell me if anyone has taken over dr holt in perth thanks
Posted by: kym whitfield on May 19, 2005 05:16 AM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Guido Grzinic on May 30, 2005 09:12 AM
Who is John Holt??
How many cancer patients has he cured?? Thanks,
Posted by: Louise on May 30, 2005 09:46 PM
my step dad has stomach cancer and possibly spreading to the pancreas, he has not been given much time can you help pleaseeee
Posted by: michelle gatsby on June 2, 2005 07:23 PM
Tomorrow we are attending a funeral, of a friend who put her trust in conventional medical advice, she died of lung cancer.
About a year ago another funera, another friend, also listened to Doctors, for his treatment of cancer.
When will the Doctors pay attention to someone with less funerals to attend.
Posted by: Paul & Miriam on June 3, 2005 01:15 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Guido Grzinic on June 8, 2005 12:17 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Jo Jo on June 10, 2005 02:09 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Ron Francis on June 24, 2005 12:37 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: BON LEVI on August 13, 2005 03:02 AM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: kath Terauds on August 17, 2005 08:40 PM
See August 13, 2004 06:29 PM
comment above for details
Posted by: Chris Gupta on August 17, 2005 10:59 PM
The rife machine is pure fucking propaganda oriented bullshit marketed to the weak of mind. Humans want so desperately to change the cycle of death we lose touch on the concrete truths of our reality. This "cure" is simply not real. People should be so fortunate we have treatments such as chemo.
Posted by: Jay Diggey on August 17, 2005 11:47 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Alias on August 30, 2005 09:50 PM
Dear sir,
my name is clement ibude,a 300level student of Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma in Edo State NIGERIA .i am having eye problem and i am looking for a good Doctor that can treat me i have gone for two times surgry in hospital here in my country,plx email me back if u can help me with this problem.i am the only son of my father .my father and i will be very happy if my request can be attend to.You can call me on +234-8027369895,email
Posted by: clement on September 1, 2005 07:16 AM
Clement, See:
Avoiding Visual Degeneration
Posted by: Chris Gupta on September 1, 2005 08:28 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Kristie on September 9, 2005 04:24 AM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Georges on October 3, 2005 02:45 PM
we are on the data base with dr holt my husband would realy like to speak to someone that has had the treatment in the wollongong or highlands area our phone number is 0246311348 thank you
Posted by: gail on October 12, 2005 11:22 PM
I personnally have had no experience with the treatment s that Dr.Holt has endorsed but i do think that he has helped a lot of people and i really wish that his treatment would be more recognized and not just put down as crap as i feel that he is a very honourable man and one that should be applauded and be knighted for everything he has done in the past i also hope and wish him well in his retirement and i hope to god that someone takes on his place and sticks by everything he set out to do . god bless you dr.holt as i do not have cancer but if i did before i tried any other treatment i know i would like to try yours first
Posted by: GRACE on October 25, 2005 06:41 AM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Claudia on November 2, 2005 08:22 AM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Barb on January 9, 2006 09:57 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Barb on January 14, 2006 11:20 AM
Iam positive,I am not alone when stating the absolute FACTS,this government and or,any and all persons directly RESPONSIBLE for OUR loss of DR.Holt,need a fairdinkum KICK in the way of a reality check into the lives of thoughs he has SAVED and an even HARDER kick for the ones who will now be DOOMED to an iminate DEATH.Come on Australia speak UP,lets be LOUD and PROUD to say we can ONLY TRY to keep them BASTARDS,HONEST AND AWARE OF WHAT WE ALL HAVE LOST!!!!!
Posted by: Sue on September 12, 2006 11:50 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Peter Walker on November 14, 2006 10:39 AM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Rick Campbell on November 16, 2006 09:17 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Vito Randazzo on February 15, 2007 05:32 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: Carlo Riva on June 7, 2007 10:37 PM
Can you please help. A very dear friend has just been diagnosed with a tumor on the brain,it is in its early stage and is situated at the pituitary gland.
This beautiful lady does not deserve to die prematurely. I have read a lot about Dr J Holts radio frequency treatment and would like to know weather you can assist in any way.
Yours Sincerley
C Riva
Posted by: firegirl on November 16, 2007 07:15 AM
hello dr holts, my name is karen and my mom was earlier this yr diagnosed with cervical cancer in its early stages, shes undergone treatment chemo and radiation therapy. after treatment she suffered severe back pain and at the momemt she has very swollen legs.she needs help to get treatment . how can i arrange for her treatment or consultation with you? id be most grateful to hear from you kicly,
regards. karen
Posted by: karen on December 8, 2009 10:40 AM

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