Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
August 31, 2004

Big Pharma Tactics on Electro Med etc.

..."They decide who they're going to hit. The advertising agency writes up the stories that are going to be distributed to their "letter writing brigade," the "testifying whores." The letter writers, following the guidelines, then write to the FTC, the FDA, and Operation Cure-All, to set a basis for the complaint. Then the ad agency writes stories, getting quotes from the likes of Barrett, Baratz, etc., on the victim. The stories are sent out to the media in which the advertising agency's drug clients advertise. The stories are printed in the media as though they were true. Once the stories hit the press, a second wave of letters goes out to the FTC, the FDA, and Operation Cure-All, to put pressure on upper management to act. Then more media is generated, this time with quotes from the quackbuster insider FTC employees to make it sound official that the FTC is interested. Once this happens, letters and phone calls go out from supposedly "irate consumers (quackbusters)," once again to the FTC, the FDA, and Operation Cure-All upper management, demanding to know why they aren't doing something.

Then, letters and phone calls go out from supposedly "irate consumers (quackbusters)" to certain members of Congress demanding to know why the FTC, the FDA, and Operation Cure-All, aren't doing something.

Within days, upper management of the FTC, the FDA, and Operation Cure-All, are deluged with questions from more media, and Congress. They see the issue as important, and act against the victim - even if their is little or no evidence."...

Tim Bolen again takes on Big Pharma and their ancillaries Quackbusters. He wonderfully outlines the tactics to squelch competition to the inordinately profitable but generally toxic drugs. While this is an old newsletter is was too tempting re post with copious number of links thus bring it somewhat up to date...

One Hundred Years of Effective Cancer Cures - 2 hour audio by Dr. Richard E. Loyd is a glaring example of why we are where we are - this is a must listen (the 16 meg Mp3 file is here)

See also: Another Electrotherapy (Low Level DC) To Treat Cancer Shunned

Chris Gupta

Big Pharma Fears Electricity...(original is here)

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

September 11th, 2003

There's an interesting situation going on in the war between "health" and "medicine" in the United States. Big pharma is in a panic over electricity.

Yup. Electricity.

Not the kind of electricity that caused the big NorthEast power blackout this year. But the kind that gets applied to the human body, either as an investigative tool or as a immune system stimulator, as an electronic acupuncture, or as an energy field, or whatever.

For sure, big pharma can't stand the idea that engineers have figured out how to kill viruses, bacteria, and biological warfare agents electronically. We're looking, here, at ultra-cheap ways to deal with problems big pharma has only offered ultra-expensive, ultra-profitable, ways to solve. Electricity can do, at a mini-fraction of the cost, what any pharmaceutical can do.

Yes, you heard me. I said - "Electricity can do, at a mini-fraction of the cost, what any pharmaceutical can do."

How do I know this? I do my homework. I actually know, and talk to, experts.

There are two upcoming conferences, both on the same days (September 26, 27, 28, 2003) which will open your eyes WIDE in amazement. One's in Seattle, Washington, and the other is in BudaPest, Hungary. I'm going to the one in Seattle. Actually, I'm a speaker there Saturday night, during the politics of health portion.. You can come - get the information at

No wonder big pharma is in a maxi-panic, and has pulled out all the stops in their efforts, to keep electricity out of the hands of the people of North America. How do I know big pharma is in panic mode and has pulled out the stops? Keep reading.


We all know that North American health care's massive reliance on the concept of "drugs as treatment" for conditions and diseases is coming to end. It's an experiment that failed. The Pharmaceutical industry, as a whole, is going the way of buggy whips, and horse carriages. It's inevitable. Invest your money elsewhere.

Drug "treatments" are a scam. Americans want to be "cured." Period. Drugs can't do that. Americans want to be healthy, not medicated.

Big Pharma doesn't want to die gracefully. They're fighting reality tooth and nail. One of the ways they're fighting off their own end is, of course, their so-called "quackbuster" operation - labeling competitors to endless drugs as "quacks," and using their influence at our government agencies to damage their natural enemies. To a certain extent this has been working - for they've poured a fortune into the project - and they set up the structure years ago. But even with all those dollars spent, they're still losing ground. Reality is catching up.

New enemies to big Parma's interests are popping up everywhere like weeds in a cornfield, after the farm bureau stopped them from spraying chemicals anymore. THREE VERY BIG new enemies of big pharma are just now awakening - American corporations, The United States Military, and the combined Executive/Legislative branches of the US government.

What? Did I just say that "American corporations, The United States Military, and the combined Executive/Legislative branches of the US government" are new enemies of big pharma?

Yes. That's what I said.

American corporations have begun to realize that a huge chunk of the North America's Gross National Product (GNP) is being funneled to FOREIGN DRUG companies - multinational drug syndicates based in France, Germany, etc. through the grossly inflated price of pharmaceuticals in the United States. North America is being bled. And, big American corporations are picking up a big part of the tab in increased health costs for their employees. That means that US companies have to raise the price of their manufactured goods - which means they can't compete in world markets with the countries that host big pharma. "Big pharma" is NOT an American business - not at all. The only thing "American" about big pharma is it's being being half of the word "Anti-American."

The United States Military is looking for solutions, not drugs. A few months ago I attended, in San Antonio, Texas, a conference called "Electro Med 2003." It was put on by the United States Air Force - who is looking for electrical and electronic solutions to health problems. To accomplish those ends it is FUNDING studies, at Universities, of electronic devices that kill pathogens, etc.... I took Hulda Regher Clark, PhD, Naturopath, and eight other "electric/electronic health care" friends with me. Everybody I took with me was probably 25 years ahead, in electromed research, than what the Air Force was currently buying from contractors.

The combined Executive/Legislative branches of the US government are majorly concerned with the low quality, and high cost, of health care in the United States. It is, if not the BIGGEST issue, one of the top five social issues in America. Frankly, it's all a simple problem (big pharma anti-American greed) with a simple answer - Shut down big pharma. The key words here are "quackbusters, drug lords, indictment, shutdowns, federal prison." I believe that big pharma's overt attack on the US economy is a hostile act by foreign interests. Period. How much big pharma stock is owned by those that hate the very essence of America?

Big Pharma Fears Electricity?...

There's no money for big pharma in Americans being healthy. That's why the "quackbuster" operation, the one run out of a New York ad agency, has been attacking supplements, oxygen therapies, natural antibiotics, etc., for all these years.

Big pharma's newest, and BIGGEST fear, is electricity - the use of electricity in health care. There are so many people working on electrical solutions to health problems that big pharma is in a screaming panic. Universities, the US military, independent scientists, electrical and electronic engineers, hobbyists, what-have-you, in North America are coming up with major answers to health issues - with electricity. In the rest of the world, I'm told, major work is being done. Russia, China, Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, and even Turkey are churning out electronic devices that far surpass ANYTHING and EVERYTHING big pharma has to offer.

In San Antonio a few months ago I spoke to members of the US Air Force team putting on ElectroMed 2003. They told me that their original function was to find out what harmful effects current electronic military hardware might be having on their crew members - if any. Their research eventually led to the understanding that there were BENEFICIAL affects of electricity introduced into the human body. This was their third conference - and the grants they had let out a few years a ago were now reporting their findings at the conference.

One of the problems the Air Force was looking at, to solve electronically, was the potential for a biological attack on an Air force base and the logistics of a biological cleanup in the aftermath. No one, I can bet, is ever going to be allowed to spray down a 300 million dollar aircraft with a fire hose full of bleach - not going to happen. The Air Force wants to do it with an electronic device they can tune to kill selected biologicals...
And yes, they know about the work of Tesla, Royal Raymond Rife, Hulda Clark, Bob Beck, etc., etc.. They know much more about those peoples' work, and others, since I took nine of my friends to the conference.

Did I tell you that there is an electronic cure for malaria being successfully tested in Africa? Well, there is...

Yup. Big pharma is not sleeping well.

So, What's Big Pharma Doing?

They've pulled out the stops. They're calling in their markers. They've put the pedal to the metal in trying to stop "electricity." All that money drain from the US economy could stop overnight.

Big pharma has significant influence at our US Food & Drug Administration, and consequently, at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which merely uses FDA policies and guidelines to determine what, and whom, to prosecute. Both of these organizations are compromised.

When Dwight David Eisenhower was leaving office as President of the United States years ago he brought to America's attention that the revolving-door relationship between the US Military and the Defense contractors and suppliers "was not a good thing for America." Legislation was put into place separating the two entities. It is still in place. We need to break up the incestuous relationship between our FDA and the foreign drug cartel - right now.

It's simple. Big pharma is using it's contacts at FDA to arrange all sorts of harassment of the fledgling ElectroMed industry. Their contacts at FTC are eager to participate, also. Their organizational point is the combined FDA/FTC project labeled "Operation Cure-All," a bureau who's mission should force it to more correctly name itself "Operation Cure-Nothing."

"Operation Cure-Nothing"...

Big pharma's attack squad is "Operation Cure-All." They own it outright. They've staffed it, they've outfitted it, they've trained the employees, they've set the operational guidelines, they've got their own "consultants" in place to advise on issues, and I wouldn't doubt that there's a speed-dialer, in both directions, to that New York ad agency that runs the real quackbuster operation.

Operation Cure-All's job is to hunt down, and set up for the kill, any person or company on the internet who dares to suggest that there is anything other than "treatment" available in health care. They have a software program they run constantly that searches websites for words that offer reality in health care. When the word "cure" is found on a website, the alarms go off, and an assault begins. Words like "prevention, cause, immune system, etc." will get you similar attention.

Their job is to make a "cure" for anything illegal, and to terrify Americans who try to find, or promote the reality of "cure vs... treatment."

And "we the people" are funding this...

The Attack On Electricity...

I'm just now beginning to trace back how the attack on the ElectroMed industry occurred, so bear with me on some educated supposition. What I'm actually looking at, and what has actually happened so far, is that FDA coordinated raids have been made against several ElectroMed companies, with seizure of their inventories, etc.. Also, subpoenas for a Federal Grand Jury in San Diego have been issued alleging fraud. There are no dates on the subpoenas.

All of the FDA raid warrants have a court order suppressing the "probable cause" of the warrant. I suspect that the "probable cause" information is probably Legal Declarations from the usual "testifying whores" we've come to expect will show up - and the prosecutor in the case, issuing the warrants, is too embarrassed to show the low quality of the testimony, and the evidence in the case, for obvious reasons. Be realistic, if YOU were the prosecutor would YOU want to let the opposition know that your "probable cause" declarations, for instance, were the wild-eyed statements of a hair removal expert from Braintree, Massachusetts, that court documents show could never hold a job?

The FDA warrants, I believe, were strictly a fishing expedition.

Judging from former campaigns begun in a New York ad agency, I think we can safely assume, as a working hypothesis, that some, of not all, of the usual tactics were employed against ElectroMed. It was the usual "quackbuster operation."

The quackbuster operation is being run out of an advertising agency in New York City. The ad agency designs, implements, and runs campaigns against competitors to drugs. Twenty six pharmaceutical companies banded together, originally, and funded the operation against market competitors to drugs. The first plan has been expanded as big pharma panics over North America's shift in their buying habits to "alternatives."

Let me refresh your memory on how they do it...

They decide who they're going to hit. The advertising agency writes up the stories that are going to be distributed to their "letter writing brigade," the "testifying whores." The letter writers, following the guidelines, then write to the FTC, the FDA, and Operation Cure-All, to set a basis for the complaint. Then the ad agency writes stories, getting quotes from the likes of Barrett, Baratz, etc., on the victim. The stories are sent out to the media in which the advertising agency's drug clients advertise. The stories are printed in the media as though they were true.

Once the stories hit the press, a second wave of letters goes out to the FTC, the FDA, and Operation Cure-All, to put pressure on upper management to act. Then more media is generated, this time with quotes from the quackbuster insider FTC employees to make it sound official that the FTC is interested. Once this happens, letters and phone calls go out from supposedly "irate consumers (quackbusters)," once again to the FTC, the FDA, and Operation Cure-All upper management, demanding to know why they aren't doing something.

Then, letters and phone calls go out from supposedly "irate consumers (quackbusters)" to certain members of Congress demanding to know why the FTC, the FDA, and Operation Cure-All, aren't doing something.

Within days, upper management of the FTC, the FDA, and Operation Cure-All, are deluged with questions from more media, and Congress. They see the issue as important, and act against the victim - even if their is little or no evidence.

So, What's ElectroMed's Response?

Not good. Not bad, but not good. The industry is so new, it's naive. Too many people in it, just can't believe that their own government could do this to them. These are in stupid denial.

Others say "Well, I'll just stay below the radar." These are like a mouse living in a house with four cats.

Some others are stunned, waiting for someone to lead them to safety. They can't figure out, when they have the best of intentions for humanity in their work and invention, why their own government could act so stupidly, and so brutally.

Sometimes it takes horror to move a fledgling into the adult world. Mom and Dad eagle have no problem pushing Junior off the ledge, so he'll go get his own breakfast, and find his own mountain range. When Junior begins his plummet over the edge he's got two choices; either spread those wings and take flight, or hit the rocks a thousand feet below. ElectroMed is plummeting, and the choices need to be made right this minute.

Some parts of it are already awake, others are awakening, and there's major effort to move the industry into it's next growth step. Phones are ringing everywhere. Conference calls are happening. Strategy meetings are occurring. Industry conferences are devoting time to strategy and tactic meetings designed to determine exactly what the problem is and how to solve it.

Hence, in the US, Seattle is where the allies are gathering for a war council September 26, 27, 28, 2003. It'll be the first of several gatherings. The newest and the best will be there. Hulda Clark will open the convention at 9:00am on Saturday.

You really need to hear what Hulda Clark has to say.

That's what I think...
Tim Bolen - Consumer Advocate

This "Millions of Health Freedom Fighters - Newsletter" is about the battle between "Health and Medicine" on Planet Earth. Tim Bolen is an op/ed writer with extensive knowledge of the activities of a subversive organization calling itself the "quackbusters," and that organization's attempts to suppress, and discredit, any, and all health modalities that compete with the allopathic (MD) paradigm for consumer health dollars. The focus of the newsletter is on the ongoing activities, battles, politics, and the victories won by members of the "Health Freedom Movement" against the "quackbusters" It details "who the quackbusters are, what they are, where they are operating, when they appear, and how they operate - and how easy it is to beat them..."

For background information on the "Battle between Health and Medicine" go here. A copy of THIS newsletter, and older ones, are viewable at the website are here

For EVEN MORE interesting and related articles are here.


posted by Chris Gupta on Tuesday August 31 2004
updated on Saturday September 24 2005

URL of this article:



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Readers' Comments

Dear Sir,

I read your above impressive article.

I am writing to you as you have been involved and researching these topics.

I am a member of many Rife Groups which deal with electrical devices both Plasma and Contact /Pad to effect health improvement and or healing through the use of different frequencies, voltages, wave shapes etc..

Robert Becker in his books (Cross Currents and Body Electric) cautions that dc and pulsed magnetic fields may cause cancer proliferation, at least in virto.

While there are many anecdotal cases of cancer remission from using Rife-like devices, it is perplexing.

At what conditions such devices could help in healing cancer or or cause cancer to proliferate?

Best Regards


Posted by: Mohamad Nabil Hijazi on April 30, 2006 09:29 AM


Dear Sir,

I read your above impressive article.

I am writing to you as you have been involved and researching these topics.

I am a member of many Rife Groups which deal with electrical devices both Plasma and Contact /Pad to effect health improvement and or healing through the use of different frequencies, voltages, wave shapes etc..

Robert Becker in his books (Cross Currents and Body Electric) cautions that dc and pulsed magnetic fields may cause cancer proliferation, at least in virto.

While there are many anecdotal cases of cancer remission from using Rife-like devices, it is perplexing.

At what conditions such devices could help in healing cancer or or cause cancer to proliferate?

Best Regards


Posted by: Mohamad Nabil Hijazi on April 30, 2006 10:31 AM


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These articles are brought to you strictly for educational and informational purposes.
Be sure to consult your health practitioner of choice prior to any specific use of any of the non drug device or food based medicinal products referenced herein.



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