Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
January 31, 2005

The Story Behind The Peroxide Therapy Death In South Carolina

..."Some 100,000 infusions of the chemical — a refined form of the first-aid kit standby — are given each year across the nation as a treatment for a variety of diseases, according to proponents."...

Thousands die from Vioxx but no homicides are ruled!

...two FDA-approved drugs that Bibeau had previously been prescribed: the MS drug Copaxone and Tegretol, which is used to treat seizure disorders.

Rowen noted that among Copaxone's listed side effects are "metorrhagia (profuse uterine bleeding), thrombosis, bruising, clotting problems, and infections." An Internet site dedicated to Tegretol warns of "easy bruising, or reddish or purplish spots on the skin" as possible "signs of a blood disorder brought on by the drug."

Rowen says it is "more than reasonable to conclude" that the interaction of these two drugs was "the proximate cause of this death."

But any complications from drugs is defended to the hilt. Yet no one seems to see any inconsistencies imagine?

Chris Gupta

Peroxide therapy leads to a patient's death in South Carolina

January 2, 2005
By ALLEN G. BREED The Associated Press

WEST COLUMBIA, S.C. — When Katherine Bibeau's body arrived at the moorgue, she was covered in large, deep purplish-black bruises.

But the woman had not been beaten, Coroner Gary Watts discovered. Rather, she had bled internally, and massively, after receiving an unconventional treatment for her multiple sclerosis.

Intravenous infusions of hydrogen peroxide, administered by a physician named James Shortt, had produced bubbles in Bibeau's bloodstream that started her down a fatal spiral into multiple organ failure and cardiac arrest, Watts concluded.

The death, he ruled, was a homicide.

This case and the death of another of his infusion patients have put Shortt at the center of a controversy over a treatment that its opponents say has no proven benefits — and serious risks.

Some 100,000 infusions of the chemical — a refined form of the first-aid kit standby — are given each year across the nation as a treatment for a variety of diseases, according to proponents.

Shortt, who is fighting to keep his medical license, denies harming anyone. "I might be the world's greatest lunatic," he says, but "I'm not going to do anything to my patients that I think might hurt them."

At the root of hydrogen peroxide's purported power is the same action that makes it foam when placed on a cut. Proponents of oxidative or "hyperoxygenation" therapy believe that many diseases — including cancer and HIV — can be linked to oxygen deficiency. They say that infusion or evenn ingestion of substances such as hydrogen peroxide, ozone and germanium sesquioxide deliver an "oxidative burst" that can kill cancer cells and viruses, and boost the immune system.

Shortt says he has been a believer since infusion guru Dr. Charles Farr helped him save a lupus patient's blackened toes from amputation.

Shortt says he has administered as many as 1,800 hydrogen peroxide treatments to patients from as far away as Europe, and has seen people in the midst of severe asthma attacks "go from gray to pink" during an infusion.

On a recent day at his clinic, Health Dimensions, patients occupied two of the dozen black leather chaises arranged in a spacious lounge off the waiting room. They watched videos as IV bags of yellowish and clear liquid emptied slowly into veins in their left hands.

Many of his patients, Shortt says, come to him when conventional medicine has run its course.

"We go to work from this point where you're hopeless," the 58-year-old said in a recent telephone interview.

But health experts say injecting hydrogen peroxide directly into the bloodstream can cause convulsions, acute anemia and deadly gas emboli. A 1991 article in the "Journal of Emergency Nursing" blamed the death of a 39-year-old cancer patient on such "cancer quackery."

The American Cancer Society says treating certain tumors directly with hydrogen peroxide "remains an area for responsible research." But as for infusion of the chemical into the bloodstream, there is "no scientific basis for the regimens utilized by the oxymedicine promoters."

In September, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society's Web site posted a "Medical Alert," saying: "Hydrogen peroxide, administered either orally or by intravenous infusion, is not a recommended or approved treatment for multiple sclerosis. ... Dr. Aaron Miller, the National MS Society's Chief Medical Officer, strongly urges people with MS to avoid this unproven and potentially unsafe treatment."

Physicians in Missouri, North Carolina and Tennessee have had their licenses suspended or revoked for giving patients intravenous hydrogen peroxide. In the Tennessee case, the medical board said the physician exhibited "gross malpractice ... and incompetence and ignorance in the course of medical practice."

Katherine Bibeau, a 53-year-old mother of two from Cottage Grove, Minn., was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2001.

The avid knitter, gardener and baker — whom husband, David, has desccribed as "June Cleaver with an attitude" — was a breast cancer surviivor. So when confronted with a degenerative and incurable disease, she embarked on an open-minded search for ways to combat it.

That search led her to Shortt.

"Hydrogen peroxide would be very good to kill whatever's in there," Shortt told her in a February phone call, according to a transcript of the taped consultation. "Because, right now, we don't know what it is."

March 9, 2004, she sat in one of those leather chairs in West Columbia as a 0.03 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide coursed through her veins. That first treatment lasted 90 minutes.

Afterward, Bibeau complained of abdominal pain and nausea, according to a federal lawsuit the family filed against Shortt. Two days later, the suit contends, she returned to Shortt's clinic extremely weak, with bruising at the infusion site and severe vaginal bleeding.

The lawsuit alleges that Shortt ignored these signs of "acute hemolytic crisis" and failed to order a blood work-up for Bibeau, or to refer her to another physician. Shortt, while acknowledging that hydrogen peroxide therapy can destroy red blood cells after repeated treatments, denies those allegations.

By the time she arrived at the emergency room on March 12, Bibeau was in multiple-organ failure. Two days later, she was dead.

In July, a second patient of Shortt's died. Michael Bate, a 66-year-old retired engineer, had advanced prostate cancer.

Bate's wife, Janet, said he received eight hydrogen peroxide infusions, along with other treatments. (Bate also obtained the banned, discredited drug laetrile. Shortt acknowledges showing Bate how to use it after Bate made it clear he intended to do so against Shortt's advice.) In this case, too, the physician has denied doing anything to harm his patient.

In September, armed state and federal officers raided Shortt's office and confiscated his files.

Later that month, the South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners asked a judge for an emergency suspension of Shortt's license.

Seeking support, Shortt traveled to the October conference, in Atlanta, of the International Oxidative Medicine Association, which developed the regimens he used. The group found that Shortt had followed its "well-established" protocols.

In its position paper, the group's president, Dr. Robert Rowen, instead zeroed in on two FDA-approved drugs that Bibeau had previously been prescribed: the MS drug Copaxone and Tegretol, which is used to treat seizure disorders.

Rowen noted that among Copaxone's listed side effects are "metorrhagia (profuse uterine bleeding), thrombosis, bruising, clotting problems, and infections." An Internet site dedicated to Tegretol warns of "easy bruising, or reddish or purplish spots on the skin" as possible "signs of a blood disorder brought on by the drug."

Rowen says it is "more than reasonable to conclude" that the interaction of these two drugs was "the proximate cause of this death."

Shortt says he knew of no reason his treatment would react negatively with the drugs Bibeau was taking. He did not suggest she drop those medications.

Israeli drug company Teva Pharmaceuticals, maker of Copaxone, told The Associated Press that its drug had been "extensively studied and tested clinically ... and has proven safe and effective." Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Tegretol's Swiss-based manufacturer, declined to comment.

Richland County forensic pathologist Clay Nichols says Bibeau had been on both drugs for more than a year "with no adverse effects."

As the investigations go forward, Shortt has voluntarily ceased performing hydrogen peroxide infusions. The South Carolina medical board has scheduled a Jan. 21 hearing to revisit his case.

Coroner Watts stands by his conclusions.

"I don't think he meant to kill her," Watts says. "I'm just saying ... she died as a result of his infusing her with something he shouldn't have infused her with."


posted by Chris Gupta on Monday January 31 2005
updated on Saturday September 24 2005

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Readers' Comments

Seems that Dr.James Shortt is getting a raw deal.If he reads this or someone he knows reads this tell him to keep a positave attitude.It will get better.

Posted by: Kenneth on July 18, 2005 11:58 PM


Dr. Short I commend you! If you need a place to go to after this is over. Join us in the Philippines or Thailand. This is where the outcast physicians are congregating to continue the healing of humanity. God forgive America for driving us all out.I know peroxide works it has kept my partner alive for 10 years and now he is almost totally normal after receiving peroxide and chelation for many months!! Keep your chin up. Seriously think about moving. The people here will love you and welcome you with open arms! Sincerely, Pamela, care giver for 25 years!

Posted by: pamela brown on November 1, 2005 09:00 AM


Tell the FDA to wait until natural therapies have killed as many people as drugs before blaming anyone.

Posted by: Reece on November 7, 2005 08:02 PM


My dad was diagnosed with hep C. a year ago, so far he has no symptoms. Has anyone known anyone to go through this treatment for hep C and be cured?

Posted by: chatter53 on March 16, 2006 04:35 PM


Check out this introduction article on Multiple organ failure:
2.Hepatorenal syndrome
3.Cardiopulmonary Failure

Posted by: Multiple organ failure on June 7, 2006 06:46 PM


Does anyone know if hydrogen peroxide therapy can help with MRSA?

Posted by: Charles Smith on July 4, 2006 03:01 PM


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Posted by: tammy on January 17, 2007 07:05 PM


My dad was diagnosed with hep C. a year ago, so far he has no symptoms. Has anyone known anyone to go through this treatment for hep C and be cured?

Posted by: mari on February 11, 2007 07:05 PM


My dad was diagnosed with hep C. a year ago, so far he has no symptoms. Has anyone known anyone to go through this treatment for hep C and be cured?

Posted by: I have a brain too on February 15, 2007 04:23 PM


My dad was diagnosed with hep C. a year ago, so far he has no symptoms. Has anyone known anyone to go through this treatment for hep C and be cured?

Posted by: Greg on March 28, 2007 03:31 AM


My dad was diagnosed with hep C. a year ago, so far he has no symptoms. Has anyone known anyone to go through this treatment for hep C and be cured?

Posted by: Ron on April 15, 2007 12:28 PM


My dad was diagnosed with hep C. a year ago, so far he has no symptoms. Has anyone known anyone to go through this treatment for hep C and be cured?

Posted by: Trish on April 19, 2007 09:33 PM


My dad was diagnosed with hep C. a year ago, so far he has no symptoms. Has anyone known anyone to go through this treatment for hep C and be cured?

Posted by: vince on June 20, 2007 09:20 PM


My dad was diagnosed with hep C. a year ago, so far he has no symptoms. Has anyone known anyone to go through this treatment for hep C and be cured?

Posted by: Rachel on September 24, 2007 02:18 PM


My dad was diagnosed with hep C. a year ago, so far he has no symptoms. Has anyone known anyone to go through this treatment for hep C and be cured?

Posted by: Maurice on October 10, 2007 01:31 AM


700,000+ documented deaths on average a year die from prescription and NON prescription drugs. A few people die from an alternative to drugs then the news media makes sure to debunk it. I wonder why??... Oh and by the way the media are controlled by the sponsers which are; The Big Pharma, Food, Oil etc....I have still yet to hear the news talk about annual deaths due to prescription drugs. Probably because the news media would lose its sponsers..hmmmm.. isn't that funny..

Posted by: Reuben Raya on March 20, 2008 12:55 AM


Hydrogen Peroxide is NOT a CHEMICAL. How can it be? It is present in each cell of our body as well as in the ocean, rainwater and in vegetables.
What a shame, no-one can capitalize on Hydrogen Peroxide and cash in on the mighty $$$. That is why Physicians would be discredited if they were to use Hydrogen Peroxide.
How about that??? Still think that a Patients well-being is of utmost importance???

Posted by: Tina on July 21, 2008 12:58 PM


It's a sad state of affairs in the USA now. If it can't net someone a dollar, then we might as well just let our sick and ailing citizens die I suppose. Well, my hat is off for those seeking to help those who are hurting and my hat goes back on for big pharma and their hellbent, greedy ways! God help you all on judgment day!!!

Posted by: Steve on December 6, 2008 06:35 PM


one silent evil in the world is the big pharmaceutical companies. these companies have held our world back from benefiting from true effective medicine because they will only invest in something that is profitable first and foremost. if for example they found out sugar is the cure for cancer they will go all out to discredit that because they cant make money off that. even textbooks in medicines are authored or influenced by those companies that's why even up to this day and age 2009 we are still behind in medicine and how many times has there been undiagnosed cases that doctors know nothing about. very vicious. although the doctor in this article sounds like he may have used the peroxide excessively and ignored the symptoms the patient was showing.

Posted by: aaron on January 14, 2009 04:24 PM


My dad used to pour it in our ears to fizz away the wax - dunno what strength it was but it worked. Go H2O2

Posted by: Andy on April 12, 2009 02:53 AM


Is there anyone who has cleared hepatitis c from hydrogen peroxide therapy? If so please let me know.

Posted by: sheila coble on August 30, 2009 12:52 PM


Yes, Hudrogen peroxide has healed hepatitus, cancer, AIDS - you name it - all and any sickeness and disease. There is not a harmful bacteria, virus, fungi, toxin, poison, heavy metal that can exist in the presence of Ozone/hydrogen peroxide. It will oxidize the bad guys or precipitate it out of the body. Ozone (03)becomes peroxide in the presence of water. The body's "T" cells which seek out and destroy pathogens secrete hydrogen peroxide to kill and clean up the cells. Oxygen does not hurt oxygen. We are a sea of oxygen related micro-organisms. Unlike charges attract. The parasitic host is always a negative charge so the positive oxygen molecule breaks off from leaving simple water H20. Peroxide is H202. It is the singlet oxygen O1 molecule that does the ajax cleansing. No more powerful, natural healing modality than these.

Posted by: Teddy on January 9, 2010 03:56 AM


i have an idiopathic lung disese and am getting wrse year by year month by month. according to my physicans im not a good candidate for a transplant so where does that leave me i ask....what about my kids? is this something that could work for me? does anyone have any info for me?

Posted by: paula on January 10, 2010 10:39 PM


I know that artificial sweetners that are in diet sodas are the main culprit behind "multipul sclerosis" and several other diseases. Sometimes we just need to look at what we are putting in our bodies rather than looking for a cure. Remove the culprit and you remove the problem.

Posted by: Medina on June 9, 2010 04:29 PM


im HIV+
& started ingesting drops of h2o2 into a glass of 8ounce of spring water 3 weeks ago...i started with 2 drops of h2o2 into 8ounces of spring water 2 times a day. i have felt tremendous like never before just these few days of ingesting h2o2, you should try it for any other desease if you aint ok


Best to only use distilled water. CG

Posted by: kapakata on June 11, 2010 06:03 PM


Ijust started my husband on hydrogen peroxide treatment of 3 drops 3 times a day in distilled water.the drops increase by one each day for 23 days. he has lung cancer & emphysema. has anyone had good results.

Posted by: Bee on August 14, 2010 04:00 PM


I cured my type II diabetis in 8 weeks. I am making a free DVD on everything you need to know about H.P. therapy, sources, testimonals etc. etc. I am retired so feel free to call me anytime with any questions. Robert 303-462-3333 or Den. Co.

Posted by: Robert Hearsch on August 30, 2010 07:08 PM


My name is Lynne Gordon and I have been on The Oxygen Therapy Program for the past 2 years. In that time it has cured my arthritis, my diabetes and I no longer have high blood pressure even though I have not really changed my diet very much. I am 58 years old and when I was 21 I contracted Hepatitis B from a blood transfusion I received when I had an ectopic pregnancy. I should be having complete liver failure by now but my liver is as healthy as the rest of my body. That's why I continue to tell everyone I can about what H202 has done for me. I continued even after those 2 nice young ladies from the FDA visited my home and asked my to close down m website in September of this year. I continued after I received a "Warning Letter" from the FDA last month. And I will continue to carry-on. They can jail me, they can review my taxes, they can take away everything I own... but someone has to say "ENOUGH"! ENOUGH of the BS. ENOUGH of the lies. And ENOUGH of allowing people to die from diseases that can be so easily cured by hydrogen peroxide. It wasn't my intention to spend my golden years in a life or death struggle with my own government, but they started it!

Posted by: Lynne Gordon on December 23, 2010 09:50 PM


You people are all nuts. Look at what hydrogen peroxide does when you put it on a makes air bubbles. Now imagine those air bubbles going directly into your blood stream. Air bubbles are not supposed to be in your blood stream. They can cause strokes, respiratory compromise and DEATH!!! The government is not out to get you....get over yourselves. The FDA makes regulations to protect you, not withold secrets and magical cures to cancer and other diseases.


Of course putting scull and bones chemo drug on your cut is just fine - so who is nuts?


Posted by: You're all nuts on January 12, 2011 05:42 PM


My previous entry of August 30, 2010 regarding Hydrogen Peroxide lists my old EM address. My new address is:

Also, the posting of January 12, 2011 reflects ignorance and a lack of education on the subject. Hyd. Peroxide Food Grade is used in all 196 countries except the U.S. go bck to 1888 to current times. This is because said country prefers medications vice cures! Robert Hearsch

Posted by: Robert Hearsch on January 19, 2011 11:02 AM


i just wanna bring you're all nuts to reality. the hydrogen peroxice was reacting to the germs and bacterias and viruses in the cut. they arent gonna be many of those culprits in blood they all attack the the tissue area the blood feed oxygen to

Posted by: nato1 on March 9, 2012 01:43 AM


CG from Jan.12,2011 is obviously either a total naive pharma-brainwashed zombie, or a FDA puppeteer

Posted by: ZedOne on May 7, 2012 01:25 AM


Or maybe just a plant for the argue ignorance over freedom of choice, funny he never mentioned that its not the same 3percent solution you put on your skin as opposed to a 0.05percent solution...that's put into your veins...but it is starting to look like a lot of Americans want to stay with the status-quot of being led around by the nose with whatever the US Government or the FDA says is gospel...jus sayin...

Posted by: Wat Cher on May 26, 2012 02:17 PM


Never hear a thing about the thousands of people out there that have been cured by this therapy. Why? They can not make money off it like the pills they push......

Posted by: Jane on August 31, 2012 11:15 AM


Looking into H2O2 therapy for the first time. My wife has a laundry list of problems (one is nocturnal seizures) which has her body dependent on Rx such as: Tegratol, Kepra, Lemichtal, Attavan...(sp?) Will the H2O2 react adversely with all of these chemicals in her body? Any advice will help or please point me in the right direction.

Posted by: james on January 20, 2015 01:32 AM


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