Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
July 21, 2005

Reducing Dioxin In Our Foods

This has got to be the most troubling bit of news...

However, good saturated fat like yellow butter contain cofactors for easy absorption of vitamins and minerals which it contains, this is particularly important for the less healthy among us who have compromised digestive systems. There is a school of thought that points to the possibility that the environmental toxins in fat remain bound and fats may even be protective unless you go on hunger strike???

Many studies and data based on traditional diets obviously did not contain GM, highly processed, and/or toxic foods like today. For example fish now contains large amounts of mercury, some plant based foods are full of pesticides so arguing that only animal foods are toxic is also suspect. While plants may contain less toxic material, but what there is, is not buffered in the fats. Without much fat absorb these toxins they maybe more bioavailable???

A number of high saturated fat and raw diets have done miracles for many besides wiping our diabetes they have, believe it or not, actually reduced arterial plaque in many.

For an example:

Dr. Jan Kwasniewski's (MD) diet uses very high saturated fats see:

"Optimal Nutrition” and "Electromedicine”

Another diet that uses lots of raw animal fats We Want to Live by Aajonus Vonderplanitz

In all this the individual variably is of supreme importance and one shoe may not fit all. Frequently just changing to any diet will make a difference initially, as the possibility of more nutrients or deficiencies of the old diet are often met. Subsequently different deficiencies may develop and one is back to square one until one on the correct diet.

Personally, I have not seen negative health consequences of raw milk and its derivatives, but I have seen a lot of from processed bread, oil, soy, milk, and vagen. In fact many people who switched to raw milk products and were healed from their afflictions are literarily scared to death to lose access. They actively buy such products underground and this trend is growing by leaps and bounds. Just eating organic is not enough. Making good traditional food legal and bringing them back is what many are fighting for. While the Dioxin and other toxins are troubling and one should try to reduce these so many of us who have found high fat foods to improve our health not to mention the wholesome and satisfying feeling of good food which we never found through processed bread, oil, milk and soy laden "politically correct" diets.

Clearly reducing the sources of toxins such as Dioxin and ongoing detoxification is of paramount for health!

Chris Gupta

The international Dioxin 2005 conference - the 25th annual Symposium on Halogenated Pollutants - will be held in Toronto on August 21-25.

"On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, National Scientific Committee Members, International Advisory Board and the International Society for Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC) it is with great pleasure that we welcome you to Toronto for the 25th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) - DIOXIN 2005."

For those not familiar with dioxin, see the greatly simplified explanation at Dioxin is a shorthand name for a collection of bio-accumulative super-toxins found in all meat and dairy products, regardless of farming practice, caused by superfine ash fallout from municipal incinerators and chemical waste incinerators in every industrial country, which then coats grass and grain. It is called "bio-accumulative" because cows and other animals eat small amounts of it with their food every day, and then accumulate it in their body fat. Dioxin is a known cause of cancer, diabetes, endometriosis, sexual reproductive developmental disorders, and spina bifida. It is probably the most toxic synthetic chemical known, showing health effects in concentrations as low as a few picograms (one millionth of one millionth of a gram). A single cup of milk (250 ml) contains 10 picograms, 10 times as much dioxin as the US Environmental Protection Agency says should be the maximum daily dose for adults. A single beef patty can contain upwards of 100 picograms of dioxin. Some of the highest concentrations of dioxin are found in human mother's milk, a result of the consumption of meat and dairy products.

It was my study of dioxin and advocacy against incineration that led me to become vegetarian and then eventually vegan, as I could no longer bring myself to eat the foods that contain this extremely nasty bio-accumulative toxin. Because vegan foods are generally washed during preparation, they generally contain no measurable dioxin.



posted by Chris Gupta on Thursday July 21 2005
updated on Saturday September 24 2005

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Readers' Comments

The state of WI issues yearly advisories due to the lakes contaminated by mercury. They would not do this if it were not so and risk losing the tourist dollar.
The children of the Faroe Islands have been tested as teens found to have a reduced heart rate which means that they do not have sufficient oxygen which bring a host of problems, and all this is due to their mothers eating mercury-laden fish.
This disbelief in the dangers of mercury is due to its ability to hide in cells and not be provoked to discovery by modern methods, which can hardly be credited due to the past disasters caused by mercury.

Posted by: Chris Gupta on July 26, 2005 11:04 PM


The state of WI issues yearly advisories due to the lakes contaminated by mercury. They would not do this if it were not so and risk losing the tourist dollar.
The children of the Faroe Islands have been tested as teens found to have a reduced heart rate which means that they do not have sufficient oxygen which bring a host of problems, and all this is due to their mothers eating mercury-laden fish.
This disbelief in the dangers of mercury is due to its ability to hide in cells and not be provoked to discovery by modern methods, which can hardly be credited due to the past disasters caused by mercury.

Posted by: kathleen sisco on July 27, 2005 10:23 AM


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