Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
October 24, 2005

Bill 420 Lives

Bill C-420 is to prevent

Use (Abuse) of Regulations to Protect Pharma Monopoly

For previous history see:

Bill C-420 Gets To The Root

Bill C-420 Must Be Passed As Written - Join FOF

Why Bill C-420 Saves Our Supplements & More!

Bill C-420 - 2nd Vote a Success

Health Freedom Bill C-420 Is Back In The Canadian Parliament

First Crack In Big Pharma's Wall (Bill 420)

Chris Gupta

By Peter Helgason
VP Regulatory Affairs
Alliance of Natural Health Suppliers

Thursday October 20 2005

Breaking News Breaking News

Facing extinction in Health Committee in Ottawa today Private members Bill C-420 survived a Liberal motion to quash by Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health Robert Thibault.

In a surprise development the Bill was supported by Liberal Health Committee members Brenda Chamberlain and Dr. Ruby Dallah and tabled until Health Canada releases its long promised Legislative Renewal recommendations in November. Conservatives Stephen Fletcher (Health critic), Rob Merrifield, Dr.James Lunney and the Bill's sponsor, Dr.Colin Carrie all voted to save the Bill. Voting against the widely supported private members bill were Liberals Thibault and Michael Savage, as well as Bloc Quebecois Members Real Menard and Bernard Bigras.

"This will really keep both Health Canada's and the Liberal minority government's feet to fire on the long promised removal of Schedule A and Sections 3.1 and 3.2 of the Food and Drug Act," a Health Committee source said in a telephone interview shortly after the historic vote.

Bill C-420 has a very interesting history. Originally introduced in the 37th Parliament by Dr. James Lunney (CPC Nanaimo/Alberni) the Bill passed second reading 124-85, with all-party support in the Chretien government. It died in Committee with the June 2004 general election. The Bill was re-introduced in the 38th parliament by Dr. Colin Carrie (CPC Oshawa) and went back to Health Committee by unanimous consent of the House at second reading.

The Health Committee heard nearly a hundred witnesses speak to the Bill in May before the summer recess, with near unanimous agreement from industry, practitioners, experts and academics that Schedule A (a list of 40 some diseases) and two clauses of the Food and Drug Act (Sec 3.1 and 3.2) which make it a crime to either advertise, or to sell to the general public any substance used to treat prevent or mitigate any of the diseases listed in Schedule A. Six years ago Health Canada's own hand picked expert advisory committee (known as the Transition Team) made the same recommendations saying Scedule and secs. 3.1 and 3.2 did not reflect modern science or thought and that there were many safe and effective non-drug treatments for many of the diseases on Schedule A.


posted by Chris Gupta on Monday October 24 2005
updated on Friday November 25 2005

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