Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
December 12, 2005

Cancer: "Nutrition and Survival"

This is a highly accessible ebook for both the lay and medical communities (paper copy is also available here). Based on demonstrable experimental data and it's immediate implications it is the latest and THE most definitive work on IV Vitamin C and associated synergetic factors. Like their other works* the characteristic thoroughness of Drs. Steve Hickey and Hilary Roberts (PhDs) have supported this work with 42 pages or 1149 references. Hence making it the most comprehensive reference to date.

The following quotes provide the essence of this truly empowering work...

"Cancer occurs because of the way animals have evolved from a single-celled to a multi-celled state. The success of multi-cellular organisms suggests they have evolved ways of dealing with cancer. Hence, the microevolutionary** approach predicts that large numbers of agents that prevent or kill cancer cells should occur naturally. This is indeed the case: safe anticancer agents are common and relatively easy to find. However, the medical establishment is apparently unaware of them."

"Over millions of years, multicellular organisms, such as animals and plants, have evolved mechanisms to control abnormal cell growth and cancer. This implies the existence of nutrients and naturally occurring substances, which destroy cancer cells without being toxic to healthy tissues."

"substances are common throughout nature. Therapies based on these nutrients take advantage of metabolic differences between cancer cells and healthy cells, to destroy the cancer cells while doing no harm to, or even helping, the healthy cells. Clinical trials are urgently needed to test"

"... non-toxic treatments, based on massive oral or intravenous doses of vitamin C and other antioxidants, can destroy cancer cells and prevent them from growing. This is especially true if glucose is in short supply. There is an overwhelming preponderance of scientific evidence that even "terminal" cancer is treatable, using this approach."

"We have described evidence that vitamin C can kill cancer. Indeed, the properties of ascorbate reflect, perfectly, the requirements for a chemotherapeutic agent."

"We have described the action of vitamin C in detail. Vitamin C illustrates the basic mechanism for killing and controlling cancer cells. Taken alone, it has been shown to be completely effective in a relatively limited range of cancers; however, it potentiates the action of many other nutrients and drugs."

"The cytotoxic action of vitamin C requires high doses. At low doses, cancer cells can use the ascorbate as a nutrient, whereas massive doses kill cancer cells selectively, by generating hydrogen peroxide.".

"A diet to prevent cancer is low in carbohydrates, with a high proportion of antioxidants. The consumption of a variety of coloured vegetables and fruit in the diet will reduce the incidence of cancer, because of the antioxidants they contain. Supplementation with a range of antioxidant vitamins and minerals will also hinder the initiation and microevolutionary** development of cancer."

"Unless medicine undergoes a paradigm shift, mainstream efforts appear unlikely to achieve such a breakthrough in the next century." Or "the current unacceptably low success rate and too few people will live longer than five years after diagnosis."

The book is based on solid ground, that of natures own mechanisms for dealing with cancer. It then logically and cleverly harnesses these very properties to safely reduce cancer cells.

Chris Gupta

*See also:

Conquering Cancer Through Vitamin C & Other Antioxidants. This is an update and 10 extract from the book.

Ascorbate - The Science of Vitamin C

Ridiculous Dietary Allowance - An open challenge to the RDA for vitamin C

**Microevolution: subspecies level evolutionary changes, which include adaptation to local environments.

NOTE: The above ebooks are not printable.

Contents (296 pages)

What makes you think they really want a cure?
Cell death
The microevolution of cancer
Conventional theories
Unconventional theories
Stages in cancer growth
How cancer starts
Detection and diagnosis
Measuring treatment success
Surgery and radiation
Biological therapies
Hydrogen peroxide
Vitamin C
Vitamin K
Alpha-lipoic acid
Anticancer nutrients
A new class of anticancer drug
Conquering cancer


posted by Chris Gupta on Monday December 12 2005
updated on Wednesday October 18 2006

URL of this article:



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Readers' Comments

I am looking for a food diary in which to keep track of foods I eat, medicines I take and the resulting pain and/or effects of each. I had one when I was going through radiation therapy seven years ago; however, am now finding myself with gastroparesis and am having difficulty with foods, etc., causing stomach pain and misery. Please help me if you can. Thank you

Posted by: Barbara J Lake on December 27, 2005 10:45 AM


Barbara, try:

Posted by: Chris Gupta on December 27, 2005 10:57 PM


Barbara, try:

Posted by: on March 12, 2006 07:20 AM


How is vitamin C ascorbate taken orally in relation to or visa IV and as an adjunct to Cesium treatment of 3 to 9 gm daily. I do not want to be feeding the cancer cells with a less than proactive dose. I have no access to IV at this time.

Posted by: M. C. Ragsdale on February 2, 2008 02:06 PM


try - Lypospheric Vitamin C. It is liposome technology, so vitamin C can actually get to your blood plasma rather than ruined in your mouth and stomach acids, and prematurely excreted. Very good, and proven. 1,000mg doses. you can eat 5gs every 4 hours if you wanted to without loose stool.

Posted by: Jimmy on November 3, 2008 11:49 AM


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