December 13, 2005
Weed Said To Cure Cancer
Need we say more???
Chris Gupta
Friday, December 09, 2005 - FreeMarketNews.com
Yet another age-old medical home remedy has been discovered by the medical community, this time in Australia. A story from the Australian Naturopathic Network notes the recent announcement that Euphorbia peplus (commonly known as Radium Weed) has been found "to cause sun spots, Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) and Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) to disappear, and drop off!"
Brian McDermott, the commentator presenting the story, said, "Our grandmothers taught us this over half-a-century ago, and it was well-known in the bush, where we grew up!" He predicts the so-called experts will now be stumbling over each other in the race to patent their "discovery," and says the whole thing "[r]eminds me of Dr. Bill Cham's Curaderm, which is an extract from Devil's apple, also known for over half-a-century by people in the bush, also effective for skin cancers. Then, they will some years from now, perhaps never discover that Cansema causes melanoma to drop off! (The "authorities" have prohibited the advertising of Cansema for cancer, threatening five years jail, and fines of tens of thousands of dollars!)"
He goes on to predict the day when eucalyptus oil, and even common hydrogen peroxide, will gain positions of acceptance they deserve, but expects that someone somehow will find a way to corner the market, regulate distribution and control the profit margin, even on those well-known time-honored home remedies.
staff reports - Free-Market News Network
posted by Chris Gupta on Tuesday December 13 2005
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Readers' Comments
"The CEA test is not a screening test for cancer. It is not useful for detecting the presence of cancer. Many cancers do not produce an increased CEA level. Some noncancerous diseases, such as hepatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis, and obstructive pulmonary disease, may cause an elevated CEA level."
"Certain types of cancer treatments, such as hormone therapy for breast cancer, may actually cause the CEA level to go up. This elevation does not accurately reflect the state of the disease. It is sometimes referred to as a "flare response." Recognition that a rise in CEA may be temporary and due to therapy is significant. If this possibility is not taken into account, the patient may be unnecessarily discouraged. Further, treatment that is actually effective may be stopped or changed prematurely."
The above is extracted from:
Hulda Clark has been giving up to 4 grams of CQ10 apparently with good results see:
CQ10 (coenzyme Q10) and Cancer
Posted by: Ron Campeanu on December 17, 2005 07:18 PM
"The CEA test is not a screening test for cancer. It is not useful for detecting the presence of cancer. Many cancers do not produce an increased CEA level. Some noncancerous diseases, such as hepatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis, and obstructive pulmonary disease, may cause an elevated CEA level."
"Certain types of cancer treatments, such as hormone therapy for breast cancer, may actually cause the CEA level to go up. This elevation does not accurately reflect the state of the disease. It is sometimes referred to as a "flare response." Recognition that a rise in CEA may be temporary and due to therapy is significant. If this possibility is not taken into account, the patient may be unnecessarily discouraged. Further, treatment that is actually effective may be stopped or changed prematurely."
The above is extracted from:
Hulda Clark has been giving up to 4 grams of CQ10 apparently with good results see:
CQ10 (coenzyme Q10) and Cancer
Posted by: Chris Gupta on December 17, 2005 08:28 PM
"The CEA test is not a screening test for cancer. It is not useful for detecting the presence of cancer. Many cancers do not produce an increased CEA level. Some noncancerous diseases, such as hepatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis, and obstructive pulmonary disease, may cause an elevated CEA level."
"Certain types of cancer treatments, such as hormone therapy for breast cancer, may actually cause the CEA level to go up. This elevation does not accurately reflect the state of the disease. It is sometimes referred to as a "flare response." Recognition that a rise in CEA may be temporary and due to therapy is significant. If this possibility is not taken into account, the patient may be unnecessarily discouraged. Further, treatment that is actually effective may be stopped or changed prematurely."
The above is extracted from:
Hulda Clark has been giving up to 4 grams of CQ10 apparently with good results see:
CQ10 (coenzyme Q10) and Cancer
Posted by: Ron Campeanu on June 27, 2006 07:59 AM
hi ,Ron interesting article ,i have mild diabeties how the mwo
could help me ,as i find the diabeties a real pest.
john clarkson gosford
Posted by: john clarkson on January 13, 2009 04:10 AM

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