Lipoic Acid - The Drug Of The Future?
"Isn't it strange how interesting papers in orthomolecular medicine so often arise in countries where the pharmaceutical industry is less well established?"
Following is an interesting and important post extracted from Extracted from: Vitamin C Discussion Forum (registration is required to access).
Chris Gupta
-----------------------------Drug of the Future
Dr Tom Levy has suggested that the importance of lipoic acid may come to rival that of vitamin C when the facts are established. Research on lipoic acid started more recently than that on vitamin C, but it is clear that it has many similar properties. Lipoic acid is a more powerful antioxidant (molecule for molecule) than vitamin C. However, it does not have the same ability to be used in the massive amounts described by Dr Cathcart and others for the treatment of disease. Combined with massive amounts of vitamin C (100mg lipoic acid for each gram of vitamin C) it appears to be an effective and relatively safe anticancer agent.
Lipoic acid has an excellent safety record and is involved in numerous disease processes. A recent paper:
Lipoic acid - the drug of the future?*
Pharmacol Rep. 2005 Sep-Oct;57(5):570-7.describes the position well and is remarkably easy to read. The authors Anna Bilska and Lidia Wlodek are based at the Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Jagiellonian University, in Poland.
Isn't it strange how interesting papers in orthomolecular medicine so often arise in countries where the pharmaceutical industry is less well established?
This paper gives background information to doctors and patients interested in the use of vitamin C and alpha-lipoic acid as an orthomolecular treatment for cancer and other diseases.
*Lipoic acid - the drug of the future? (Full Paoer is here)
Bilska A, Wlodek L.
Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Medical College, Jagiellonian University, Kopernika 7, PL 31-034 Krakow, Poland. experimental and clinical studies proved efficiency of treatment with lipoic acid-containing drugs in diseases, in which pro- and antioxidant balance is disrupted (diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, acquired immune deficiency syndrom (AIDS), tumors, etc.). Efficiency of lipoate has been attributed to unique antioxidant properties of lipoate/dihydrolipoate system, its reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging ability and significant effect on the tissue concentrations of reduced forms of other antioxidants, including one of the most powerful, glutathione (thus lipoate is called an antioxidant of antioxidants). Moreover, analysis of literature data suggests participation of lipoic acid in processes of cell growth and differentiation. This fact can be crucial to clinical practice, however, this problem requires further studies.
posted by Chris Gupta on Sunday December 18 2005
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