Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
January 18, 2006

The Bilderbergers - Masters of Our Destiny?

"The Bilderberg Group is but one of several powerful global organizations—with interlocking memberships peopled by the same old rich and infamous personages—deciding policy for nations beyond the reach of all sovereign nation-states' constitutions and public knowledge."

"In a study researched by England's Tony Gosling (, he writes: Bilderberg takes its name from the hotel, belonging to Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, near Arnhem, where, in May, 1954, the first meeting took place of what has ever since been called the Bilderberg Group. While the name persisted, its meetings are held at different locations. Prince Bernhard himself (who, incidentally, was actually German not Dutch) was chair until 1976 when he was forced to resign because of the Lockheed bribery scandal. The possible significance of this group may be gleaned from the status of its participants: the membership comprises those individuals who would, on most definitions, be regarded as members of the 'ruling class' in Western Europe and North America. In particular, the conferences brought together important figures in most of the largest international corporations with leading politicians and prominent intellectuals (in both academia and journalism). Moreover, virtually all the European institutions we take for granted today, or treat as if they 'emerged' as a matter of course, from the ECSC, EEC and Euratom down to the present European Union, were conceived, designed and brought into existence through the agency of the people involved in Bilderberg.""

This is the source of marching orders that drives our governments regardless who wins the election. The push behind the New World Order is evident as it simplifies the whole business of control!

We must understand the problem first before we are to solve it....

Chris Gupta

The Bilderbergers (And Hold The Onion)

One of the foremost internationalist groups making global policy for our generation and those of our descendants has been around since 1954.

They are The Bilderberg Group.

And you never heard of them.

That's because this is yet another of the curiously enduring organizations that can hide in plain sight thanks to a global mainstream media whose loyalty has been secured by the very same global personages who wish no light shed upon them.

After all, the conspirators couldn't have a free press exposing who they are and what they are doing, could they?

Of course not.

So, in the early part of the twentieth century in the United States, representatives of the Robber Baron foundations met with leading newspaper publishers and made them offers they couldn't refuse.

Through further conglomerate acquisition—which, in these days, effects outright monopoly—the elites went on to scap up the electronic media: first radio, then television. In the early days of television, the foremost network was the Columbia Broadcasting System or CBS. The major players in the formative years of CBS-TV, were William Paley and Walter Cronkite, both of whom had been military intelligence during World War II. Interestingly, the CBS logo is an eye, reminiscent of the one that hovers above the truncated pyramid on the left-hand side on the back of our dollar bill.

Both are symbols of the ancient, occult Mystery Babylon religion, which boasts, to mimic Christianity, a trinity of Osiris, Isis, and Horus.

These symbols are positioned within a circle, the sum of which has come to be known as The Great Seal." Above and below The Eye and Pyramid are Latin phrases.

The upper is "Annuit Coeptus," which translates to "announcing the birth of." The lower is "Novus Ordo Seclorum," which literally means "new order of the ages," and which, in turn, can be justifiably translated to "New World Order."

The engraving plates for The Great Seal were purportedly shipped to Thomas Jefferson by Adam Weishaupt, head of Europe's occult Bavarian Illuminati, in the very important year of 1776—a year that marked the beginning both of the American Revolution and Weishaupt's Illuminati soft revolution, whose goal was to create a one world empire.

It was only during Franklin Delano Roosevelt's first term that the seal was affixed to our dollar bill.

Have you never asked yourself why this symbolism was affixed to our most popular denomination of paper currency—one that bears the likeness of quite possibly the finest President this nation has ever known?

Now back to The Bilderberg Group.

In a study researched by England's Tony Gosling (, he writes: Bilderberg takes its name from the hotel, belonging to Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, near Arnhem, where, in May, 1954, the first meeting took place of what has ever since been called the Bilderberg Group. While the name persisted, its meetings are held at different locations. Prince Bernhard himself (who, incidentally, was actually German not Dutch) was chair until 1976 when he was forced to resign because of the Lockheed bribery scandal. The possible significance of this group may be gleaned from the status of its participants: the membership comprises those individuals who would, on most definitions, be regarded as members of the 'ruling class' in Western Europe and North America. In particular, the conferences brought together important figures in most of the largest international corporations with leading politicians and prominent intellectuals (in both academia and journalism). Moreover, virtually all the European institutions we take for granted today, or treat as if they 'emerged' as a matter of course, from the ECSC, EEC and Euratom down to the present European Union, were conceived, designed and brought into existence through the agency of the people involved in Bilderberg."

Robert Gaylon Ross, who served this nation proudly in Army intelligence writes on his website,, that the "Bilderberg membership is made up of Kings, Queens, Princes, Chancellors, Prime Ministers, Presidents, Ambassadors, Secretaries of State, Wall Street investors, international bankers, news media executives, and wealthy industrialists. Their meetings are by 'invitation only', and no 'outsiders' in the news media are allowed, except by special invitation. However, the news media are always present at these meetings such as: Peter Jennings . . . Bill D. Moyers . . . William F. Buckley, Jr., Mortimer B. Zuckerman [of U.S. News & World Report] . . .William Kristol . . .Thomas L. Friedman [of The New York Times] . . . Even though the media moguls attend these secret meetings, they do not file reports about the Elite Bilderberg activities during their meetings."

And, as anyone might guess, one of the charter Bilderberg members is none other than that ubiquitous citizen of the world: David Rockefeller.

The serious problem of these organizations is that not only don't you know they exist but you have no idea of what they are doing.

While you're distracted by the show the prostituted media portrays on every country's national stage, these organizations (and others that will be examined in subsequent articles) are moving pliable governments toward one-world government, which may sound attractive, like the lyrics of John Lennon's song, "Imagine," but it is anything but halcyonic.

The promise of global unity through human government is nothing other than a redux of the Serpent's ancient lie that, if humanity just gets together (via one government, one religion), we can all be as God.

The Bilderberg Group is but one of several powerful global organizations—with interlocking memberships peopled by the same old rich and infamous personages—deciding policy for nations beyond the reach of all sovereign nation-states' constitutions and public knowledge.

Wake up soon, folks, and understand that you, your birthright, your kin, and your nation are being sold down the river by those (and there never is a shortage of the vermin we would call Judases) who first sold themselves out to Mammon and are citizens of no nation.

They handlers want you affixed to your 24/7 television and radio broadcasting networks and those birdcage-lining, sorry-rag newspapers that suck up to corporations for their all-soprecious blood—advertising revenues—and who couldn't care less about you, other than that want you to buy a subscription to pay for your own poisoning.

Vyzygoth is a radio host persona. His identity is available by request at the news office. Send correspondence to or His radio show, "From The Grassy Knoll," streams live Wednesday 5-7 pm on Archived shows can be accessed at


posted by Chris Gupta on Wednesday January 18 2006

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Readers' Comments

so if person wanted to be able to find out more about these organiztions how would they go about it and wat would it comprise of please repost a message for me i will check this site agien in a day or two any help will be thankfull till then im goint to keep searching.

Posted by: sharol reeds on July 1, 2006 02:18 AM


the blog is really good and it has good information regarding the international wealth masters,about which i saw in the site........Easy Daily Cash/EDC

Posted by: ashwin on March 29, 2007 07:38 AM


the blog is really good and it has good information regarding the international wealth masters,about which i saw in the site........Easy Daily Cash/EDC

Posted by: DANIEL IBARRA on November 17, 2007 07:37 PM


Great article and if anyone reading wishes to know more about this organization or similar ones email me and I'll share with you what I have.

Posted by: B] on June 1, 2009 04:07 AM


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