Breast Cancer And Radio Frequency Exposure
..."wearing an underwire (metal) bra. That underwire would be acting as a slave antenna re-broadcasting RF directly into the breast. This would tend to act as a promoter of any cancerous cells in the breast. As cities are all becoming wireless wonders the situation in Brisbane must be repeated many times. At the very least, simple advice to breast cancer* patients to not wear metal underwire bras would seem a sensible precaution."...
Of course all the mainstream nut cases will tell you not to worry that there are no studies to show direct evidence of this and hence women should not be to concerned. As usual what they won't tell you is that there is a lack of such studies in the first place. There is no money to be made from doing such studies but only an expense. So even if there is evidence no one is looking hence no evidence... And this my friends is the mind set of these so called experts!
Chris Gupta
*Breast disease is only a problem in cultures where women wear bras. Western culture has come to accept bra wearing as normal, and therefore has been unquestioned as a possible health hazard.
Actually, bras are a form of breast binding, altering the shape of the breasts by applying constant pressure to the soft breast tissue. This compression interferes with the circulation within the breast.
Specifically, the bra impinges the lymphatic vessels that drain fluid from the breast tissue, leading to fluid build-up and tissue congestion, a condition called edema. This causes pain, tenderness, lumps, and fluid-filled cysts. If not corrected, this condition can lead to cancer, as toxins become trapped in the breast tissue, unable to be flushed out through the lymphatic system due to the constriction from the bra.
Extracted from:
The Depths of Deceit Mammography
See also:
Em Fields On Brain Tumor Incidence - Chemicals And Cell Phones
----------------------------------------------------Breast Cancer And Radio Frequency Exposure
Sunday November 27th 2005, 9:22 am
Filed under: Breast cancer and EMFsAt the end of my October 1997 Senate paper (last message) I briefly mentioned evidence that suggests that malignant breast cancer tissue is far more sensitive to RF/MW than other types of cancerous tissue (reproduced below). This is one thing that Dr. John Holt from West Australia (do a Google search) has stressed as an important consideration for breast cancer patients. Now in Australia we have a situation in Brisbane where a whole array of antennas is mounted on the side of a 2 story building in a city public square. Directly opposite 70 meters away is a three story office building where, if you look out the third story windows, you look slightly down on the antennas. I sent one affected business on the third floor Alasdair Philip's excellent Com and A Com meters and the tenants were able to determine the level of RF in their offices. They are now shielding the rooms and plan on moving out as soon as possible. Now the relevant point I'm trying to make is that when the person took the meters out on the public square in front of the building with the antennas, he found that he was getting RF readings from every metal object in that square, including his metal watch band. This would also be the case for any woman in that square (many work there) who might be wearing an underwire (metal) bra. That underwire would be acting as a slave antenna re-broadcasting RF directly into the breast. This would tend to act as a promoter of any cancerous cells in the breast. As cities are all becoming wireless wonders the situation in Brisbane must be repeated many times. At the very least, simple advice to breast cancer patients to not wear metal underwire bras would seem a sensible precaution.
Unfortunately Cancer Councils find it impossible to think this stuff through for themselves. Much easier to just blindly follow the written statements of the Repacholis of this world and not risk being attacked by the cell phone industry.
"Although this paper only deals with powerline EMFs, electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from radiofrequency and microwave emissions are also now being implicated in breast cancer.
Besides some epidemiological studies, such as one showing a significant increase in breast cancer for female radio operators, there is evidence that breast cancer tumors absorb significantly more EMR than other cancers, or healthy tissue. To quote from one study, conducted at Duke University, North Carolina, USA, in 1993.
"In general, at all frequencies tested [50 to 900 MHz], both conductivity and relative permittivity were greater in malignant tissue than in normal tissue of the same type. For tissues of the same type, the differences in electrical properties from normal to malignant were least for kidney (about 6% and 4% average differences over the frequency range in permittivity and conductivity, respectively), and these differences were the greatest for mammary gland (about 233% and 577% average differences in permittivity and conductivity, respectively) "(27)
The ability of breast cancer tumors to absorb significantly more EMR than normal tissue should be of concern when compared to an official joint statement, made in the Information sheet, Safety of Mobile Phones and Towers - The Answers (Nov.1995) by the Australian Radiation Laboratory, Spectrum Management Agency, Austel and the Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation, (under the heading, Is Cancer an issue?)
"There is yet insufficient scientific knowledge of many aspects of health effects of radio waves. One common question is: Do radio waves from mobile phones increase the risks of cancer? The answer is that there is no experimental evidence that radio waves directly cause cancer. Laboratory studies on animals suggest that where cancer exists, radio waves may accelerate its growth."
For this reason, acting under the Precautionary Principal as mentioned prevously, one should also consider radiofrequency and microwave exposures as a possible risk factor to be avoided."
posted by Chris Gupta on Sunday January 22 2006
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