Avoid X-Rays Especially To Children
"What parents are not told when their doctors schedule this relatively new procedure is that these scans are calibrated for adults, so children absorb up to six times the radiation needed to produce clear images. These doses are much larger than the doses to which the victims of Three Mile Island were subjected. Children have more rapidly dividing cells than adults, and they are much more susceptible to radiation damage."
Here is another sloppy application particularly to children. Little has been known for a long time that thyroid cancer is directly associated with X-Ray radiation particularly in children*. Further the calibration of some machines may change between calibration and others may not have been calibrated properly... Always ask to see the last calibration certificate and date. Best is to avoid X-Rays unless it is life and death situation.
Chris Gupta
--------------------Avoid being X-rayed unless absolutely necessary. The procedure is often ordered by doctors eager to cover themselves from lawsuits, which is understandable, but hard on patients. There is no safe level of radiation! 'Photo opportunity' X-rays and ultra-sounds of babies should be considered child abuse. Use your common sense - why bombard a vulnerable foetus with either of these powerful energies? What might it do to the delicate mechanisms of the brain, the eyes, the ears? Do you want to be responsible for the subtle brain damage that investigators believe is caused by these unnecessary procedures?
I'd love to get my hands on the gung-ho American doctors who are condemning thousands of children to early death from radiation-induced cancers. Overused CT scans** (US doctors are prescribing 2 million of these annually) are the culprits, as doses of radiation from a single procedure can be hundreds of times larger than the effective dose of radiation from a conventional radiographic procedure. What parents are not told when their doctors schedule this relatively new procedure is that these scans are calibrated for adults, so children absorb up to six times the radiation needed to produce clear images. These doses are much larger than the doses to which the victims of Three Mile Island were subjected. Children have more rapidly dividing cells than adults, and they are much more susceptible to radiation damage.
Look at it this way: you would want to think long and hard before subjecting your young daughter to the equivalent of up to 20 mammograms in one procedure. What did doctors do before these diabolical things were invented? Somehow we all managed to set along with the family doctor who gave us a real physical, looked at our irises, and asked pointed questions about our diets.
Extracted from: Take Control of Your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry
*Effects of Childhood X-Ray Treatment to the Head and Neck Area
Thyroid abnormalities are sometimes due to X-ray treatment, received in childhood, to the head and neck area. This method of treatment for children was frequently used prior to 1950 for a number of conditions. It is advisable to consult your physician if you or members of your family have ever received this treatment.
The following information from the Canadian Cancer Society is important for you to understand.
Causes of Thyroid Cancer
The only known risk for thyroid cancer is radiation. From the 1920s to the mid-1950s, thousands of children received X-ray treatments to the head and neck areas. Back then, X-ray therapy was used to treat swollen tonsils and adenoids, ring worm of the scalp, acne and other non-cancerous conditions; no one foresaw its long-term complications.
As follow-up studies began to link radiation therapy to higher rates of thyroid cancer, this type of therapy was abandoned. Although very few people who underwent X-ray therapy as children are actually diagnosed today with thyroid cancer, anyone who had X-rays to the head and neck areas should regularly consult a physician.
Hope for the Future
Detection of thyroid cancer in people who had X-ray treatments as children is the greatest hope for the future. Even though most of these people will never develop cancer of the thyroid, a physician should regularly check them whether or not they have symptoms. Further hope for the future lies in uncovering other potential causes of this type of cancer.
(Excerpts from Facts on Thyroid Cancer, Canadian Cancer Society, 1986)
Important Notice - The information contained within is for general information only and consequently cannot be considered as medical advice to any person. For individual treatment or diagnosis consult your health care professional.
Approved for distribution by:
Thyroid Foundation of Canada
La Fondation canadienne de la Thyroïde
797 Princess St., Suite 304, Kingston ON K7L 1G1
Tel: (613) 544-8364/ 1-800-267-8822
Fax: (613) 54-9731
Website: www.thyroid.ca
**Full-Body CT Scans Scale Up Cancer Risk
Tracy Hampton, PhDJAMA. 2004;292:1669.
Since this article does not have an abstract, we have provided the first 150 words of the full text and any section headings.
Elective full-body computed tomography (CT) scans in healthy individuals have long been controversial because of uncertainties surrounding their ability to detect hidden disease. Now, researchers report that radiation from a single full-body CT examination corresponds to a dose comparable with a level of radiation linked to increased cancer mortality in low-dose atomic bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in Japan (Radiology. 2004;232:735-738).The authors question the use of such an expensive procedure of disputed value in asymptomatic people in light of such risk. Full-body CT scans deliver a dose of radiation nearly 100 times that of a typical mammogram.
"There is direct epidemiological evidence that the sorts of doses of relevance for a single full-body CT scan do increase an individual's cancer risk," said lead . . .
posted by Chris Gupta on Tuesday February 28 2006
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