Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
March 13, 2006

Re: Feedback On Your Website

At 08:03 PM 12/03/2006, Marcella Setter <> wrote:
I find your website extremely infuriating.  How can you justify this disgraceful attempt to replace actual science with your meaningless new-age crap?  You are what's going wrong with our culture – replacing reason with emotion and fact with fiction.  You're disgraceful.

What "actual science" are you referring too? If we had it, why should sites like mine be there to begin with. Your ire is very telling indeed. And is great vindication for my work. Surely if you consider it rubbish why bother providing me your feedback? Is it because underneath it all there might be grain of truth?  

If I am to get your drift then here is just one example of what you pass of as science...

Just imagine, as in my profession, going to a conference and boasting that a newly developed device say a special new amplifier or fibre optics regenerator only works 30% of the time as is often the case for many drugs and medical procedures! Nothing short of 100% should be acceptable. Why because the principles of science have to be followed when designing such devices.  If not, I will certainly be a laughing stock of my profession. Not so with medicine. Where: off label applications of already inadequate and generally toxic drugs are being used villy nilly and the importance of nutrition is shoved under the rug while trials conducted on select populations are extrapolated to the untrialed populations including children. Animal studies with totally different metabolisms are used as basis for humans without any human trials. The standards of testing from lab to lab differ often with no oversight. When only 6% of the drug advertising material is supported by evidence yet highly efficacious and often non palliative solutions based on Nutrition, Orthomolecular, Oxidative and Electro medicine are routinely ignored while thousands continue to die and suffer. Any fool can see that majority of the diseases are due to a lack of nutrients. Yet the medical system behaves as though we have a deficiency of drugs. Not too bright - unless there are other agendas?

If the "disgraceful" medical shenanigans is your idea of "actual science" than "my meaningless new age crap" surely supercedes it by a mile!

Please read - Impure Science : Fraud, Compromise and Political Influence in Scientific Research before you shoot the messenger. Above all think for your self. The reason so much sounds new agy is simply because the politically correct won't subject it to scientific rigor. Just because someone has not clinically trailed something it does not follow that is not so! See: Double Blind Randomized Trials?

Chris Gupta


posted by Chris Gupta on Monday March 13 2006

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Readers' Comments

Dear Chris,
You didn't mention to Ms. M. Setter that correlation is not causation. Most "scientific" research into disease and it's treatment is based on correlation wherein the "researchers" get to define the parameters. Too many researchers' funds are provide by companies with something to sell.

Posted by: Gerald Sutliff on March 14, 2006 01:02 PM


Here are just some of the great responses.... Thanks to all. Apologies to those whose kinds comments where missed in this compilation.

Chris Gupta

Posted by: Chris Gupta on March 22, 2006 09:12 PM


hello, i'couldn't find the magnesium in powder i'm taking tablets with 128 mg magnesium and 374mg chloride the product is slow-mag. i'm suffering with fibromyalgia since i've been taking it, it's better no pain, but still having some episodes of insomnia and fatigue, my question is the quantity of what i'm taking is o.k. or maybe with a higher dose it could get better? i live in nebraska. can you inform me where can i get mag chl in powder and the correct dose? it is o.k. then to take mag chl forever? i would really appreciate your answer.

Posted by: Blanca D on January 29, 2010 11:02 PM


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