Excellent Interview On Depleted Uranium & ABANDONMENT Of Soldiers
Here is a tacit example of "use 'em and spew them" motto that the military, all under the pretense of protecting us continuly feeds us. The unconditional trust by most in the authorities, makes all these deceptions a piece of cake for them. This must listen audio interview should help in understanding these shenanigans. Especially if you have children going gu gu ga ga over careers in the military. Children who have been deluded by the authorities on the real hidden agendas of the war on terrorism. See:
ADDICTED TO WAR Los Angeles Screening
War Is A Racket By Major General Smedley Butler - Free book on the net
"With 700 military bases around the world, it is no wonder that the biggest employer in the US is the Military. To maintain their hegemony it is imperative that only jobs left (aside form the menial service jobs) be those for the military..."
Extracted from: Fighting Globalism with Common Law
Remember when you support this war machine you are a unwittingly plundering the poor and defenceless! It does not take rocket science to see that they only fight the poor and defenceless and ignore the powerful.
What if everyone refused to fight?
Then see this eye opening, well-done clip about saying no to being a soldier in the war machine. click on "click here to start" at the bottom and if you agree, send this to everyone you know. There are extra clips at the end - be sure not to miss.
Chris Gupta
Hi Folks,
Below is a notice regarding an excellent interview on Depleted Uranium and its effects - and the DENIAL of the military, and the ABANDONMENT of the soldiers suffering life-threatening health destruction.
Note: This is the health-hell to which Harper is condemning Canadian military personnel when they are assigned to Afghanistan. They will pay for their stint of "duty" with their lives because they will all return suffering from radiation-induced health devastation from the Depleted Uranium contamination of the entire area.)
If you have the computer equipment, download to a CD/DVD and circulate to the politicians, medicos, and educate your friends and acquaintances. This curtain of secrecy must be lifted - and it will only be lifted if WE do it. Every bit of exposure helps - any and every thing that you do HELPS get the word out. Each person can inforn/educate in his/her own circle.
The Piper Report
Wed., June 7, 2006:
Christopher Bollyn speaks with Doug Rokke, and Leuren Moret about the military's use of Depleted Uranium in munitions. Mr. Rokke is the former Director of the US Army Depleted Uranium Project. Ms. Moret is a geophysicist specializing in atmospheric sciences, a nuclear activist, and a former scientist and whistle blower at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratories.
For the audio go tohttp://mp3.rbnlive.com/Piper06.html
posted by Chris Gupta on Thursday June 15 2006
URL of this article:
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