Global Warming - An Inconvenient Truth
A clear delineation of the so called global warming controversy. It will put this controversy to an end once and for all and motivate most to take action. Actions that even the most paralyzed can take! A must see and then do....
While the show times and the location are for the London Ontario area other locations are available at:
Chris Gupta
See also:
"Off-The-Grid" Right Now
Software recommendation to save the environment
Bullfrog Power!
Dear Friends
On Friday evening I viewed the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" with Al Gore. It is a most important movie for people to view in my humble opinion given the scientists think we have ten years until we reach an irreversible time to protect and keep our planet habitable for the population as a whole. This movie is on at the Rainbow cinema all this week and they will hold it over if there is a demand.
An Inconvenient Truth (GEN)
FRI & SAT 1:05 3:15 5:20 7:20 9:30 11:35PM
SUN - THU 1:05 3:15 5:20 7:20 9:30
Sponsored in part by Atmosphere Development & Green Drinks London
(96 min) Admission $7.50
I want to live on this earth in peace. I want this planet a healthy and beautiful home for my children and grandchildren and I think we all need to be making choices that will provide a safe home for future generations. This film will prove to you why we need to make different choices and what choices are valuable to the planet earth. The hopeful part is that as individuals we can all make a difference.
"When I said I was going to a press screening of "An Inconvenient Truth," a friend said, "Al Gore talking about the environment!!" This is not a boring film. The director, Davis Guggenheim, uses words, images and Gore's concise litany of facts to build a film that is fascinating and relentless. In 39 years, I have never written these words in a movie review, but here they are: You owe it to yourself to see this film. If you do not, and you have grandchildren, you should explain to them why you decided not to.
I highly recommend that you read Ebert on the Al Gore movie "An Inconvenient Truth". You owe it to your children and grandchildren."
You can view his article here:
You can also visit this website
Warm regards
href=""> MillerKallie
posted by Chris Gupta on Sunday July 2 2006
URL of this article:
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