Simple Urine Test Uncovers Toxic Bacteria
Conditions with Elevated Levels of Urinary Indican1-4*
Inflammatory bowel disease
Celiac disease
Gastric ulcer
Biliary and intestinal obstruction
Jejunal diverticulosis
Hartnup's disease
Pancreatic insufficiency
Diminished peristalsis
Blue diaper syndromeThat's quite an array! Here is a simple test to have done if you have any of the above or for a preemptive check. A great way to maintain good gut bacteria is discussed in Cultured Cabbage Juice - Make the Best Lactobacteria
Chris Gupta
----------------In the early part of the 20th century, doctors generally performed a test called a "urinary indican"* during standard checkups to determine the presence of bacteria overgrowth. Indican is created when the essential amino acid tryptophan is fermented by bacteria in the bowel. More than a very small amount of indican is indicative of an overgrowth of unfriendly bacteria, which produce not only indican but literally dozens of other substances that may be toxic to the cells of our bodies. (See: Help Prevent IllnessÂ-Even Breast Cancer-Âby Avoiding Constipation!)
The indican test was usually done right in the doctor's office, as a part of a routine urinalysis that checked for all sorts of abnormalities. But by the latter decades of the century, mainstream medicine had almost entirely discarded the indican aspect of urinalyses—despite the fact that it is a very useful and inexpensive method of determining the presence of harmful bacteria. Today, the indican test is usually only performed by natural medicine doctors.
If an indican test is positive, the first step is to decrease intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates—substances that encourage the growth of many types of unfriendly bowel micro-organisms. (Of course, eliminating refined items from your diet entirely is better.) After that, make sure to eat more vegetables. Lastly, supplements of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and other friendly micro-organisms can help restore the normal balance of internal microflora in your body. These supplements are available in most natural food stores. The doctor who performs the urinary indican test for you will be able to offer you more specific information regarding treatment and dosage amounts of supplements. The test itself is easy, inexpensive, and one that everyone should have done.
Extracted From Nutrition & Healing Vol 9, Issue 1 - Jan. 2002
posted by Chris Gupta on Monday July 24 2006
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