Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
August 15, 2006

The Myth of Early Cancer Detection

"It matters not wether you detect cancer with any test because the treatments offered by allopathic medicine is only palliative. They do not address the cause of the disease. Amputation of the appendages is NEVER REQUIRED but continues to be practiced because surgical remedies are incredibly lucrative. Tumors dissolve on their own if the necessary digestive enzymes are permitted to perform their primary function without the distraction of having to divert their powers for the emaciation of excessive animal proteins. Cancer, like diabetes, is a disease of the fork and spoon. People don't 'catch' this disease, they earn it through inadequate nutrition and improper hygiene.

Early detection is moot!
  Absolutely no one needs to die from this totally curable disease!"

Further to "Politics in Healing : The Suppression & Manipulation of American Medicine" which discussed a simple but effective urine cancer test, Michael has distilled the cancer issue to the core!

Chris Gupta

See also my take on another carrot thrown out by the medical Mafia on heart disease:

Drano' for arteries works in 6 weeks

Thanks to @anne for forwarding the following.


Blood test finds breast cancer at its earliest stage
By LUCY BALLINGER, Daily Mail 15:47pm 4th August 2006

"A new
blood test that detects breast cancer at its earliest stage could become a vital weapon in fighting the disease.
Scientists found the test could pinpoint cancer long before it would show up using other methods.
They believe it could be adapted to identify ovarian and prostate cancers as well. Trial results showed it was up to 1,000 times more sensitive than existing tests."
Response from:  Michael T. / Ohio,USA
I'm skeptical about new medical 'break-throughs'. The medical profession is running a scam upon the population and anything they claim to be new and/or whatever, too often turns out to be another smokescreen. Professor John Beard published his findings 100 years ago, and to this day, no one has been able to refute his thesis. Cancer tumors and trophoblasts are one in the same, and thus, both emit hCG. The hCG titre is used in the form of blood tests and urine excretions to determine the estimated amounts of tumors in the body, and it is these figures that oncologists use to state that cancer levels rise or fall. The levels are total nonsense, of course, because the applied treatments do nothing to eradicate the disease which always returns unless the pH of the body fluids are normalized. Should the public ever come to understand this, the treatment of cancer, as it is applied today, will be exposed for what it is, a scam. Cancer is a disease of civilization. It develops because Progenitor Cryptocides pleomorphically evolves into BX & BY mycoplasmas which Drs. Rife and Kendall proved when they created cancer in a test tube along with other diseases by simply altering the growth media and observing the results 36 hours later. Dr. Rife stated this action clearly in the Crane tapes surrendered by Dr. Stafford to the Kinneman Foundation.

Everybody believes that detecting cancer early has some great benefit in curing the disease. It does not. Nor does it make any difference as to which stage one begins to treat it correctly. Extirpation only exacerbates the condition, causing it to return with a vengeance. One is better off leaving it alone. This is especially true with breast cancer, which is an off-shoot of uterine epithelial cells contaminated with chemicals produced in combination with environmental toxins along with excessive estrogens and autointoxication due to inadequate elimination of the waste products of cellular metabolism, coupled with missing essential minerals. Otto Warburg was awarded the 1931 Noble Prize in 'Physiology in Medicine' for his discovery of this metabolic mechanism. The lack of elemental selenium* is a major cause of cancer. It is totally missing from the soils having been depleted with the development of modern farming methods with its chemical fertilizers.

* Also a lack of elemental Iodine. Simple measures such as eating at least 4 Brazil nuts for Selenium daily and taking a couple of drops of Lugols with a healthy dose of Vitamin C and B vitamins should go far in preventative measures then mainstream testing palliatives... Chris Gupta

It matters not wether you detect cancer with any test because the treatments offered by allopathic medicine is only palliative. They do not address the cause of the disease. Amputation of the appendages is NEVER REQUIRED but continues to be practiced because surgical remedies are incredibly lucrative. Tumors dissolve on their own if the necessary digestive enzymes are permitted to perform their primary function without the distraction of having to divert their powers for the emaciation of excessive animal proteins. Cancer, like diabetes, is a disease of the fork and spoon. People don't 'catch' this disease, they earn it through inadequate nutrition and improper hygiene.

Early detection is moot!
  Absolutely no one needs to die from this totally curable disease!
Further to the above ... these words are almost identical to those that Harold Foster wrote to me, regarding the status of HIV and AID$ 2 years ago ... yet matters have only gotten much worse, with even more drug peddling and constant media warnings of imminent DEATH.
Last night I viewed a new TV AID$ "advertisement" depicting a group of smartly dressed upmarket Black teens having a quiet social gathering, then a voice ended this brief scene with the words "IF YOU ARE 15 YEARS OLD, YOU ARE PROBABLY ALREADY INFECTED WITH HIV".  Chris, this is OUTRAGEOUS. It's the work of KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation) and I so want someone (an investigative journo) to assist me in exposing them for what they really are, so that we can get them to leave our country and continent ALONE!  They are doing so much harm.  Over the past 10 years, all SA children have integrated beautifully, but now, the KFF's tactics are driving a massive wedge between the various races again  ... this they're doing, by constantly honing in on HIV and AID$ being a Black disease. GRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr
@nnie - determined that the TRUTH shall always prevail.
Resonance Therapist - Alternative Health Researcher - Independent HIV, AIDS & Morgellons Crusader - Durban - SOUTH AFRICA.

From Rife Forum
"hCG pregnancy testers were reduced in sensitivity a few years ago because too many people were objecting to their cancer diagnoses by challenging their doctor. The tests sold in the U.S. can only pick up a few very severe cancers and are thus useless. More sensitive testers in the 10mIU/ml can be obtained from Europe. Ironically they are made in the USA by ACON of San Diego who are forbidden to sell them in the U.S. Their part #FHC-U111 ...a government by the people, for the people....ha!"  M.T. Ohio, USA
Then, further to my silly comments:
Hi Michael 

Thanks so much for sharing this useful info! 
What about professional urine pregnancy tests done through one's pharmacy, GP or Gynae? Surely they use the more accurate one that you've mentioned?
One doesn't have to tell one's health care provider or whomever, that there's no chance of being pregnant ... although, a little ODD if a man requests this test! 
Oh! well, nothing's stopping a loving couple from squashing into the cubicle together if need be. 

@ nne
"Don't know about the Gp or Gyno clinic tests. They are probably the same as the ones at the drug store rated at 20mIU/ml. In any event, if the more sensitive ones are in use by the 'profession' they are not available to the public. Incidentally the titer tests that are done in the lab for cancer markers is, in fact, hCG testing. The look at the levels to determine the amount of kill-off that occurs with chemo treatments. Its mostly a waste as chemo really isn't effective against the majority of cancers. 90% of cancers are carcinomas of one form or another and several studies have clearly indicated that chemo has no long term effect upon them."  M.T. Ohio,USA


posted by Chris Gupta on Tuesday August 15 2006
updated on Wednesday July 16 2008

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Readers' Comments

Like a lot of others who have posted to this site, I let my doctor convince me to start statin therapy to reduce high colesterol (ldl had topped the high end of the scale for those of us in low risk catergory. 150 compared to scale of 130), even though the number has fluctuated throughout my 64 years with a range of 100-150.

He recommended Vytorin 10-10, citing it was lowest dose and should do the job. Without doing the research I should have and wanting to take steps to protect my health, I took the prescription for 3 1/2 months before I noticed a tingling in hands and feet and a general loss of libido and some erectile dysfunction occurred. I immediately quit taking the drug and approached the doctor, who said it had nothing to do with Vytorin. I told him I was quiting anyway. That was only 1 week ago and I am wondering how long it should take to see if I will notice a difference and a possible return to normal. Does anyone know?

Posted by: on August 23, 2006 10:26 PM


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