Sugar Consumption and Pancreatic Cancer
Here is more evidence, as if more was needed, for a no sugar, low carb diet.
"The high consumption of sweetened food and drink increases the risk of developing pancreatic cancer.
According to a new study from Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, the following picture emerges: Most at risk to develop pancreatic cancer were those men and women who consumed high quantities of added sugar, soft drinks, and sweetened fruit soups or stewed fruit.
The study concluded: High consumption of sugar and high-sugar foods may be associated with a greater risk of pancreatic cancer."
Ref: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 84, No. 5, 1171-1176, November 2006
"The researchers have now been able to show that the risk of developing pancreatic cancer is related to the amount of sugar in the diet. Most at risk were those who drank high quantities of fizzy or syrup based (squash) drinks. The group who said that they drank such products twice a day or more ran a 90% higher risk than those who never drank them. People who added sugar to food or drinks (e.g. coffee) at least five times a day ran a 70% greater risk than those who did not. People who ate creamed fruit (a product resembling runny jam) at least once a day also ran a higher risk -- they developed the disease 50% more often than those who never ate creamed fruit.
"It is perhaps the most serious form of cancer, with very poor prognoses for its victims. Since it's difficult to treat and is often discovered too late, it's particularly important that we learn to prevent it," she says.
Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by Karolinska Institutet."
Extracted from: Science Daily November 8, 2006
This research findings from Sweden about sugar and pancreatic cancer are not too surprising, at least not to me. It is not only pancreatic but other cancers too. See:
Fibiger's Work on Cancer & Sugar
The Negative Impact of Sugar on Vitamin C
Yet for a buck they will continue to exploit our sweet tooth....
A Sweet Solution to Fund Raising - Sugar & Colour
Why the Government "just said no" to Less Sugar
Chris Gupta
posted by Chris Gupta on Monday February 5 2007
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