Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
March 27, 2007

Vaccines Often The Cause of "Multiple Sclerosis & Other DEMYELINATING Diseases"

Dr. Carley makes the most cogent case against the dangers of vaccines. Reading her response below, indicates that these dangers are clearly expressed in the Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine (the "Bible" by which all medical students learn about internal medicine). Hence, it can no longer be the case "that vaccine based disease epidemic is merely a "mistake" made by well intentioned, albeit misguided mad scientists". Clearly they knowingly continue to subject the defenceless, particularly children to these toxins. It also shows how, when these known dangers started for manifest, this information in the subsequent editions of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine was either conveniently removed and/or modified, so that the vaccine programs could continue regardless. "For example, SUB ACUTE SCLEROSING PAN ENCEPHALITIS (SSPE) has been changed to AUTISM"

"Post-infectious encephalitis, also called acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), is a demyelinating disease that is thought to be of autoimmune origin. It usually occurs within two weeks after one of the childhood viral infections, such as measles or chicken pox, or following vaccination against rabies or smallpox."

"Other infectious and inflammatory disorders have an acute clinical course and a history of a recent viral infection, vaccination, or AIDS."


"Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is an acute inflammatory de-myelinating disease of the central nervous system, typically characterized by onset of multifocal neurological deficits days to weeks after an episode of viral illness or vaccination."

Extracted form: Plasmapheresis in Childhood Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis Indian Pediatrics 2005; 42:479-482

"In the 1983 edition of "Virology" on page 47, the following is stated: "If a young pig infected intranasally with pseudo-rabies virus is added to a colony of uninfected animals, 80% to 90% of the pigs will become infected....Generally, injecting virus into a host produces infection more efficiently and with less virus than exposing the host to an infected animal.""

So much for herd immunity bull that one gets from the proponents!

Public health authorities know all this yet they continue to promote flu shots when there is no evidence that flu shots reduce mortality rate, in fact, the US only orders 100 million shots for a population of 300 million So why is there no flu pandemic among the unvaccinated? Ah but once you understand the business with disease it is easy to see all these shenanigans.

Here are proof positive mechanisms extracted from the medical literature that blow the lid on "safe and effective" nonsense continually promulgated to the unsuspecting.... This once and for all shows the connection to vaccines on a whole host of neurological diseases such as Autism, Shaken Baby Syndrome etc.

Given this history it is abundantly clear why vaccines are dangerous and not the panacea as most have been led to think.

Her exemplary work is the most clear explanation, that I have read to date, on how vaccines cause disease. While a little technical it is a must read - a second reading should make it crystal clear!

Chris Gupta

Also see:

Questions About Avian Flu Or Any Expending Pandemic

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) not what you might think it is


dated and submitted January 15, 2006

The CDC claims that its Research Guide "will provide a comprehensive, long-range vision of national and global public health needs that CDC and its partners can address through research. The Research Guide will help identify critical knowledge needed to achieve CDC's new health protection goals which are designed to maximize the health impact of programs, services, and emergency responses". In the media advisory asking for public comment it is claimed that "the wide-ranging Research Guide addresses topics of critical interest to the American public including finding new ways to combat infectious diseases such as pandemic influenza, and chronic diseases such as cancer and diabetes." It will be self evident from the documentation herein that the CDC and its partners are actually facilitating the creation of diseases and genocide; not the protection of public health, as this guide purports.

The intentional creation of diseases is being done by 2 primary mechanisms:

1. Genetic engineering of organisms (especially viruses which cause cancer under the
"Special Virus Cancer Project", as detailed below), as well as
2. Inoculation of organisms via the practice touted as "vaccination".

The definition of these words makes the truth self evident. As defined in Dorland's Medical Dictionary, 25th edition:

p. 1685 - "vaccinate" = to inject vaccine for the purpose of inducing immunity
p. 784 - "inoculate" = to communicate a disease by inserting its etiologic agent

As stated in Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine , 6th edition, p. 943: "RARELY IS PREVENTION OF INFECTION PER SE CONSIDERED TO BE AN IMPORTANT GOAL OF VACCINATION. In fact, asymptomatic infection after vaccination can serve to enhance and prolong the immune response." Of course, if the immune response has been overwhelmed or corrupted, the "asymptomatic infection" will become a CHRONIC DISEASE. In fact, on the same page of Harrison's, in the following paragraph, it states the following:

"PERSISTENCE AND LATENCY. Many viruses persist in host tissues for months or years without causing overt disease. A FLARE-UP OF THESE LATENT INFECTIONS MAY BE INDUCED BY TRAUMA, INTERCURRENT DISEASE, DECLINE IN ANTIBODY TITERS, OR UNKNOWN STIMULI. Experiments with tissue cultures and laboratory animals reveal that persistence of virus in tissue results from an interplay of various factors peculiar to each virus and its host. LATENCY IS PROMOTED BY THE PRESENCE OF ANTIBODY OR OTHER VIRAL INHIBITORS THAT PREVENT EXTENSIVE CELL-TO-CELL SPREAD OF VIRUS. IF ANTIBODY IS WITHDRAWN, VIRAL MULTIPLICATION OFTEN RESUMES, WITH CONCOMITANT CELLULAR NECROSIS."

In the same (6th) Edition of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine , it is stated on page 975 in regards to the poliomyelitis vaccine: "Vaccine virus multiplies in the intestinal tract and remains at this site. LIVE VACCINE VIRUS SPREADS AND INFECTS CONTACTS OF VACCINATED INDIVIDUALS. This type of immunization in the presence of epidemic poliomyelitis may lead to REPLACEMENT OF THE "WILD" PARALYTOGENIC STRAIN BY THE ONE IN THE VACCINE....." In direct contradiction to this statement, the 1/1/2000 Vaccine Information statement put out by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Immunization Program, states that the "OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine) is better at keeping the disease from spreading to other
people. However, it does state in this document that "OPV actually causes polio".

The inoculation of organisms causes disease both by direct introduction of organisms (including viruses that cause cancer) into the bloodstream, as well as corruption of the immune system leading to autoimmune disease (as can be read about on the CDC's own website, OCSO - OPHR - CDC's Research Agenda - Starter List Comments , where Dr. Carley's paper "Inoculation the True Weapons of Mass Destruction causing an Epidemic of Genocide" is posted, and describes the mechanism whereby corruption of the immune system occurs). In this paper (which Dr. William Atkinson of the CDC's immunization program has refused to respond to), it states that the hyperactivity of the humeral arm of the immune system in autoimmune disease is caused by adjuvants added just for that purpose. However, the damage caused by the autoimmunity (i.e., antibody against self) has several mechanisms, including the following:

1. The antigens present in the culture media itself cannot be completely filtered and separated from the organisms cultured thereon. Thus, any antibodies formed against antigens from the culture cells themselves (for example myelin basic protein from chick embryos or the 13 vaccines which now contain aborted human fetal cells) can cross-react to form an autoimmune reaction against the myelin basic protein in your myelin sheath, etc. causing DEMYELINATION.

2. Molecular mimicry is due to similarity of proteins contained in organisms and mammals. (For example, the measles virus is made up of proteins similar to myelin basic protein; thus, antibodies formed against the measles virus antigens subsequently also cause an auto-antibody attack against myelin basic protein in the myelin sheath due to cross reactivity of these antibodies) causing DEMYELINATION (leading to Autism, as proven below).

In the aforementioned 6th edition of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine on p. 1791, under the heading "Multiple Sclerosis and other DEMYELINATING Diseases", it states the following: "A large and important group of neurologic disorders are termed the demyelinating diseases because they share the common pathologic feature of foci of degeneration, involving the myelin sheath of nerves. These foci vary in size, shape, distribution, and rate of development in the different illnesses. The axis cylinder often suffers damage, as does the myelin sheath, but the destruction of myelin is considered the primary change...syndromes can be clearly distinguished....(including) acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (including post infectious and POSTVACCINAL ENCEPHALOMYELITIS)...(P. 1798) - "the association of the neurologic disorder with vaccination or inoculation usually leaves the diagnosis in little doubt, and the characteristic combination of encephalitic and myelitic features will help to distinguish the condition from meningitis, viral encephalitis, and poliomyelitis". This self evident fact has been taken out of subsequent editions of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine , since as the vaccine schedule has dramatically increased over the years, the incidence of vaccine induced demyelination has correspondingly increased. This is most evident in the case of autism, which has now risen to epidemic proportions in this country. Yet, whereas there is almost no history of the disease in the families of these children in most cases, and the parents report the onset of symptoms after the child receives the MMR vaccine, the various arms of the medical establishment (including the CDC) conclude that this is just a "coincidence"; rather than that the association of the neurologic disorder (autism) with vaccination or inoculation usually leaves the diagnosis in little doubt. The way that the true etiology of autism is hidden from doctors is by changing the name of the vaccine induced disease. For example, SUB ACUTE SCLEROSING PAN ENCEPHALITIS (SSPE) has been changed to AUTISM, as is demonstrated in the 10th edition of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine where, on page 2096, the following information about SSPE is included:

"...The disease affects boys 3 to 10 times as frequently as girls...Characteristically, they are entirely well until the disease begins. The onset of usually insidious mental deterioration, often expressed by a decline in the patient's schoolwork, is the presenting symptom . Incoordination, ataxia, and myoclonic jerks develop within a few months along with abnormalities of the pyramidal and extrapyramidal motor systems....Elevated levels of measles antibody are found in the serum and CSF....Measles virus is the etiologic agent....Staining of brain tissue from patients with the disease demonstrates measles virus antigen in the inclusions....A few reported cases have been related to measles vaccination." Of course, the vaccine etiology has been deleted from the 16th edition of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine , although the age of onset has been changed to 2 years in that edition.

What becomes SELF EVIDENT from these various editions of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine (the "Bible" by which all medical students learn about internal medicine) is that the source of almost all of the viruses that cause demyelinating diseases is actually VACCINES; and that the names of the diseases are changed to hide the true etiology. Another example of this can be found on page 2104 of the 10th edition of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, under the discussion of ACUTE NECROTIZING HEMORRHAGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS, which is described as a "tissue destructive disease of the central nervous system which occurs with explosive suddenness within a few days of an upper respiratory infection. The pathologic findings are distinctive. On sectioning the brain, much of the white matter of one or both hemispheres is seen to be destroyed almost to the point of liquefaction. The involved tissue is pink or yellowish-gray and flecked with multiple small hemorrhages. Sometimes similar changes are localized to the brainstem or spinal cord. As in acute disseminated encephalomyelitis in showing perivenular foci of demyelination, all of like age.....The cerebrospinal fluid examination discloses a more intense reaction than in other demyelinating diseases....The etiology of this disease is not established; however, the entire clinical-pathologic entity bears a close resemblance to a hyper acute form of EAE which can be induced in animals by administration of endotoxin, PERTUSSIS VACCINE, or its histamine sensitizing factor coincident with or shortly after injection of myelin in adjuvant. What is self evident from this description is that this disease is actually SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) or many of the cases of Shaken Baby Syndrome (the differentiation being whether the child has any evidence of trauma that the prosecutor can use to make a case for shaken baby and subsequently charge a parent with murder, as happened in the well-known case of Alan Yurko in Florida). Thus, once again, the name of the disease has been changed to conceal the fact that the pertussis vaccine is the cause of SIDS and many cases of Shaken Baby Syndrome.

In fact, after reviewing these 3 editions (6th, 10th, and 16th) of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine I conclude that most of the viral and demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system are, in fact, VIDS (Vaccine Induced Disease Syndromes). A very revealing statement making this truth self evident can be found in the Scope publications published by the Upjohn company and given to medical students; in particular, the 1983 edition of "Virology" which, on page 46 states the following under "Viral Pathogenesis": "Of a variety of possible portals of entry, the most common are inhalation, ingestion, direct contact with infected material, and direct injection by insect vectors". I invite any CDC official, immunologist, pediatrician or vaccination promoter to explain to the public how the amount of virus injected by the stinger of a mosquito is more dangerous to the public than the amount of virus contained in the hypodermic needle of a white coat. Additionally in this same edition of "Virology, on p. 47, the following is stated: "If a young pig infected intranasally with pseudo-rabies virus is added to a colony of uninfected animals, 80% to 90% of the pigs will become infected....Generally, injecting virus into a host produces infection more efficiently and with less virus than exposing the host to an infected animal." Once again, I invite any CDC official, immunologist, pediatrician or vaccination promoter to explain to the public how the same principle does not apply in the case of viruses that are put in a bottle and named "vaccines" to be injected, or inhaled (as in the case of "Flumist").

In a document published by the CDC on May 4, 2000 (# 99-6194) entitled "Vaccine Information Statements; What You Need to Know", on page 9 the following is printed under the heading "The Law (Recording Patient Information and Reporting Adverse Events): 42 U.S.C. § 300aa-25. Recording and Reporting of Information, (b) Reporting (2) "A report under paragraph (1) respecting a vaccine shall include the time periods after the administration of such vaccine within which vaccine-related illnesses, disabilities, injuries, or conditions the symptoms and manifestations of such illnesses, disabilities, injuries, or conditions, or DEATHS occur, and the manufacturer and lot number of the vaccine." Thus, the CDC is promoting the development of even more vaccines, knowing full well the damage they are causing. In fact, the evidence shows that the CDC is involved in creation of viruses that cause cancer. As reported in Progress Report # 9 of the "Special Virus Cancer Program" (SVCP) run by the National Institutes of Health, the CDC, under grant VCL-42 (page 172 of progress report #9), the CDC investigator procured a total of 35 cell lines from leukemia and lymphoma cases (including 2 cases where the cancers were sexually transmitted to the spouse), and supplied these to several other investigators with the purpose of identifying a human tumor virus. This 396 page report identifies investigators in every major university, multiple pharmaceutical companies, veterinary colleges, zoos, and multiple federal agencies doing research to produce cancer causing viruses, testing factors to activate tumor formation in normal cells (including the use of latent viruses and activation of oncogenes), studying cancer formation after inoculation and intranasal transmission of cancer causing viruses, etc. This program also involved Merck and Dr. Maurice Hilleman, (touted as THE vaccinologist of the 20th century in his obituary in April 2005) whose project purported to investigate the development of vaccines to prevent cancers of viral etiology. However, in 1962 Dr. Hilleman joked that the Russians would be no threat in the 1962 Olympics as they would be dragging with tumors caused by the SV 40 virus present in polio vaccines (note that the SV40 virus is a DNA plasmid of rhesus monkey origin being studied in many of the projects of the SVCP). The fact that, according to the Physician's Desk Reference, NO vaccine has ever been tested for its cancer causing potential is troubling enough. However, when US Code, Title 50, Chapter 32, Section 1520 & 1524 are considered (which state the Department of Defense can experiment on any American without their consent with biological warfare agents, including by use of vaccines (in violation of the Nuremberg code), in combination with transcripts of July 1, 1969 hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives (p. 129), the genocidal intention of these traitors to America becomes self evident. In these hearings (which evolved from directives issued by National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger just prior to issuing his most extensive depopulation report - National Security Memorandum 200), Dr. MacArthur states: "Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease". These biological agents created were obviously HIV/Aids, and the evidence points to this agent being spread via the use of inoculations.

Additionally, as reported in "Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government's Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory", on p. 219-221, author Michael Christopher Carroll states the following: Dr. David Huxsoll, who served on three U.N. biological warfare inspection teams in Iraq, and who was appointed as Plum Island's director in June of 2000, stated: "The plant that would produce biological agents for weapons purposes may not look too much different from the plant that produces biological agents for vaccine the case of biological agents, you can disseminate them in an aerosol, and if you are good at this, you can spread them over a huge distance". This book discusses Plum Island as the likely origin of Lymes Disease, which the CDC has identified as a potential bioterrorism agent. THIS IS BUT ONE EXAMPLE OF THE BIOTERRORISM UPON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BY AGENCIES AND CONTRACTORS OF THE US GOVERNMENT.


Besides population reduction, the financial motivation for these policies is crystal clear. As reported by John Hoey, M.D.:

"The combined profits for the ten drug companies in the Fortune 500 ($35.9 billion) were more than the profits for all the other 490 businesses put together ($33.7 billion). Over the past two decades the pharmaceutical industry has moved very far from its original high purpose of discovering and producing useful new drugs. Now primarily a marketing machine to sell drugs of dubious benefit, this industry uses its wealth and power to co-opt every institution that might stand in its way, including the US Congress, the FDA, academic medical centers, and the medical profession itself."
-- Dr. Marcia Angell, former editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine
The crimes being committed by the CDC therefore include the following:

1.) False statements within a Government Agency, Title 18 USC § 35.1001.

2.) Crimes when death occurs, Title 18 USC § 34.

3.) Concealment, removal - Title 18 USC § 2071.

4.) Aiding and Abetting, Title 18 USC § 3.

5.) Obstruction of Justice, Title 18 USC § 1505 / USC § 2 (26).

6.) Defrauding America, Title 18, USC § 1101 (25).

Ergo, this Research Guide is a FRAUD upon the American people, and the people of the world.

In Service to the TRUTH, I AM,
Rebecca Carley, MD


posted by Chris Gupta on Tuesday March 27 2007
updated on Thursday March 29 2007

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