Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
April 02, 2007

The Ten Laws of the Pharmaceutical Industry

Here is great précis on the pharma Mafia and is great adjunct to:

Bribing Doctors - Another Drug Marketing Trick

The following is extracted form an excellent and a must visit site: The Tortoise Shell's Science of Health Newsletter

Chris Gupta

See also:

Ten Lies About Health Your Doctor Taught You

Ten drugs to avoid whenever possible


Deceptive Advertising Campaigns Give Millions False Hope

The health and lives of hundreds of millions of people and the economies of all countries are held hostage by the pharmaceutical investment "business with disease." Pharmaceutical companies spend twice the amount of money on marketing drugs than they do on actual research.

Until now, the pharmaceutical industry has presented itself as a benefactor to mankind without which no modern society could exist. A simple analysis of the nature of the pharmaceutical industry, however, reveals a realistic picture, which can be summarized as follows:

1. The pharmaceutical industry is not a naturally grown health industry, but an artificially created investment business based on the deceptive promise to deliver health.

2. The marketplace of the pharmaceutical industry is your body – but only as long as it is sick.

3. Prevention, root cause treatment and, above all, eradication of diseases decrease or destroy the pharmaceutical markets and are, therefore, not in the interest of this industry.

4. The great majority of pharmaceutical drugs have no proven efficacy and are merely symptom oriented.

5. The basis of the enormous profits of this industry is not effectively fighting diseases, but the patent royalties of newly synthesized molecules unknown to the human body.

6. Because most pharmaceutical drugs are synthetic molecules, they are toxic to the human body and frequently cause serious side effects, new diseases or even death.

7. To hide this global deception scheme, the pharmaceutical industry spends more money to disguise its deceptive business scheme than for research. This money is used for thorough advertising, lobbying and other measures.

8. Vitamins and other natural health therapies are threatening the very basis of the pharmaceutical business for two reasons: First, they prevent or treat the root cause of today's most common diseases. Second, they are generally not patent-able and therefore have low profit margins.

9. Natural health therapies and the pharmaceutical "business with disease" are incompatible and cannot coexist.

10. The precondition for the long-term prosperity of the pharmaceutical industry is the elimination of natural therapies.

Vitamin C controls "Free Radicals", which is a major factor in Curing Cancer, Heart Disease and Diabetes. Here, Matthias Rath, MD discusses his studies with Vitamin C and other Nutrients ...

Extracted from : Why Animals Don't Get Heart Attacks, But People Do!
Animals have an Enzyme in their Livers that makes Vitamin C !!! Lots of it !!! Humans don't !!!


posted by Chris Gupta on Monday April 2 2007

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Posted by: RONALD WADDELL on April 14, 2007 07:41 AM


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