Think It Can't Happen Here? Think Again! - Bills C-51 & C-52
"A minimum of 25 names are needed to compel your MP to read the petition in the House of Commons."
Claudia Hudson has facilitated this petition, which not only helps to make our demands clear, but summaries the situation well so all can understand and participate - and participate we must!
Please note the September 01, 2008 deadline.
If you think that these regulations/polices are not designed to protect the corporations then think again. When your MP says "We Are The Government And We Are Here To Protect You!" and that they will not allow these bills to interfere with out rights. Then ask them: why the need for these policies in the first place?
Here is a good capsule from Andrew McGivern that sums up the situation well...
"The Pharmaceutical Industry is asking for immunity from public lawsuits for damages caused by their products but at the same time the Natural Health Products Industry is under increased scrutiny for supposedly being dangerous and untested. Natural Health Products have a virtually unblemished history of being safe and are generally not toxic. The clinical trials supporting the efficacy of pharma drugs which now (in many cases) are exposed to be fraudulent (pharma staff ghostwriters) do not support the "claims" made by the manufacturers. Why would an independent clinical trial at the University of Alberta testng a natural product called EMPower Plus be shut down by Health Canada? The preliminary results showed that EMPower Plus was far more effective than the pharmaceutical status quo treatment for Bipolar Affective Disorder and without the need of ghost writers.
Chris Gupta-----------------------------------
Hello Canada,We are grassroots Canadians asking you to participate in stopping Bills C-51 and C-52 which strikes at the heart of our way of life.
Please download and print the explanation page here and the petition here.
A minimum of 25 names are needed to compel your MP to read the petition in the House of Commons. The more names collected the better. Take the explanation and petition page wherever you can. Place them in as many stores etc as you can
1. Please email me at to inform me of the name your riding and MP or with any questions. We need to monitor the ridings involved
2. Please take the signed petition to your riding office with all the names you have collected and have a stamped copy for verification.
3. Mail your verified copy, no later than September 01, 2008 to
P.O. Box 12
Station E
Toronto, On. M6H 4E1.We are counting on your passing this message onto to those whom you know across Canada. We are hoping to have all 308 ridings involved
Click on to read more
Thank you for helping us in this struggle to keep our rights and freedoms
"If you are not outraged, you do not know your rights. If you do not know your rights, you have none"
Claudia Hudson
Brantford, On.
How Can Bill C-51 Affect You?
1. Removes democratic oversight, bypassing elected officials to vote in laws and
allowing bureaucrats to adopt laws from other countries, corporations or
organizations without our consent. (Section 30.7).2. Destroys future innovation by restricting research and development and the
advancement of SAFE and NATURAL alternatives in favour of high risk drugs.
(Section 18.50).3. Punishes Canadians who will have little or no opportunity for protection or recourse
for simply speaking about and/or giving a natural product without the government's
approval.4. Allows inspectors to enter your private property without your consent (Section 23
(4)) and:(i) take your property at their discretion (Section 23.3 a);
(ii) dispose of your property at will while not reimbursing your losses (Section
23.3 c);(iii) be empowered to store your property indefinitely (Section 23 (2) (d));
(iv) charge you for shipping and storage for your seized property (Section 23.3ab);
(v) seize your bank accounts (Section 23 (2) (d)); and,(vi) levy fines up to $5,000,000 and/or 2 years in jail per incident (Section 31.1).
How Can Bill C-52 Affect You?
Although Bill C-52 does not specifically target Natural Health Products, the concern is
that Bill C-52 sets a precedent where Canadians will accept the removal of their rights
in the name of safety and security. Bill C-52 has far-reaching implications on our civil
rights and freedoms.Should Bill C-51 be defeated but Bill C-52 pass, Bill C-52 could be made applicable to
Natural Health Products by way of a regulatory amendment to Schedule I of Bill C-52.Think it can't happen in Canada? Think again!
posted by Chris Gupta on Monday July 14 2008
updated on Thursday January 26 2017URL of this article:
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