Share The Wealth by Chris Gupta
March 02, 2009


At 09:36 2009-02-11, Gerry wrote:
Hi Chris

Could you please give me the remedy for migraine headaches, my wife gets these consistently!! You had mentioned organic yogurt mixed with what I forget?? Thank-you

Hi Gerry,

Here is a little compilation (not complete by any means) of remedies:

Making the Magnesium-Migraine Link

In addition to magnesium, get some live organic yogurt and add a capsule of Vitamin B100 complex plus add 100 mg of B2. Make sure it is not a tablet. Mix it thoroughly and let it sit overnight you can leave outside the fridge if you like, then eat it next morning. After a couple of weeks you could try removing the B2 as it already contained in the B100 complex.

One of the big problems is the ability to absorb magnesium. Often it not sufficient to just take any magnesium supplement. You need to try different types until you find one that is suitable to you.

"when taking magnesium for migraine don't buy a calcium/magnesium blend. If you're taking a calcium supplement, take it at another time of day. It can interfere with the benefits of the magnesium for migraine."

See: So just what is the magnesium migraines connection?

You can also get magnesium form pure cocoa....

"Epidemiological studies have reported that Western diets are often deficient in Mg. We investigated the ability of a cocoa-derived product, used in some European countries as a dietary complement added to milk, to aid recovery from chronic Mg deficiency in rats. The animals were divided into three groups, each of which received a different amount of dietary Mg. Rats in the Mg-deficient (D) group received an Mg-deficient diet (0.225 g Mg/kg food) during 8 weeks. In the cocoa-supplement group (D + CC), the rats consumed the Mg-deficient diet for 5 weeks, and were then switched for 3 further weeks to the same diet supplemented with 3% (wt/wt) cocoa product, so that the Mg content of the diet was 0.27 g/kg food. Rats in the control group (C) were given the same diet as in group D, except that the amount of Mg was 0.56 g Mg/kg food. We measured the concentration of Mg, Ca and P from ten rats in plasma, whole blood, skeletal muscle, heart, kidney and femur in rats that were fed the diets for 35, 42, 49 or 56 days. In animal fed the cocoa-supplemented diet (D + CC) significant improvements were found between days 35 and 56 in the alterations in Mg, Ca and P caused by Mg deficiency in all tissues studied. On day 56, kidney and bone concentrations of Mg and Ca had returned to normal. Our findings show that the habitual use of the cocoa product as a dietary supplement favors correction of the negative effects of long-term feeding with a diet moderately deficient in Mg."

"One very easy method of doing this involves cocoa. I'm not talking chocolate bars like Reeses or Mars or Nestle Crunch, but real baking cocoa. A bar of 80% cocoa works best. Take only a piece of the bar and bite into it; you will feel instant relief and feel better about the world. However, only take a piece. Cocoa at that amount can become very addicting in its own right, so less is definitely more here. That said, the results are great. You feel better, your mood improves and that headache goes away."

Extracted from: What's the best way to cure a headache?

See also: Dark Chocolate is Good for Your Heart

More on migraines:

A 55-year-old woman is in search of a cure for migraines, which she's suffered from since she was five years old. In the past month or so they have become more frequent than ever, and she's wondering if there are vitamins or homeopathic options that have worked for others.

Several readers recommend the herb feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium). Try adding a couple of feverfew leaves to your sandwich, or take 50-140 mg/day of granulated or powdered extract in divided doses. However, WDDTY's Medical Detective Harald Gaier notes you shouldn't use it for more than five months, or if you are taking anticoagulant (blood-thinning) medications, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or hypersensitive to the Asteraceae plant family.

Another suggestion is the homeopathic remedy Nat Mur. According to David, it doesn't cure migraines but does significantly relieve the condition. Annie also found relief with this remedy: "It was brilliant. So brilliant that I decided to train as a homeopath myself!"

Terri from the US used to suffer from migraines three times a week, but now she only gets them about once every two months. She offers the following advice: "First of all, stop taking any over-the-counter meds because they have a rebound effect and can actually be causing the headaches. You will probably experience a 72-hour migraine as your body adjusts, but you will be headache-free afterwards. Also, make sure you drink 6-8 glasses of water daily. Many migraines are caused from dehydration. 1000 mg of magnesium per day also helps, along with vitamin B2. Stay away from red wines and aged cheeses. Also, check your posture. Many migraines are caused by muscle contractions from the trapezius muscle. Massage therapy on the shoulders and neck may help. Take flax oil and fish oil to reduce inflammation in the tissues. And try to walk or exercise 3-5 times a week- it really helps!"

Other recommendations include acupuncture, chiropractic therapy and the Feingold diet. Jane's husband tried this diet 30 years ago and he hasn't had a migraine since!

Extracted from: WDDTY e-News Broadcast - 13 June 2006

Last but not least is the use of electromedicine.


Headache. 1998 Mar;38(3):208-13
Initial exploration of pulsing electromagnetic fields (PEMF) for treatment of migraine.

Sherman RA, Robson L, Marden LA.

Service of Orthopedic Surgery, Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, Wash. 98431, USA.

Two studies were conducted during which 23 patients with chronic migraine were exposed to pulsing electromagnetic fields over the inner thigh. In an open study, 11 subjects kept a 2-week headache log before and after 2 to 3 weeks of exposure to pulsing electromagnetic fields for 1 hour per day, 5 days per week. The number of headaches per week decreased from 4.03 during the baseline period to 0.43 during the initial 2-week follow-up period and to 0.14 during the extended follow-up which averaged 8.1 months. In a double-blind study, 9 subjects kept a 3-week log of headache activity and were randomly assigned to receive 2 weeks of real or placebo pulsing electromagnetic field exposures as described above. They were subsequently switched to 2 weeks of the other mode, after which they kept a final 3-week log. Three additional subjects in the blind study inadvertently received half-power pulsing electromagnetic field exposures. The 6 subjects exposed to the actual device first showed a change in headache activity from 3.32 per week to 0.58 per week. The 3 subjects exposed to only half the dose showed no change in headache activity. Large controlled studies should be performed to determine whether this intervention is actually effective.

Publication Types:
· Clinical Trial
· Randomized Controlled Trial

PMID: 9563212 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Those interested in using PEMF could try pulsing electromagnetic fields over the inner thigh using the

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Chris Gupta


posted by Chris Gupta on Monday March 2 2009

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Readers' Comments

Several options for migraine sufferers straight from PBS health program by Mainstream docs no less! Fish oils, Coenzyme Q-10, Butterburr (Petadolex)is a preventative herb. Also there is Nanomagnesium which is absorbed directly from gut without side effects of other oral magnesium products.See above URL for info about nanomagnesium. You can order from there or through

Posted by: Marge on April 28, 2009 11:07 PM


Migraine should always first be investigated by your own gp. My wife suffered with this and she used Guarana, available from good health food stores. Guarana is a native vine from the Brazialian Amazon. It is claimed to relieve headaches and migraine quickly. Guarana is also used as an appetite-suppressant and is claimed as a slimming product. It is also reputed to be an effective sexual stimulant.

Posted by: michael on June 24, 2009 12:38 PM


Guarana is a native vine of the Brazilian Amazon, and can be bought in tablet form. It is claimed to relieve headaches and migraine quickly. Guarana is also used as an appetite-suppressant and is claimed as a slimming product. It is also reputed to be an effective sexual stimulant.

Posted by: mike on September 3, 2009 05:19 PM


I had migraines for about 30 years. Over time these increased in frequency and severity. I tried several prescription "preventatives", all of which caused unberable side effects. Once I was told by my gp that the medical community doesn't really know what causes migraines and that I would have to live with them the rest of my life, I withdraw my faith in mainstream medical and sought my own solution. It turned out that I had an intolerance to gluten. No, I was never tested for this, but 24 hours after starting on a gluten-free diet certain debilitatin neurological effects ceased and my migraines have sharply decreased. I have been GF for 3 years now and no longer suffer from migraines.

Posted by: Michael on February 8, 2010 04:05 PM


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