Misconduct Of Health Canada Bureaucrats
Help us force the Leadership of all four establishment parties to deal with your top ten needs in this 2011 Canadian Federal Election
a message from Trueman Tuck April 18, 2011
I have been a leading Peoples' Champion against Canadian Federal bureaucratic tyranny for over three decades and can prove to anyone interested in listening, that our Canadian Federal bureaucracy is out of control. If you need help go to Tuck's Professional Services' website and contact me [See www.tucksprofessionalservices.com].
Remember we own the bureaucrats, THEY do not own us!Five years ago we helped elected Scary Harper's government, and he has managed to undermine decades of efforts that we have made along with principled and courageous MPs and Senators who we consider to be Friends of Freedom allies within the Reform Party of Canada, the Canadian Alliance and the new Conservative Party of Canada.Harper's Government's New World Order Bills C-51, C-52, C-6 and C-36 are just a few of the ways that he and his government are acting against the best interests of the Peoples of our country.
In the last two Parliaments, we warned the leadership and all MPs and Senators of all four establishment parties, that the dream legislation of the Health Canada bureaucracy was dangerous to the good health and well-being, as well as traditional freedoms and liberties of all Canadians.
During the lightening fast setup to rush Bill C-36 as directed by the Bilderbergers and other New World Order Elites, only the Liberal Senators championed our Peoples' interests and our De Jure English Rule of Common Law rights, freedoms and liberties. Not a single Member of Parliament put up any substantive challenge to Bill C-36.
You need to do something about it now during this Federal election by going to my website at www.tucksprofessionalservices.com and send the three Peoples' E-Action Letters in red, orange and green. Then print out the e-mails and go and see in person all your candidates for MP.
Today's evidence of out of control Health Canada bureaucrats can be clearly understood by simply carefully reading my following e-mail. More of us have to join together as the Peoples' Champions and increasingly refuse to submit and obey the De Facto and unlawful dictates of these out of control Health Canada bureaucrats and their allies. For more information please visit www.healthcanadaabuse.com
We need to force THEM to openly and objectively discuss and research all viable options to solve our top ten issues. Then we must force them by collective actions to focus on realistically implementing and truly solving with our grassroots' developed solutions, our top ten priorities as individual sovereign supreme citizens. Some of our top ten Peoples' First issues are Health Care, tax burden, education, child care, law and order, the safety, stability and security of our businesses, homes and jobs from the tyranny of our so-called Public Servants.LEGAL NOTIFICATION OF OUR CONDUCTING A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION INTO THESE MATTERSBy E-mail to: c.sheehy@hc-sc.gc.caAnd cover by faxFax: (416) 973-1954 Phone: (416) 973-1466April 18, 2011 Page(s): 3 plus 13 ExhibitsManager's Office File: BIE Health Products et alHealth Canada2301 Midland AvenueToronto, Ontario M1P 4R7Attention: Mr. Chad Sheehy, ND, Operational Centre ManagerDear Mr. Sheehy:Re: Long standing allegations of poor communication & unlawful, malicious and destructive misconduct of certain Health Canada Peoples' Public Servants towards individuals and small family businessesI am in receipt of your e-mail dated April 4, 2011 [See Exhibit 1], which was in response to my letter of February 16, 2011 [See Exhibit 2]. Unfortunately, we have a new and very serious problem that I was hoping could be avoided.We are all subject to universal Cosmic Laws and fundamental principles, not to mention the Canadian Rule of Law [See Exhibits 3 & 4]. One of the most basic Laws is no. 5, the Law of Cause and Effect. It is unacceptable that Ms. Rizvi, of the HPFB Inspectorate, would be actively involved in a criminal investigation of Mr. Beemer and his company, BIE Health Products o/b 2037839 since the Statement of Claim prepared and filed in September 2005 is still active before the Court [See Exhibit 5] challenging Health Canada's De Facto claim to sovereign jurisdiction in these matters in accordance with sections 15 and 39 of the Criminal Code of Canada.Section 15 reads:No person shall be convicted of a criminal offence in respect of an act or omission in obedience to the laws for the time being made and enforced by persons in de facto possession of the sovereign power in and over the place where the act or omission occurs.Section 39(1) reads:Every one who is in peaceable possession of personal property under a claim of right, and every one acting under his authority, is protected from criminal responsibility for defending that possession, even against a person entitled by law to possession of it, if he uses no more force than is necessary.These long-standing differences of interpretation of lawful duty is made worse by the fact that Mr. Beemer alleges that Health Canada is conspiring against him and BIE contrary to sections 15, 39(1), 126, 140(1) & 465 of the Criminal Code of Canada. This active criminal investigation has been continuing since 2002 [See Exhibit 6]. Ms. Rizvi should not be actively pursuing any ongoing investigation given the situation of 9 years or more of disagreements, the legal action and our recent communications attempting to negotiate a mutually acceptable resolution with you and your colleagues.I will be investigating this further. If sufficient evidence exists to proceed to lay a Private Information pursuant to section 504 of the Criminal Code of Canada [See Exhibits 7 & 8]. Mr. Beemer has advised that unknown Health Canada official(s) have been contacting all known advertisers and intimidating his suppliers to refuse to accept his ads. This has been systemically occurring at the prompting of an unknown third party complainer. Due to the letters of February 4, 2011 and March 10, 2011, we now know who to name if and when we lay a Private Information.On February 4, 2011, Mr. Beemer received a letter from Ms. Rizvi, a Drug Compliance Specialist with Health Canada, at the Scarborough, ON Branch [See Exhibit 9]. It would appear that Ms. Rizvi contacted Ms. Richer, of the Western branch, which then prompted further attacks on Alive Publishing. Alive Publishing is one of the few Canadian advertisers that Health Canada staff had not yet been able to stop from accepting Mr. Beemer's advertising? On March 10, 2011, Alive Publishing received a letter from Ms. Richer, a Senior Compliance Officer with Health Canada, at the Burnaby, B.C. Branch [See Exhibit 10]. Were you aware of these actions and was it an action which was ordered by you?If you were not made aware, please confirm in writing that both letters will be rescinded immediately. On the other hand, if you were made aware of their initiative, I believe that it was in extreme bad faith, possibly even criminal to allow these attacks on Mr. Beemer to escalate, given our ongoing discussions. As already stated, in order to prevent further escalations, please provide a written confirmation of rescinding both letters immediately.On the other hand, if senior staff within Health Canada in Ottawa had directed you to order your staff to do this, you may want to seek non-Department of Justice for personal legal advice to protect yourself and your interests. Our civil suit examinations will be occurring shortly and our criminal investigation is ongoing as well.We will not allow your staff to continue their "Squash our Client like a Bug" Bad Apple Indirect Criminal prosecution/persecution of our client. It would be our preferred choice to meet and negotiate a mutually agreeable resolution and not have to escalate these conflicts to stop the persecution of my client.In order to Let Right Prevail, I need to attend at your Midland office as soon as possible to review my client's entire regional Health Canada criminal investigative file. I need copies of all third party and internet complaints pertaining to my client from 2002 to date, as well as, all NCC Minutes and intergovernmental communications immediately. To ensure there is no misunderstandings about what I am looking for please see the attached sample of a NCC minutes dated September 3, 2003 [See Exhibit 11] and various Health Canada letters dating from 2002 to date [See Exhibits 12 & 13].As I am involved in a criminal investigation, I am obligated to advise you and all Peoples' Public Servants that I come in contact with of your constitutional rights to ensure that the evidence I am collecting from you is admissible should we have to pursue laying of criminal charges.Yours for Freedom, Truth, Justice and Peace,Trueman TuckTrueman TuckStrategist, Lobbyist,Business Development& Crisis Management ConsultantFederal Lobbyist Number 13815Ontario Lobbyist Number CL1047
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posted by Chris Gupta on Monday April 18 2011
updated on Thursday January 26 2017URL of this article:
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