Book Reviews
January 26, 2009
Those suffering from low vitality, depression, a chronic disease or even cancer, but are not considering diet and/or nutrients as a part of their recovery program, then for them this is the documentary to watch!
You can download the clip here.
Shown, yet again, here is the profound power of diet on disease, its prevention and cure. The short clip above from the DVD will simply blow your mind. More trailers can be seen here.
Non toxic dietary healing literally runs circles around the piece meal early detection tests and toxic drug approaches, with all manner of side effects. These drugs, even many tests themselves are often carcinogenic and simply not designed to work with the body. Unlike mainstream toxic approaches whose side effects often lead to more diseases the only side effects from nutrients are the curing of nearly all diseases! Unlike drugs, the practitioner can even take his patients medicine and benefit!
None of the allopathic practitioners can make such claims, or even dare take their patients medicine, yet most scorn* nutritional approaches. In face of irrefutable evidence you will hear lame explanations as to why most medical doctors do not consider diet and nutrients as an essential part of medical treatment - could it be that nutrients actually work?
* to the point of suppressing peer-reviewed scientific journals. See:
Squelching Information For Profit - Finally, JOM Archives Online
Another is the scientific journal of: International Society for Fluoride Research
Drug Companies Have A "Parasitic" Relationship With Journals
Listen to Dr. Saul, Philip Day and others eloquently bash the myths form mainstream medicine regarding nutritional and Orthomolecular (vitamin based) approaches to disease. Not to be outdone, you will also watch the indefatigable Charlotte, the daughter of Dr. Max Gerson, take on the situation! The Gerson therapy as you can see from the above clip, while not easy, is the de facto healing method bar none.
This Documentary will educate and counter the mainstream propaganda. You simply won't see or hear this information from the mainstream media let alone see it on TV.
True to its name Food DOES Matter, exemplary proof on the direct connection between the food and nutrients we ingest and our health - a must see by all.
Chris Gupta
The documentary can be seen at:
Ottawa, Toronto listings are here.
London Ontario Rainbow Theatre listing is here. On the same day, Feb. 11th 2009, there are two Orthomolecular Approach to Mental Health seminars as well, details are here.
In the UK: see Food Matters with Philip Day here
You can also watch at low cost and convenience online here.
posted by Chris Gupta on Monday January 26 2009
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December 04, 2008
the complete detox program - by Kathryn Alexander

In a word brilliant!
I was first introduced to Kathryn's wittings while we (I and my wife) were enjoying a week at the 'Charlotte Gerson Health Restoration Center' in San Diego. At first bush the Gerson therapy and diet appear almost too simple - especially when someone else is doing it for you! While at the Center, I devoured everything on Dr. Gerson's work that I could lay my hands on. Especially interesting was meeting Dr. Gerson's daughter Charlotte. This alone was worth the trip! Her vibrant health at 85 was striking and it really was an honour to meet her.
Like most people, we thought we were generally healthy* and had simply come to learn and enjoy the week. While there, we unexpectedly noted improvements in our own health even though we were their only for a week. This prompted us to continue the therapy when we returned.
*As you will learn from the book that; "a healthy diet is enough to keep a healthy person healthy but is insufficient in reversing the effects of disease."
Upon some digging and putting the therapy in practice it became quite clear that this innocuous sounding regime is anything but innocuous. While at the Center, we made the mistake of relaxing just a tad too much and did not take, the many, opportunities to do enough hands on juicing, cooking, etc.. Sadly this made setting up shop at home unnecessarily difficult.
"Nutritional Healing: A Patient Management Manual" by Kathryn Alexander, was one book among many that I had purchased at the restoration center and it was my first introduction to her work.

This manual became essential for really understanding the work of Dr. Gerson and it really helped in connecting the dots. I was enamored by the clarity of thought expressed in Kathryn's work. Aptly described by Charlotte Gerson as "the 'bible' of the nutritional healer of the future". This introduction, literally compelled me to read more of her work and I had to read DIETARY HEALING, hence his review.
..."Over the years I have watched a shift in patients' thinking where there is now a greater desire to take a more active role in decision-making regarding treatment. I have seen that the biggest problems arise when patients feel pressured by the medical system into either taking a back seat or making decisions while there remain unanswered questions. The main difficulties occur when cure cannot be offered, but in its place an option that could lead the patient down a path of greater drug-dependency. I have helped a great many patients through those difficult choices, and seen many remarkable improvements in health improvements that, from a medical perspective, could not have been achieved through diet alone.
I have found that by helping patients gain a greater understanding of their cases and of how their bodies heal, we achieve good results. Much of my work involves giving people greater insight into their cases and retracing the steps to show how they arrived at where they are now. Most people are surprised at how simple it is to put all the pieces in place and that they don't have to be a medical expert to understand their case. As the threads are drawn together a tapestry emerges where the steps that need to be taken become obvious"...
Above extracted for the post script.
This sumptuous 280 page book, hallmark of Kathryn's work, is information dense, yet eminently easy to understand. It is a gold mine for learning and will take the reader step by step to health! Anything she writes is worth reading and this book delivers in spades...
Continue reading "DIETARY HEALING"
posted by Chris Gupta on Thursday December 4 2008
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November 25, 2008
Memoirs of a Health Canada Whistleblower by Shiv Chopra.

In a word incredible!
As a short introduction here is a 9 minute CBC interview.
This long awaited book is sure to be ignored by the mainstream media. In it is proof, that shows how our public servants, education, institutions etc. have slowly but surely been usurped by the industry interests. It really puts into focus the words of, J. Edgar Hoover - FBI Director's, classic quote:
"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous that he cannot believe it exists"
Explained in great detail here, is what really happens in the bowels of the government, for some this write up may appear as preaching to the informed, however, this book will still boggle the mind of even the most hardened skeptic. An education Par Excellence!
Health Canada, and I suspect all governmental regulatory bodies, more or less are usurped and essentially owned by the industry. Instead of scientists, Health Canada's upper management is now stacked with industry public relations men. A good account is made of how our science based institutions have been systematically overhauled into industry organs while maintaining the pretence of protecting the public.... Surely, under these circumstances one can never be safe given that the fox is guarding the hens...
Copious evidence is presented on how the upper management of our regulatory bodies have became handmaidens of the lobbyists, through coercion and bribery. Examples for such, are cases of scientists whose knowledge on the issue was too hard to succumb to the industry spin. Even more troubling are the shills who stick like molasses to the industry directives putting, not only their own families, but the whole country for sale!
Those who thought that this could not happen here will either go into denial or suffer the consequences, sadly these will extend to their children, grand children and more.... Unfortunately, this could only happen through the illiterate puppets and/or politicians who are too greedy to understand what they are doing? Many don't even read/know what they are approving!
The book clearly puts into focus the real impetus on what is behind the current vogue of:
- Updating/modernization of our regulations (safety and others)
- Risk benefit smoke screen - Regulations based on The Risk vs Benefit Ratios
..."A key element appears to be the redesign of the federal approach to health and safety regulation in order to create an “advantage” for industry by means of weaker safety standards.
Extracted from: More on Risk First, Safety Last!
- Government private partnerships
Contrary to what most people think these partnerships are not driven by the government, They are actually being foisted by the industry. Once implemented they will remove any due diligence from what ever semblance of protections that maybe afforded via the existing governmental regulations. Thus reducing the above onerous job of updating existing hard earned, and effective protections.
The government regulatory agencies "are essentially public relations and diversionary arrangements to control and placate the masses. Contrary to perceptions, regulatory bodies are essential to protect the industry, consumer protection is incidental! Regulations favourable to industry are created in the name of health and safety such as testing their wares on animals etc. which often have no relations to human health and safety. Once passed the companies are then off the hook, the tax payer and the injured party/s are left holding the bag for subsequent problems and/or complications.... Agencies themselves, by design of course, are unaccountable and serve as a shield for the industry."
Extracted from: Shedding Light on Genetically Engineered Food
Except that some existing legislation like our perfectly adequate existing Food and Drug Act can put the government in an awkward position should their actions be tested in court (as Dr. Chopra is still pursuing*) - hence this is a second prong approach of the government private partnerships in addition to raping our resources for a song...
Explained too is:
..."the universally known fact is that Canadian foods in particular are perceived to be toxic by other nations. Our foods are contaminated by neurotoxic gender-bender carcinogenic antibiotics, hormones, rendered slaughterhouse waste residues, genetically engineered plants, and pesticides - all unacceptable to the EU and other countries to the point of their readiness to defy the WTO court on these matters."...
Extracted from: Helke's Questions to Tony Clement July 08
Included is a blueprint for a world in which food is uncontaminated by genetic engineering and free of pesticides and immune disrupting and carcinogenic hormones and antibiotics.
For more see: Five Pillars of Food Safety
Eliminates the mainstream spin and exposes reality. If their is one book that should open eyes and sow the seeds for change this it!
Required reading.
Chris Gupta
Continue reading "Corrupt to The Core"
posted by Chris Gupta on Tuesday November 25 2008
updated on Thursday November 27 2008
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August 12, 2008
Christopher Maingot's excellent letter below, gives us a real good reason on why it is essential to buy organic food; and for strengthening regulations instead of relaxing them for industry profits....
"Ask yourself why organic farmers have more sperm and less cancer, depression, suicide, birth-injured or brain-damaged children than those who use pesticides. A total of 76 US baby foods were checked and found to contain 16 different pesticides. It is estimated that 55% of all fruits and 29% of all vegetables contain toxic chemicals, and half of these can cause cancer. Could this be related to the 25% increase in brain cancer in children in the past 25 to 50 years? Twenty million children under five years of age eat an average of eight types of pesticides a day. Ninety percent of the children from six months to five years eat an average of 13 chemicals that damage the nervous system each day. About 108 pesticide types were found on 22 different fruits and vegetables, and as many as 10 to 37 different types can be found on a single apple."
Extracted from: "Our Toxic World: A Wake Up Call" book review
See also:
..."the universally known fact is that Canadian foods in particular are perceived to be toxic by other nations. Our foods are contaminated by neurotoxic gender-bender carcinogenic antibiotics, hormones, rendered slaughterhouse waste residues, genetically engineered plants, and pesticides - all unacceptable to the EU and other countries to the point of their readiness to defy the WTO court on these matters."...
Extracted from: Helke's Questions to Tony Clement July 08.
Imazalil is very toxic to aquatic organisms and the World Health Organization ranks these products as moderately hazardous. The EPA's classifications of carcinogenicity have changed three times over the last 15 years."
Oh golly I wonder why? These changes are the raison d'être for the so called new regulatory modernizing efforts such as Bills C-51 and C-52.
"...Health Canada says the Food & Drugs Act must be “modernized” because it has a narrow focus on safety. The proposed new legislation will replace the safety focus with a focus on risk benefits. The “health” regulatory agency will promote genetically modified and ‘novel’ food, gene therapies, bio-pharmaceuticals, reproductive technology, transplants of animal organs to humans, cloning, and life patenting. No evidence of safety will be required.
The unstated goal of the proposal is to bring health protection legislation in line with the government of Canada’s economic policy. In effect, economic values have primacy over health and environmental safety. A new ‘Canada Health Protection Act’ would:
1. Shift from health protection (‘duty of care’) to risk management;
2. Prevent the application of the Precautionary Principle where its needed most;
3. Shift the burden of proof (products are presumed safe - harm has to be proven);
4. ‘Manage’ the damage (irreversible harm and uncontrollable hazards);
5. Avoid liability for regulatory negligence;
6. Allow direct-to-consumer drug advertising.
Continue reading "Paradox Of Searching For A Cancer Cure - Why Eat Organic?"
posted by Chris Gupta on Tuesday August 12 2008
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FoodMatters: You Are What You Eat
January 26, 2009
December 04, 2008
Corrupt to The Core
November 25, 2008
Paradox Of Searching For A Cancer Cure - Why Eat Organic?
August 12, 2008
Shedding Light on Genetically Engineered Food
March 19, 2008
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