November 08, 2006
Art by Colin Downes-Grainger
Does anyone know what MHRA really stands for? Hmmm....could it mean....
Medical Harassment and Robbery Agency?
Maiming Humans Rather Alarmingly?
Making Horror Real Association?
Might Hijack your Rights Association?
Medics Hysterically Resistant to Accusations?

Continue reading "What Does MHRA Stand For??"
posted by Emma Holister on Wednesday November 8 2006
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October 21, 2006
In his recent article "When Bono Met Bush" Chris Daley writes:
"Bono — front man for the supergroup U2 and self-appointed spokesman for AIDS and Africa — door-stopped President George W Bush at Chicago airport last Friday to give him a piece of his mind. Irritated that he should have to wait while the President's plane took off, Bono marched onto the runway huffing that he would like to have a few words with Bush, as if the President were an unruly neighbour blocking his driveway. After 10 minutes onboard Airforce One, the Irish musician emerged grinning and shaking hands with Bush as if the two were old poker buddies. 'This is the President who has treated a million AIDS patients,' he trumpeted boldly to the waiting media scrum."
Now, while we may expect rock stars and American Presidents to be stupid, it is less understandable in the case of the AIDS industry.
Bono is willing to forgive George for causing approximately 655 000 deaths in Iraq because George is just 'such a great guy' when it comes to AIDS. No doubt Bono, like many others, takes Bush and the medical industry at their word concerning the benefits of HIV and AIDS drugs as well as the link between HIV and AIDS itself.
However, if drug-promoting rock stars would consider doing a little research into these matters they'd discover that HIV-AIDS drugs do not cure people but kill them. They'd learn that the HIV test itself is a fraud and that the link between HIV and AIDS was never proved, 'HIV' failing, as it does, to even comply to the traditional medical standard used to define an infectious disease: Koch's Postulates.

Emma Holister
Continue reading "Bono and Bush Party without Koch: AIDS Industry Makes a Mockery of Medical Science"
posted by Emma Holister on Saturday October 21 2006
updated on Wednesday November 8 2006
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October 11, 2006
Where is the impartial, balanced reporting when it comes to Merck's latest 'miracle drug', Gardasil? It would seem that most of the media are blissfully happy with Merck's and the FDA's track record when it comes to 'drug safety'.

Colin Downes-Grainger
Most ordinary people are still haunted by the memory of the tens of thousands of people killed by Merck's other wonder drug, Vioxx. However, the press seem to be immune to such ugly reminders of the failure of the drug industry and their drug-funded regulatory agencies to protect the public from harm.
Merck would do better to instead develop a vaccine to rid the press of amnesia on the subject of adverse reactions to vaccines and other FDA-approved drugs.
With the BBC pulling at the heartstrings of the public with phrases such as 'plea for girls aged 11' one might be forgiven for thinking that little girls all over the world are menaced with imminent death from cervical cancer.
Once again media drug advertising is thinly disguised as health information and the public are repeatedly bombarded with death threats. Death threats in the form of disease scare-mongering and demands that potentially deadly (but more importantly very profitable) products be forced upon children.
Continue reading "Profit as Usual and to Hell with the Risks: Media Urge that Young Girls Receive Mandatory Cervical Cancer Vaccine"
posted by Emma Holister on Wednesday October 11 2006
updated on Wednesday November 8 2006
October 03, 2006
A review by Emma Holister
(See end of article for related cartoons.)

As the media direct the eyes of the world towards Bush's ceaseless war on terror, to wars in the Middle East and to threats of more wars, it seems somehow irrelevant to consider the plight of the hundreds of thousands of women whose lives have been destroyed by the medical industry's mass marketing of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).
What is perhaps surprising, if one can just tear one's eyes away from the news for a moment, is that the war industry and the drug industry have always been joined in an intimate marriage of profit and propaganda, bringing war to the masses and endless fodder for the junk press posing as national news. This blood-and-guts orgy, spiced up with religious frenzy and passionate TV debate is one more episode in the real-life soap opera brought to us care of the world's mega corporations. Their friends, the world media, enthral us, the masses, with a real life, seat-gripping drama. The blood and guts of the innocent is far more newsworthy than the boring details of backstage politics and sordid multi-billion dollar drug and chemical industry deals. These are the deals that pull the strings of our puppet governments in their march towards a world of 'security' and ever greater civic control.
Martin Walker's book, 'HRT, Licensed to Kill and Maim' is the opening of the eyes, an awakening; the perception of the invisible network of giant industrial corporations working in synch to keep the market of genocide thriving and the eyes of the masses averted.
Continue reading "Martin J Walker's 'HRT - Licensed to Kill and Maim'"
posted by Emma Holister on Tuesday October 3 2006
updated on Wednesday November 8 2006
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September 28, 2006
After a break of a year and a half, I'm happy to announce that Candida International is back, this time with my 'Doctoring Business' cartoons. My aim is to do regular but not excessive posts that provide helpful information on the iatrogenic (doctor induced) illness Candida and on Health Freedom issues. Moreover, I will be including cartoons in most of my posts in order to provide a little comic relief for those suffering from 'Information Overload Syndrome'.
The following is a compilation of quotes, links and cartoons on Candida-related issues.
Continue reading "Cartoons on Candida International"
posted by Emma Holister on Thursday September 28 2006
updated on Sunday November 12 2006
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January 07, 2005
The other day I learnt rather belatedly that my friend and well-known AIDS dissident Mark Griffiths died unexpectedly a few weeks ago. His death came as a terrible shock to many of his friends who had recently seen Mark healthy, happy and excitedly pursuing the preparation for his lawsuit against the Pasteur Institute for fraudulent HIV diagnosis. I do know, however, that since a course of antibiotics that he'd taken for dental work a few months ago, he'd been suffering from intestinal problems and weight loss. From what I have been able to piece together from the various accounts from his friends, he had continued to suffer from digestive problems. There were reports of a deterioration of his physical state in the last few days of his life.
His death is a tragedy for his friends and supporters, but no doubt rather convenient for those profiting from the AID$ industry.
As a tribute to Mark, I am publishing Martin Walker's article on AZT as Mark was a great fan of Martin's work.
Below is a photo of Mark and me together in my garden, a picture that was taken last August ('04), just two months before his death.
The AIDS dissidence movement may have been wounded by this unexpected loss, but certainly not defeated. Mark was a pioneer, and the fight against the lies of the medical establishment is far from over, so stay tuned.

Continue reading "AIDS Dissidence Movement Loses a Dear Friend. Tribute to Mark Griffiths - 'AZT: An AIDS Defining Drug' by Martin Walker"
posted by Robin Good on Friday January 7 2005
updated on Wednesday November 8 2006
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December 21, 2004
By Martin Walker
"The involvement of pharmaceutical companies with government agencies has allowed the industry to develop a unique system of protection for its products, from suggested production, through licensing, and finally to its 'no fault' compensation scheme, which stops claimants from taking their cases to court. . . .
. . . The last decade has seen the emergence of an increasingly special relationship between the government and the drugs companies. One in which the drug companies are being drawn into funding the modernization of the NHS, in exchange for lucrative deals over 'mandatory' prescribed drugs, especially vaccines. . .
. . . A number of issues were on the agenda for the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) when Labour came to power. Members wanted assurances that, in a privatised National Health Service, there would be guaranteed markets for their drugs. They wanted the support of government in dealing with the animal liberation movement, and agreement that member companies could work with government in the multi-million-pound assured market of vaccines production. Finally, they wanted the government to strengthen their monopoly market position in Britain and Europe, and to help choke off competition from nutritional supplements and herbal medicines. . .
. . . When more formal structures of a centralised system break down, and distinctions between manufacturers, regulators and sellers become blurred, when conflict interests are obscured, so is responsibility for any damage caused by drugs. . .
. . .While many patients, consumers and citizens will inevitably be adversely affected by 'Big Pharma's' partnership with government, it is perhaps democracy itself that will be the ultimate loser. Most people now understand that new Labour has slavishly followed North American politicians into Lobbyworld. However, many voters will be even most concerned that non -elected industry representatives, whose companies stand to earn billions in sales to the government, now seem to be setting the agenda on policies for health.
The Commons Health Committee has been taking powerful submissions from, among others, the Royal College of General Practitioners, who have charged the industry with 'disease mongering'. But is the committee actually facing in the right direction and might it not be more appropriate to hold a major independent, judge led, enquiry into the comfortable financial relations between Big Pharma and the British Government."
Continue reading "The Ghost Lobby - New Labour and the Pharmaceutical Industry"
posted by Robin Good on Tuesday December 21 2004
updated on Wednesday November 8 2006
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December 14, 2004
There is more to healing than prescription drugs. And there is also more to healing than diet, supplements and plant remedies.
If you are one of those who sit back comfortably in the reassuring belief that therapies using the healing power of the mind are less at risk than supplements, you are sadly mistaken.
The healing power of the mind is immense, and even the world of psychotherapy is not unthreatened by the snowballing effect of the repressive legislation currently set to tear the heart out of the supplement industry.
The following quotes may be helpful for those who consider art to be a healing therapy and in them we can glimpse the ups and downs, the torments and joys of the act of creation.
The themes range from precise tips for artists to the more philosophical ponderings upon that state of mind that sets the artist free on his or her journey of self discovery.
Continue reading "Quotes for and by Artists"
posted by Robin Good on Tuesday December 14 2004
updated on Wednesday November 8 2006
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December 12, 2004
By Alex Jack
"Will an apple a day with 40% less vitamin A, 40% less iron, and 30% less phosphorus still keep the doctor away?"

Continue reading "The Disappearing Nutrients in America's Orchards"
posted by Robin Good on Sunday December 12 2004
updated on Wednesday November 8 2006
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December 10, 2004
It is great news that The Alliance for Natural Health's lawsuit to stop the EU ban on supplements, won in its first stage in the UK Royal Courts of Justice earlier this year, has just been given a date in January 2005 for the hearing in the European Court of Justice. This is stage two, the final and decisive date. We cannot succeed without your help. It is also vital that people in the US, in Canada, all over the world, understand that if this EU ban on supplements is not stopped in Europe, the legislation is set to be applied to all other countries. So whether or not you live in Europe, the outcome of this landmark lawsuit will most certainly affect everyone of you all over the world.
Donations are needed urgently in order for ANH to succeed with their lawsuit, so please delve into your pockets and donate, even if it's just £20, $20, 20 euros, every penny/cent counts. It is thanks to your donations that ANH have managed to get this far.
Here is a nostalgic photo album for those of you who'd like a little trip down memory lane, to that happy day 30th January '04, where we all got together and celebrated our victory in stage one of this lawsuit.
Thanks for your support!
Emma Holister
Continue reading "ANH Photo Album of UK Court Victory January '04"
posted by Robin Good on Friday December 10 2004
updated on Wednesday November 8 2006
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