Aids Dissidence
Alternative Therapies
Candida Intro
Candida News
Diets & Recipes
Health Freedom
Latest HFM News
Nutritional Supplements
Women's Issues
Aids Dissidence
October 21, 2006
Bono and Bush Party without Koch: AIDS Industry Makes a Mockery of Medical Science
January 07, 2005
AIDS Dissidence Movement Loses a Dear Friend. Tribute to Mark Griffiths - 'AZT: An AIDS Defining Drug' by Martin Walker
September 13, 2004
'Myths of AIDS and Sex' by Charles L. Geshekter
'Why an HIV Test May not Provide Proof Positive at All' by Neville Hodgkinson
'The African AIDS Epidemic' by Peter Duesberg
'AIDS: Scientific or Viral Catastrophe?' by Neville Hodgkinson
'AIDS: A Death Cult' by John Lauritsen
Alternative Therapies
October 13, 2004
Alternative Therapies - An Introduction
Candida Intro
September 11, 2004
CANDIDA - An Introduction
Candida News
September 28, 2006
Cartoons on Candida International
Diets & Recipes
September 12, 2004
Health Freedom
November 08, 2006
What Does MHRA Stand For??
October 21, 2006
Bono and Bush Party without Koch: AIDS Industry Makes a Mockery of Medical Science
October 11, 2006
Profit as Usual and to Hell with the Risks: Media Urge that Young Girls Receive Mandatory Cervical Cancer Vaccine
October 03, 2006
Martin J Walker's 'HRT - Licensed to Kill and Maim'
September 28, 2006
Cartoons on Candida International
December 21, 2004
The Ghost Lobby - New Labour and the Pharmaceutical Industry
December 10, 2004
ANH Photo Album of UK Court Victory January '04
December 07, 2004
'Dirty Medicine' Now Available - Martin Walker's Classic on the Assault on Complementary Health-Care by Organised Science, Big Business and the Media
December 04, 2004
Loïc Le Ribault - The French Authorities Keep Up the Chase
We Need a Health Care "Nuremberg..."
December 02, 2004
Big Tobacco Racketeering Charges Mirror Pharmaceutical Industry Crimes
November 29, 2004
From 'Pharma-Fraud' to 'Pharma-Terror'
November 24, 2004
Loic Le Ribault's Resistance
November 22, 2004
Bush Repeats History and Emulates Hitler
November 20, 2004
Can Europeans Continue to be so Smug?
Complete list of articles on "Health Freedom"
December 14, 2004
Quotes for and by Artists
September 18, 2004
Words of Wisdom on the Art of Doctoring
November 08, 2006
What Does MHRA Stand For??
December 06, 2004
The Handy Hormone Guide
November 20, 2004
Proverbs by kids
FDA Naming Contest
September 19, 2004
'The Etiology and Treatment of Childhood' by Jordan W. Smoller
September 18, 2004
Useful Sayings and Tips for Health Freedom Activists
Dog's Diary - Cat's Diary
Questions and answers from last year's school exams
A Question of Morality
Girl's Diary - Boy's Diary
Supervisor quotes on employee performance
Five tips for a woman
Latest HFM News
October 11, 2006
Profit as Usual and to Hell with the Risks: Media Urge that Young Girls Receive Mandatory Cervical Cancer Vaccine
December 12, 2004
The Disappearing Nutrients in America's Orchards
December 03, 2004
Petition to France's President - Natural Health Practitioner Hamer Unjustly Imprisoned
November 16, 2004
Prozac, Painkillers & Hormones Found in Tap Water
Bush Approves Study to Expose Children from Low Income Families to Pesticides
October 26, 2004
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Denied to Doctor, Embraced by Government
October 18, 2004
Dr Jacques Benveniste: The Case of the Missing Energy
October 10, 2004
'Skewed' by Martin Walker
'Modern Medicine : the New World Religion' by Olivier Clerc
October 31, 2004
Shiatsu Massage - Another Valuable Therapy Now under Threat
October 12, 2004
'Macrobiotics' by Candida International
'The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health' by Michio Kushi and Alex Jack
Interview with Alex Jack of the Kushi Insitute by Candida International
'The Macrobiotic Approach to the Candida Syndrome' by Michio Kushi and Alex Jack
Nutritional Supplements
October 13, 2004
Nutritional Supplements and Essential Oils by Candida International
Women's Issues
October 11, 2006
Profit as Usual and to Hell with the Risks: Media Urge that Young Girls Receive Mandatory Cervical Cancer Vaccine
October 03, 2006
Martin J Walker's 'HRT - Licensed to Kill and Maim'
September 28, 2006
Cartoons on Candida International
October 26, 2004
What You Should Know About Women's Health Care
October 14, 2004
'Sex, Lies and Secrecy: Dissecting Hysterectomy' by by Carol Moore-Ede
'Atrocities Performed upon Women in the Name of Science' by Dr John R Christopher
'Screening Threatens Privacy, Parental Rights' by Wendy McElroy
'How to be a Barbie without Silicon' by Candida International
'Ignore the Deadly Dictates of the Fashion World' by Johann Hari
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