Consensus by Rinaldo Lampis

Movimento per la libertà di pensiero e di cura

Movimento per la libertà di pensiero e di cura
Aprile 15, 2005

The Maha Project April 15 update


Hello everyone,
This is an update on the exciting May 1/May 31 Maha Mind Project.
In less than two weeks' time we will notify you the location of the Italian Province target of our Project.
At that time we will forward you by email the map of the location, in central Italy, together with other relevant information.

To those interested, we give below an answer to a query regarding the nature of the Project...

Hello Rinaldo.
I am following with great interest the evolution of the Maha Project. The subject is rather fascinating. Here we enter into a little-explored space, without boundaries, categories, labels and ideologies, that could really become a new "frontier".
It is for this reason that it sounds out of tune and even contradictory your suggestion to contact "catholic prayer groups". I believe that, if we want to go over the barriers of pure rationality, to introduce other ones is not really encouraging...

Hi Ivan,
The answer to the question: "Why should Catholic groups participate?" is:
"Because in many nations exist well organized prayer groups - Catholic and otherwise - that practice (mostly in an unconscious way) the creation of those thought-forms that we want to utilize in the Project".
At this point, I better explain myself with more clarity.

In the experiment we want to modify the mental atmosphere existing in a certain geographical region, influencing it with positive, loving, spiritual thoughts.
The fact that these thoughts are created by prayer, by meditation or through visualizations has no relevance to the final result.
There is, obviously, the human aspect, which I would call "tribal", that says:
"My method is better than yours"; but we have to take this attitude into account.

In reality, the "traditional" groups, those that, logically, we would have counted on to provide the major support to the Project (I am referring to the practitioners of TM - Transcendental Meditation - and to the Catholic prayer groups) have shown themselves the most reluctant to participate.

The Catholic groups (through the various bishops contacted) because they consider any action external to the church hierarchy as deviant and a provocation of the "evil one". They also believe that God doesn't fulfil a prayer if there isn't the direct and aware participation of the individual(s) object of the prayer. This belief goes against the innumerable studies done by, among many, American Schools of Medicine, demonstrating the clear connection prayer-group/patient.

The TM meditators have instead reacted with horror to the suggestion of incorporating thought-forms in their meditations, since they fear that the modification might pollute the purity of their method.

Fortunately, against such similar, "theological" considerations from groups otherwise ideologically far apart, have corresponded the consistent adhesions of individual and groups that have immediately understood the importance and simplicity of what we have proposed.
Thanks to their vision the Maha Project will be successful.
rinaldo lampis


mandato da Rinaldo Lampis il Venerdì Aprile 15 2005
aggiornato il Sabato Settembre 24 2005

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L'energia segue il pensiero


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