Health Supreme by Sepp Hasslberger

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June 02, 2003

"Drug style regulations inappropriate for NHPs," says MP

EDMONTON - Dr. James Lunney, MP for Nanaimo-Alberni, joined a large group of concerned Canadians rallying for greater access to natural health products at federal Minister of Health Anne McLellan's riding office today in Edmonton. Lunney was in Edmonton to speak to concerned citizens about his Bill C-420 and proposed regulations of NHPs. "This sends a clear message to the Minister of Health that Canadians want freedom of choice in personal health care. Bill C-420 will give them that freedom," said Lunney.

Dr. James Lunney, MP

News Release

Friday, May 30, 2003

MP Lunney Rallies with Concerned Citizens for Natural Health Products in Edmonton
"Drug style regulations inappropriate for NHPs," says MP

EDMONTON - Dr. James Lunney, MP for Nanaimo-Alberni, joined a large group of concerned Canadians rallying for greater access to natural health products at federal Minister of Health Anne McLellan's riding office today in Edmonton. Lunney was in Edmonton to speak to concerned citizens about his Bill C-420 and proposed regulations of NHPs. "This sends a clear message to the Minister of Health that Canadians want freedom of choice in personal health care. Bill C-420 will give them that freedom," said Lunney.

Bill C-420, currently before the House of Commons, would amend the Food and Drugs Act and place natural health products under a food directorate, rather than as a subclass of drugs. "A 'drug-model' of regulation is completely inappropriate for products that have such a long history of safety. It is not what Canadians wanted, and it is not what Canadians need," said Lunney.

The bill would also implement the specific recommendation of the Office of Natural Health Products Transition Team in their March 2000 report to eliminate outdated, irrelevant sections of the Act that prohibit health claims for natural health products. "The government refused to carry out this specific recommendation. Other sections of the Act already protect Canadians from false or misleading advertising. Bill C-420 would give Canadians access to information and to natural health products that would help them build healthy bodies," said Lunney.

Lunney pointed to the example of folic acid and the prevention of neural tube defects in babies. "Since 1993 it has been accepted that women of child bearing age should take 400 micrograms of folic acid daily to prevent disorders like spina bifida in newborns. But because of the antiquated legislation in the Food and Drugs Act, manufacturers are prohibited from telling consumers this information. About 400 hundred babies are born every year in Canada with a neural tube defect. How many of these babies could be spared from this fate if the legislation was changed?" asked Lunney.

For further information please contact:
Dr. James Lunney - (613) 992-5243 or (250) 390-7550
Lunney.J (at)

Bill C-420, the Canadian version of a health freedom bill, has been re-introduced into the Canadian parliamentary debate process recently (November 29, 2004). Here is a messge from Trueman Tuck, of Friends of Freedom in Canada:

Hello Freedom network -

History in the making - see transcripts.

PLEASE provide the "Royal Jelly" of freedom - memberships and donations now, to help us finance this Beehive fight.

Click on this link to review the first hour of debate at second reading, yesterday, November 29:

Trueman Tuck

Volunteer Coordinator

Friends of Freedom

A recent message (March 2005) about Bill C-420 from Jack Layton, NPD (New Democratic Party), forwarded by Trueman Tuck of Friends of Freedom:

From: Layton, Jack - M.P. []
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 6:01 PM
Subject: Bill C-420 - Codex - Reply Jack Layton

Dear Friend,

Many thanks for your recent letter concerning Bill C-420.

I am pleased to report to you that the NDP has supported Bill C-420 through its second reading in the House of Commons. The excerpt below is taken from a speech delivered by NDP Caucus member Bill Siksay, MP for Burnaby-Douglas, to the House of Commons on November 29 of 2004, and in support of Bill C-420 at its second reading.

"We have seen over the years many of the difficult and problematic effects of drugs on people, such as death, allergic reactions and side-effects. Yet we continue to use them and prescribe them in large numbers. We need to examine our reliance on those. They are very important in the treatment of many diseases, but there are other alternatives. I do not know if we as a society and as parliamentarians give appropriate attention to those. The NDP welcomes this legislation."

As a quick update, Bill C-420 will come up for further discussion tomorrow, Wednesday March 9th, in the House of Commons.

To catch up on recent news and issues, I invite you to visit the federal NDP website at: If you would like to get the latest news about the federal NDP sent to you by e-mail, subscribe to our e-mail bulletin, e-NDP, at

Thank you again for writing and sharing your opinions on this important piece of legislation, and please accept my continued best wishes for good health to you and yours.


Jack Layton, MP (Toronto-Danforth)
Leader, Canada's New Democrats


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Monday June 2 2003
updated on Tuesday December 21 2010

URL of this article:


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