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July 01, 2003

Citizens raid experimental GM plot

UK - 29 June 2003

During the early morning hours of Sunday, 29 June, a group of sixty citizens entered the Syngenta research center in Jealott's Hill near Bracknell, Berkshire and proceeded to uproot genetically modified wheat planted in a 1400 square meter experimental plot. The crop was just about to pollinate and spread GM material into the surrounding countryside. There has been a whole series of co-ordinated actions which have removed all 10 of the officially announced GM trials for this year in the UK.

Environmentalists "decontaminating" a plot of GMO wheat plants at dawn

One of the protesters Liz Snook commented ''It's like wandering into an episode of the X files out there. Syngenta are using our land as a laboratory, despite the courts repeatedly upholding the position that these crops are a very real threat to property and the environment.''

The action took place against the backdrop of the UK government's GM Public Debate, which has widely been dismissed as meaningless. ''The government claims it wants a debate on whether to grow GM crops in this country, but by allowing outdoor trials to take place, it is presenting us with a fait accompli. The public has said a resounding ''No!'' to GM crops but the government isn't listening. Taking direct action to decontaminate trials ourselves is the only way we can stop GM before it's too late'' said Pipa Gallop, another of the protestors.

The wheat planted by Syngenta was modified to be resistant to fusarium fungal diseases. GM wheat is proving to be the most controversial GM crop so far in the US and Canada, with consumers, farmers' unions and large processing companies saying that they will not use it. It would be the first GM crop to be eaten in large quantities by humans, and any problems with it would therefore be particularly serious.

Syngenta is one of the main companies promoting GM crops In Britain, along with Bayer and Monsanto. It is the world's largest agro-chemical company and has produced such toxic pesticides as paraquat. More information on Syngenta on this site.

Information found on Indymedia UK

GM discussion

Planting lies

The agricultural biotechnology industry likes to portray itself as the future, a future under threat from superstitious opponents who are anti-science. In fact, what genetic engineering is based on is barely worthy of the name "science". It is a hit and miss process based on a discredited scientific paradigm. The industry upon which it is based is in deep financial trouble. Only a ruthless propaganda machine lies between the dead-end of genetic engineering and oblivion. Steve McGiffen reports.


As you know, last month, the Bush Administration filed a complaint against the EU, based on the fact that he doesn't think it's fair that European consumers don't want to eat genetically engineered foods. This has caused tremendous friction between European leaders and the U.S. To make matters worse, Bush cracked a sarcastic joke while visiting European leaders this week. According to ABC News, while leaders were leaving the conference hall for a break, Bush added insult to injury by sneering "Let's go eat some
genetically modified food for lunch!" From: ABC News Online 6/26/2003

Quote of the week

"Agricultural biotechnology in its present form is a vast scientific and commercial error. The people who have invested their money, time and reputations in it cannot afford to admit this. Unfortunately, they will not be the ones that end up paying the heaviest price for their incompetence, greed and hubris. As usual, the bill will be met by those least able to afford it, and the currency in which it will be denominated will not be dollars or euros alone, but the health and livelihoods of human beings and the environment in which we live."

From: "Planting Lies" by Steve McGiffen, an environmental adviser to members of the European Parliament.


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Tuesday July 1 2003
updated on Tuesday December 21 2010

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