July 05, 2003
Hepatitis C epidemic - where is the virus?
On Friday, 13 June 2003, The Age in Australia reported that according to a secret Health Department report, hepatitis C has become "an epidemic". The report has been kept under wraps by Health Minister Kay Patterson since she received it in November last year.
The epidemic However does not seem to be confined to Australia only. According to an article in The Toronto Star the Canadian Liver Foundation estimates that "up to 240,000 Canadians are infected with the hepatitis C virus". Clean needles for intravenous drug users are suggested to avoid infection with hepatitis C.
Yet, it appears that for hepatitis C, just as for AIDS, no virus has been isolated, at least not one that could plausibly be the cause of the disease. Some say the virus does not exist - hepatitis C has other causes.
October 2003
Actress Pamela Andersen prefers natural cure
Excerpt from
Discussion of hepatitis C "virus" on Heal Toronto's website
A third type of hepatitis was found in the 1970s, again restricted to heroin addicts, alcoholics, and patients who have received blood transfusions. Most scientists assumed these cases were either hepatitis A or B, until widespread testing revealed neither virus in the victims. Roughly thirty-five thousand Americans die each year of any type of the disease, a fraction of those from this "non-A, non-B hepatitis," as it was known for years. Today it is called hepatitis C. This form of hepatitis does not behave as an infectious disease, for it rigidly confines itself to people in well- defined risk groups rather than spreading to larger populations or even to the doctors treating hepatitis patients. Yet virologists have been eyeing the disease from the beginning, hoping one day to find a virus causing it.
That day arrived in 1987. The laboratory for the job was no less than the research facility of the Chiron Corporation, a biotechnology company located directly across the bay from San Francisco. Equipped with the most advanced techniques, a research team started its search in 1982 by injecting blood from patients into chimpanzees. None of the monkeys contracted hepatitis, although subtle signs vaguely resembling infection or reddening did appear. For the next step, the scientists probed liver tissue for a virus. None could be found. Growing desperate, the team fished even for the smallest print of a virus, finally coming across and greatly amplifying a small piece of genetic information, encoded in a molecule known as ribonucleic acid (RNA), that did not seem to belong in the host's genetic code. This fragment of presumably foreign RNA, the researchers assumed, must be the genetic information of some undetected virus. Whatever it was, liver tissue contains it only in barely detectable amounts. Only about half of all hepatitis C patients contain the rare foreign RNA. And in those who contain it, there is only one RNA molecule for every ten liver cells - hardly a plausible cause for disease.
The Chiron team used newly available technology to reconstruct pieces of the mystery virus. Now they could test patients for antibodies against this hypothetical virus and soon discovered that only a slight majority of hepatitis C patients had any evidence of these antibodies in their blood. Koch's first postulate, of course, demands that a truly harmful virus be found in huge quantities in every single patient. His second postulate requires that the virus particles be isolated and grown, although this supposed hepatitis virus has never been found intact. And the third postulate insists that newly infected animals, such as chimpanzees, should get the disease when injected with the virus. This hypothetical microbe fails all three tests. But Koch's standards were the furthest thing from the minds of the Chiron scientists when they announced in 1987 that they had finally found the "hepatitis C" virus.
Now more paradoxes are confronting the viral hypothesis. Huge numbers of people testing positive for the hypothetical hepatitis C virus never develop any symptoms of the disease, even though the "virus" is no less active in their bodies than in hepatitis patients. And according to a recent large-scale study of people watched for eighteen years, those with signs of "infection" live just as long as those without. Despite these facts, scientists defend their still-elusive virus by giving it an undefined latent period extending into decades.
Paradoxes like these no longer faze the virus-hunting research establishment. Indeed, rewards are generally showered upon any new virus hypothesis, no matter how bizarre. Chiron did not spend five years creating its own virus for nothing. Having patented the test for the virus, the company put it into production and began a publicity campaign to win powerful allies. The first step was a paper published in Science, the world's most popular science magazine, edited by Dan Koshland, Jr., professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California at Berkeley. Edward Penhoet, chief executive officer for Chiron, also holds a position as professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California at Berkeley. The NIH-supported virology establishment soon lent the full weight of its credibility to the hepatitis C virus camp. As Chiron's CEO boasted, "We have a blockbuster product." A regulatory order from the Food and Drug Admin-istration (FDA) to test the blood supply would reap enormous sales for Chiron.
Their big chance presented itself in late 1988 as a special request from Japanese Emperor Hirohito's doctors. The monarch was dying and constantly needed blood transfusions; could Chiron provide a test to make sure he received no blood tainted with hepatitis C? The biotech company jumped at the opportunity, making for itself such a name in Japan that the Tokyo government gave the product its approval within one year. The emperor died in the meantime, but excitement over Chiron's test was fueled when the Japanese government placed hepatitis C high on its medical priority list. Chiron's test kit now earns some $60 million annually in that country alone. By the middle of 1990, the United States followed suit. The FDA not only approved the test, but even recommended the universal testing of donated blood. The American Association of Blood Banks followed suit by mandating the $5 test for all 12 million blood donations made each year in this country - raking in another $60 million annually for Chiron while raising the nation's medical costs that much more. And all this testing is being done for a virus that has never been isolated.
Profits from the test kit have generated another all-too-common part of virus hunting. With Chiron's new income from the hepatitis C test, Penhoet's company bought out Cetus, another biotech company, founded by Donald Glaser, who, like Penhoet, also holds a position as professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California at Berkeley. And Chiron made an unrestricted donation of about 12 million to the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California at Berkeley that generates $100,000 in interest each year.
Unfortunately for Peter Duesberg, who belongs to the same department, his supervisor is yet another professor who consults for Chiron Corporation - and displays little sympathy for Duesberg for challenging modern virus hunting by restricting his academic duties to undergraduate student teaching and by not appointing him to decision-making committees. Such conflicts of interest have become standard fixtures in university biology departments.
The modern biomedical research establishment differs radically from any previous scientific program in history. Driven by vast infusions of federal and commercial money, it has grown into an enormous and powerful bureaucracy that greatly amplifies its successes and mistakes all the while stifling dissent. Such a process can no longer be called science, which by definition depends on self-correction by internal challenge and debate.
Despite their popularity among scientists and their companies, "latent," "slow," and "defective" viruses have achieved only little prominence as hypothetical causes of degenerative diseases before the AIDS era. Their hypothetical role in degenerative diseases, which result from the loss of large numbers of cells, remained confined to rare, exclusive illnesses like kuru and hepatitis C.
However, because latent, slow, and defective viruses cannot kill cells, such "viruses" eventually achieved prominence as hypothetical causes of cancer and thus entered the courts of health care and medical research. The next chapter describes the terms under which these viruses were promoted as causes of cancer and how some of these terms were eventually used to promote latent, slow, and defective viruses as causes of degenerative diseases including, above all, AIDS.
tel/fax:(416) 406-HEAL
Related articles:
The Phantom Virus and Hepatitis C cases successfully treated with herbs and diet
Speakeasy.org (see the Response by Dr. Ruhland)
Hepatitis C and Iron
Is it Hepatitis C or Iron Toxicity?
A critical view of hepatitis C - Endogenous Viruses and Chronic Disease
This was the page of a man suffering from Hepatitis C who can't get the drugs for a treatment he already started because the FDA and US customs are not letting them through. While I think that natural treatment options are superior in this case, I don't think the FDA has any business telling people what drugs they can or cannot get for their own personal use, even if they are not officially available in the US.
An e-mail exchange on the subject:
From: "Jon Campbell"
To: "Josef Hasslberger"
Subject: Re: Hepatitis C "virus"
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 13:43:03 -0400
This is what is called a "paradigm shift", a shift in how the world works, and will mean major modifications in and a shift in the way that I describe and talk about the health manuals that I have authored. Thanks so much for these articles.
I believe there is something going on here with regard to viruses and the immune system in general, but have not been able to state it eloquently and backed by scientific evidence yet. It goes something like this: when the immune system is totally compromised, many viruses which the human body normally fights off easily can combine and multiply to produce enough toxins that are truly debilitating or deadly. Furthermore, the protease inhibiting therapies (natural and synthetic) appear to sustain patients and extend their lives, sometimes indefinitely, indicating that viral replication has something to do with their infirmity. The viruses may not be "hep C" or "HIV" but they are debilitating.
To: "Jon Campbell"
From: Josef Hasslberger
Subject: Re: Hepatitis C "virus"
Date: 1 July 2003
thanks for your reply on this. Yes, it's a real shift and there is quite a lot of data if you look for it. One concept that may be useful is that virusses are ALWAYS present in the body. We live in symbiosis with them. We keep them in check easily as a part of living. Only when there is a cause - such as an illness - virusses activate to do the cleanup work. That's why they all of a sudden replicate in great numbers. And that's also why some people seem naturally immine while others "succumb" to the virus. Suppressing the virus means that you just got rid of the garbage men because what they did seemed really disgusting and the garbage stunk too bad.
Of course that's a very radical view, but it does deserve investigation and consideration. In the case of Aids and hepatitis C, we probably have simply intoxication. Aids mainly from amyl nitrates and similar and similar nitrate compounds in the environment, and hep from other factors that are hepatotoxic. Modern medicine sees a virus behind everything. Of course - their remedies are all geared to kill the buggers and that's where the business is.
Environmental toxicity (in a very loose sense) including intoxication from allopathic remedies is probably causing more trouble than virusses could ever do.
From: "Jon Campbell"
To: "Josef Hasslberger"
Subject: Re: Hepatitis C "virus"
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 01:14:50 -0400
I think AIDS is a bit different. I believe it *is* caused by a virus, but not HIV, which was a figment of their imagination to distract us from the real culprit, a little virus called African Swine Fever Virus, spread by a biological accident during biowarfare against Cuba and Angola in the 70s. It is also the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Immune Deficiency Syndrome ("AIDS without HIV"). Its modern name is HHV-6A (named by Gallo, in fact) and found in large quantities in all AIDS patients (as in Koch postulates) in lymph nodes. Causes rapid destruction of tissue from outset, and continues unabated, eventually killing the entire immune system. It is in the food chain as well, as "Mystery Swine Disease", killing pigs with the same symptoms as AIDS. No one but marginalized researchers are making the connection.
From: "Bert Schwitters"
To: "'Josef Hasslberger'"
Subject: RE: Re: Hepatitis C "virus"
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 10:51:42 +0200
The French doctor Bernard always said: “Le terrain, c’est tout.” The terrain is all there is.
In “How to Survive with a Body”, I have written about the German doctor Gunther Enderlein, who demonstrated that units he called “endobionts” live in the body in various stages of development, and that the endobionts adapt their form (back and forth) to the situation of the terrain, especially in response to the pH (acidity and alkalinity) of the tissues and notably of the blood. Regulating the pH is THE key in the old German “Heilpraktik” (Issels, Enderlein, etc.). The various forms of endobionts (known nowdays as “prions” = clusters of amino acids that exist autonomously) can be easily made visible in dark-field microscopy. By way of dark field microscopy, you can see how virulent endibionts return to their inert forms under pH oriented therapy.
If food was all we had, regulation of the pH is THE KEY TO HEALTH. See “How to Survive …”
When it comes to viruses and bacteria, yes, all viruses and bacteria are innate, transferred from mother to child. The German doctor Spengler developed homeopathic dilutions of certain key bacteria which he produced in rabbits (the so called “Spenglersane”). When you apply them on the skin IN HOMEOPATHIC dilution, you will witness the most virulent (healing) reactions in the patient. It shows that in latent and inert form, we have all the symbionts in us. These symbionts are in us in harmless forms inasmuch as our “terrain” is in order. You derange the terrain and you derange your “party” of guests who turn into their virulent forms.
The ruling Medical Order’s thinking overrrules, in fact outlaws the notion of symbiosis, because it would lead to the simple notion that the “terrain” is the key factor in the development of disease. The “terrain” dogma would wipe out 80% of the current pharma business.
Obviously, an overload of exogenous viruses and bacteria does complicate matters, but then again, control of pH and forceful stimulation of the immune system will do the trick in most cases.
From: "Dr. Leo Rebello"
To: "Josef Hasslberger"
Subject: Re: Re: Hepatitis C "virus"
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 14:45:41 +0530
Your comments are correct.
For additional information read article titled MAN, MICROBES AND ANTIBIOTICS from my magazine AMRIT MANTHAN, copy of which I think I gave you when we met last year.
Can't find the virus in people suffering from hepatitis C? No problem - create one.
'Test tube' hope for hep C drug
11 June 2005 - US scientists have been able to create infectious hepatitis C in the lab for the first time, offering renewed hope of drugs to beat the virus.
Meet Lloyd Wright, Hepatitis C Survivor, Researcher and Author
I have an extraordinary love for life...When a battery of MDs advised me of the bleak path's Hepatitis C could take, I concluded, "I'm not finished yet!". If you want to live well, read the Hepatitis Information I have provided in Triumph Over Hepatitis C, my book which describes how alternative medicine saved my life!
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Saturday July 5 2003
updated on Friday December 10 2010
URL of this article:
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Readers' Comments
I have found your article and email exchanges very interesting. I have been diagnosed with Hep C and I have chosen to avoid toxic ingestions (alcohol, fast foods, nicotine, etc, cut back on fats, eat wholesome (organic foods), increase supplements including herbal remedies for the liver, and using immune boosters that have begun to appear in the alternative health arena. NO PHARMACEUTICALS, even though my VA arrangement could provide them. Thanks again
Posted by: Paul Fassa on July 10, 2003 07:45 AM
Here another comment recently received, which suggests how to "attack the problem".
Forwarded by: Zoe Lenska in beautiful Vancouver, Canada
Subject: Hepatitis protocol
First address digestion. Hepatitis - regardless of its letter designation, i.e., A, B, C, is an inflammation of the liver. When the stomach does not do its job (why you need stomach acid - Jonathan Wright, MD) the liver has the burden of detoxifying ferments and other toxins that are the result of incomplete digestion and absorbed into the blood from the intestine.
All to be taken with food in stomach unless specified otherwise.
*Betaine HCL 500 mgs.[Natural Factors] - 2 to 3 with each meal
*Glutamic Acid HCL with Pepsin [Trophic] - 2 to 3 with each meal
*Bile Salts [Trophic's Digest Aid] one or 2 with each meal]
*Pancreatin [Natural Factors] one or 2 with each meal
* Non dairy Acidophilus with Bifidus one or 2 capsules one hour after meals or 3 to 6 at bedtime.
* Milk Thistle (silymarin), Curcumin, Dandelion extract (LG cleanse). Take three a day. This extract combination has been shown to substantially enhance liver detoxification and is also a very powerful antioxidant for all cells.
*Alpha Lipoic acid 100 mgs one daily.
* Pantothenic Acid 500 mg Take one capsule 3X a day- This vitamin plays a vital role in adrenal support
*High potency B 50 vitamin complex caps or tabs (a multivitamin that contains
50 mgs of each of the 11 known B vitamins.) 2 daily
* Pyrodoxyl-5 phosphate 50 mg. This the biological active and therefor unstable form of vitamin B6. People exposed to chemical toxins frequently have low levels of this vitamin two daily. Otherwise Pyridooxin HCL 100 mgs three times daily.
* Magnesium- 450 mg a day. (magnesium citrate/malate) Magnesium plays a major role in cell protection. In addition it protects against strokes and heart attacks.
* Selenium- 200 ug x 3 a day. This mineral also plays a role in protecting cells from toxins, especially mercury. It plays a major role in protecting against cascading free radicals caused by bacterial and viral infection.
* N-acetyl L-cysteine (NAC)- 500 mg twice a day. This is a substance that in cells is converted to glutathione. Glutathione is your liver's major protection against free radicals produced by toxins. NAC enhances detoxicifation.
* Vitamin E (as mixed tocopherols) 400 IU twice a day. A powerful antioxidant, prevents heart attacks an stokes and the gamma-tocopherol is a powerful anti-inflammatory.
* Vitamin C (as calcium ascorbate) 2000 mg three to six times a day. With water 20 minutes before meals. C Plays a major role in liver and cell detoxification protection against oxygen stress. Enhances tissue repair and immune function. Converts cholesterol in to bile for fat digestion.
* CoQ10 - 60 to 100 mg twice a day. This is a major energy molecule.
* DHA /EPA 200 mg a day. This is a component of omega-3-fatty acids. It plays a vital role in membrane repair.
Phosphatidyl Choline - 1200 mgs. X three daily. The liver like the brain is a high site of Phosphatidyl Choline. The liver has been referred to as the body's second brain.
Avoid all toxins This includes, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, MSG, pesticides, herbicides, bug sprays, fluoride, mercury, cadmium, aluminum and the many other toxins found commonly in the environment. Many of these toxins act synergistically, that is, when combined they have toxic effects that exceed their additive effects.
In addition, you need regular, moderate exercise (never aerobic). Avoid soy products, dairy, cheese, and vegetable seed oils - hydrogenated or other wise. This means margarine and shortening. Do not smoke or use drugs. All of these things increase free radical damage and prevent tissue repair.
You should eat a diet high in vegetables and with some fruits, no sugar (or honey), moderate complex carbohydrates and pure water free of contaminants, including fluoride. Do not use fluoride tooth paste, mouthwashes or receive fluoride treatments.
Posted by: Josef Hasslberger on September 9, 2003 04:35 PM
Why has the hepatitis C epidemic affected Military Veterans more than civilians?
Veterans from the Vietnam era were more at risk for contracting hepatitis C than any other war. Vietnam-era veterans made up 62.7% of those veterans who tested positive for hepatitis C. The next largest group is post-Vietnam at 18%. World War II at 4%, Korean 5.3% and Persian Gulf veterans make up 3%. Hundreds of Vietnam veterans are being diagnosed daily across America and are almost 10 times more likely to have hepatitis C than the average America.
The conditions that existed during the Vietnam era for processing blood, blood products and vaccines were appalling. The blood was not heated despite hundreds of warnings from federal scientists to do so.
Prisons have been in epidemic status since 1965. The facilities and other questionable sources, supplied at least fifty percent of the blood processed here and 30% of the blood processed in Canada (Kever Commission Report). The products sold to Canada were turned into gamma globulin, freeze dried (lyophilized) blood and vaccines then resold back to the US military.
The products made into military vaccines were not processed according to the strict standards in place today. They did not use proper decontamination processes for the equipment.
This same equipment was used over and over again to prepare products for freeze drying. Many Lyophilized (freeze dried) Jet injection Vaccines were contaminated as a result.
The military personnel infected shared toothbrushes, manicure items, razors and rags. They had surgery, dental or medial, and received injections with reusable needles. All had finger sticks with reused lancets by technicians that did not wear gloves. Everyone was vaccinated by jet injection.
In 1959 a test was developed to detect elevated liver enzymes. Another test, the HB Core Test was developed in 1972, and commercially available since 1975. Nether test was used until 1986.
Why? Because the collectors had to pay for the test and then reject donors that tested positive. It would have cost billions of dollars to implement testing.
The arm pits of foreign countries, skid row USA and prisons supplied over fifty percent of the nations blood supply during this time. Scientist began to scream "HEAT THE BLOOD" as early as 1968. Needless to say their warnings were ignored.
Recently, Jet Gun injections used for mass immunizations of large groups, were acknowledged by the Veterans Administration as a likely source of transmission for Hepatitis C. Although they do not admit to Vaccine contamination yet, it is advised ANYONE that received this form of immunization should be tested now. There is a 1 in 3 chance you could be infected.
In closing, Lack of addressing all methods responsible for transmission of the Hepatitis C virus explains why only 20% of the people infected with Hepatitis C know they have the disease. The sole focus within our governments public health programs centers around life style choices, i.e., sex, drugs. It's our fault we're sick.
This is a deliberate attempt to "blame the victim" and so stated in the Kever Commission reports from the tainted blood trials held in Canada.
The more confused we stay, the further into history the whole issue slides. One day it will be just a thing, like the Swine Flu shot that killed millions. Once there's a Vaccine, no one will care that our lives were devastated. History will look at the hepatitis c issue as a bad judgment call by government.
Billions and Billions of dollars were made because of that judgment call and at the expense of our lives. The ONLY way History will record the truth and know the plight our people faced through the wake of a Genocide is, if you "find your voice now" and hold elected officials accountable for what they are not doing to stop this epidemic.
Hepatitis c is very real and is not a "silent" disease either; another myth:( Ask the six million that have it. Long before liver failure sets in, mental, physical and life altering conditions are present. Most of us die from heart, kidney and lung failure, secondary conditions to Hepatitis C.
Posted by: Tricia Lupole on November 4, 2003 02:09 PM
Thanks for the information. I wonder why soy products are not to be ingested. I am a vegetarian w/ Hep c and its my main source of protein.
Thanks for the reply.
Posted by: hris Terrell on November 18, 2003 11:22 PM
A related site:
Hepatitis C Free
Posted by: Josef Hasslberger on December 8, 2003 03:06 PM
my litte one of 3yrs 8mnths have for the thirt time hipititus symtoms. test by the specialist norrow the possible causes down to the Ebstein Barr Virus. is there any help, medication, therapy or information that could assist us in dealing with the problem effectively. we are staying in Port Elizabeth, in South Africa
Posted by: arnoldis on June 12, 2004 08:05 PM
Here some interesting data from a recent Doctor Yourself newsletter:
(To subscribe to Dr. Saul's newsletter, send e-mail to this address)
A Google search for "hepatitis" will get you nearly four million responses; coincidentally, that is the approximate number of Americans with hepatitis C. So it's no wonder I get so many questions about this disease. Let us immediately cut to the chase.
Administered immediately and in sufficient quantity, vitamin C cures the entire hepatitis alphabet, A to E. Intravenous infusion of vitamin C may be necessary to do the job right.
Robert F. Cathcart, M.D., writes at his website, http://www.orthomed.com:
"Since acute hepatitis A, B, C, etc., is easily cured with massive doses of ascorbate, intravenously and with follow-up with oral ascorbic acid, it is tragic that it is not properly utilized. Hepatitis C is a special problem because only about a quarter of cases present as acute (when it would be easily cured). Chronic hepatitis C is more of a problem; however with massive doses of ascorbic acid orally, a no-sugar diet, vitamin E, selenium, silymarin (an antioxidant from milk thistle), and alpha lipoic acid among other nutrients, I have never seen a case to go onto acute hepatic necrosis or cancer of the liver."
I have known persons who took oral vitamin C to bowel tolerance and beat hepatitis. I have also seen a person fail with oral dosing alone, so do not take any chances with Hep. Get the IV.
Intravenous vitamin C is available from Merit Pharmaceuticals, 2611 San Fernando, Los Angeles, CA 90065. Telephone: In California: 800-696-3748; Out-of-State: 800-421-9657
If you know of other sources, please let me know.
Physician-authored instructions for administration are posted at the doctoryourself.com website and elsewhere on the internet. Search for "vitamin C intravenous."
(George had already had chronic hepatitis B for seven years by the time I first met with him. Drug medicine had not helped, and yet vitamin therapy had never been offered to him. Here is his account of it: )
"I hadn't had many serious symptoms except fatigue for years. My liver function tests and bilirubin counts remained elevated. Worse, the disease had caused cirrhosis of my liver.
"I have been treated on two occasions with Prednisone, a steroid drug. Although this did bring my liver tests down, the side effects were terrible and the tests elevated after discontinuance of the drug. Then, the tests again rose to an alarming level and the doctors (by this time I had consulted a number of them) told me there wasn't anything else they could do.
"It was at this time I became a health nut. Since then, I have been taking megadoses of vitamins faithfully and have concentrated more on fresh fruits and vegetables. I now take 25,000 to 30,000 milligrams of vitamin C orally every day; large amounts of B-complex; a mega-multi vitamin; lecithin; desiccated liver tablets; chelated magnesium; and vitamin E.
"The results of my latest tests (taken last week) show the lowest level of bilirubin and lowest liver function scores in over a year. And this without any Prednisone.
"My doctor is surprised and still skeptical about megavitamins. She says she can't condone what I'm doing (there's not enough "medical" research on it) but she does say I had better keep doing it.
"Tell my case to people who remain unconvinced. I was a skeptic once myself."
George got these results in 9 weeks. I met him again more than ten years later. He was still taking "all those vitamins." And he had remained entirely symptom-free.
By the way, using megadoses of vitamin C, Dr. Frederick Klenner cured acute hepatitis in 48 hours. (http://www.doctoryourself.com/klennerpaper.html) (Of course, that was decades ago, and I'm sure vitamin C's chemical properties have changed quite radically since then. NOT!)
More on High-Dose Intravenous Vitamin C:
(Dr. Cathcart's papers published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine are not indexed by Medline, but these are: )
Cathcart RF. A unique function for ascorbate. Med Hypotheses. 1991 May;35(1):32-7. Review.
Cathcart RF. Cat-allergen sensitivity. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1990 Sep;86(3 Pt 1):420.
Cathcart RF. The vitamin C treatment of allergy and the normally unprimed state of antibodies. Med Hypotheses. 1986 Nov;21(3):307-21.
Cathcart RF. Vitamin C: the nontoxic, nonrate-limited, antioxidant free radical scavenger. Med Hypotheses. 1985 Sep;18(1):61-77.
Cathcart RF. Vitamin C in the treatment of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Med Hypotheses. 1984 Aug;14(4):423-33.
Cathcart RF. Vitamin C, titrating to bowel tolerance, anascorbemia, and acute induced scurvy. Med Hypotheses. 1981 Nov;7(11):1359-76.
Cathcart RF. The method of determining proper doses of vitamin C for the treatment of diseases by titrating to bowel intolerance. Australas Nurses J. 1980 Mar;9(4):9-13.
Cathcart RF. Leg cramps and vitamin E. JAMA. 1972 Jan 10;219(2):216-7.
Many of Dr. Cathcart's articles are posted at his excellent http://orthomed.com website and also at http://doctoryourself.com, where a search for "Cathcart" will bring them up fast.
More on silymarin, from milk thistle:
Reader reminder: I do not sell or endorse any product, nor do I provide referrals as to where to buy this or that. That is what internet searches are for.
Posted by: Sepp on June 13, 2004 05:05 PM
Here some data that recently surfaced (October 2004) in connection with a scandal on contaminated flu vaccines in a UK plant of vaccine maker Chiron, posted on the site of Jon Rappoport of www.nomorefakenews.com:
OCTOBER 12, 2004. Below is an excerpt from an article written by Dr. Peter Duesberg and Bryan Ellison. It involves Chiron's role is promoting the false discovery of an unproven disease, hepatitis C.
I have written about this phantom disease and phantom virus before.
In today's world of virology, the researchers are in a constant drool to find new germs. There are major bucks and major prestige at stake.
Therefore, the procedures for truly isolating a virus and determining that it plays role in disease are short-circuited. Just about anything goes.
"We say it exists and therefore it does exist, and we will develop a drug and a vaccine to fight it."
As you'll see, Chiron parlayed its false science into fame and $$.
"Slow Viruses: The Original Sin Against the Laws of Virology"
Phantom Viruses and Big Bucks
Most virus hunters prefer chasing real, if arguably harmless, viruses as their deadly enemies. But Gajdusek's "unconventional" viruses - the ones neither he nor anyone else have ever found - have been making a comeback in recent years.
Given the abundance of research dollars being poured into biomedical science by the NIH and other agencies, opportunistic virus hunters have been finding creative ways to cash in. One increasingly successful method utilizes modern biotechnology to isolate viruses that may not even exist.
Hepatitis, or liver disease, has yielded profitable virus-hunting opportunities in recent years...
...This form of hepatitis [hepatitis C] does not behave as an infectious disease, for it rigidly confines itself to people in well- defined risk groups rather than spreading to larger populations or even to the doctors treating hepatitis patients.
Yet virologists have been eyeing the disease from the beginning, hoping one day to find a virus causing it. That day arrived in 1987. The laboratory for the job was no less than the research facility of the Chiron Corporation, a biotechnology company located directly across the bay from San Francisco.
Equipped with the most advanced techniques, a research team started its search in 1982 by injecting blood from patients into chimpanzees. None of monkeys contracted hepatitis, although subtle signs vaguely resembling infection or reddening did appear.
For the next step, the scientists probed liver tissue for a virus. None could be found. Growing desperate, the team fished even for the smallest print of a virus, finally coming across and greatly amplifying a small piece of genetic information, encoded in a molecule known as ribonucleic acid (RNA), that did not seem to belong in the host's genetic code.
This fragment of presumably foreign RNA, the researchers assumed, must be the genetic information of some undetected virus. Whatever it was, liver tissue contains it only in barely detectable amounts. Only about half of all hepatitis C patients contain the rare foreign RNA. And in those who contain it, there is only one RNA molecule for every ten liver cells - hardly a plausible cause for disease.
The Chiron team used newly available technology to reconstruct pieces of the mystery virus. Now they could test patients for antibodies against this hypothetical virus and soon discovered that only a slight majority of hepatitis C patients had any evidence ofthese antibodies in their blood.
Koch's first postulate, of course, demands that a truly harmful virus be found in huge quantities in every single patient.
His second postulate requires that the virus particles be isolated and grown, although this supposed hepatitis virus has never been found intact.
And the third postulate insists that newly infected animals, such as chimpanzees, should get the disease when injected with the virus. This hypothetical microbe fails all three tests. But Koch's standards were the furthest thing from the minds of the Chiron scientists when they announced in 1987 that they had finally found the "hepatitis C" virus.
Now more paradoxes are confronting the viral hypothesis. Huge numbers of people testing positive for the hypothetical hepatitis C virus never develop any symptoms of the disease, even though the "virus" is no less active in their bodies than in hepatitis patients.
And according to a recent large-scale study of people watched for eighteen years, those with signs of "infection" live just as long as those without. Despite these facts, scientists defend their still-elusive virus by giving it an undefined latent period extending into decades.
Paradoxes like these no longer faze the virus-hunting research establishment. Indeed, rewards are generally showered upon any new virus hypothesis, no matter how bizarre. Chiron did not spend five years creating its own virus for nothing. Having patented the test for the virus, the company put it into production and began a publicity campaign to win powerful allies.
The first step was a paper published in Science, the world's most prestigious science magazine, edited by Dan Koshland, Jr., professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California at Berkeley. Edward Penhoet, chief executive officer for Chiron, also holds a position as professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California at Berkeley.
The NIH-supported virology establishment soon lent the full weight of its credibility to the hepatitis C virus camp. As Chiron's CEO boasted, "We have a blockbuster product."
A regulatory order from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to test the blood supply would reap enormous sales for Chiron. Their big chance presented itself in late 1988 as a special request from Japanese Emperor Hirohito's doctors. The monarch was dying and constantly needed blood transfusions; could Chiron provide a test to make sure he received no blood tainted with hepatitis C?
The biotech company jumped at the opportunity, making for itself such a name in Japan that the Tokyo government gave the product its approval within one year. The emperor died in the meantime, but excitement over Chiron's test was fueled when the Japanese government placed hepatitis C high on its medical priority list.
Chiron's test kit now earns some $60 million annually in that country alone. By the middle of 1990, the United States followed suit. The FDA not only approved the test, but even recommended the universal testing of donated blood.The American Association of Blood Banks followed suit by mandating the $5 test for all 12 million blood donations made each year in this country - raking in another $60 million annually for Chiron while raising the nation's medical costs that much more.
And all this testing is being done for a virus that has never been isolated. Profits from the test kit have generated another all-too-common part of virus hunting. With Chiron's new income from the hepatitis C test, Penhoet's company bought out Cetus, another biotech company, founded by Donald Glaser, who, like Penhoet, also holds a position as professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California at Berkeley. And Chiron made an unrestricted donation of about 12 million to the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California at Berkeley that generates $100,000 in interest each year.
Unfortunately for Peter Duesberg, who belongs to the same department, his supervisor is yet another professor who consults for Chiron Corporation - and displays little sympathy for Duesberg for challenging modern virus hunting by restricting his academic duties to undergraduate student teaching and by not appointing him to decision-making committees. Such conflicts of interest have become standard fixtures in university biology departments.
The modern biomedical research establishment differs radically from any previous scientific program in history. Driven by vast infusions of federal and commercial money, it has grown into an enormous and powerful bureaucracy that greatly amplifies its successes, all the while stifling dissent. Such a process can no longer be called science, which by definition depends on self-correction by internal challenge and debate.
end of article excerpt
So, Chiron pretends to isolate a virus, and by welding together powerful players in the virus-hunting field, steamrolls its way into a new construct of a disease that has never been proven to exist. And rakes in major $$$.
Chiron, who now has millions of contaminated flu vaccine shots loose in the US.
JON RAPPOPORT www.nomorefakenews.com
Posted by: Sepp on October 13, 2004 09:54 PM
Hi Sepp.
many thanks for putting this information together regarding alternative views on hep-c.
You can read my story here >>
The consept of a "slow virus / lentivirus" is a hoax in my opionion and could be understood as psychoterror from sections of the pharma-industry against those who are diagnosed pcr-positive.
It is far more likely, that "oxidative stress" is the real cause for cells to react differently from healthy cells. The PCR measures "cell-particles" and not a micro-organism or virus...
here is an explanation in german >>
"Herr Prof .Dennin aus Lübeck hat meines Erachtens eine sehr viel bessere Erklärung für das Phänomen HCV-Positivität als Herr Prof.Laufs aus Hamburg,der an die Existenz eines übertragbaren pathogenen Virus glaubt. Dennin et al. konnten die als HCV bezeichneten Sequenzen in menschlicher DNA von gesunden HCV-negativen Individuen nachweisen. D.h.man könnte sich vorstellen,das HCV-Positivität endogen enstehen kann,wenn Leberzellen durch toxische Substanzen wie Alkohol und Drogen geschädigt werden und dann diese Sequenzen exprimieren. Dies würde die relativ gute Korrelation von HCV-Positivität und Alkohol und Drogen erklären."
see >> http://www.think-fitness.de/html/hep-c_kritik.html
Posted by: Jojoi on November 1, 2004 04:49 PM

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