CommAgents Initiative announced - Robin Good "spills the beans"
Would you say you appreciate the information I provide through this site? Probably, because otherwise you would not be here or you would have asked me to stop pestering you with e-mails. You might have wondered how I can handle the workload of keeping up a site in addition to the other things I am involved in. Maybe you even wanted to do something similar in your own very special area of interest and experience.
This site which I am using to inform you and others has been offered by Robin Good and is part of a project that now has been opened for broad participation. You probably already know, having read my introduction to CommAgents posted at the end of June, that Communication Agents are a force for social change, not limited to health or any other particular area of interest. What we need however, are people who will get involved and develop this natural health campaign as well as others in areas as diverse as economy, justice, education and intellectual property rights. Check out the whole list of "target areas" in the introduction and see if there is something to stimulate your appetite for action.
So now, if you are interested in starting your own carreer as an activist or you just want to broaden your reach as a catalyst for change - in whatever field you consider most important to affect - check out the official announcement of Robin Good's
Communication Agents Initiative.
I urge you to personally become part of the experience.The synergy that comes with networking - both inside one specific campaign area and between diverse campaigns - will allow us to achieve real changes we thought impossible before. We might have believed them to be possibilities in a remote future but that is not necessarily so. THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW!
If you appreciate our health freedom campaign or are generally interested in social change but do not have time to invest in this internet activity, why not anyway take a look at the page that explains what Communication Agents are and find out how to sponsor us!
Also check out the sites of Chris Gupta and Ivan Ingrilli (in Italian) who have been my companions in getting this initiative piloted and running. We are all writing about health and some related themes, but we hope to have company soon. You can help - and maybe you should ... spread the word and join in the fray!
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posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Thursday July 17 2003
updated on Friday June 26 2009URL of this article: