Jason Vale risks prison for apricot seeds
Jason Vale, a cancer survivor, former arm wrestling world champion and self-described entrepreneur, who is on trial for allegedly violating a government order that he stop promoting the use of apricot seeds as a cure for cancer faces a possible prison sentence, according to an article be Nathan C. Masters, correspondent of CNSNews.
The trial, which lasted from Monday 14 July through Thursday, is now adjourned and the jury is expected to deliver its verdict in a matter of days.
Update 22 July 2003
Jason Vale held without bail, pending sentencing, after a jury found him guilty of ... selling apricot seeds.
FDA Commissioner McCLELLAN stated that "The FDA takes seriously its responsibility to protect patients from unproven products being peddled on the internet by modern day snake oil salesmen such as the defendant in this case. There is no scientific evidence that Laetrile offers anything but false hope to cancer patients."
Cancer Survivor Faces Possible Prison for Selling Apricot Seeds
By Nathan C. Masters
CNSNews.com Correspondent
July 18, 2003
(CNSNews.com) - Federal jurors in Brooklyn, N.Y., must decide the fate of Jason Vale, a cancer survivor, former arm wrestling world champion and self-described entrepreneur, who is on trial for allegedly violating a government order that he stop promoting the use of apricot seeds as a cure for cancer.
Closing arguments in the case were held Thursday with Vale serving as his own attorney and accusing the government of setting him up. But Vale's alleged defiance of the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) consent decree, issued in 2000, could land him with a 20-year prison sentence. The FDA claims the Apricot pits, more than 100,000 of which federal agents reportedly seized in a raid on Vale's basement, have no therapeutic value.
Vale was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 1986 and suffered from the disease for eight years, enduring chemotherapy, radiation treatments and an operation to remove a tumor. But in 1994, Vale saw a video touting apricot seeds as a cure for cancer and began taking the seeds, which release organic cyanide into the system. Vale claims his use of the seeds along with his faith in God eliminated the tumor and saved his life.
"I have watched first-hand as apricot seed consumption has helped to shrink tumors in almost every cancer patient [with whom] I've dealt," said Vale. "I have also followed horror stories from many of those using highly toxic chemo and radiation therapies."
Vale's legal troubles began when he started selling a concentrated form of the vitamin found in apricot seeds, known as laetrile or amygdalin, to other cancer patients over the Internet.
The FDA is currently refusing comment on this matter, but according to a warning letter sent to Vale in 1998, the agency stated that it considered laetrile to be a "new drug," and as such, was not approved for sale or importation. The FDA obtained an injunction in November 2000, forbidding Vale and his company, Christian Brothers Contracting Corporation, from selling or promoting the use of laetrile as a cancer treatment.
Following undercover investigations by the FDA, the agency alleged that Vale had continued to sell and promote laetrile in violation of the consent decree and recommended in March 2002 that Vale be prosecuted for criminal contempt.
Eliezer Ben-Joseph, a doctor of naturopathy and host of the Natural Solutions talk radio show in El Paso, Texas, describes the government's efforts as "ludicrous."
"It's a vindictive prosecution," said Ben-Joseph. "We're talking about apricots , and yet the government is so drastically opposed to having this information out."
The U.S. government maintains that because Vale made therapeutic claims about his laetrile products, the apricot seeds should be treated as drugs and therefore require FDA approval before they could be sold or distributed within the United States. Furthermore, the government maintains that laetrile has no medicinal benefits. A National Cancer Institute report obtained by CNSNews.com concluded that, "laetrile has shown little anti-cancer activity in animal studies and no anti-cancer activity in human clinical trials."
Ben-Joseph doubted the credibility of those clinical trials, and noted that, "several concerns have been expressed about the way the study was conducted." He pointed out that some recently developed cancer treatments use artificial cyanide, which is very similar to the organic cyanide that laetrile emits.
"It's not a cure; there is no cure for cancer, but there are things that we can do that augment how metabolism works," he noted. "These are chemicals that the body would use to detoxify or get rid of cancer."
Regardless of their efficacy, Ben-Joseph argues, apricot seeds are no more dangerous than other natural remedies, and he believes they should be legal for use as a cancer treatment.
Vale is not alone in touting laetrile as a cure; Donald Factor, the son of cosmetic tycoon Max Factor, sought natural cancer treatment in Mexico 17 years ago. After being treated with laetrile and other natural remedies, Factor's cancer disappeared, and he is still alive today.
And Vale claims that his apricot seed products have helped over 30,000 cancer patients, many of whose personal testaments are documented on Vale's website .
Ben-Joseph considers Vale's case a "freedom issue" and calls the government's prosecution an inappropriate use of the judicial system.
"To make a law that says that the public cannot eat an apricot pit, because they think it might keep people from going to regular cancer therapy, I think is a ludicrous jump in jurisdiction," he said.
Vale also faced legal troubles in 1998 when America Online sued him for allegedly sending over 20 million "spam" e-mail messages to its subscribers. A federal judge awarded AOL $631,585 in damages. Vale and his attorneys could not be reached for comment regarding the AOL case.
Jason Vale has the following message:
Dear Friends and Family,
The jury we begin deliberating again on Monday morning. The court house is at 225 Cadman Plaza East, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. Please pray. Sunday morning starts the fast until the jury is out. Some will go until the jury comes back with a verdict and some will fast only for Sunday. I need your prayer as does the many that will be helped after the Lord gives the victory. He has delivered me from death, surely He will deliver me from this situation. The Battle is the Lord's!
1. That the jury's mind is protected from all the influence of the govt.
2. That ministering angels, minister to them along with the Holy Spirit for revelation during their deliberation.
3. That the Lord turn the heart of Judge Gleeson. He told me straight out at a side bar that apricot seeds were a scam and that I was taking advantage of vulnerable cancer victims. He was bias from the beginning for certain reasons. This made it very difficult during trial. I have seen apricot seeds stop cancer in every single case from prevention to stage two. After stage two cancer more intense health therapy is needed. At the site apricotsfromgod.org you can read more about it.
4. That this situation is used to bring God the glory and healing to the nation.
5. For strength and faith
Jason David, Vale
Related articles:
Call for help
FDA vs. Jason
The following is a press release issued by the US. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York on July 22, 2003.
U.S. Department of Justice
United States Attorney -- Eastern District of New York
One Pierrepont Plaza
Brooklyn, New York 11201
Mailing Address:
147 Pierrepont St.
Brooklyn NY 11201
July 22, 2003
Peggy Long, U.S. Attorney's Office:
Jason Brodsky, FDA Office of Public Affairs:
President of Queens Firm Found Guilty of Criminal Contempt For Violating Court Order Not to Market Bogus Cancer Cure Over the Internet
ROSLYNN R. MAUSKOPF , United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, and MARK B. McCLELLAN , M.D., Ph.D., Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), announced today that a federal jury in Brooklyn, New York has convicted Jason Vale, president of the Queens based company Christian Brothers Contracting Corporation ("Christian Bros."), of three counts of criminal contempt in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 401(3). On April 20, 2000, in a civil suit brought by the United States against Vale and his company Christian Bros., the Honorable John Gleeson entered a preliminary injunction ordering Vale and Christian Bros., during the pendency of the civil suit, not to directly or indirectly sell, distribute, package, label, or promote Laetrile., also known as amygdalin, "Vitamin B-17," or apricot pits. On November 16, 2000, Judge Gleeson ended the civil suit by permanently ordering Vale and Christian Bros. not to sell, distribute, package, label, or promote Laetrile. For years before the civil suit was brought, Vale, through Christian Bros., had sold Laetrile over the Internet in order to cure and prevent cancer, having saturated the public with a massive Internet and "spam" E-mailing marketing campaign which guaranteed persons a cancer free life if they used his products. Laetrile is not approved as a drug for the treatment and prevention of cancer and evidence introduced during the civil suit demonstrated that Laetrile has no known effect on cancer and that it is highly toxic, breaking down in the human body into cyanide gas. Moreover, when cancer patients take Laetrile they often forego conventional medical therapies until it is too late for these therapies to be effective. An undercover investigation conducted by the United States Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York and by FDA's Office of Criminal Investigations demonstrated that Vale set up a shell corporation in Arizona through which he continued to sell Laetrile in complete disregard for the Court's injunctions. Although Vale announced over the Internet that he had stopped selling Laetrile because the court had ordered him not to sell it, he continued to tout Laetrile as a cure for cancer and further announced that there were other companies that still sold it. If customers called Christian Bros. and tried to purchase Laetrile, Vale and his employees told them that, although Christian Bros. no longer sold Laetrile, the customers could purchase Laetrile from a wholly unrelated company at a toll free number which he and his employees gave to them. The undercover investigation demonstrated that the toll free number rang inside Vale's own house and that Vale would send the Laetrile to customers from his house under the name of his Arizona shell corporation. Vale and his employees would stamp a Phoenix Arizona "return address" on these outgoing packages which was in fact nothing more than a mailbox which was rented in Phoenix Arizona with Vale's own credit card.
A search warrant executed at the defendant's house during the undercover investigation demonstrated that after the preliminary injunction the defendant had stored in his basement ready to be shipped to customers around the world enough Laetrile to supply a single person for over 242 years.
The jury announced the guilty verdicts on July 21, 2003, following the conclusion of a week long trial. During the trial, supporters of Vale had handed out leaflets to persons who entered the courthouse, including a number of the jurors who were deciding the contempt case against Vale. The leaflet told jurors that they had a constitutional right to ignore the evidence and the Court's instructions if they so chose. This incident was one of the factors taken into consideration by Judge Gleeson in ordering Vale held without bail pending his sentencing.
United States Attorney ROSLYNN R. MAUSKOPF stated that "This office will not tolerate any disregard for the lawful orders of this Court. Nor will it tolerate fraud, especially when it foists dangerous products on a vulnerable public."
Commissioner McCLELLAN stated that "The FDA takes seriously its responsibility to protect patients from unproven products being peddled on the internet by modern day snake oil salesmen such as the defendant in this case. There is no scientific evidence that Laetrile offers anything but false hope to cance patients."
United States Attorney ROSALYNN R. MAUSKOPF wishes to thank the Office of Criminal Investigations of the Food and Drug Administration for its unstinting efforts to investigate this matter and assist in its prosecution. Sentencing is scheduled for October 24, 2003 at 2:00 p.m., before United States District Court Judge John Gleeson in Brooklyn. The government's case was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorneys Charles S. Kleinberg and Patricia Pileggi. Marc L. Caden, Associate Chief Counsel to for Enforcement, is assigned to the case from the FDA.
Name: Jason Vale
DOB: 1968
Residence: 82-50 235th Street
Bellrose Manor, New York 11427
Name: Christian Bros. Contracting Corp.
Bus. Add: 82-50 235th Street,
Bellrose Manor, New York 11427
See also related articles:
IS CANCER MERELY A VITAMIN DEFICIENCY DISEASE? Vitamin B17 Laetrile Cancer Treatment Available in Australia
The Nature of Cancer
How does B17 Kill Cancer?
Morris Fishbein - AMA Enemy Of American Health
Sentencing Delay In Vale Case Involving Criminal Contempt
13 May: No Bail For Jason Vale As Judge Reschedules Sentencing Again
"Cyanide targets cancer" - By BBC News Online's Jonathan Amos, 7 September 2000
President Nixon investigated laetrile
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Sunday July 20 2003
updated on Monday December 6 2010
URL of this article:
Readers' Comments
America has enough problems in terms of global credibility. The American FDA is a corrupt body. The rest of the world knows that .... wake up America !
My reply:
thanks a lot for your comment. It seems that people are waking up globally.
America does need to wake up as you say - the Americans are the ones keeping Bush and company where they are ...
Here is one example of a US campaign already going on
Posted by: Ivor Hughes on July 21, 2003 08:07 AM
Comment received by e-mail:
Bizarre. I liked the bit:
The U.S. government maintains that because Vale made therapeutic claims about his laetrile products, the apricot seeds should be treated as drugs and therefore require FDA approval before they could be sold or distributed within the United States. Furthermore, the government maintains that laetrile has no medicinal benefits.
So the substance is natural, sold in food in the shops, doesn't have any medical benefit but should be restricted as a drug? Talk about doublethink.
Posted by: Josef Hasslberger on July 21, 2003 09:26 AM
Thank you for the comment about Jason Vale. Please keep him in your prayers as he awaits sentencing date, October 24th, and the chance to appeal the decision made on July 21, 2003 by Judge Gleeson in Brooklyn, NY.
Maddie Becka
Assistant/Christian Brothers
Posted by: Maddie Becka on August 7, 2003 10:39 PM
Here is an update on Jason Vale's tribulations, by his sister:
This is Johanna Vale, Jason Vale's sister, and I am writing to update you on what has been happening with Jason and the FDA situation. As most of you already know, Jason was on trial for violating a court order which the prosecution says banned him from continuing to sell laetrile, apricot seeds, vitamin B-17, or anything containing amygdalin.
The injunction, confusing and ambiguous, was first served to Jason several years ago. At that time, Jason's understanding of the injunction, AND that of his lawyers, was that he could not sell AND promote laetrile together. In other words, if sold alone, without any information about how and why this product can help you, selling it would still be legal. So Jason set up one company in which he sold books and videos which contained information on the product. Another company, run by our grandmother, sold only the seeds and B-17. In doing this, Jason truely and firmly believed, and still does, that he was finding a legal way to continue to help those who needed seeds to find them and learn about them.
However, during his recent trial which began on July 14th, the prosecution portrayed Jason as someone with no respect for the law, who flagrently ignored the injunctions imposed upon him. Jason was not permitted to tell his own personal story about his bouts with cancer, and especially forbidden from saying laetrie or B-17 helped him in any way. The jurors were bombarded with evidence from the prosection which showed that different companies were set up to sell the B-17, while Jason was unable to properly explain his side. On July 21st, after a week-long trial, Jason was convicted on 3 counts of criminal contempt, which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years.
Jason is currently in prison awaiting sentencing on Oct. 24th (since postponed to December 19). He was denied requests to be freed even though he has $850,000 bail on him. The Honorable Judge Gleason will be the sole person deciding Jason's sentence. There are very little guidlines in this sort of case, and the judge will be basing Jasons sentence on his own discretion. The judge obviously believes Jason to be a scam artist, and anything that can open his eyes and change his heart from now until then is needed.
I am sure that Jason would love to hear from all of you. Anyone whom Jason has helped, or who wants to lend their support should write to him. He is able to receive letters, newspaper clippings, and pictures. He cannot receive books or magazines unless they are mailed directly from the publisher.
His address is:
Jason Vale #09073-067
Metropolitan Detention Center
PO Box 329002
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Posted by: Josef on November 17, 2003 11:41 AM
I have been taking apricot seeds and recommending them to others. I read about Jason during the summer, but then could find no further news about him until this a. m. when i read the bloglet. But this news is outdated. What is happening currently? Thanks, Carole
Posted by: carole perez on November 17, 2003 03:59 PM
Amygdalin is not poisonous. It occurs naturally in foods.
As a cancer survivor, I take Amygdalin regularly, I have never had any ill effects from it.
Even the Publisher Dorling Kindersley confirm that apricot seeds "inhibit tumors."
The book "Herbs" mentions it.
The government even killed Steve McQueen because this stuff cured his lung cancer in Mexico. If he talked their lies about this being quackery would have no merit.
A substance like this cannot be patented and therefore if used would bankrupt many companies which manufacture "anti cancer" drugs.
Posted by: Ted on December 17, 2003 01:03 AM
I am all for seeing Jason freed. This is a case of shoot one and scare a thousand. Are we going to let it work ?
Posted by: Gary Powell on December 24, 2003 02:07 AM
Thanks to Jan in Norway for finding this update of the situation of Jason Vale:
Postponement in Vale sentencing
USA - Sentencing of New York's Jason Vale on conviction of "criminal contempt of court" charges growing out of his busy Internet marketing of apricot kernels and alleged laetrile products against cancer has been postponed again until March 5, 2004. Earlier dates were Oct. 24 and Dec. 19.
Another postponement has now set the date of sentencing for April 23rd 2004.
In the meantime, Vale, whose Websites contained hundreds of testimonies highlighting anecdotal successes against cancer and other conditions among the 28,000 to 35,000 individuals who ordered from him, remained in detention at the Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn NY.
The set-up, harassment and prosecution of Jason Vale and his ChristianBrothers Website operation have provoked an outpouring of support for the Bible-believing 35- year-old and indignation at the FDA charges leveled against him, particularly when the government had received no complaints from users of his products (see ICHF VII:2, 2003, and VII:3-4, 2003/2004).
Information on the case and Vale's status are available at Babsie214@aol.com and info@apricotsfromgod.org.
Posted by: Josef on February 13, 2004 03:05 PM
I am 87-1/2 and have been taking up to 20 FRESH apricot seeds per day since age 45 on the advice of my old friend, the late ET Krebs, Jr. When a cardiologist looked at my Basal Metabolic Profile he asked if I was sure of my birthday. 18% fat, triglycerides - 69.
Posted by: Victor Abel on February 15, 2004 06:57 AM
Hey all, I just wanted to you to know that there is a small town in Tennessee, called Kingsport, and not all of us down here are hicks and/or rednecks. There are several of us who actually do keep up on the new and interesting, and who are actually quite interested in this. I just wanted everyone who is in on the Jason Vale thing that you are all in our thoughts and prayers, and we hope that everything works out for the best.
Posted by: Ming2theng on February 26, 2004 01:27 AM
B17 works if you take it with plant enzymes -- bromelain + many more, the seeds only work when the fruit is in season and the kernels are fresh, B17 taken by injection works far better than eating the kernels.
Posted by: DAVID HIGHMAN on April 23, 2004 02:37 PM
Update 1 May 2004:
Ailing Jason Vale of Bellerose was supposed to be sentenced last Friday but the federal court judge has rescheduled the case to May.
   According to his mother, Barbara Vale, Judge John Gleeson announced that he would hear the results of Vale's cancer test on May 6th and will also listen to a motion from the defendant for bail. Sentencing is expected on May 28th.
From: Sentencing Delay In Vale Case Involving Criminal Contempt
Posted by: Josef on May 1, 2004 07:32 PM
I just found out about this whole thing. I met Jason Vale in the early 90's and I just want to say his story is very true; and he is one of the most endearing people I have had the pleasure to meet. My thoughts are with him.
Posted by: Kaye on May 18, 2004 06:22 PM
Does anyone have Jason's new address in the Westchester correctional facility? I know he is there after watching the unbelievable report on him on FOX Channel 5 news at 10. I'd like to write to him and know that we support his efforts. This is an injustice of colossal proportions!!!
Posted by: Cantor on May 18, 2004 08:17 PM
I know Jason Vale through my son Richard who worked for him. The few times I met Jason I knew he was a special person in this world of fakes. I am appalled by his incarceration, and anyway I can help please do not hesitate to contact me, even if I can set up a petition in honor of him!
Posted by: annette guarino on May 18, 2004 08:20 PM
Jason has just been transferred (today) from Westchester back to the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn. You can write to him there.
MDC Brooklyn
80 29th Street
Brooklyn, New York 11232
Fax: 718-840-5005
Posted by: Christian on May 20, 2004 04:08 AM
I went to Junior High School with Jason Vale and was in contact with him for years after graduating. I knew when he had cancer and have followed his story from the beginning when Jason was given a death sentence from his doctors. To their disbelief, Jason went into remission without the strongly advised suggestion of chemotherapy.
Jason has a heart of gold and has helped so many individuals and families who are battling this dreadful illness. He lost time "living life" when he was battling cancer and now his second chance at life is being cut short by living in a jail cell. This is a CRIME! Jason is NOT a criminal. The real focus should be this alternative treatment as a possible cure rather than that of Jason as a criminal, or the number of oncology jobs lost if Jason did in fact stumble upon a well hidden secret...a cure.
I support Jason's endless efforts and pray for his release.
Posted by: Michelle on May 21, 2004 03:02 AM
A comment received by e-mail 31 May 2004:
According to Jason's Aunt...Martha, Jason's back at the detention center in Brooklyn.
He refused any invasive treatments to remove any ....cancers, or tumors, that might be in there in on the kidney.
The court hearing on the 28th went (I think it was the 28th) with Jason not allowed out on bail and the new sentencing date bumped up to ....June 18th...me thinks.?....
According to what I 'heard',The Honorable Judge John Gleeson seemed...at some point, sympathetic to Jason in the sense that he believed Jason believed he was doing the right thing by following his heart in helping people (I couldn't believe my ears to hear how the Judge actually showed heart!?... I must say though that I felt 'blessed' to here that for Jason's sake and all). It gave me a glimmer of hope in mankind, cause I'm sure that for the Judge to bend, even a little, is a long shot in a case like this. No?
One never knows...do one?
Those wishing to write Jason can now write him at :
Mr. Jason Vale 09073067
P.O. Box 329002
Metropolitan Detention Center
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
Posted by: Josef on June 4, 2004 03:06 PM
Hello all,
5 years ago, when my cousin found a lump in her breast, I started researching alternative cures for cancer and I stumbled across the CHRISTIAN BROTHERS website. I met with Jason 5 years ago in person after doing much research on B-17. HE GAVE ME A COPY OF "WORLD WITHOUT CANCER" for free, that's right for free. HE IS CERTAINLY A BROTHER OF CHRIST.
He has no agenda but to help people. God bless him.
Posted by: Brendan on June 4, 2004 06:04 PM
Man I pray things turn out good for Jason. I also had spoken with Jason online after being directed to his site. How awesome that was, and I wish that other were able to view it. I am now diagnosed with a mass in my spinal cord and not sure if it's cancer or not. However, I have ordered seeds and will be taking those! With that and lots of prayer, I am praying of the best of outcomes.
Jason is doing the right thing and I know God knows that. It's truly sad how money corrupts peoples best welfare.
I will keep him in my prayers, please keep us updated!
Posted by: Rebecca on June 10, 2004 05:58 AM
Has anyone heard of this Essiac Herbal Tea curing cancer?
I found this quite interesting. It has the same results as the laetrile, but used on terminal patients....and of course covered up the same way.
Posted by: Rebecca on June 13, 2004 04:49 PM
"The thing that bugs me is that people think the Food and Drug Administration is protecting them -- it isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it's doing are as different as night and day."
-Dr. Herbert L. Ley, former Commissioner of the FDA
-Excerpt from
Posted by: Fat Quack on June 18, 2004 03:16 AM
Posted by: KIM NORRIS on June 24, 2004 03:10 AM
In regards to, with all due respect , to Kim's comment...How many times do you think 1/3 of the worlds population has been destroyed over and over again already? Any clues? And to Rebecca..hint..the chemicals used in chemo are supposedely the same chemicals used to kill the 15 million during Hitler's Reich(do a little research for yourself on this topic and see what you find)...including the 6 million of those 15 jewish people of those 15 million or so. Q: When will the killing stop?
A: Never, the worst is yet to come!
Posted by: Just Curious... on June 27, 2004 09:14 PM
... and while the FDA is beating down Vale for sellin apricot seeds, the Cancer industry keeps on killing patients by the thousands with its highly toxic chemo"therapy" drugs and radiation "therapy" which obviously do not work as the "war on cancer" is being lost. See my comment in this recent article:
Jason Vale in Prison for Cancer Cure - Medicine Losing 'War on Cancer'
Posted by: Josef on July 5, 2004 09:48 AM
Back to Rebecca...Under the pretence of treating cancer using the cover-term ‘chemo-therapy’ toxic substances, including derivatives of mustard gas(used to gas the sheople of Hitlers Reich, not the present one), are applied to patients. The fact that these toxic agents also destroy millions of healthy cells in the body is deliberately factored in.
Borrowed from:
Posted by: Forget Da Assholes on July 5, 2004 10:36 PM
Posted by: More Important Than :Who's Gonna Be The Next President on July 6, 2004 12:26 AM
Earth is the only Hell Christians will ever experience, but the only Heaven Sinners will ever know! JESUS is the way - John 14:6
Posted by: Rebecca on July 6, 2004 07:21 AM
"Here is an awesome site for those wishing to fight for their right for choice in real true healthcare."
Posted by: Awesome Site For True Healthcare Freedom on July 7, 2004 06:25 AM
Anti-Constitutional Activities and Abuse of Police Power by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other Federal Agencies
by James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Posted by: Anti-Constitutional Activities on July 7, 2004 07:15 AM
Hello - Jason's brother here. Nice to read about all of the thoughts and prayers out there for Jason.
Jason is currently in Fort Dix, NJ. His new address is:
Jason Vale #09073-067
FCI Fort Dix
PO Box 2000
Fort Dix, NJ 08640
I'll keep you posted with any updates.
Jared Vale
Posted by: Jared Vale on July 12, 2005 05:59 PM
Our Dad got apricot seeds from Christian Brother's website after talking to a number of people who also took the seeds and were no longer bothered by cancer and THEY WORKED! When he decided he missed our Mom too much he discontinued therapy and the cancer came back. He is no longer here but the fact they worked, MUCH to the doctor's surprise, should be testament to the fact that the treatment does work. PERIOD. The FDA is in the pocket of the drug companies. It is sad we get no real medical treatment in the USA
Posted by: Lee on August 9, 2005 03:07 AM
I met Jason one time and know he is a man of great integrity and will for the love of life and people. He would never do anything illegal, the government is very corrupt and set up to protect the strongholds of society by that I mean the almighty buck! Jason I am praying for you my friend
Posted by: annette guarino on February 15, 2007 09:30 PM
Where is Jason now? What happened with him, the seeds, and court? What is he doing today?
Posted by: donald perry on March 30, 2007 10:33 PM
How is Jason doing? I am an old friend of his, and have prayed for him continually. I\'d really like to know what\'s happened to him!
Posted by: Lisa Hawkes on September 4, 2007 02:21 AM
I cant find the Jason Vale Video on google any more?
Someone needs to repost it!
Does anyone know how Jason is Doing?
I see Jason was making some big bucks off the websites.
That is a problem for many!
As people always follow the money trail to be scamming!
I think Jason should write a personal acct book and publish all his facts.Or someone can write his story and sell it for donations Online so all can download.
Why did he not do an interview with 60 mins,cnn or Oprah!And dont tell me Oprah wouldnt have him on..
She would!
So lets get to it if this Laetrile is for real....
Posted by: Paul on November 6, 2007 07:41 PM
this is disgusting!
i am ready to suceed from the USA
let this man go free and give him a medal of honor
the american healthlesscare industry and FDA can go to hell for acts of medical terrorism against the american people
the ADA is busy trying to continue to poson people with their amalgam mercury fillings and rootcanals that are causing much disease and then the fda is making certain that it is criminal to use or sell any treatments for disease that does not- and can not - fill the pockets of a drug companys
americans should send this government and their evil agencies packing -ASAP
i hope the jury has a freakin brain in their head between them and frees this man and then finds the fda guilty of medical terrorism
and ends this BUSH SHIT once and for all....
although it started with nixon
is that latin for satin
were the heck is obama on this issue
so far hes put terrorist rights before americans health care rights-
ya had to get those terrorists justice before the american people- not a great start obama
seems like more of bush shit here in cognito!!!
but i digress
I had a sister who died from ovarian cancer- if apricots could of helped her in her battle then why the hell not use them-
oh because we live in an evil empire that is hell bent on poisoning their people and then cattleing them into pharmaceuticals for high profits all the while why helping to keep down the population growth
hmm ponder that notion-
population control
if this gov doesn't think the pions know what going on they are as stupid as the bush administration was evil
oh by the way
many countrys are now banning metal filings and rootcancals because they are causing many chronic diseases and cancer. but the ada refuses to acknowlege this and do the right thing
(see toxictooth.org)
a site that the ada wants banned-
hmm ada murderers and constitional violators
what an agency
do they work for alquida??
how do i know-
i went outside of our healthlesscare system to confirm this-
and for my late sister- she had a mouth full of poisonoius dental work
she never knew to look for her dental work as the cause
of her cancer
if she had shed probably still be here
and well- maybe apricots would have saved her
we will never know will we
like i said
im totally disgusted
you know the united states of canada has a nice ring to it!!!! hint hint
ive been there many times no poverty -great healthcare higher education - living wages with lotsa vacation time- 35 hour work weeks
sound pretty good -no?
Posted by: mike on January 27, 2009 08:25 PM
My 10 year old dog was diagnosed with malignant melanoma, cancer in the form of tumors. I started her on laetrile Saturday, today is Monday night. I checked her tumors and I'm pretty sure they have started to shrink. She is also getting the right digestive enzymes, an immune system booster, vitamins, food grade hydrogen peroxide, milk thistle to cleanse the liver, alkalyzing foods, alkalyzing liquid minerals,and almonds. I am determined to beat this thing. And my apricot seeds arrived today. They are delicious! I got the ones that are not sun-dried, and I will be taking them regularly! I will keep you posted
Posted by: Kathryn B w/Minni on May 9, 2011 10:05 PM
Whilst I agree that big pharma certainly seems to want to keep control of its multi-billion business and exercises lobbying of politicians to ensure this is so I am astonished at the number of people that want to bring God and prayer into the equation. If there is a God (which evidence or lack of it indicates in very very very unlikely) didn't that same God create the cancer that people are praying about. Think about it.
Posted by: Litesp33d on January 6, 2012 06:25 AM
Hi Jason,
I salute you mate, what a struggle what a life. The truth will get out there, your story has stirred my soul. I have been reading up about the conflict of interests and checked into each and every person in your story... it speaks so clearly. You have been wronged and America has so much work to do. The only "snakes" in America are in congress and the FDA. It's a small circle of very lost souls that are destroying people by witholding and suppressing the beauty of this world.
God bless brother.
Posted by: Darryl Betham on May 26, 2012 07:52 PM
@ Litesp33d
You have gone off topic and failed to prove that God does not exist. A purely logical man will never understand God as he speaks through the heart. Feel about it.
Posted by: Darryl Betham on May 26, 2012 08:13 PM

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