British Muslim demand pure water - say no to fluoride
As the British Parliament will give the proposed water bill - including a controversial fluoridation proposal added by the government - a second reading on Monday 8 September, popular opposition to lacing drinking water with industrial waste fluorosilicates sees its ranks swelled by an unexpected ally: Muslim religion's dictates for pure and healthy drinking water.
Dr A. Majid Katme, spokesman on medical ethics for the Islamic Medical Association, made an urgent Announcement to The Muslim Council of Britain, to all Muslim Organisations and Leaders, to all Muslim Doctors and to all Imams in Britain, asking those who can come to London at short notice to join with many non-muslims at a protest outside Parliament on 8 September.
Jane Jones of the National Pure Water Association reports.
Note for UK eList members: We have put this out very widely, but would appreciate your help in getting it to all local media in your area - radio, television and print. And email it to your MP. It doesn't matter if they get multiple copies. AND, it's short notice, but if you can get to London on MONDAY, 8 September, you can join with NPWA members, Green Party, senior representatives of the British Muslims and others who will be on College Lawn (in the centre of Parliament Square) between 1 and 2pm. You'll see the placards. Make one of your own! And if you have an NPWA red cap - wear it! I'll be stuck in the office manning the phone. LOBBY YOUR MP. Ask our people for help to do this, on arrival.
Best to all - J6 September, 2003
British Muslims swell Opposition to Water Fluoridation
On Monday, MPs will give a second reading to the new Water Bill. A late Government Amendment seeks to give powers to the strategic health authorities to order water companies to fluoridate the drinking water following 'public consultations'. The water companies require civil and criminal indemnities from Government if they are forced to comply. MPs are being asked to pass the Bill with all its Amendments before any details have been made known.
But late last night, Dr A. Majid Katme, spokesman on medical ethics for the Islamic Medical Association, made an urgent Announcement to The Muslim Council of Britain, to all Muslim Organisations and Leaders, to all Muslim Doctors and to all Imams in Britain.
He said: "Many Muslims abroad and in the UK are against the fluoridation of water for Islamic reasons, for health and medical reasons and for Human rights reasons."
Dr Katme, who describes himself as a Muslim Campaigner for Pure Drinking Water, has asked those who can come to London at short notice to join with many non-muslims at a protest outside Parliament on 8 September.
"We ask you to join in this great campaign which has been neglected for a long time by most Muslims in Britain. It is a Muslim duty to act quickly and to oppose this criminal Bill," said Dr Katme.
"We are delighted, but not surprised, to hear Dr Katme's statement," said Jane Jones, campaign director for the National Pure Water Association. "Water fluoridation is the deliberate pollution of our drinking water supplies with untested, contaminated industrial grade fluorosilicates. We have sustained this campaign since 1960 and the Green Party has also taken it up."
On behalf of the Green Party, Spencer Fitzgibbon said: "The appropriate role for politicians is to uphold the European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. We would urge them to join with the Greens in doing so."
Cllr Sue King of Leicestershire has recently set up a Fluoride Exposure Network to help people who suffer the ill effects of fluorides. "The last time Parliament discussed fluoridation was in 1985, when 399 MPs abstained from the vote and allowed the Water Fluoridation Bill to pass into law. Two thirds of the people were effectively disenfranchised on that day. They must not do that again."
Dr Katme said: "The final holy Book AL QUR'AN contains 63 verses on water and the Creator of All told of the great gift for all life in the drinking water. It is holy and blessed and healthy and safe. Any move to adulterate it is against the teachings of Islam and the Holy Scriptures. It is a Duty on all British muslims to strongly oppose the current Water Bill and to tell our MPs to reject it."
Cllr Liz Vaughan of North West Councils Against Fluoridation agreed. "Now, with the added support of British Muslims, perhaps, the Government will finally respect the views of the millions of people and their Councils across the UK who strongly oppose water fluoridation. Government must withdraw the offending Amendment."
Dr A. Majid Katme, telephone: 0208 345 6220 or Mobile 07944 240 622Jane Jones, NPWA, on 01226 360909
Spencer Fitzgibbon, The Green Party. 0207 561 0282.
Cllr Liz Vaughan, North West Councils Against Fluoridation. Tel: 01229 885420.
Cllr Sue King, Fluoride Exposure Network. 01455 828778 or Mobile 07976 255364.
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The "mass medication" of UK's drinking water with a listed poison will cost London's health authorities alone more than £21 million. Sam Burcher reportsProminent Researcher apologizes
And here a recent report published in The Times, about the (lack of) effectiveness of fluoridation against tooth erosion.Fluoride has 'no effect' on tooth disease
Jan Battles - Sunday Times Sept 7, 2003
A NEW study has found that children from homes with fluoridated water have similar levels of dental erosion to those with no fluoride.
It showed that five-year-olds living in fluoridated areas of Cork had the same degree of erosion of their teeth as those from non-fluoridated communities.
Researchers at the Oral Health Services Research Centre in Cork conducted a pilot study to determine the rate of tooth erosion, a relatively new disease in Ireland. Unlike decay, where bacteria attack the teeth, dental erosion causes the enamel surface of the teeth to be gradually dissolved by chemicals, normally from acidic foods and drink.
Dentists say tooth erosion, which is irreversible, is a growing problem in Ireland. If unchecked, the hard tissue of the teeth can be worn down to the internal pulp layer.
Almost half of the youngsters (47%) participating in the pilot study suffered some erosion of their teeth, and in one in five cases it had progressed through the enamel to the dentine or pulp layers. The study, which assessed 202 five-year-olds, was the first to check the rate of dental erosion in the population.
Children were selected on whether they attended a school with a fluoridated or non-fluoridated water supply. Researchers also recorded whether the child's home water supply was fluoridated. Children with partial fluoride history were excluded from the analysis.
The report concluded that "no statistical difference existed between the fluoridated and non-fluoridated groups" even though less erosion would have been expected in the fluoridated group.
The proportion of children in the fluoridated group with any erosion was 47% compared with 43% in the non-fluoridated population. The erosion extended to the dentine in 21% of children in fluoridated areas compared to 17% of those in non-fluoridated cases.
"We didn't see any difference between the fluoridated and non-fluoridated groups," said Mairead Harding, a senior clinical dental surgeon and one of the report's authors. Approximately 73% of Irish people receive a fluoridated water supply.
Harding decided to investigate the level of tooth erosion in the population after noticing a "high proportion of children" had the disease during routine check-ups. "As a clinical practitioner it was something
that seemed to be coming in to the surgery more and more. So we wanted to look on a population base to see what the levels were in the community," she said.The amount of soft drinks a child consumed was a factor. The five-year-olds who drank carbonated drinks once a day or more had significantly more dental erosion to dentine level (29%) than those who consumed carbonated drinks less than once a day (17%).
"Milk and water are the kindest and safest drinks for teeth," said Harding. "Acidic foods and drinks should be limited to meal times and frequency should be reduced."
Dental erosion leaves the surface of teeth looking very smooth and glassy, and over time it becomes thinner and eventually chips and cracks.
Here a letter to the Derby Evening Telegraph by Pat Rattigan, on the same issue:From: "Patrick Rattigan"
Date: Sat, 06 Sep 2003
Derby Evening Telegraph
I started the anti-fluoridation campaign in Lincoln and went through the courts; it may be of interest to readers to be fore-warned as to how the city came to be dosed.In the early eighties, the fluoride dispersal equipment at the Anglian Water Authority was worn out due to the action of the highly corrosive chemical. Fison's Fertilisers of Immingham had insufficient clout to persuade the local area health bureaucrats to repair the damage and so allow the company to carry on with the disposal of their fluorosilicic acid into the local drinking water. Then, Fisons were taken over by the European giant, Norsk Hydro. Within 6 weeks, the local AHA met and decided that Lincoln's children's teeth were in immediate need of precisely the same waste chemical which Norsk needed to dump. £300,000 - £750,000 at todays rates - was spent and in June 1983 the process was re-instated. The tax-payer is still paying for the acid.
I wrote a leaflet explaining this neat piece of banana-republic corruption and received a written threat from the chief solicitor of Anglian Water, so I decided to invite the local Echo to photograph me giving out the leaflets: zilch was heard from Anglian.To counter public protests the AHA decided to hold a "public consultation" without telling the antis. In dentists, doctors, hospital etc waiting areas they placed cards extolling the virtues of this chemical and inviting the faifhful to vote in favour and return the cards . After I discovered the scam and had it put on the front page of the local press, it was decided that the best policy was to simply ignore the dissent. If readers wish to avoid having to drink this carcinogenic, immuno-suppressive, enzyme-inhibiting, listed poison, they had better get organised now. Info free by post (SAE)
PO Box 73
Chesterfield S41 0YZ
or e mail
Pat Rattigan N.D
1 Quarrybank Chesterfield S41 0HH tel 01246 230474
And here - just received - a most interesting discussion of fluoridation in response to Pat's reader's letterTo: Pat Rattigan N.D and to whom it may concern.
Most active poison known to man or something to help your teeth?
This is a true story of the fluoride controversy from one witness.
With your comments, I agree, I think. I am guessing, Lincoln, is in England? You can't be from Nebraska.
I am interested in the fluoride problem but your style of writing makes it nearly impossible to tell if you are a story teller or a person with a real issue you are concerned about. It may be a culture difference.
I was interested in the fluoride problem in the mid 70's here in the Seattle area. I attended an afternoon meeting where, featuring Doctor Nichols. I have his autographed book in a storage box called; Please Doctor, Do Something. Its mostly on fluoride. For years he was the only doctor strong enough to stand and did stand year after year against the fluoride lobby.
The AMA, FDA and the majority of the legislative and judicial executive branch people were in lock step with the fluoride interests. They wanted the endorsement of the AMA but this doctor got up each year the issue came up, in spite of death threats and some very close calls and brought forth solid information from the research he had done proving it would be a crime to vote this in. Since his remarks were then on the record and witnessed by too many people they couldn't get the vote they needed or they would table it. He was a great man.
At that time there was a committee of 11 ordinary people here actively opposing the poisoning of our water. At every cancer survivors meeting and health industry show I attended they were there with a table of literature and people to speak to or get your name for a mailing list.
Then they just seemed to disappear. About two years later, I entered a health food store and my friend Peggy, the owner enthusiastically introduced me to a woman saying she had something important to tell me. I looked at this woman and she looked like death not even warmed over. It was kind of scary talking to her while wondering what was holding her up, the light in her was so dim I could not help but wonder if she was going to collapse and die in front of me and what I would do to help her.
But stand she did for about an hour to tell me her story. She and one other person were the only two left, the others of the committee of 11 had died in the past two years. She said she was convinced there was some kind of electronic device, a radionics machine, that was attuned to her frequency as it had been to all of them to keep them off balance electrically and chemically. Unable to relax or get their needed sleep they had all died of what ever particular weakness they were predisposed to.
Then by chance I met this woman again at the same store some 18 to 24 months later. I was happy to see she was still alive. She did remember meeting me but had no memory of anything to do with fluoride or the information about the frequency equipment. This was hard for me to accept. She was a lot stronger now, showed a lot of recovery. I pressed the point about fluoride and she became very agitated, frustrated, irritated with me as she tried to brush off the subject which I would not let go of due to my determination to understand what had happened to her.
After about 6 attempts she started looking like I might be pushing her over the edge so I smiled, took her hand and gently told her I would not talk to her again about this unless she wanted to bring it up. I left convinced she did not know or did not believe she knew and was unable to access those memories. It was if they were erased.
I knew the other person as well and one evening met him at a natural food cafe. He was sitting alone so I invited myself to sit with him. He had been a very robust man full of his power with lots of ego, a health
practitioner, very opinionated. Now he looked the same but his hair had turned from dark brown to completely white and he seemed subdued compared to before. I brought up the subject of fluoride and he immediately became defensive and soon almost belligerent. I became as diplomatic as I could be and gently came around to the subject again and again, six times all together until he looked like he was either going to throw the table or punch me.He had said he did not know anything about fluoride, in a number of ways. After I became convinced he in his mind did not know anything about fluoride I decided to let it go. I reached across the table saying his name and touched the back of his hand saying; please relax and enjoy your food. I will not ask you again. I left.
I just put this away in one of the files in my mind to consider as I came across more information that might help me understand what I had witnessed with these two good people. I could speculate but choose not to. To this day cannot explain what happened to their minds.
This was in the late 70's.
Then I met an old retired chemist who told an interesting story. He said that fluoride was used in the take over of China by the communists after the second world war. He said he had been working there in a chemistry lab for about a year, studying under a respected chemist from the US. He said one day some Chinese military people came in to talk to his boss. They asked him; if you wanted to take over a nation without firing a shot, without killing anyone, how would you do it? He said that's easy, I would put something in their water supply to weaken them so they couldn't fight.
They asked him what would he use. He said; well, I think what I would use would be fluoride. It is the most active poison known to man, it is easily dispersed in water. When you are ready to move in then you would increase the amount in the water a day or so ahead of time. They will become so mentally confused they will hardly be able to function let alone focus their minds to form a defense or counter attack. The countryside has no community water system but the leaders are in the main cities where you do have water systems in place.
They promoted fluoridation on a false premise, installed it and eventually history tells us, took over China with very little resistance. The bloodless revolution.
Does that tell us or give us any clues as to why someone might want fluoride in our water supply?
One thing that we know is that the charts that show a decrease in childhood cavities with the introduction of fluoride was cut off at seven years where the results appear to be optimal. However, if you reattach the rest of the chart of that same study to extend out for 12 years, the favorable curve reverses and the cavities go way up, much higher than they would have been had they not used fluoride. Plus of course teeth get mottled, bones weaken, immune systems are compromised... there is no justification whatsoever for having fluoride in anyone's water system.
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Sunday September 7 2003
updated on Saturday September 27 2008URL of this article:
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July 15, 2004 - Chris GuptaWHO to review Fluoride Guidelines
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