Health Supreme by Sepp Hasslberger

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September 20, 2003

US to consider drug subsidies

According to an article posted on the website of Friends of Freedom, a Canadian group of consumers, practitioners and health activists, the US is considering to cover the costs of prescription drugs which, on average, cost more than double there than comparable products in Europe.

This would be an outright subsidy for the pharmaceutical industry, whose drugs are deadly for more than 100,000 Americans every year, while natural alternatives to toxic medicines are discouraged by new legislation on every continent.

The Canadian government has its own agenda of reducing competition to the drug lords' profits from natural alternatives, and is establishing a new Natural Healh Products Directorate, which will require the registration and strict control of both production facilities and individual products, with forseeable consequences.

Trueman Tuck, co-founder of comments:

I am running as the Freedom Party of Ontario candidate in the Ontario election as the new MPP for the Prince Edward-Hastings Riding - see for details.


Modern monopoly medicine is far more dangerous to your health than natural health practices and products - see article below.

© 2003 Newspaper Enterprise Assn.

The basic trouble with democracy is it forces candidates to be forever on the lookout for new 'services' they can pledge to provide for their presumably greedy constituents. The dirty little secret, of course (never mentioned during the campaign), is these services will cost money, which will have to be provided by the taxpayers, since government doesn't have a nickel it can call its own.

Then (if and when the services are provided, and taxes have to be raised to pay for them) the politician can complain loudly and virtuously about voters who 'demand' services and then protest about having to pay more taxes. The truth, in most cases, is the voters never 'demanded' the services ˆ they were sold a pie-in-the-sky description of them, and then billed for them at the retail rate.

That is a precise description of the current prescription drug scam, which is now in conference committee and is about to be foisted on us by the powerful bipartisan team of George W. Bush and Ted Kennedy.


Date: (2003-09-19 14:13:28 EST)
Topic: Pharmacartel & their Politics of Health

You can read interesting articles at Friends of Freedom - Advocates for Democracy & Justice.

Phone: (613) 968-2613
Fax: (613) 968-3215
Address: P.O. Box 22099, Belleville, Ontario Canada K8N 5V7

See also related articles:

Pharma's tentacles

US drug imports bill

S 722 to overturn US vitamin freedom

Supplement regulation

Natural Products recall in Australia

RCMP raids supplements for the mentally ill

Minnesota's Canadian drug Web site draws FDA warning

FDA Stops Bus Full Of Seniors

The Truth About the Drug Companies
The Once-Solid Foundations Of The Big Pharma Colossus Are Shaking says Marcia Angell, a former editor of the New England Journal Of Medicine in her upcoming book...


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Saturday September 20 2003
updated on Thursday November 25 2010

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