November 09, 2003
Vitamin C beats statins in cholesterol - heart disease
The solution to high cholesterol and therefore heart attacks - tell us Astra Zeneca and Pfizer, two of the heavyweights in pharmaceutical remedies - is to take their drugs, Crestor and Liptor respectively.
According to what Dr. Mercola tells us in one of his recent articles - Crestor and Other Statins: Are They Really Worth the Risk? - there are serious side effects to these drugs, one of them being that your muscles start to waste away. The side effects are many and potentially serious, so they must be outweighed by the positive effects - after all drugs are rigorously evaluated according to the principle of risk/benefit analysis, where the benefit supposedly always outweighs the risks.
Well - that's the theory. In practice, we find that on the benefit side, those heavy statins are supposed to "lower cholesterol", a goal that may or may not have anything to do with the frequency of heart attacks. Correct that to reading "they lower bad cholesterol" - the low density lipoproteins - but really, there is not much difference. Mercola in his article cites two recent studies showing that with or without the medication, frequency of heart attacks did not significantly change.
The real solutions
One of the alternatives to these obviously inefficient and dangerous drugs is to eat more fish, or to obtain the oils found in fish by popping a fish oil supplement. That is an approach based on experience - people living in the far north such as the Eskimos - experience much fewer heart attacks than we do and one obvious difference is that they eat much fish supplying the beneficial omega-3 fatty acids.
Another alternative is to see what Dr Rath has found out about heart attacks. His cellular medicine maintains that illnesses occur at the level of cells. It's not the organs that are sick, in other words, but the cells are malnourished or otherwise impeded in their normal tasks.
In his book Why Animals Don't Get Heart Attacks, But People Do! Rath explains that heart attacks are due to a simple deficiency in some basic nutritional elements, which can be easily corrected for pennies a day. Of course the snake oil salesmen of the pharmaceutical camp will tell you this is preposterous. But take a moment to reflect. Who has got billions of dollars of revenues at stake? Read Rath's book or if you want, go to Rath's research site and explore. You will find a host of clinical studies that support the view of vitamin C deficiency being strongly implicated in heart disease.
The solution is simple. Take one or more grams of vitamin C daily. Yes, that's grams, like in a thousand milligrams. The 60 to 90 milligrams our health authorities tell us are quite sufficient for all needs, they leave us virtually starving for the nutrient.
You can confirm this by finding out how much vitamin C any mammalian body (except human bodies and those of a handful of other species) produce daily. It is in the range of several grams a day, to be exact, Linus Pauling says the range is 10 to 12 grams in proportion to the size of a human body.
Since we do not produce, by virtue of some genetic change that happened a long time ago, any vitamin C ourselves, our diet is the only way to get the substance. Vitamin C happens to be a vital ingredient for the production of collagen, exactly the material that blood vessels are made of. When blood vessels degenerate, we have a repair mechanism kicking in - cholesterol - which forms plaque in the arteries to stop them from leaking. What our pharmaceutical medical paradigm tells us that cholesterol is high when people have heart attacks, therefore we have to take drugs to "lower the cholesterol". Never mind that the cholesterol is the repair crew sent in to fix up our leaky arteries. We do everything possible to down size the repair crew and of course heart attack statistics keep going up and up and up.
If we had simply eaten our fruit (lots of it) or taken our vitamin C, as Pauling recommends, we would have eliminated the cause of heart attacks - degrading arterial walls - and on the way we would also have lowered our cholesterol. Naturally, cheaply and definitely.
Now I suppose that's too simple for our health authorities.
Some facts about cholesterol and heart disease
* ...the Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, it was stated that "high total cholesterol is not positively associated with high coronary heart disease mortality rates among general populations more than 40-50 years of age. More importantly, higher total cholesterol values are associated with lower cancer and all-cause mortality rates among these populations." [Yakugaku Zasshi 125:833-52, 2005]
* It's a documented fact that as many adults experience a mortal heart attack with a total cholesterol count under 200 as over 300. [Medical World News March 27, 1992]
* About half of the patients who are admitted to hospitals for a heart attack have normal cholesterol levels. [Atherosclerosis 149: 181-90, 2000]
* More than 500,000 adult Americans experience a sudden mortal heart attack and have low-to-normal cholesterol levels and no more than 60% narrowing of their coronary arteries, not enough to impair oxygen flow to the heart or brain.
See: Heart disease early form of scurvy (lack of Vitamin C).
See related
Petition calls on World Health Organization to investigate Statin Drug Use
Statin therapies are being prescribed to people around the globe. Evidence has emerged that statins can be hazardous to health. The prime rationale for their use is the notion that raised cholesterol is harmful. However, much evidence suggests that a low serum cholesterol is associated with depression, suicide, muscle damage, memory loss and general ill-health. The petition calls on the World Health Organisation to initiate a full and impartial, global investigation into the damage caused by therapeutic doses of all available statins, for the treatment of all forms of hypercholesterolaemia. There are far too many casualties of statin therapy for them all to be statistically insignificant.
Antioxidant Supplements Decease Risk of Heart Disease: Epidemiologic Studies Not Trumped by Clinical Trials
Lipitor, Neuromuscular Degeneration, and Recovery
... cholesterol balance can be achieved without drugs, simply and safely by taking 3000-6000 milligrams of vitamin C per day, 1000-2000 mg per meal, for an adult, or about 500 mg per meal for a 50-lb. child, with sufficient water intake, 2 quarts per day for an adult, 1 quart per day for a 50-lb. child. Unfortunately, vitamin C was misclassified as a micronutrient in the 1930s and 1940s, rather than an essential nutrient involved in dozens of body processes, including continual repair of our arteries.
Vitamin/Nutritional Supplements for Heart Attack
Discovery Shows New Vitamin C Health Benefits
Researchers in the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University have made a major discovery about the way vitamin C functions in the human body - a breakthrough that may help explain its possible value in preventing cancer and heart disease.
Arizona State University Researchers Find Scurvy Is Serious Health Problem
by AScribe Newswire on 6/18/2004
The Vitamin C Foundation's Statin Drug Alert
Statin drugs & Coenzyme Q 10 depletion
How to determine your cardiovascular health
How You Can Help End the Heart Disease Epidemic
Will Cholesterol Drugs Go Over the Counter Soon?
Cholesterol - what a business plan
Vitamin C may be a life-saver
Mega-doses of Vitamin C can counter avian flu, hepatitis and herpes, and can even control the advance of Aids - By Jane Feinmann
Imagine that a deadly virus is sweeping the world, killing and maiming hundreds of thousands of children. Nothing seems able to stop it - until a doctor stands up at the American Medical Association and reports on 60 cases involving severely infected children, all of whom have been cured. Yet his work, subsequently reported in a peer-review journal, is ignored, leaving the virus to wreak havoc for decades...
The good, the bad and the margarine
Fat and cholesterol - a nutty myth
Forget Cholesterol
Orthomolecular solutions for heart disease
The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics
Statinalert Org
Has there been an ongoing conspiracy against vitamin C pills? Did vitamin C researchers, Drs. Linus Pauling and Matthias Rath, uncover the primary cause of coronary heart disease in 1970, only to have their discovery shunned by modern medicine? Were factitious reports about vitamin C widely spread to create public doubt about high-dose vitamin C, such as the false claim that high-dose vitamin C causes gene mutations that could lead to cancer?
Now, in graphic detail, a documentary slide show reveals how government health authorities conducted flawed scientific experiments to hide the many health benefits of vitamin C. British researchers Steve Hickey and Hilary Roberts reveal the flawed science, dispel the false idea that high-dose vitamin C creates nothing more than expensive urine, and show how humans can triple their blood concentrations of vitamin C and dramatically reduce their risk for heart attacks, cataracts, aneurysms, allergy and many other maladies. For the first time the public will view what happens inside arteries when vitamin C levels are low. Viewers will learn that most sudden-death heart attacks are not caused by cholesterol but a type of arterial plaque induced by a shortage of vitamin C.
See www.VitaminCProject.com
Oxidative Stress and Vitamin C
Menopausal women who had more abdominal fat and higher cholesterol, already linked with heart disease, also appeared to be experiencing more oxidative stress, Kerrie Moreau of the University of Colorado at Boulder and colleagues reported. Moreau and colleagues studied 31 healthy, sedentary women and found that the arteries of women past menopause were 56 percent less elastic than those of premenopausal women. They tested oxidative stress by giving the women intravenous infusions of ascorbic acid -- better known as vitamin C and a powerful antioxidant. When the postmenopausal women were given ascorbic acid, elasticity in their carotid arteries improved by about 26 percent, Moreau's team reports in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension. Moreau stresses that the effects of the vitamin C are temporary and that the body quickly excretes the high levels used in her study.
CoQ10 and Statins: The Vitamin C Connection
Are the statin drugs really good for us, or are cardiologists mistaken? How
can drugs that lower the body's production of CoQ10 benefit heart patients?
Are the health benefits attributed to CoQ10 supplementation hype or is it that
there is something fundamentally wrong with the thinking and science being
used by those who market statin drugs?
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Sunday November 9 2003
updated on Thursday December 2 2010
URL of this article:
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Readers' Comments
Here a comment, received by e-mail, from Dr Poul Moeller in Denmark:
Many thanks for this mail
One of the effects of amalgam is higher cholesterol and higher blood pressure. I feel it like this, that drugs are invented to counteract neglected mercury poisoning.
As to higher cholesterol, Dr. Hal Huggins, the No. one Antiamalgamist dentist in the World, www.hugnet.com, writes in his book, Uninformed Consent, 1999, pg. 102: A high cholesterol level appears to indicate a healthy response of a body to cope with a high toxin load that cannot be eliminated.
The world famous Coor Study, pg. 66 looked at blood tests on people with only amalgam in their mouths. Testing was done four separate times on each patient. Before and after amalgam removal, the latter min. eight days later. Then amalgam was reinserted, and testing was done again before and after the second removal of amalgam. Of the 74% of subjects showing decreases, drops ranged from just a few mg% to over 40 mg%, what is much. He adds: When total dental revision is performed we have consistently seen even more dramatic responses. Pg. 103-104.
Higher blood pressure is easily explained: When some of the seats on the hemoglobin are occupied by mercury, the transport of oxygen will be insufficient. Hg is sitting there during the life span of the red blood cell, 120 days.
What does the body? To increase the transport capacity, it creates more red blood cells. As the amount of plasma is constant, the viscosity of the blood increases and so does the pressure to pump it around. It is only logical logistics.
Please, inform Dr. Mercola of this.
I am about to finish a paper to our Minister of Health. By combining the words of the authorities I remove the very last defence of amalgam, finally, supported by high amounts of Hg in severely sick organs analyzed by a biopsy. It will be translated into English and the two versions will be spread all over the world. Thus it is different from my papar to FDA, which you were so kind to include on your website.
my reply to Poul Moeller:
thank you very much for your comment on the cholesterol article. Yes, it seems like the human body uses cholesterol as a cleaning and repair mechanism, so when toxic load is high cholesterol goes correspondingly high. Nothing to do with the heart, except that the plaque formed in the arteries by cholesterol at times can get detatched and cause arterial obstruction - thus the connection with heart attacks. The underlying cause is - in this case - the damage to arterial tissues that is done by starving the body of vitamin C.
Unfortunately I have not been successful in reaching Dr. Mercola directly. He has a great site, but he does not seem to handle his own e-mails. So if you want to inform him of the issue of mercury and red blood cells, you will have to try yourself.
I will be happy to see your new paper when it's done, to publish on the site for more people to read.
By the way, a recent international conference held in the north of Italy, confirmed a link between mercury in dental amalgams and Parkinson's disease.
Kind regards
Posted by: Josef on November 10, 2003 11:20 AM
Knowledge of Health, Inc.
457 West Allen Avenue #117 San Dimas, Ca. 91773 USA
Phone: 909 596-9507 Fax: 909 596-9189 Email: bsardi@aol.com
With newly published research reports showing that higher concentrations of vitamin C can be achieved in the blood plasma than previously thought possible, antioxidant researchers have penned their names to a plea for a scientific re-evaluation of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin C.
A dozen prominent antioxidant researchers, authors, and clinicians say the prevalent belief that 200 milligrams of oral vitamin C, an amount that can be obtained by eating five servings of selected fresh fruits and vegetables, can saturate the blood plasma and additional amounts are excreted in the urine, has now been disproved. Two recently published papers indicate that blood plasma levels of ascorbic acid can be raised three times greater than a flawed 1996 study indicates. One of the published studies shows that blood plasma concentrations of vitamin C continue to rise with a single 1000 milligrams dose of supplemental vitamin C. Â
Drs. Steve Hickey and Hilary Roberts, pharmacology graduates of the University of Manchester in England assert the initial studies used to determine the blood plasma saturation point for vitamin C failed to calculate for the half life of this vitamin. In their newly published book, Drs. Hickey and Roberts show that the original calculations used to establish the RDA were performed 12 hours, or 24 half lives, after oral consumption of vitamin C and are therefore invalid. (Ascorbate: The Science of Vitamin C, 264 pages, referenced, ebook: www.lulu.com/ascorbate)
In addition to Drs. Hickey and Roberts, the list of researchers calling for a re-evaluation of the RDA for vitamin C includes: Thomas E. Levy MD, JD, author of Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins: Curing the Incurable (Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris Corporation; 2002); Robert F. Cathcart III, MD, a practicing physician and advocate of high oral-dose vitamin C therapy; Richard Passwater PhD, antioxidant researcher and author of Supernutrition; Patrick Holford, London, author of the Optimum Nutrition Bible; Dr Archie Kalokerinos, M.D., Graduate Sydney University, Australia, author of Vitamin C: Nature's Miraculous Healing Missile; Joel M. Kaufman, PhD, Professor of Chemistry Emeritus, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, special interest in medicinal chemistry; Professor Ian Brighthope, Managing Director, Nutrition Care Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd, Australia; Hugh D. Riordan, M.D., Director - Bio-Communications Research Institute, Wichita, Kansas; and Abram Hoffer, M.D., PhD., F.R.C.P., a practicing physician, advocate of nutritional medicine and editor of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine.Â
The written plea was sent to the Institutes of Medicine, Food & Nutrition Board, which establishes the Recommended Dietary Allowances for essential nutrients. ####
August 23, 2004
Linda D. Meyers, PhD
Director, Food & Nutrition Board
Institute of Medicine
500 Fifth Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Tel: 202.334.3153 Fax: 202.334.1412
Email: lmeyers@nas.edu
Catherine Woteki, PhD
Chair, Food & Nutrtion Board
Dean and Director
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
Iowa State Univ., College of Agriculture
138 Curtiss Hall
Ames, Iowa 50011
Phone: 515 294-2518Â Â
Fax: 515 294-6800
Email agdean@iastate.edu
Paul M. Coates, PhD
Office of Dietary Supplements
National Institutes of Health
Suite 3B01, MSC 7517
6100 Executive Boulevard
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7517
Fax: 301 480-1845
Email: ds@nih.gov
Senator Thomas Harkin
Attention to: Peter Reinecke,
Chief of staff
731 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-3254
Fax: (202) 224-9369
As health professionals who have been involved in vitamin C research, it has recently come to our attention that higher blood plasma concentrations of vitamin C can be achieved through oral intake than previously thought possible. This scientific revelation has ramifications upon the current Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamin C and personal health regimens for consumers. It is apparent the current published advice, that the blood plasma concentration for vitamin C is saturated at 200 milligrams oral consumption, must be revised. Furthermore, it is apparent the RDA for vitamin C needs immediate re-evaluation. We urge the scientific community and other responsible health authorities to take timely action to correct misinformation concerning oral dosing of vitamin C and to join an effort to re-evaluate the RDA for vitamin C.
Steve Hickey Ph.D., Metropolitan University of Manchester, England. Co-author, Ascorbate, The Science of Vitamin C, www.lulu.com/ascorbate, 2004. ISBN 1-4116-0724-4 Telephone from USA: 011 44 161 962 5495
Hilary Roberts, Ph.D., graduate University of Manchester, England. Co-author, Ascorbate, The Science of Vitamin C, www.lulu.com/ascorbate, 2004. ISBN 1-4116-0724-4
Professor Ian Brighthope, Managing Director, Nutrition Care Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd, 25 - 27 Keysborough Avenue, Keysborough Victoria 3173 Australia, Phone: +613 9769 0811, Fax: +613 9769 0822
Robert F. Cathcart III, M.D., advocate of high-dose vitamin C therapy; 127 Second Street, Suite 4, Los Altos, California 94022; Telephone: 650-949-2822; FAX: 650-949-5083
Abram Hoffer, M.D., PhD., F.R.C.P. ; Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine; Suite 3 - 2727 Quadra St ; Victoria, British Columbia V8T 4E5 Canada; Telephone: 250-386-8756; Fax 604-386-5828; email: hoffer@islandnet.com
Patrick Holford, London, founder of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION) and the Brain Bio Centre; author of The Optimum Nutrition Bible, Tel: +44 (0)20 8871 2949 ex 22, Fax: +44 (0)20 8874 5003; Website: www.patrickholford.com
Dr Archie Kalokerinos, M.D., Graduate Sydney University. He is a Life Fellow of the Royal Society for Health, a Fellow of the International Academy of Preventive Medicine, Fellow of the Australasian College of Biomedical Scientists, and a Member of the New York Academy of Sciences. He has authored Vitamin C: Nature's Miraculous Healing Missile (1993). Currently he is semi-retired, living in Tamworth, New South Wales. Address: 20 Kennedy Close, Cooranbong, Australia, NSW 2265; Telephone: 61 2 4977 2957; Email: akalokerinos@optusnet.com.au
Joel M. Kauffman, PhD, Professor of Chemistry Emeritus, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, Emeritus Professor of organic chemistry, MIT. Special interest in medicinal chemistry. 65 Meadowbrook Rd. Wayne, PA 19087-2510. Telephone: 215- 596-8839. Email: kauffman@hslc.org
Thomas Edward Levy, M.D., J.D., Tulane University School of Medicine, 1972-76-M.D.; Fellowship in Cardiology, 1979-81, Tulane Univ. Affiliated Hospitals; author, Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins: Curing the Incurable, Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris Corporation; 2002. Telephone: 800-331-2303, 719-548-1600; Fax 719 572-8081 or email to televymd@yahoo.com
Dr. Richard A. Passwater, Ph.D., antioxidant researcher, author "Supernutrition," Berlin, Maryland. Email: passwater@dmv.com Telephone: 410-641-7411.
Hugh D. Riordan, M.D., President - The Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning Int'l, Inc., Director - Bio-Communications Research Institute, 3100 North Hillside Avenue, Wichita, KS 67219 U.S.A., Phone: 316-682-3100, Fax: 316-682-5054, e-mail: bcri@brightspot.org, website: www.brightspot.org
Andrew W. Saul, PhD, Contributing Editor, Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Number 8 Van Buren Street, Holley, New York 14470 USA. Email: drsaul@doctoryourself.com
Padayatty SJ, Sun H, Wang Y, Riordan HD, Hewitt SM, Katz A, Wesley RA, Levine M., Vitamin C pharmacokinetics: implications for oral and intravenous use, Annals Internal Medicine, April 6, 140: 533-37, 2004. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the National Cancer Institut, and the Clinical Center, National Institutes
of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-1372, USA.
BACKGROUND: Vitamin C at high concentrations is toxic to cancer cells in vitro. Early clinical studies of vitamin C in patients with terminal cancer suggested clinical benefit, but 2 double-blind, placebo-controlled trials showed none. However, these studies used different routes of administration.
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether plasma vitamin C concentrations vary substantially with the route of administration.
DESIGN: Dose concentration studies and pharmacokinetic modeling.
SETTING: Academic medical center.
PARTICIPANTS: 17 healthy hospitalized volunteers. MEASUREMENTS: Vitamin C plasma and urine concentrations were measured after administration of oral and intravenous doses at a dose range of 0.015 to 1.25 g, and plasma concentrations were calculated for a dose range of 1 to 100 g.
RESULTS: Peak plasma vitamin C concentrations were higher after administration of intravenous doses than after administration of oral doses (P smaller than 0.001), and the difference increased according to dose. Vitamin C at a dose of 1.25 g administered orally produced mean (+/-sd) peak plasma concentrations of 134.8 +/- 20.6 micromol/L compared with 885 +/- 201.2 micromol/L for intravenous administration. For the maximum tolerated oral dose of 3 g every 4 hours, pharmacokinetic modeling predicted peak plasma vitamin C concentrations of 220 micromol/L and 13 400 micromol/L for a 50-g intravenous dose. Peak predicted urine concentrations of vitamin C from intravenous administration were 140-fold higher than those from maximum oral doses.
LIMITATIONS: Patient data are not available to confirm pharmacokinetic modeling at high doses and in patients with cancer.
CONCLUSIONS: Oral vitamin C produces plasma concentrations that are tightly controlled. Only intravenous administration of vitamin C produces high plasma and urine concentrations that might have antitumor activity. Because efficacy of vitamin C treatment cannot be judged from clinical trials that use only oral dosing, the role of vitamin C in cancer treatment should be reevaluated.
Polidori MC, Mecocci P, Levine M, Frei B., Short-term and long-term vitamin C supplementation in humans dose-dependently increases the resistance of plasma to ex vivo lipid peroxidation, Archives Biochemistry Biophysics, March 423: 109-15, 2004. Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I, Heinrich-Heine University, Duesseldorf, Germany.
To assess the effects of short-term and long-term vitamin C supplementation in humans on plasma antioxidant status and resistance to oxidative stress, plasma was obtained from 20 individuals before and 2h after oral administration of 2g of vitamin C, or from eight subjects enrolled in a vitamin C depletion-repletion study using increasing daily doses of vitamin C from 30 to 2500 mg. Plasma concentrations of ascorbate, but not other physiological antioxidants, increased significantly after short-term supplementation, and increased progressively in the long-term study with increasing vitamin C doses of up to 1000 mg/day. Upon incubation of plasma with a free radical initiator, ascorbate concentrations were positively correlated with the lag phase preceding detectable lipid peroxidation. We conclude that vitamin C supplementation in humans dose-dependently increases plasma ascorbate concentrations and, thus, the resistance of plasma to lipid peroxidation ex vivo. Plasma and body saturation with vitamin C in humans appears desirable to maximize antioxidant protection and lower risk of oxidative damage.
Posted by: Sepp on August 25, 2004 06:08 PM
What an amazing eye opener VitC is. My mother has had a heart attack at the young and active age of 82 years. She is on 80mg Lipitor. Found your website during research into Statins. I am now on VitC of between 0ne and two Grams a day and boy what a difference!!! I desperately want my Mother to begin with high doses but am wary of any incompatibility with the mecication she is on.Any help here very much appreciated. Thank you.
Posted by: Mr Chris Beckett on October 22, 2004 12:45 PM
i have been on lipitor 40 mg my leg's where hurting so bad i told my dr about it and he told me to stop taking lipitor it's been a month and my leg's still hurt so he put me on piroxicam 10 mg . to me he's not treating the pain he think's it's arthritis, and i don't. what do you recomend for the pain in leg's???????? thank you mrs' ginny goldsmith
Posted by: ginny goldsmith on April 22, 2005 02:22 PM
Here a message received (through Chris Gupta) from Shane Ellison:
As a drug chemist for a leading pharmaceutical company I made a startling discovery: you do not have to be dependant on FDA approved drugs to avoid heart disease. In fact, research clearly shows the opposite. You don't need a single prescription drug to avoid this killer.
Consider this, FDA approved drugs - used as prescribed - are killing over 125,000 people every year. Nationally, this makes prescription drugs the fourth leading cause of death after cancer, heart disease, and stroke. That does not count death by hospital medical error, which adds 98,000 deaths to this atrocity. Hypnotized by drug ads, the general public is oblivious to the deaths caused by prescription drug use. This is evidenced by their willingness to swallow whatever "the doctor ordered." This is especially true for drugs targeting heart disease.
The best selling drugs of all time are the cholesterol-lowering drugs known as "statins." They procure drug makers and their shareholders billions of dollars in profits every year. The success of these drugs is not attributed to their effectiveness but instead to slick and misleading marketing practices. This hype is fueled by egregious conflicts of interest amongst drug company servants disguised as experts. Don't be surprised if your own doctor falls within this group. The truth be told, statin drugs are poisons - foreign to the human body and may at times be life threatening.
Avoiding heart disease should not be expensive or dangerous. A plethora of natural alternatives exist. Understanding them as outlined in this paradigm shifting book will arm you with the understanding and courage not to accept popular dogma. It may prove to be one of the greatest assets to your health.
Get this book for FREE (download as PDF) and help others learn about it:
or visit www.health-fx.net
To Your Health,
Shane Ellison, M.Sc.
Posted by: Sepp on April 29, 2005 12:14 PM
I was diagnosed with a familial hypocholesterolemia (my level was 19 against the accepted 5.) I have been on some form of cholesterol medication, including statins when they came out, for nearly 30 years. I am 55 and have 6 stents in my heart which were put there after the cholesterol deposits were drilled out. I am also on Exetrol as well as 80mg of Lipitor and now my level is down to 5.5. I would not trust the drug barons as far as I could throw them and would dearly like to quit and use Vitamin C, but nowhere on this site can I see any differentiation between acquired cholestorol levels and those like mine which are due to genetic mistakes. Is this discussed anywhere? Thanks
Posted by: John Rugg on June 8, 2005 06:37 AM
thank you for your comment.
here is an article on Dr Mercola's site that will give you some more background and something to look into with regard to cholesterol.
Cholesterol is NOT the Cause of Heart Disease
Posted by: Sepp on June 9, 2005 07:32 PM
Very interesting collection of comments. I lowered my LDL from 135 to 95 with Zocor and Crestor. I was smoking 20 cig a day. I stopped smoking because a coronary bloqueage, and a stent. So what keeps my LDL low? statins, or not smoking. Will 100mg of C help?, statins upset my intestins
Posted by: R.Allen on July 4, 2005 07:39 PM
Has anyone had problems with very sore and numb toes while taking Lipitor? My toes seem to be better when I discontinue Lipitor, but my doctor assures me that that is not the cause and wants me to continue the medication.
Posted by: Marion Wilson on January 15, 2006 06:06 PM
I am interested in something to replace Lipitor as adrug I have been prescribed
Posted by: Rod Houston on August 23, 2006 04:07 AM
hi, i have had two numb big toes since increasing my statin dose to 20mg.
they are painful when touched.
Posted by: m jerrentrup on September 10, 2006 05:08 AM
recently hospitalized for removal of lge gallstone in bile duct have been on Lipitor for six years, curious to know if there is any information on connections with lipitor and forming of gallstones especially due to the fact that my gallbladder was removed in 1975. I also ended up with acute pancreatitis.
Posted by: laneda carpenter on October 9, 2006 10:51 PM
A recent comment (by email) from Paul Taylor:
I see that high levels of lipoprotein(a) are being linked to an increased risk of heart disease, according to a new study in the Sept. 20 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Lipoprotein(a) in high levels increases risk of heart disease in women
(See JAMA abstract ).
Good to see them catching up at last.....
In fact, of course, Dr. Rath showed this as early as 1989 and went on to suggest in 1990 that lipoprotein(a) is a surrogate for ascorbate and later that the primary cause of human cardiovascular disease is ascorbate defiency, leading to the deposition of lipoprotein(a) and fibrinogen  / fibrin in the vascular wall. This work eventually led to the publication, with Linus Pauling, of the Unified Theory of Cardiovascular Disease.
Other papers on this subject can be found here.
Posted by: Paul Taylor on October 10, 2006 01:38 PM
How to lower cholesterol. How much Vitamin C to take? How much Lysine?
Posted by: Robert Belardo on November 12, 2006 09:33 AM
i am interested in a natural way to lower cholestrol and tryglicerides.i tried zetia it had many side effects now i am on lipitor and feeling the same side effects lower back pain sore & numb big toes and joints pain, weakness throughout my whole body .
Posted by: anne huff on July 14, 2007 01:54 PM
This website is misguided. Although high cholesterol is dangerous, and Lipitor can have side effects, taking 10 to 12 grams of Vitamin C, as suggested on this site could be disastrous! I remember a story from high school biology class: some people thought that vitamin c was great, so they took megadoses of the stuff, and they burned out their ureters! You really should know better than to give faulty advice.
Posted by: Jim on June 24, 2008 11:37 AM
I think, Jim, you should inform yourself about vitamin C. Certainly the story you heard about "megadoses of the stuff ... burned out their ureters" is misinformation.
I have personally been taking some 6 grams of the stuff for years without any untoward effects, and I know of others who are taking more than that.
Here are two sites where you can get some information about vitamin C from doctors who are actually using it:
Posted by: Sepp on June 24, 2008 12:50 PM
My doctor had me on simvastatin. I had bad muscle pain and soreness. Then she put me on Crestor. I had violent reaction - flu-like symptoms as well. Then she put me on Lipitor. the symptoms were even worse. She does not believe me when I tell her how sick I get. I am fed up with statins. I plan to take 1000 mg C 2x a day. I'm tired of feeling sick and tired.
Posted by: Lois on August 15, 2008 02:08 PM
we have a familiar high cholesterol, i have three died uncle and aunt in early ages.
my blood test showed very high cholesterol the doctor put me on 80 mg lipitor per day.
the news reached my aunt whom she has also this disease. she told me not to take it cuz you will not handle the SE as her case and that her tests came back normal after she has been 2 month exercise to loose her weight with pineapple juice everyday. i was surprized and happy for her. now i realized that it may have to do with the vitamic c in the pinapple she had never such a test result
i will also start this today
Posted by: Baso on February 6, 2011 07:19 AM
read the Klenner Papers on vit c
Posted by: john on February 27, 2014 05:48 PM

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