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June 23, 2004

Bush To Impose Psychiatric Drug Regime

Plans to screen whole US population for mental illness

According to a recent article in the British Medical Journal, US president George Bush is to announce a major "mental health" initiative in this coming month of July. The proposal will extend screening and psychiatric medication to kids and grown-ups all over the US, following a pilot scheme of recommended medication practice developed in Texas and already exported to several other states.

The Texas Medication Algorithm Project (TMAP) will serve, according to the President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, as a model for the upcoming initiative. The TMAP medication guidelines were established in 1995 as an "expert consensus" based on the opinions of prescribers, rather than an analysis of scientific studies. The pharmaceutical companies who funded the scheme include Janssen Pharmaceutica, Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly, Astrazeneca, Pfizer, Novartis, Janssen-Ortho-McNeil, GlaxoSmithKline, Abbott, Bristol Myers Squibb, Wyeth-Ayerst and Forrest Laboratories. The drugs recommended as "first line treatment", many of them with potentially deadly side effects, are patented expensive drugs produced by the sponsors of the guidelines: Risperdal, Zyprexa, Seroqual, Geodone, Depakote, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, Wellbutron, Zyban, Remeron, Serzone, Effexor, Buspar, Adderall and Prozac.

TMAP was extended to cover children, again by "expert consensus", and no doubt the Bush program for widespread testing in schools all over the US will find hundreds of thousands if not millions of new "customers" for the dangerous psychiatric drugs the scheme promotes. A recent article in the New York Times about "the use of juvenile detention facilities to warehouse children with mental disorders" might give us an idea of how many future patients are already waiting in the sidelines. But more importantly it shows that the problem that fits the TMAP solution is now being promoted by the media - go figure.

A similar "patient recruitment" move for psychiatry is the re-definition of environmental illness - a debilitating condition with varying symptoms due to environmental causes such as chemical poisons and electromagnetic pollution - as a purely psychological phenomenon. "It's all in your head, stupid!" seems to be the rationale.

Diana Buckland, the Brisbane representative of the Australian Chemical Trauma Alliance calls for world wide submissions in a Global Recognition Campaign for sufferers of multiple chemical sensitivity or chemically induced illnesses.

Investigative author Martin Walker in his most recent book SKEWED, discusses how the recognition of biological causes of a whole variety of environmentally induced illnesses has been blocked by a small interest group of "experts" linked to the polluters - the multinational agro-petro-chemical industries. Those suffering from the debilitating effects of environmental illnesses are told that they are just imagining their symptoms and all they need is psychiatric help, perhaps some forced exercise, called "graded exercise therapy", re-education of "how to deal with" their illness, psychological counselling or maybe just antidepressants - for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Bush's Texas Medication Algorithm Project has recently run into a problem in Pennsylvania, one of several states it was exported to. Allen Jones, an investigator for the Pennsylvania Office of the Inspector General, found heavy pharmaceutical corruption of State officials and medical experts involved in the original elaboration and the "selling" to Pennsylvania of the TMAP giudelines.

Instead of receiving a citation and help in his investigation, Jones was told to shut up and look the other way. After he went to the press with his findings, Jones was escorted out of his workplace on 28 April 2004 and told not to come back. On 7 May, Jones filed a whistleblower suit against his superiors charging that the Office of the Inspector General's policy of barring employees from talking with the media is unconstitutional. Jones' report is highly interesting - no wonder he is being told to shut up. I have summarised the document and linked it here following:

The Allen Jones whistleblower report
Revised January 20, 2004

This important document has been posted by the Law Project for Psychiatric Rights, a non-profit dedicated to fighting the scourge of forced psychiatric drugging.

Download the original PDF document here.

What follows is my view of the highlights of the 66 page document, with some personal comments and recommendations added at the end
Josef Hasslberger

The Texas Medication Algorithm Project (TMAP) was developed with 1.7 million $ of initial financing from pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson, provided indirectly through a connected Foundation, and subsequent direct cash funneled through subsidiary Janssen Pharmaceutica. It was developed and implemented in the Lone Star State's hospitals, prisons, the Juvenile Justice system and the Foster Care system during George W. Bush's watch as governor. Bush used the "extended mental health care" scheme as a point in his 2000 presidential campaign. Before leaving for the White House, he recommended a 67 million $ spending increase to pay for additional medications for the Texas Prison and Mental Health Systems.

TMAP, the Texas project, was also exported to other states, including Pennsylvania, where an investigation into what is called PENNMAP there, uncovered improper pharmaceutical pressures and financial enticements in connection with the program. The investigator, Allen Jones, was told by superiors to shut up and look the other way. When Jones refused, he was unceremoniously removed from his job and prohibited to talk to the press. Jones has stood up to the pressure and has filed a civil suit to obtain protection under the "whistleblower" statutes. He continued his investigation as a private citizen and has produced a well documented report, which is available for download as a PDF file.

The TMAP medication guide was developed, starting in 1995, in a rather singular way. Instead of reviewing studies that show the relative efficacy of medications, an "expert opinion consensus" was developed, but both the experts and the survey questions were chosen by the pharmaceutical sponsors of the program which included Janssen Pharmaceutica, Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly, Astrazeneca, Pfizer, Novartis, Janssen-Ortho-McNeil, GlaxoSmithKline, Abbott, Bristol Myers Squibb, Wyeth-Ayerst and Forrest Laboratories.

The subsequent evaluation of the experts' opinions came to recommend several drugs, including Risperdal, Zyprexa, Seroqual, Geodone, Depakote, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, Wellbutron, Zyban, Remeron, Serzone, Effexor, Buspar, Adderall and Prozac, manufactured by - who would have thought so - the same companies that sponsored and controlled the development of the Texas guide. As the guide was adopted, doctors working with state health systems had to prescribe these drugs or face disciplinary action.

In his whistleblower report, Jones not only traces the funding and the influence of the pharmaceutical companies involved in producing and "selling" the Texas Algorithm to other states, but also shows that - according to independent research not financed by the pharma giants - the drugs recommended are neither more effective nor safer than the cheaper ones used before. If anything, their side effects are more serious and of course they are patented and rake in an incredible return for the companies involved - according to one estimate US medicare spends as much as 3.7 billion dollars for the treatment of schizophrenia alone.

Peter J. Weiden MD, one of the participants in the "Expert Consensus" process said in an article published in the Journal of Practice in Psychiatry and Behavioural Health in January 1999, three years after the experience:

“The most important weakness of the EC Guidelines is that the recommendations are based on opinions, not data. History shows that experts' opinions about ”best” treatments have frequently been disproved, and there is no assurance that what the experts recommend is actually the best treatment. One danger here is that clinicians or administrators may misinterpret “current consensus” as truth.

Another limitation involves the development of the survey itself. Treatment options are limited to those items appearing on the questions, and it was not possible to cover all situations. Another problem is potential bias from funding sources. The 1996 Guidelines were funded by Janssen (makers of Risperidone [Risperdal]) and most of the guidelines’ authors have received support from the pharmaceutical industry. This potential conflict of interest may create credibility problems, especially concerning any recommendations supporting the use of atypical antipsychotics."

The original TMAP recommendations, made for adults, were extended unchanged to become recommendations for medicating children - with the same drugs - as TCMAP or Texas Children's Medication Algorithm Project. No studies, no research - the original TMAP "experts" simply met and agreed that it would be a good idea to treat children with the same drugs as adults.

TCMAP, the childrens' drug program, recommended Effexor, Prozac, Serzone and other drugs with deadly side effects. These drugs have been linked to suicides, violence and mayhem - notably school shootings - in young persons. Serzone was withdrawn in Europe when death from liver failure became widespread in users. The use of Effexor in children was banned in the UK last year.

By early 2001, TMAP and TCMAP had all but bankrupted the Texas Medicaid program and the budgets of the state's mental health and prison systems. Nancy San Martin reported on 9 Februay 2001 in the Dallas Morning News:

“Texas now spends more money on medication to treat mental illness for low-income residents than on any other type of prescription drug.”

“Prescription drugs are the fastest growing expense within the health care system. And the cost for mental disorder treatments is rising faster than any type of prescription drug.”

“The costs of treating schizophrenia, bipolar conditions and depression have surpassed expenditures for medications to treat physical ailments, such as bacterial infections, high blood pressure, respiratory problems and even chronic disorders, notably diabetes.”

“According to a report on the state's Medicaid Vendor Drug Program, mental health drugs made up the largest category of expenditures among the top 200 drugs in 1999. They accounted for nearly $148 million. Those costs have more than doubled since 1996.”

“This week, health officials asked for at least $657 million more to help cover Medicaid costs.”

In April 2002, Bush established the President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health as part of the "New Freedom Initiative for People with Disabilities". The mental health commission has largely interlocking membership with the TMAP experts and those involved in bringing the Texas prescription guidelines to other states.

According to the Allen Jones report, TMAP appears prominently in New Freedom Commission publications as an example of a program that really works. On July 22, 2003 the New Freedom Commission issued its recommendations for redesigning the mental health network in each of the fifty states. Not surprisingly, TMAP is recommended as the model program for all states to follow.

But not all is going smoothly. According to a Wall Street Journal article on 21 May 2002 by Andrew Caffrey, entitled States Go to Court to Rein in Price of Medicine, legal action by states against pharmaceutical companies is becoming common. The States of Colorado and Nevada initiated lawsuits accusing seventeen drug companies of defrauding consumers.

The Nevada suit alleges deceptive practices that constitute consumer fraud and says, “The drug makers, through a pattern of behavior, operated a racketeering enterprise”.

According to Caffrey, Attorney Generals in thirty-five states are looking at pharmaceutical marketing practices and the states of New York, California and Texas have also filed suits alleging improprieties in Medicaid pricing practices.

I have argued in a recent article (so far only available in Italian) that we have two distinct health systems:

One of these, let's call it the petrochemical model, is based on the use of chemical pharmaceutical remedies that treat symptoms and it is almost entirely supported by governments, spending our taxes. The major features of this system are toxins in the environment such as pesticides, herbicides and pollution from fossil fuels, genetically modified organisms, fluoride in the water supply, lead, uranium and mercury in widespread use, neurotoxic sweeteners such as aspartame in our food chain, antibiotics, hormones, vaccines, and pharmaceutical drugs that have, according to published studies, become the number one killer in the US today.

The other health system - let's call it the biological model - is based on natural means to achieve and maintain good health and it includes proper (organically grown) food, nutritional and herbal supplementation, traditional remedies that have sustained the health of populations for millennia, coming from India, China, as well as other cultures, not to forget homeopathy, chiropractic and other alternatives in medicine, recent breakthroughs in biological and orthomolecular medicine, as well as energetic and spiritual approaches to health. The overriding emphasis in this second health system which, in contrast to the petrochemical model is highly pluralistic, is on disease prevention, with healing interventions targeted, where necessary, at removing the causes of disease, rather than suppressing its symptoms.

The petrochemical model is in a de facto monopoly position, maintained through AMA and similar licensing schemes, persecution of alternatives by so-called quackbusters, and now this monopoly is being reinforced through restrictive legislation designed to relegate the biological sector to a marginal existence. The increased cost in terms of injury and loss of life as well as the financial expenditure is born by consumers all over the world, because governments elect to spend our taxes on one and only one of the two health systems. The petrochemical health model is a commercial cartel, a monopoly that has become so pervasive as to compromise both our health and our financial ability to pay for it. According to the State of Nevada's attorneys it uses what amounts to racketeering practices in securing its profits.

Vigorous action against this Great Medical Monopoly on all levels is probably the only way left to protect our health.

In closing, let me give you here the postscript of the Allen Jones whistleblower report, a document which I highly recommend for study. Jones appeals to all of us when he says:

"The pharmaceutical industry has methodically compromised our political system at all levels and has systematically infiltrated the mental health service delivery system of this nation. They are poised to consolidate their grip via the New Freedom Commission and the Texas Medication Algorithm Project. The pervasive manipulation of clinical trials, the nonreporting of negative trials and the cover-up of debilitating and deadly side effects render meaningful informed consent impossible by persons being treated with these drugs. Doctors and patients alike have been betrayed by the governmental entities and officials who are supposed to protect them. To the millions of doctors, parents and patients who are affected: PLEASE: suspend disbelief and realize you are on your own. Educate yourselves. The Internet has many sites that will help you. The Alliance for Human Research Protection, would be a good place to start.

The above report tells what I fear to be only a small part of a much larger story. But it is a beginning. The fuller story will require the efforts of persons with investigative resources, political authority, legal standing - and the will to use them."

Allen Jones

see also:

A Lone Wolf Talks on the Drug Leviathan
An interview with Allen Jones

No Child Left Unmedicated
By: Phyllis Schlafly - Published In: Health Care News
Publication Date: March 1, 2005
Big Brother is on the march. A plan to subject all children to mental health screening is underway, and the pharmaceutical firms are gearing up for bigger sales of psychotropic drugs. Like most liberal, big-spending ideas, this one was slipped into the law under cover of soft semantics. Its genesis was the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (NFCMH), created by President George W. Bush in 2002.

Sierra Times: Bush Administration - Money, Politics & Drugs
A new plan by the Bush administration to test the nation's public school population for mental disorders and treat them with controversial drugs has raised an alarm among some medical science watchdogs and members of the mental health community...


No Child "Left Behind": Code words for a children's cookbook? - Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - scroll down to find or see the archives if it vanished from first page...

The Texans for Safe Education in Conjunction with Ablechild have Launched A Petition Drive in Response to Bush and Company's New Freedom Commission and Its Recommendations to Screen all U.S. Citizens for Mental Illness.

Antidepressants dangerous and should be banned, crusader says
By Elaine Jarvik - Deseret Morning News
Ann Tracy knows hundreds of grisly stories: the professor on Prozac who bit her mother to death; the Stanford graduate on Paxil who stabbed herself in the kitchen while her parents slept; the mother who bludgeoned her son and then drank a can of Drano; the 12-year-old girl who strangled herself with a bungee cord...

British Medical Journal (14 August 2004) - Bush launches controversial mental health plan

Bush Wants To Be Your Shrink
Now Bush wants to test every American for mental illness -- including you! And guess who will create the tests? - By Jordanne Graham


Psychiatric Drug Facts - Peter R. Breggin, M.D.

Conspiracy: Eli Lilly, Zyprexa, Prozac, Bush Family

"Imaginary" Illness Costs U.S. Billions Each Year

ILLINOIS launches compulsory mental health screening for children and pregnant women

ILLINOIS: Children's Mental Health Plan gives legislators headache

NewsTarget - August 21, 2004:
The big Bush handout to pharmaceutical companies: mandatory mental health screening for entire U.S. population

SSRI Antidepressant Withdrawal Syndrome in Newborns - by Elizabeth Rudy, D.V.M., R.Ph. (file is in pdf format, available from Washington University)


Forced mental screening hits roadblock in House
Rep. Ron Paul seeks to yank program, decries use of drugs on children

Mandatory Mental Health Screening Threatens Privacy, Parental Rights

The Psycho State - by Rep. Ron Paul, MD

Links resource: Antipsychiatry on the Web


Mandatory mental health screening program would dose pregnant women with prescription drugs that cause birth defects

ChildrenÂ's Mental Health in the 108th Congress: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
Karen R. Effrem, MD

A Front Group for the Psycho-Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex

Here a comment by CCHR's Peter Dockx with information on how to counter this initiative, which apparently was recently funded with an initial 20 Million Dollars by Congress:

$20 Million Approved By Congress to Screen US Population for "Mental Illness"

The House Appropriations Committee Funds President's New Freedom Commission Initiative That Includes Plan To Screen All U.S. Citizens For Mental Illness


Yesterday, the House Appropriations Committee approved $20 million in new federal dollars to begin implementation of the plans set forth by the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (NFC) to get every man, woman and child in America "screened" for 'mental illness'.

Amidst broad public concern that many of the antidepressants being prescribed to Americans are under federal investigation for causing suicidal reactions, the New Freedom on Mental Health Commission's campaign for national mental health 'screening' - will result in millions more Americans being diagnosed with fraudulent and unscientific mental disorders, and prescribed dangerous and deadly psychiatric drugs.

Now, $20 million has been approved by the House Appropriations Committee for 'State Incentive Transformation Grants', in order to begin nationwide implementation of the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health's plan. It's the beginning of a 'Brave New World' should the Senate fund this.

The Commission based its entire findings on the definition of mental illness as defined by psychiatry's billing bible, the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The methods of mental health 'screening' recommended by the New Freedom Commission are lists of arbitrary questions based on this DSM. If this "sweeping mental health initiative" is implemented, millions more Americans will certainly be diagnosed and drugged given the subjective diagnoses.


- The New Freedom Commission on Mental Health's report states that "mental illnesses are shockingly common," but neglects to address or even mention the fact that there is no medical or scientific means by which to diagnose mental 'illnesses'. Psychiatrists and mental health proponents promote psychiatric 'disorders' as a disease, or an illness that can be diagnosed in the same manner as real physical illness. This is a fraud. There are no blood tests, brain scans or chemical imbalance tests to validate any mental disorder as an illness or 'disease'. With no scientific/medical criteria to substantiate these claims, anyone could be diagnosed as mentally ill based solely on a checklist of behaviors.

- The DSM contains hundreds of psychiatric mental 'disorders' which are a list of behavioral symptoms that are literally voted into existence and inserted into the DSM. Such diagnoses include "Caffeine-Related Disorder", "Mathematics Disorder", "Disorder of Written Expression", and the all-encompassing "Phase of Life Problem". These 'disorders' are simply a classification of symptoms that are drastically different from, and foreign to, anything in medicine.

- The New Freedom Commission is blatantly promoting the coercive and manipulative tactics that have led to millions of children being falsely labeled with mental disorders in our public schools. Schools have become mental health clinics where children are diagnosed based on subjective questionnaires, instead of given proven educational solutions. This fact was substantiated by a report from the President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education, which found that 2.4 million children had been diagnosed with mental 'disorders' and placed in Special Education, when in fact these children had simply not been taught to read.

- The issue of coerced child drugging in public schools has become so prevalent that the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Child Medication Safety Act in May 2003, to prevent schools from forcing a parent to drug their child as a condition of attending school.

- Due to psychiatric influence, parents have been reported to Child Protective Services and charged with medical neglect for refusing to give their child a psychiatric drug, such as those currently under investigation for causing suicidal reactions. Parents have been charged with 'medical neglect' for refusing psychiatric treatment - despite the fact that there is no scientific proof that there is anything medically wrong with the child.

- In a recent report by Allen Jones, a former investigator in the Pennsylvania Office of Inspector General (OIG), Bureau of Special Investigations, condemning the New Freedom Commission (NFC), he states, "Despite a nearly 500% increase in American children being prescribed mental health drugs during the past 6 years, the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health found that not enough adolescents are benefiting from mental health treatment. The NFC recommendations prominently call for mandatory mental health screening for all high school students, with follow-up 'treatment' as required - this means more kids on mind-altering and potentially lethal psychiatric drugs."


1) Oppose any federal, state, or local plans for universal mental health screening. Contact the White House (202-456-1111), the Speaker of the House (Rep. Hastert at 202-225-2976) and the Senate Leader (Senator Frist at 202-224-3344), your own Members of Congress (go to, the House Education and Workforce Committee Chairman John Boehner at 202-225-6205, and the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee Chairman Judd Gregg at 202-224-3324 and tell them to STOP funding this New Freedom Commission on Mental Health plan in the Labor/HHS appropriations bill. Alert your state legislators and oppose school board initiatives to add psychiatric screening programs.

2) Support the Child Medication Act (S. 1390) currently stalled in the Senate by Senator Edward Kennedy - This legislation prohibits schools from coercing parents to place their children on psychiatric medications that are on the controlled substances list. Senator Kennedy, with large support from pharmaceutical companies, has not let this very modest proposal even receive a hearing, saying that it needs more study. Senator Kennedy (202-224-4543) as well as Senator Gregg (202-224-3324) the Committee chairman, and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (202-224-3344) need to hear from the public.

3) Check to see if your state has a provision in state special education law that prohibits a school district from overriding parental refusal to submit their child to a special education or mental health evaluation. If yes, alert other parents, and if not, work for one.

Peter Dockx

Government Affairs
CCHR International

See also:

December 15, 2005
Psy-screening and Mandatory Drugs for Everyone? The Genesis of President Bush's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health
by Sue Weibert
Screening for mental illness is the most controversial topic concerning mental health today. Various government entities, private foundations, organizations, think tanks and universities, all flanked by cunning public relations firms, are hard at work trying to make mental health screening as common as a dental checkup. Despite public outrage over screening, these entities are working feverishly to establish this system. With so much clamor of disagreement for such a program, why, then, do these entities push forward with such ferocity? This article reveals exactly how this all got started, who's really behind "the big push," and how President Bush was tricked into establishing what might be the most detrimental program in the history of mankind.

"Sit down, folks! What you are going to hear is going to astound you. At least it did me. This is the only really good news we have ever had regarding the protection of parental and pupil rights. This new information will strike at the heart of many destructive values- changing federal education programs, but especially at the heart of President Bush's plans to require mandatory mental health screening of our children in the government schools. (New Freedom Commission on Mental Health). Yesterday, I did an Internet search...."

TeenScreen - Angel of Mercy or Pill-Pusher
by Evelyn Pringle
The question is what is TeenScreen, an Angel of Mercy for suicidal teens, or a pill-pushing front group for Pharma? After investigating the program, I'd have to say the latter.

Eli Lilly, Zyprexa, & the Bush Family - The diseasing of our malaise
By Bruce Levine
More than one journalist has uncovered corrupt connections between the Bush Family, psychiatry, and Eli Lilly & Company, the giant pharmaceutical corporation. While previous Lillygates have been more colorful, Lilly's soaking state Medicaid programs with Zyprexa—its blockbuster, antipsychotic drug—may pack the greatest financial wallop. Worldwide in 2003, Zyprexa grossed $4.28 billion, accounting for slightly more than one-third of Lilly's total sales. In the United States in 2003, Zyprexa grossed $2.63 billion, 70 percent of that attributable to government agencies, mostly Medicaid.

Celebrities Speak Out Against National Plan to Test All 52 Million Children
Priscilla Presley, Danny Masterson, Sofia Milos, Catherine Bell, Chris Masterson and Jenn Elfman speak out against psychiatry's new federal plan to massively increase psychiatri drugging of schoolchildren, despite international warnings of drugs causing suicide an violence...

Psycho Feds Target Children - By Rep. Ron Paul, MD
Every parent in America should be made aware of a presidential initiative called the "New Freedom Commission on Mental Health." This commission issued a report last year calling for the mandatory mental health screening of American schoolchildren, meaning millions of kids will be forced to undergo psychiatric screening whether their parents consent or not. At issue is the fundamental right of parents to decide what medical treatment is appropriate for their children.

Bush - Labeling Kids Mentally Ill For Profit
By: Evelyn Pringle - Independent Media TV
Citing recommendations by the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, Bush wants to launch a nationwide mental illness screening program in government institutions, including the public school system, for all students from kindergarten up to the 12th grade. ... The truth is, this is nothing but another Bush profiteering scheme to implement a drug treatment program for use in the public institutions that will generate high volume sales of the relatively new, but inadequately tested, high- priced psychiatric drugs. If all goes as planned, the scheme will generate millions of new customers for the drug companies.

An Open Letter To American Educators and Our Legislators
Nancy Levant - Sierra Times

By Mary Louise - November 29, 2004
Though the New Freedom Initiative claims to help persons with disabilities, it will also enable the government to single out and label as "mentally ill", anyone who does not behave and perform "normally", or adapt and conform to the "New World Order" mentality, in the "New American Century".

Bush-Backed Drug Marketing Schemes

Nancy Levant - June 28, 2005 -
ItÂ's looking more and more like the American contribution to population reduction will be in the form of diagnosing half its citizens as mental incompetents...

Fierce opposition arises to mental health screening in schools
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Opponents of school-based mental health programs point to parents who say their children have been misdiagnosed with problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and forced to take medication under pressure from school officials. To these parents, the commission suggestion to "improve and expand'' school mental health programs is the first, inexorable step toward mandatory school mental health screening for all students, and mandatory medication for many...

Poll tries to gauge mental health
Schools, critics argue value of TeenScreen in preventing suicide

Government's Big Lie: The "Crisis" of Babies With Undiagnosed Mental Illness
By Laura Adelmann
To the federal government, many newborns, toddlers and preschoolers are undiagnosed mental cases with dire need of "treatment" (read: drugs). Following the appalling trend of labeling school children with an ever-expanding list of mental disorders and medicating them with the cocaine-class of drugs like Adderall and Ritalin, government is promoting universal mental health screening and treatment - beginning with babies.

Bush's Mental Illness Screening Squad On the Move
July 9, 2006. By Evelyn Pringle
The tax dollar funded mental health screening programs popping up in every corner of the nation represent an enormous gift to Big Pharma from the Bush administration. After all, drug companies can't push drugs without a lucrative customer base, so the screening programs are a great solution for that little problem. On April 29, 2002, Bush kicked off the whole mental health screening scheme when he announced the establishment of the New Freedom Commission (NFC) during a speech in in New Mexico where he told the audience that mental health centers and hospitals, homeless shelters, and the justice and school systems, have contact with individuals suffering from mental disorders but that too many Americans are falling through the cracks, and so he created the NFC to ensure "that the cracks are closed."

World Experts Demand End to Child Drugging in the US
On October 12, 2007, experts in the field of psychiatry and child development from all over the world arrived in Washington to attend the annual conference of the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology. This year's conference focused on one specific goal - to end the mass-prescribing of psychiatric drugs to children.

Many of the presentations at the conference focused on the pharmaceutical industry's role in the invention of both TMAP and TeenScreen and the many financial ties between the drug makers, the Bush administration, a group of psychiatrists, and state policy makers largely credited with the creation and promotion of these two programs.

Since the arrival of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors antidepressants (SSRI's) and atypical antipsychotics on the market, countless studies have shown the so-called "wonder drugs" to be ineffective and harmful to children. But for years, drug companies have manipulated data, suppressed negative clinical trials and published only the studies that showed positive results. The truth is that the mass drugging of the entire population in the US with SSRI's has accomplished nothing when it comes to reducing suicidality.

Drug research: To test or to tout?
Allen Jones knew the instant he was destined to be a whistle-blower. He says it was when his boss told him: "Quit being a salmon. Quit swimming against the stream with the pharmaceutical case."

"They got expert opinion to be the deciding factor," Jones said in an interview. "Essentially, the drug companies could pay people to say what the drug companies could not claim themselves," namely that they were superior to the older generation of antipsychotics.

Director Of Controversial TMAP Program Leaves
John Rush, the director of a controversial Texas program called T-MAP, which was created to implement a state system for treating psychiatric disorders, has taken a job in Singapore, where he has joined the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore as vice dean for clinical sciences.

Why is TMAP controversial? The state filed a lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson's Jannsen unit for allegedly using false advertising and improper influence - such as grants, trips and other perks - to get its Risperdal antipsychotic on the now-mandatory adult protocol, the Texas Medication Algorithm Project. Drugmakers also reportedly paid decision makers to promote their meds.


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Wednesday June 23 2004
updated on Tuesday December 21 2010

URL of this article:


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February 11, 2004 - Sepp Hasslberger

FDA Orders Antidepressant Suicide Warnings Over Psychiatric Association Resistance
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has been strangely resistant to the idea of warning patients of an increased risk of suicides when taking antidepressant drugs or SSRIs. One would think that psychiatrists should be the first ones to call for such warnings, but perhaps they fear to "lose ground" to natural alternatives in the treatment of mental disorders, which they have been persecuting for decades, concentrating their treatment efforts nearly... [read more]
October 16, 2004 - Sepp Hasslberger




Readers' Comments

I went through a retaliate nightmare where 3 nursing homes in Texas created false allegations and banned me from seeing my mother who was abused with chemical and physical restraint (which was supposed to stop since 1987). Texas DHS allowed and contributed to the retaliation that has cost me my life and made me ashamed of our government at local, state, and federal levels of our government. I witnessed too much drug abuse in Texas nursing homes. A common factor at all 3 homes was the fact that the pharmaceutical services provider (which supposedly monitored and helped prescribe drugs at all 3 of these facilities and all area facilities) was owned by the 2nd facility's owner Living Centers Of Texas (Mariner or Vencor). Texas Attorney General has failed to see the conflicts of interests and frauds. I also found that Daystar Children Residential Center (where too many children have been killed) owns it's own pharmaceutrical services co.. Mrs Strayhorn (Tex. Comptroller) says the state has a flawed contractural agreement which allows facility owners to own their own support services co. She calls it flawed, I call it fraud. I have plenty of hard evidence of the corruptions in Texas DHS and the harms the drugs have done.

Posted by: Brenda A. Durant on June 24, 2004 05:54 PM


There are several good comments to the original article in British Medical Journal, on the BMJ site. Check them out.

Posted by: Sepp on June 26, 2004 02:57 PM


Dear Mr. Hasllberger,

Thank you so much for writing this article about Bush and his psychiatric drugs and also mentioning MCS and Diana Buckland who has done so much.

Having MCS myself, the experience is "Health Hell" exacerbated by the medical community who is supposed to be helping sick people and are completely shirking their duty when it comes to us. Even alcoholics, druggies, cigarrette smokers and risky sex people are treated better than we are and they brought this knowingly on themselves (where's the justice here)?

Instead, we have some drug companies who also sell pesticides that will do anything to not admit that they made people sick. They fund the medical schools and heavily influence doctors and told them "We Don't Exist."

They also had lobbyists go to Washington telling them the same darn thing and by the time they got through with total character assasination, nobody believes us.

Gee, I never even dreamed that our "US" government and medical community could be so corrupt, unethical and cruel. I also didn't even know MCS existed either and I had to do extensive research. .

Even with all the writing that I have done to various people , I have gotten nowhere. This MCS subject fell on completely blind eyes and hardened hearts. I even wrote Bush once. , I have gotten nowhere. This MCS subject fell on completely blind eyes and hardened hearts. I even wrote Bush once.

Well, I pray one day there will be justice for us with MCS. Who knows, nobody will know my name, but maybe the names of the perpetrators that are slandering us and preventing any research on us will one day be maligned permanently in the history books. That would be sweet revenge even if I am no longer alive; however, my descendents might be around to relish this prospect, then, in a way, I would have won.

Posted by: Roxan on July 6, 2004 09:23 AM


Hi Roxan,

thank you very much for your comment. I think the best thing you can do to change things is to make sure that people inform themselves.

I have found Martin Walker's book SKEWED to be an invaluable aid to understanding the politics behind the denial of the existence of MCS and similar poison-induced health conditions that psychiatrists are saying have nothing to do with the poisons but are "all in your head".

The best way to help would be to make sure lots of people buy and read that book.

Posted by: Sepp on July 6, 2004 10:04 AM


Check your references? Peter Weidman, as you refer to him, may be Peter Weiden. I think it's the latter who was referred to in the original Lenzer article. I've met Weiden a few times. The quote sounds like him.

Little errors raise bigger questions, which we don't need on this words-fail-it's-so-awful subject.

To look into? The role of Homeland Security in mental health, healthcare generally. Check out Tx and Fla. Talk about genetic propensities ... New Freedom Commission was a White House initiative, implying no congressional review/input.

It may hit the fan the last week of July. Before Congress recess.

Posted by: margaret lindsay on July 21, 2004 05:53 PM


The guess by "Sepp" of July 06, 2004 (see above) is absolutely right. An attempt to impose the Soviet system in its quite worse Trotskyst version is under way in America leading to the same tragic outcome as in the former Soviet Union.

More details about international conspiracy of Special Services can be found on our family site "Special Services Against the Ordinary People", especially in the "Announcements", July 08, 2004. The literary version of this site was registered by the Library of Congress of the USA Copyright Office on March 3, 2004 and the registration of the site is in process now. The attempt to write a book on this subject was suppressed by the joint actions of international special services (Russia, Israel, United Kingdom, China etc). As a result on July 02, 2004 we were ordered to leave the USA.

Vadim V. Baranov. Doctor-Oncologist.
Tatyana A. Baranova. Candidate of Chemical Science (PhD).

July 21, 2004
Los Angeles, CA, USA.

Posted by: Vadim V Baranov, Tatyana A Baranova on July 21, 2004 08:32 PM


There are a number of interesting comments on the page of the British Medical Journal, where the plans were originally exposed. Among the latest ones is Allen Jones' reaction to the many concerns voiced, and a reference to Bush's plan already being put into effect in Illinois:

I am gratified to read the responses of so many persons who are concerned about the unbridled screening of our nation's children on the basis of a government initiative of dubious origin. To those who remain skeptical, or in disbelief, please read the following from the state of Illinois:

Illinois now has legislation requiring Mental Health screening of children from the womb through age 18. It also allows children to be evaluated without parental consent and calls for screening of all pregnant women from conception until one year after delivery.

Barbara Shaw of the Illinois Children's Mental Health Partnership, Director of the Illinois Violence Prevention Authority spearheaded the effort. Some of you may remember the shameful, race-based, "Violence Prevention" efforts which were defeated in the past when their likewise-dubious agendas were revealed.

Please suspend disbelief. This IS happening now.

Allen Jones


Posted by: Sepp on July 24, 2004 03:01 PM


This website states that it ended. Is this not true?

Posted by: Ida on July 27, 2004 03:57 PM


A comment received by e-mail today (8 August 2004):

I read your article about the Texas Dope the Citizens program. There's something else to go with this story.

I live in Texas, last year we enrolled our child in the CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program). For years I avoided using this program, even the name is enough to tell you what is in store. But my mind was changed when my nephew broke his arm and my sister spent $10,000.00 on him versus $50.00 it would have cost under the program. We own a business that the economy has almost ruined (by design I'm sure) so we put him on the program.

Here is the point. Last year the program for ADD and ADHD was a neurological disorder and was treated with by a pediatric neurologist. THIS year all that has changed; this year it is a MENTAL disorder and every child under this program with ADD or ADHD is now required to see a psychiatrist every 2 months for evaluation!!! Not a therapist that can help a child without medication but a psychiatrist that can and will experiment on our kids sponsored by the companies you outlined in your article.
This is absolute truth, check it out yourself.

Posted by: Sepp on August 8, 2004 06:51 PM


This bill is just a continuation of Psychiatry's effort to subdue the population. Everyone, even these crazed lunatics in the drug industry, know deep down that drugs create automatons out of people, but those of us who have an unwavering certainty about what is happening here need to put an end to it, no matter the cost, for the rest of human civilation.

It's straght out of the famous novel "A Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley.

I have kids, and I will die a thousand deaths before I ever subject them to the blind scrutiny perpetrated by the biggest hoax to ever hit planet Earth, aka Psychiatry.

Do whatever you can to combact this insane, inane lunacy. The BEST thing you can do is support Citizens Commission on Human Rights.

Bill Wagner

Posted by: Bill Wagner on August 11, 2004 10:04 PM


The current fad of blaming Bush for everything is already outdated. This stuff has been going on for years. My son is autistic, probably because of the mercury in all vaccines. The skyrocketing jump in autism could be avoided by spacing out injections so that children dont get the mercury all at once, or removing the mercury all together.

The ADD diagnosis is a product of our educational system which is rigged to keep children from thinking. Check out Why Johnny Can't Read for information on the textbook driven educational system. If you read a bit about the Whole Language program you'll find it was the Goodman's a couple out of Russia who imposed the whole thing on us. Europe, Mexico and all of South America uses phonics, and they dont get the ADD and dyslexia.

What intelligent person could focus on such hocus pocus? The very children diagnosed are probably the cream of the crop. sinister, just sinister... which reminds me of the witch trials, the inquisition, and the fact that they killed all the left handed people they could at that time in history.

Why blame Bush this has been going on for hundreds of years. Bush cut the health care programs, probably by doing this he has helped people stay healthy by avoiding doctors. The programs require a child to become a guinea pig. My daughter went to Austin Community College and was forced to give blood, urine, saliva, and answer a lengthy questionaire for a freshman level required biology course. Curiosity glorified is science, jaymee

Posted by: Jaymee on August 14, 2004 07:05 PM



From TheLibertyCommittee

September 7, 2004

The American tradition of parents deciding what is best for their children is, yet again, under attack. The pharmaceutical industry has convinced President Bush to support mandatory mental-health screening for every child in America, including preschool children, and the industry is now working to convince Congress as well. But mandatory screening alone is not what the pharmaceutical industry wants. The real payoff for the drug companies is the forced drugging of children that will result -- as we learned tragically with Ritalin -- even when parents refuse.

Congressman Ron Paul, an OB/GYN physician for over 30 years, is desperately trying to keep the drug companies, politicians and federal bureaucrats from becoming parents to your children. Dr. Paul will introduce on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning (whenever the floor schedule allows) an amendment to the Labor, HHS, and Education Appropriations Act for FY 2005 that will withhold funds for this new federal mental-health-screening program. He will urge his congressional colleagues to support his effort in a letter to be distributed tomorrow morning.

Dr. Paul's letter says in part: "As you know, psychotropic drugs are increasingly prescribed for children who show nothing more than children's typical rambunctious behavior. Many children have suffered harmful effects from these drugs. Yet some parents have even been charged with child abuse for refusing to drug their children. The federal government should not promote national mental health screening programs that will force the use of these psychotropic drugs such as Ritalin."

If you think this action alert is about something that "can't happen here," think again. In 1995, the state of Texas launched the Texas Medication Algorithm Project. (, June 21, 2004)

The state of Illinois has also approved a mental health screening program. The Illinois legislature passed the Children's Mental Health Act of 2003 which will provide screening for "all children ages 0-18" and "ensure appropriate and culturally relevant assessment of your children's social and emotional development with the use of standardized tools." In addition, all pregnant women in Illinois are to be screened for depression.

Dr. Karen R. Effrem, another physician and leading opponent of mandatory screening recently stated, "Universal mental health screening and the drugging of children, as recommended by the New Freedom Commission [presidential commission], needs to be stopped so that many thousands if not millions of children will be saved from receiving stigmatizing diagnoses that would follow them for the rest of their lives. America's school children should not be medicated by expensive, ineffective, and dangerous medications based on vague and dubious diagnoses."

Dr. Effrem warns of the following:

1. Parental rights are unclear or non-existent under these screening programs.
2. Parents are already being coerced to put their children on psychiatric medications and some children are dying because of it.
3. Mental health screening does not prevent suicide.
4. Mental health diagnoses are "subjective" and "social constructions" as admitted by the authors of the diagnostic manuals themselves.
5. Most psychiatric medications do not work in children.
6. The side effects of these medications in children are severe.
7. The untoward influence by the pharmaceutical industry, or at least the impropriety, is abundantly clear in two important aspects of this issue.
8. Merging screening with the academic standards required by No Child Left Behind, as is happening in Illinois, will lead to diagnosis for political reasons. School mental health and violence prevention programs funded by NCLB and government counterterrorism operations are already using such criteria as "homophobia" and "defenders of the US Constitution against federal government and the UN" to label school children and US citizens as mentally unstable and violent.

Texas first...Illinois second...and the rest of America to follow if we aren't successful within the next 24 to 36 hours. We'll be calling on House members' offices tomorrow asking for votes in favor of Dr. Paul's amendment to stop this forced, federal mental-health screening.

Join concerned citizens from Eagle Forum, Gun Owners of America, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Concerned Women of America, Freedom 21, the Alliance for Human Research Protection, and the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology to get Dr. Paul's amendment passed.

One last note...if mental-health screening for every American child isn't bad enough, how about mandatory mental-health screening for every American adult? Yes, that's coming too. The final report of the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health states, "Both children and adults will be screened for mental illnesses during their routine physical exams."

Please help. Urge your U.S. representative to support the Paul amendment and ask family and friends to do the same. To send your message, go to this page:

Kent Snyder
The Liberty Committee

Details of Dr. Effrem's Points:

"Bush to screen population for mental illness" by

Posted by: Sepp on September 8, 2004 04:50 PM


Thanks for speaking out against the mandatory screening of American kids -- and adults -- by this psychiatric drug company plan.

Not sure if you had this included, but please also refer people to our web site, We have anti-compulsory screening material. We unite 100 grassroots groups working for human rights and alternatives in the mental health system.


David Oaks, Director
MindFreedom International
Eugene, Oregon, USA

Posted by: David Oaks on September 20, 2004 08:17 PM



Although the Paul amendment failed in the House, there is still time to amend the bill in the Senate to forbid any mandatory screening program. Please contact your Senators as I have here in Connecticut and ask them to add the Paul amendment to the Senate version of HR 5006. Also ask them to investigate Lillygate, the corrupt ties between the Bush administration and Eli Lilly.

Posted by: Stephen Mendelsohn on September 23, 2004 10:19 PM


psych crime is abuse of Medicine and medical abuse of others. It is not a healthy practice but rather the opposite in fact. Psychiatry should be removed from the field of Mecine and healing as it is not serving the purpose of the profession or those claimed to benefit. It is more in line with evil politics and torture beyond view and against freedom .

Posted by: Ron Hausman ,Jr on October 1, 2004 11:59 PM


'Psychiatry should be removed from the field of Mecine and healing as it is not serving the purpose of the profession or those claimed to benefit. It is more in line with evil politics and torture beyond view and against freedom.'

I have major issues with politics in general and the decreasing level of care available to people, including those with mental health issues. However, I know for a fact that I would be dead if it weren't for a few mental health professionals. You can't tell someone with a schizorphrenia, a bipolar disorder, or someone suffering through major depression that they should get rid of this field in medicine because it does not benefit those it is supposed to. Without it, the artist down my street wouldn't be stabilized with lithium for the last 20 years and able to create.

I cannot disagree that there are major problems with the care. I couldn't go back to my old doctor because I didn't pay a $100 bill when I was very ill and didn't even look at the mail. Not very understanding of someone with an illness... but without it, where would so many people be? On the street? In jail? Or even worse (or perhaps better if they're afflicted and no one will help them - better) off dead?

Posted by: J Williams on October 28, 2004 04:59 AM


Great link Diana... J Williams- I would also point you in the direction of the work done by the Pfeiffer clinic.

They offer effective biochemical treatments that usually eliminate or greatly reduce the need for drugs. Diana you obviously know about this type of treatment. It seems that chemical food sensitivites or trauma are what triggers the illness usually?

Please check out this link J Williams.

For the purpose of this discussion, I believe there were psychiatrists in the 20's and 30's who successfully used B vitamins and other nutritional therapies to cure schizophrenia. Even homeopathy has been effective for some cases. And then guess what happened? Yes, the medical profession was invented, and this practice was delegitimized. I still don't see why orthomollecular psychiatry could not have grown more during those years despite the medical industries efforts to stop them? If a doctor sees that something is effective, and it's not illegal, won't the word spread? And all it takes is a couple generous millionares to supply funds for more research. Can anyone clear this up for me?

Best Wishes to All,


Posted by: Mark LaManna on November 13, 2004 09:09 PM


Thank you for the informative site and information. If we all did not live in the United States of America, say Stalinist Russia for example, the implementation of such a psychiatric procedure being suggested and put in place by an American President would not surprise anyone. Sad as it is, that is not the case. Pray God we will not have to have another revolution with blood in the streets before this is resolved.

Posted by: Donald L. Harden on December 3, 2004 07:39 AM


Here is a statement regarding the Bush mental health initiative by Nathaniel Lehrman, M.D., forwarded by Vince Boehm.

ALL of the proposed plans for mental health screening - whether of schoolchildren or of the elderly - are misdirected and dangerous. Claiming to be case-finding, they are actually case-creating and drug-pushing.

Except for the obviously insane - who need no special screenings - "mental illness" is impossible to diagnose on brief inspection. We all get upset at times, but those upsets are almost always reversible. Giving a mental diagnosis to someone who happens to be upset can make him even more upset - perhaps for a long period.

The frightening notion that one may be suffering from a mysterious "disease," which will somehow be determined by "inspectors," tends in itself to PRODUCE mental disturbance. And for these "disorders," addictive, brain-impairng drugs are today's major treatment.

During the Middle Ages, religious witch-hunters searched the population for birthmarks supposedly indicating compact with the Devil. Today's proposed mental health screenings resurrect those inquisitional tactics.

Nathaniel S. Lehrman, M.D., 10 Nob Hill Gate, Roslyn NY 11576;
516/626-0238; former Clinical Director, Kingsboro Psychiatric Center, Brooklyn NY

Posted by: Sepp on May 31, 2005 03:23 PM


I know first hand that psychotropic drugs are ineffective, dangerous, and just make the patients suffer more. I almost died five years ago of liver and kidney failure from taking a mix of toxic perscriptions to overcome bipolar disorder. I had taken depakote, perphenazine, wellbutrin, and cogentin. It caused uncontrollable weight gain even when I was only consuming 400 calories a day. The doctor tried to say I was being a pig and eating too much....that's why I was gaining weight....wrong! I was barely eating at all, and ended up with severe malnutrition at the same time as gaining fifty pounds. Well, it didn't end there. I woke up and went to the gym and came home one day in November, 2000. I took off my shoes and got a terrible sudden severe migraine with uncontrollable vomiting. I ended up in the hospital that night, but got sent home. Little did I know I was going into liver and kidney failure at 22 years of age and alcohol free. This excruciating pain would last two months and I would vomit every meal the whole time along with quarts of foul yellow bile. I lost twenty pounds by the time the ordeal was over, and another fifty in the four months that followed due to a distroyed immune system, which almost cost me my life a second time. By the time I was 22, I had a failed college career, a destroyed marriage, and ruined health. I felt like a 90 year old woman. I threw those pills away and never, EVER will I put an unnatural substance into my body again. It shut down my brain until I was a fat zombie....then it tried to shut down my body and my life, all the while no doctors caring about the obvious jeopardy I was in. I was left to save my own life by doing my own research and finding natural remedies and therapies. I still have scars in my liver, decreased kidney function, and a host of other odd symptoms... but if you're wondering, I'm one of the lucky ones who made it, and my marriage was saved, my college career revived, and my health restored, of my own effort. PLEASE! If you are going to consider psychiatric drugs, exercise caution. I almost died, but they have worked wonders for my brother. Why? All biological systems are different. If you get on them, and notice any weird effects.....DEMAND that the doctors help you immediately. Don't let them brush you off like you're just a number and a check. As for forcing others to take these drugs? That is ludicrous and a total violation of freedom and everything American. No one has the right to trample the rights of others, and I'm appalled at this trend. Why should corporate entities have special rights to violate the constitution and everything American because of corrupt, selfish politicians who want money and power at our expense. We need to stand up and be heard before it's too late.

Posted by: Christi on August 7, 2005 11:32 AM


Hi Sepp,
Well researched and written!
One thing I missed seeing was the main purpose of pharma-only medicine; particularly the use of neuroleptics: Mind Control. Persons who consume these drugs are rendered more susceptible to electro/ acoustic mind control techniques like HAARP, parabolic antenna pulsed microweave messaging, and subliminals, etc.
Educate yourself org
Some books on Amazon

Steve Zakrzewski

Posted by: Steve Zakrzewski on September 5, 2005 07:30 PM


This is great, I've been looking into this for a while, ever since I read NCLB. It sounded to me like he wants to round up all the kids and lock them up.Crazy maybe, but thats what I was left with.
Then I read the WIA reauthorization act and felt the same way.The ammendments in the Workforce Investment Act remove child advocates, allow business leaders once banned to sit on the board, and mandate faith based presense on the board. WIA started out as an employment aid without business sector involvement. It is now corporate orientated and consumer protection severely reduced.The ammendments and thought the same thing.
This was in today's Federal register, I'm not too good at html (link no longer works) though.

RIN 1820-ZA41

The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Multi-Year
Individualized Education Program Demonstration Program

AGENCY: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services,
Department of Education.

ACTION: Notice of proposed requirements and selection criteria.

Posted by: lucy on December 20, 2005 05:51 AM



Posted by: MARY on May 16, 2008 07:42 AM


Read Federal Public Law 101-647. This Bush garbage is a pathetic, sick racketeering plan to medicate at least 25% of the whole population of the United States. It is a racketeering enterprise evil plan to control and destroy any perosn in the United states if they "get out of line" speaking out against the racketeering enterprise Dem(on)/GOP fake parties.

Posted by: Kevin Wiederhold on July 4, 2010 04:44 AM


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The Individual Is Supreme And Finds Its Way Through Intuition


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