June 30, 2004
AIDS Surviver Teaches Africans How To Overcome 'HIV Infection'
His name is David Patient and he was diagnosed HIV positive in 1983 - more than 20 years ago, reports Jonah Fisher of Reuters from ASMARA, the capital of Eritrea. After taking anti-retroviral drugs for a short time and finding they did not agree with him, he has been concentrating on diet, lifestyle and positive attitudes in his fight against what doctors told him to be a sentence of certain death.
Today, David looks back at a difficult time, giving a first person account of his experience:
I was even threatened with deportation by the INS in the States. I've lost jobs, been kicked out of homes and been denied medical care by doctors, despite their Hippocratic oath. I had my own family reject me. I've had bomb threats, along with threats of other acts of violence, toward myself and those I love, including my pets. I've had my name splashed across newspaper headlines, on the evening news and in numerous forms of graffiti in public areas. I have even been labeled a potential threat to national security, as recently as two years ago by the US Government, while applying for a visa to re-enter a country for a conference - a country I called home for 18 years, and where I paid taxes, belonged to numerous research projects at various Universities as well as the NIH and the CDC in order to help them understand this disease better. All of this happened because I am a person living with HIV. I also remember the millions of people who have died because of apathy, indifference and the biggest killer of all, bureaucratic red tape. So yes, I have seen humanity at it's very worst.
To read on, follow the link:
Yet on the flip side, I have witnessed the very best that humanity has to offer. I have seen people rally to support those of us living with HIV, from the most unlikely of places and backgrounds. I have seen the infected caring and supporting one another, as they confronted their own mortality. I have seen complete strangers caring for each other in ways I never dreamt possible. I have seen communities form alliances that probably would never have happened were it not for HIV. I have seen apathy and desperation turn into anger and action as these victims shed that label and become empowered to take on the system and all its injustices. I have seen sales clerks and hair dressers become self-educated immunology experts, lecturing at international medical conferences, leading the way to finding better treatments.
After collaborating for years with researchers and medics who wanted to find out why he was surviving when everyone else seemed to die, David has now turned his attention to helping others on the African continent live with and overcome the disease.
David has left the world of activism behind. "I just do what I do and don't really get too caught up in all the politics around HIV/AIDS. Twenty years of being around all HIV's politics have hardened me somewhat and I have little, if any patience left. We're coming from 'Lead us, follow us or get the hell out of our way'." He may no longer be an activist, but he's very active. He and Neil Orr are working for the National AIDS Council of Mozambique, on a programme called Vida Positiva/Positive Living, a behaviour change model the two have created over the past 10 years, which had been funded by a pool of international donors. The programme is comprehensive, covering every area where AIDS makes itself felt.
Nutrition is only one component of a much larger process, which includes empowerment (individual and group), the basics of HIV/AIDS, basic immune function, health motivations, behaviour change, nutrition where there are no resources, sustainable farming, the basics of psycho-neuro-immunology, basic counselling skills, basic therapy skills, stigma and discrimination, assessing needs, caregiver issues, orphan care, mobilising one's community into action, AIDS activism, home-based care where there are no resources, working with the dying, grief therapy and multiple losses.
It is good to see that, while mainstream medical science is burning billions in its search for a vaccine or a pharmaceutical cure and is adding ever new numbers to the "patient group" by unreliable tests and exaggerated estimations of the statistics, others are acting, taking concrete steps to relieve the immense suffering caused by immune problems and by our insistence on "treating" them with toxic medications.
Two articles on David Patient's story:
Interview with David Patient by Jeanne Viall
A first person account by David Patient
And other references on Aids:
AltHeal - Access to scientific, verifiable, alternative information about HIV/AIDS and immune boosting treatments for health that most AIDS organizations do not make available.
AIDS Test 'Is Not Proof Of Infection' - The "Aids Test", which was originally developed to make the blood supply safe and has only been really licensed for that use, is not a test that can give certainty of infection of any individual.
Aids Test Unscientific: Test Kit Makers Sued in Kansas - The test kits used to determine "HIV positive" status in patients are deeply flawed - they were developed on the basis of faulty scientific methodology and assumptions and are without value in determining whether a person suffers from "HIV Aids"...
HIV-Aids: A Tragic Error - Despite more than $100 billion spent on AIDS by US taxpayers alone, scientists have not been able to ascertain how HIV causes the AIDS syndrome. Predictions about the course of the epidemic have proved inaccurate.
South Africa: Traditional Medicine to Fight AIDS, Poverty - The South African Health Minister says that the use of African traditional medicines may eventually replace anti-retrovirals in the treatment of HIV and Aids.
Survey confirms - Aids Numbers in Africa overestimated - As reported in the Daily Telegraph today, a recent report by the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey puts the number of HIV infected persons in that country at about one million, a third of the previous estimates of close to three million.
A book discussing a nutritional hypothesis for immune deficits written by Harold D. Foster titled "What really causes AIDS" can be downloaded - free - from his site. The January/February 2004, and March/April 2004 issues of Nexus Magazine also contain recent articles written by Dr. Foster about the treatment of AIDS. These articles are available at
AIDS - The Seleno-Enzyme Solution (Part I/Part II)
Another way to beat Aids: A vaccine from Thailand that actually appears to strengthen the immune system. Michael Culbert reports.
Of Pharma Follies and Thai Vaccines
Selenium Conquers AIDS?
AIDS Prevention:The Missing Key Component
Controversial AIDS vaccines are 'plausible'
12:49 28 September 04 - NewScientist.com news service
A report detailing a controversial "cure” for HIV, as well as a vaccine that prevents against infection with the virus, has been published in a leading scientific journal.
posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Wednesday June 30 2004
updated on Monday October 6 2008
URL of this article:
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Readers' Comments
Here is a comment received by e-mail:
There is nothing really surprising about HIV-positive people not developing AIDS because they are eating the correct diet. AIDS is a nutrient deficiency disorder caused by a virus. If you eat higher than normal amounts of the four nutrients that HIV is removing from the body (selenium, cysteine, tryptophan and glutamine) you never develop deficiencies and, therefore, remain AIDS free. Conversely, if you have AIDS, but eat the correct amounts of the four nutrients all symptoms disappear and you can be back at work in a month. Regards, Harry www.hdfoster.com
Posted by: Sepp on June 30, 2004 10:40 PM
Here is a letter published in the Canadian Medical Post:
HIV: Could treatments be on the wrong track?
Although we live in an unparalleled age of communication, particularly in the field of medical science, I continue to be amazed at how blinkered the average physician is to the field of nutritional and alternative medicine.
I was quite interested in the general response to my letter, "Why not adopt AIDS patients?" (the Medical Post, June 1), dealing with, among other issues, how cheaply AIDS patients could be treated in many developing countries. Among the replies was a brief nod to the work of Dr. Harold Foster PhD; (www.hdfoster.com), raising a concept that was interesting but
seemed somewhat in left field.
Serendipitously, a study by Dr. Wafaie Fawzi, "A randomized trial of multiple vitamin supplements and HIV disease progression and mortality" in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine (July 1) made me rethink Dr. Foster's concept.
Malnutrition is endemic in sub-Saharan Africa and decreases resistance to AIDS, which in turn severely reduces the body's ability to combat any infection. The wasting of AIDS has given rise to the colloquial term "slim disease." The current working hypothesis is that AIDS is associated with wasting as in any chronic illness; however, is there a more specific reason?
This, I feel, is where Dr. Foster's concept should be looked at. In an abstract, the concept states that HIV-1's genome includes a gene that is identical to that found in humans that encodes for glutathione peroxidase. This means HIV diverts the key ingredients that make glutathione peroxidase from human nutrition. These key ingredients are selenium, cysteine, glutamine and tryptophan. This means that over a number of years, a shorter period if one is already suffering from malnutrition, simultaneous nutritional deficient diseases appear with AIDS, or slim disease.
Dr. Foster has put this concept to open study in hospices in South Africa, Kenya, Botswana and Zambia with startling recovery in general health; not HIV-free, but able to look after themselves and work in a short period of time. Quoting from his work, "The effects are rather like giving insulin to a diabetic."
What is needed is a double-blind study. If we ignore this possibility without at least medical testing, we deserve to be crucified by physicians of the future for having not investigated the greatest viral genocide in the history of our planet. - Dr. Alan Russell, Brampton, Ont.
Thanks to Chris Gupta for having forwarded this information.
Posted by: Sepp on August 9, 2004 10:36 PM
Azt will no doubt be added to the food chain, probably has since Jan 2001. Nominee shareholders allow for their entry into food, water resources, hospitals, media and much more to be made invisible.
We can't afford that. If AZT were to also contaminate "other" drugs they would get their original predicted stadistics for aids, but it takes a little time to build up to the levels that would bring about their prophecy. Lets not sit around and wait for it to happen on such a global scale. Keep up the great investigative work.
Ronald Modra.
Posted by: Ronald Modra on August 19, 2004 10:16 PM
A letter from Zambia to Prof. Harald Foster, who provided the nutrients he proposes to use in AIDS treatment for experimentation there:
Prof. I wanted to find out something, where else have you sent these products around the world? I am asking becuase they are doing wonders. But how I wish your product could be known to all the people so that we can 'Preserve/Prolong' lives of people whilst a permanent solution is being sought.
The ARV's and the TB drug have a lot of negative side effects on some people but to others they work well, but for this supplement it makes a sick patient look brighter, the skin changes and goes back to normal. For instance there is this parent who is still on TB and ARV's when I went to visit him the other day, he looked brighter, he could even walk around in the living room when initially he was bed ridden. Another boy who is about sevn years was on TB drug and the effects were that he started looking like an old man, It was a sorry site. He started taking these at half the dosage on the container, he has really improved and he looks his age now.
Believe me, everyone will be looking for this wonderful margic supplement very soon.
Good day
Posted by: Sepp on August 31, 2004 11:07 AM
Message from Boyd Graves, dated 9/26/04, received by e-mail:
Yesterday I gave a presentation in Toronto to the "South African Development and Education Center". I presented info on the below listed patented cure for AIDS. U.S. patent #5676977. I believe it is imperative the world responds to this U.S.-patented cure for AIDS. I have taken this cure myself, now some thirty four months ago. I KNOW it works. Thank you. Boyd Ed Graves
United States Patent 5,676,977 Antelman October 14, 1997
Method of curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices
The diamagnetic semiconducting molecular crystal tetrasilver tetroxide (Ag.sub.4 O.sub.4) is utilized for destroying the AIDS virus, destroying AIDS synergistic pathogens and immunity suppressing moieties (ISM) in humans. A single intravenous injection of the devices is all that is required for efficacy at levels of about 40 PPM of human blood. The device molecular crystal contains two mono and two trivalent silver ions capable of "firing" electrons capable of electrocuting the AIDS virus, pathogens and ISM. When administered into the bloodstream, the device electrons will be triggered by pathogens, a proliferating virus and ISM, and when fired will simultaneously trigger a redox chelation mechanism resulting in divalent silver moieties which chelate and bind active sites of the entities destroying them. The devices are completely non-toxic. However, they put stress on the liver causing hepatomegaly, but there is no loss of liver function.
Inventors: Antelman; Marvin S. (Rehovot, IL) Assignee: Antelman Technologies Ltd. (Providence, RI) Appl. No.: 658955 Filed: May 31, 1996
Current U.S. Class: 424/618; 514/495 Intern'l Class: A61K 033/38 Field of Search: 424/618 514/495
My (Sepp Hasslberger's) comment:
Since tetrasilver tetroxide is not a pharmaceutical company money maker, it will have an uphill battle in being accepted, just like prevention and cure of the aids symptoms based on nutrients as described elsewhere on this site.
Posted by: Sepp on September 27, 2004 03:11 PM
Dr David Patients,
please get back to me on my private email addresses my formal email is not opening again this is it [dr_sadiq_harrisoo1@yahoo.co.uk]
Dr sadiq harrison the H I V/AIDS CURE
Posted by: dr sadiq harrison on February 7, 2005 05:00 PM
HIV children benefit from zinc supplements: study
LONDON (Reuters) - Zinc supplements could be a simple and safe way to reduce illnesses such as diarrhea in children infected with HIV, researchers said on Friday.
Zinc is an essential mineral for development and a healthy immune system but there has been concern about the safety of supplements for HIV patients because the virus that causes AIDS also needs it to function and replicate.
But scientists from the United States and South Africa, who studied the effect of the supplements in 96 children, said they are safe for children with HIV, which weakens the immune system and make sufferers more vulnerable to infections and illnesses.
"Zinc supplementation could be a simple and cost-effective intervention to reduce morbidity and mortality in children with HIV infection," said Dr William Moss, of Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland.
In a study reported in The Lancet medical journal, Moss and doctors from Grey's Hospital in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa said the supplements did not produce any adverse effects in the children.
Youngsters who took the supplements for 6 months had less diarrhea than children who had been given a placebo, or dummy pill.
Although the World Health Organization (WHO) has improved access to antiretroviral drugs in poor countries, Moss said the treatments are not available for many children.
"Consequently more than half of these children die before the age of 3 years, most commonly of respiratory tract infections and diarrheadisease," he said.
An estimated 40.3 million people, including about 2.3 million children under 15 years old, are living with HIV, according to the latest figures released by UNAIDS.
The UN agency leading the global battle against HIV/AIDS said about 570,000 children died from AIDS in 2005.
Moss and his colleagues said there are few interventions to reduce AIDS deaths in children.
"Programs to enhance zinc intake in deficient populations with a high prevalence of HIV infection can be implemented without concern for adverse effects on virus replication," Moss added.
Posted by: Sepp on November 25, 2005 11:13 PM
Preventing, Treating AIDS with Ayurveda
A group in India has started treating "HIV positive" people with traditional ayurvedic medicine. Here is what they say:
We have started a unique, effective way for HIV positive patients in Pune, India. It's very effective, we treat patients with the help of traditional Ayurvedic medicine, without any side effect. We take classes and provide training for HIV positive patients "How to Be Healthy and Fit, on body and mind level for lifetime". If you have patients in huge quantity, We can travel to your city to provide these training sessions to them. You can send sponsor letter to our trust.
"Shriram Seva bhavi Sanstha" (Regd. with Goverment of India)
Regd. No. : 1118/2003 Maharastra.
Addr:- Vishwa Aids jagruti Abhiyan
near somnath temple, somnath nagar,
Vadgaonsheri, Pune- 411014
Maharastra, India
Email: vishvaaidsabhiyan@yahoo.co.in or vishvaaidsabhiyan@rediffmail.com
Tel:- 00912032314556
Mob:- 00919370189743
Posted by: Sepp on May 14, 2007 04:08 AM
Hi, Thanks for the information that we get through the website. Im a South African & Im interested in these training sessions on Ayurvedic Medicines.What can I do to get more info?
Posted by: Nomzamo Mnwana on September 17, 2007 06:04 AM
you might be able to reach David Patient through the email that is given on this page, or perhaps you can find out more about what he does here on linkedin.
Posted by: Sepp on September 18, 2007 03:44 PM

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